96 thoughts on ““There are no bots in World of Tanks””
I only consider them bots when they have 10k battles with sub 400 wn8.
What do we call a group of bots this large? A swarm? A herd? A school? Though I dislike calling them anything associated with anything much more intelligent, like deer or crayfish…
“Flock” would be appropriate, given how these bots behave similarly to a flock of sheep.
It’s all “MOBA” mode 1-1 Battle Arena
New gameplay: You lead the swarm and then pick the toughest among the enemy horde.
LIke a strategy game: produce 20 main battle tanks, and rush the enemy. He has the same amount and you will shoot each other continuously :)
Looks to me like every normal weekend game…
LOL so true
“Looks normal” because there really are so many bots in game. Watch the video. See how the bot tanks drive behind and smash into the real player? How they follow him? If you start paying attention in battle you’ll see bots are much more wide spread that most players believe. I still see players on the NA forums saying “bots can’t move and shoot” and they aren’t smart enough to follow players. Anyone who does just a tad of research using google knows it’s not true.
Just maybe this video will wake the masses up and have them rise against the bots… Then again so many players bot, at least, part time… Maybe nothing will change.
And the worst part is that this “battle” seemed more impressive than most battles with human tomatoes.
My thoughts exactly! This was cool to watch. :)))
Yup… Only way to get a battle like this – is in Clan Wars :P
Wow, all those bots…can you say free XP and damage? LOL This is most people’s dream game…very possibly a Rasenai Heroes medal there.
Well, maybe I should watch first before commenting :p Still…that was pretty funny to watch. Imagine what a good arty player could have done to that team though! All those tanks clustered together….
Bots can do the lemming train just like real donkeys. TchouTchou motherfuckers.
Camper bots won.
White dead tank is not supposed to be banned at the moment? Apparently not in russia.
er… how can they ban you for using mods that are on the official forums? If those mods were not allowed they have to remove them from the forum in the first place, also they really cannot tell if you use them in battle or only in replays.
Mods are banned on a server cluster basis as far as I know. Considering the russian forums are a little bit hard to read I can’t really verify it :P
WG should make some BOTS VS BOTS mode where you can only spectate the 15v15 fight. :)
Would be awesome. And bot creators would have a purpose. Plus bots (even if they camp) are more engaging to watch (looking at you WGL). :)
Like it works on Titanfall?
One a player gets tagged as bot, he only faces other bot players, thus leading to 15-min campfests as all bots wait for someone else to move?
THAT would be an awesome solution to this nonsense.
What’s more funny is that he got killed by the bots first.
LoL right, as I think… 28 bots oki, just 2 “real players” in that match.
situation critical, does the human/s got brain to go back and use the bots for spotters…?
but they both died first xDD
and looks like “tried” die like a bot as much fast as they can :-)
+1 to video.
Look at video one more time, when he stops moving, bots stop moving too. So they wont spot for him. He had to spot for them. Looks like those bots need leader like sheeps.
nah did you saw how they “spread out” ?
you sure he can’t go back? when bots fire, they fire. is him own fault of dying fast like a bot.
so they “leader” is bad, lol, they follow pershing but leaving AT-7 alone??? meh boring.
some1 said: “bots can’t shot on the move” ….? good they can’t run when fire :P
Yep, he had to scout ahead.
But he could’ve picked a wider section so that there were more bots behind him, and then move back and pick the reds form a distance once both swarms engaged each other.
Its like watching an rts game
An RTS game with really good graphics.
Also: this must be a starcraft mod… zerging is not effective now. :)
Looks like there is a very interesting bot program that follows the route of the player with highest eff in battle..
T95 following an AMX 13 90
nice teamwork.
Skynet training grounds :D
Hmmm, extremely strange that in both teams was the same number of bots. And that they were so numerous. Maybe it is some faked battle made in training room? Or night hours when human players are few, while bots run all night?
I also wonder if it explains those brainless suiciding lemming trains that I see so often in battles… :)
Not staged, random battle, you can see that in the replay: http://wotreplays.ru/site/2552605
And no tomatoes could stage that, just not possible.
I see. Стандартный бой. But I was right with second idea – server time of battle 2014-05-21 в 06:49 so very early morning, when there are really few people. Thank you for link :)
28 bots in one battle?? How terrible…
It might be staged, but as i see recent battles on eu it’s totally possible. And these bots actually can shoot, unlike 300wn 39% noobs.
Still better than WT lemming rush to cap, shoot anywhere, blocking, useless bots :D
Wait… You actually have seen players who cap instead of camping?
Edit: NVM, those WT ai tanks are amazingly awful. But so are most of the Jerry players.
I feel as a WOT players I must say…
“Russian bias”
Even bots have Russian bias.
either my bot detector mod doesnt work…or ive never had any bots in mai game
The sad thing is, those bots play better than the average 600WN, 45%WR player. Now I wish for more bots in my teams.
Overusing hyperbole really doesn’t make you look as witty as you’d think.
this is teamplay i want see in wot!
they do listen better then most clan ppl do listen to their FieldCommander in ClanWars HAHA
This is why they should ban all bots, Rulebreakers and hackers to one server like in Titanfall. Just trow them all into one server and let the hackers and rulebreakers rage!
It is quite impressive to see how sophisticated bots are these days. I knew they can roam around and shoot stuff … but form a lemming train? WOW! Of course they still needed a leading tank. I’m sure if the enemy human player moved out of the base “his” bots would likely follow him too.
As bad for the game as it is, I see one possible bright side to it. Devs might want to take a loot at bots and improve and polish them and implement them into the game as AI. We could ave single player missions, tutorials, massive bot + human battles, human against hordes of bots battles, you name it. Might be fun.
If i would be in this situation and i have a fast tank like a Pz. I C or so i would try to play with them… just go across the map see wich one follows me the best …
Is it me or does that sixth sense mod continue to tell you when you are spotted?
no, is just a very long sixth sense sound, using it as a timer so that you don’t have to mentally count it.
That sound will tick every time you are spotted and even after it finishes it still doesn’t mean you are not spotted anymore. It’s just a sound that triggers every time with 6th sense.
So the only one getting a Ban is that User with the WhiteDeath Mod?
I bet it will be like this…. anything else wouldnt make sense with Wargaming :D
same thought. at last he can say the replay video was not made by himselfe.
Why would he get ban for anything ? Replays do not have any rules. Imo you can install laser bullshit, tracers, free camera and other “banned” mods and state that you did so to give extra information for viewers. There is no proof that you played game with those mods and beside that, simple possesion of such mods is not punishable by game rules.
just saying, the mod is in the oficial forums.. if they really wanted to ban it, then you shouldn’t be able to download it FROM THEIR OWN SERVERS….
its still WG u know
LOL epic bot battle, it’s like he could have turned circles and they would have followed him. That amount of bots is just crazy. I hope WG finds a way to fix that.
Wow look at that cannonade! Remindes me of good old line infantry. I hope one day to participate in such battle, bots are much more fun than real players.
Now everybody can see, that bot are shooting to targets with smallest amount of hp, even when the target is covered by wrecks etc (but must be visible and closer than other remaining). Just look at T34 ang JT88
one word: SAD
Still better that EU weekend match
SS, could you please make a script translation of the chat?
To all you guys: think for a while – would you really prefer to fight against machine? Like in singleplayer? Really?
Oh they don’t say much, stuff like “Is there anyone alive here?”, “Is everyone a bot here?”, “My team is full of bots camping the base” and such
Thanks then.
I have to say, it is mindblowing.
On one hand: tomatoes every time, camping and “goldnoob”s…
On the other hand: singleplayer experience.
It’s easy to choose for me. :D
THIS is why the game is… I wont say “bad”, but “f***** up” is a good expression…
Bots are possible, bots are here, but developpers prefer focus on creating useless graphic updates or historical battles, and never try to fight bot, say that bots don’t exist !
But… Oah… 28 bots is huge xD
Good god, that’s just ridiculous
Wonder if it’s to fill up the matchmaker and make impatient people wait for a lesser amount of time.
I wonder if they would follow him if he went for the water to drown himself. It would be hilarious to see whole team drowning. Also, i smell a lot of new Super Pershings on RU. I see 28 of them right here in this video. :)
…If I get a whole team of bots, I’m gonna do exactly that just to see if they follow me. XD
Or I might decide to lead them all on a death march on the fastest route to the enemy base and enjoy the fireworks.
Dead tanks turn white, huh? Someone ban this non botter.
I noticed that those bots had safe shoot mod (не мешай стрелять) to not to hit team mates.
Napoleonic tank warfare ftw.
(for those of you who don’t know, it is the open field, lemme just stand here and fire back at you kind of fighting)
Basically, in WoT terms, low-tier (and sometimes higher tier) battles on Malinovka.
So this is how lemming trains form, huh? xD
“World Of Bots”. Coming soon to a regional server near you.
Bots are much more interesting than players… Looks like they know how to use teamwork! ALL HAIL THE ROBOT OVERLORDS!
Well it is simple to get rid of bots.Give exp and moneu for only the top 10 players from the team so the bots will go away.
Dude… as you can see they are able to get into top 10. :D
If you’re going to take this route, bar it from, for example, anyone who gets under 200 experience on the losing team, 300 or something on the winning team; if the team performs well, you end up with human players not getting any experience if you go by top 10 earners.
Suddenly all those Karelia lemming trains make perfect sense…
hey Jingles.
Assuming the bots are programmed to follow the nearest human, this might account for overloading a flank.
No wonder I prefer playing in WT there are no AFKers and Bots there, because their reward is **** or negative if they do nothing or do crap.
Unsociable in public matches, camping for most of the match (in a position that’s likely to only leave them dead) and waiting for the enemy to come to them, focusing fire… are you sure these are bots and not clan members?
Is it me or are the bots really recognizing the bots and almost instantly hook up to the factual player? If these bot programs can somehow magically distinguish player from bot, so can WarGaming. Whether they choose to ignore it or are too stupid to build a bot-trap, hardly makes a difference…
They followed him because he was the first one to start moving, as none of the bots would move until either an allied tank did or until the enemy was spotted.
I only consider them bots when they have 10k battles with sub 400 wn8.
What do we call a group of bots this large? A swarm? A herd? A school? Though I dislike calling them anything associated with anything much more intelligent, like deer or crayfish…
“Flock” would be appropriate, given how these bots behave similarly to a flock of sheep.
It’s all “MOBA” mode 1-1 Battle Arena
New gameplay: You lead the swarm and then pick the toughest among the enemy horde.
LIke a strategy game: produce 20 main battle tanks, and rush the enemy. He has the same amount and you will shoot each other continuously :)
Looks to me like every normal weekend game…
LOL so true
“Looks normal” because there really are so many bots in game. Watch the video. See how the bot tanks drive behind and smash into the real player? How they follow him? If you start paying attention in battle you’ll see bots are much more wide spread that most players believe. I still see players on the NA forums saying “bots can’t move and shoot” and they aren’t smart enough to follow players. Anyone who does just a tad of research using google knows it’s not true.
Just maybe this video will wake the masses up and have them rise against the bots… Then again so many players bot, at least, part time… Maybe nothing will change.
I’m from NA, and trust me, this is why I stopped playing. I think I have 3 games in the last month, all because of this shit.
Bots are not that common on the NA server. Probably due to the smaller player-base.
All we need in this clip is the “Command & Conquer : Red Alert” soundtrack
Here you go. :D
And the worst part is that this “battle” seemed more impressive than most battles with human tomatoes.
My thoughts exactly! This was cool to watch. :)))
Yup… Only way to get a battle like this – is in Clan Wars :P
Wow, all those bots…can you say free XP and damage? LOL This is most people’s dream game…very possibly a Rasenai Heroes medal there.
Well, maybe I should watch first before commenting :p Still…that was pretty funny to watch. Imagine what a good arty player could have done to that team though! All those tanks clustered together….
Bots can do the lemming train just like real donkeys. TchouTchou motherfuckers.
Camper bots won.
White dead tank is not supposed to be banned at the moment? Apparently not in russia.
er… how can they ban you for using mods that are on the official forums? If those mods were not allowed they have to remove them from the forum in the first place, also they really cannot tell if you use them in battle or only in replays.
Mods are banned on a server cluster basis as far as I know. Considering the russian forums are a little bit hard to read I can’t really verify it :P
WG should make some BOTS VS BOTS mode where you can only spectate the 15v15 fight. :)
Would be awesome. And bot creators would have a purpose. Plus bots (even if they camp) are more engaging to watch (looking at you WGL). :)
Like it works on Titanfall?
One a player gets tagged as bot, he only faces other bot players, thus leading to 15-min campfests as all bots wait for someone else to move?
THAT would be an awesome solution to this nonsense.
What’s more funny is that he got killed by the bots first.
LoL right, as I think… 28 bots oki, just 2 “real players” in that match.
situation critical, does the human/s got brain to go back and use the bots for spotters…?
but they both died first xDD
and looks like “tried” die like a bot as much fast as they can :-)
+1 to video.
Look at video one more time, when he stops moving, bots stop moving too. So they wont spot for him. He had to spot for them. Looks like those bots need leader like sheeps.
nah did you saw how they “spread out” ?
you sure he can’t go back? when bots fire, they fire. is him own fault of dying fast like a bot.
so they “leader” is bad, lol, they follow pershing but leaving AT-7 alone??? meh boring.
some1 said: “bots can’t shot on the move” ….? good they can’t run when fire :P
Yep, he had to scout ahead.
But he could’ve picked a wider section so that there were more bots behind him, and then move back and pick the reds form a distance once both swarms engaged each other.
Its like watching an rts game
An RTS game with really good graphics.
Also: this must be a starcraft mod… zerging is not effective now. :)
Looks like there is a very interesting bot program that follows the route of the player with highest eff in battle..
T95 following an AMX 13 90
nice teamwork.
Skynet training grounds :D
Hmmm, extremely strange that in both teams was the same number of bots. And that they were so numerous. Maybe it is some faked battle made in training room? Or night hours when human players are few, while bots run all night?
I also wonder if it explains those brainless suiciding lemming trains that I see so often in battles… :)
Not staged, random battle, you can see that in the replay: http://wotreplays.ru/site/2552605
And no tomatoes could stage that, just not possible.
I see. Стандартный бой. But I was right with second idea – server time of battle 2014-05-21 в 06:49 so very early morning, when there are really few people. Thank you for link :)
28 bots in one battle?? How terrible…
It might be staged, but as i see recent battles on eu it’s totally possible. And these bots actually can shoot, unlike 300wn 39% noobs.
“Enjoy.” -Silentstalker
Fahk dis
Still better than WT lemming rush to cap, shoot anywhere, blocking, useless bots :D
Wait… You actually have seen players who cap instead of camping?
Edit: NVM, those WT ai tanks are amazingly awful. But so are most of the Jerry players.
I feel as a WOT players I must say…
“Russian bias”
Even bots have Russian bias.
either my bot detector mod doesnt work…or ive never had any bots in mai game
The sad thing is, those bots play better than the average 600WN, 45%WR player. Now I wish for more bots in my teams.
Overusing hyperbole really doesn’t make you look as witty as you’d think.
this is teamplay i want see in wot!
they do listen better then most clan ppl do listen to their FieldCommander in ClanWars HAHA
This is why they should ban all bots, Rulebreakers and hackers to one server like in Titanfall. Just trow them all into one server and let the hackers and rulebreakers rage!
It is quite impressive to see how sophisticated bots are these days. I knew they can roam around and shoot stuff … but form a lemming train? WOW! Of course they still needed a leading tank. I’m sure if the enemy human player moved out of the base “his” bots would likely follow him too.
As bad for the game as it is, I see one possible bright side to it. Devs might want to take a loot at bots and improve and polish them and implement them into the game as AI. We could ave single player missions, tutorials, massive bot + human battles, human against hordes of bots battles, you name it. Might be fun.
If i would be in this situation and i have a fast tank like a Pz. I C or so i would try to play with them… just go across the map see wich one follows me the best …
Is it me or does that sixth sense mod continue to tell you when you are spotted?
no, is just a very long sixth sense sound, using it as a timer so that you don’t have to mentally count it.
That sound will tick every time you are spotted and even after it finishes it still doesn’t mean you are not spotted anymore. It’s just a sound that triggers every time with 6th sense.
So the only one getting a Ban is that User with the WhiteDeath Mod?
I bet it will be like this…. anything else wouldnt make sense with Wargaming :D
same thought. at last he can say the replay video was not made by himselfe.
Why would he get ban for anything ? Replays do not have any rules. Imo you can install laser bullshit, tracers, free camera and other “banned” mods and state that you did so to give extra information for viewers. There is no proof that you played game with those mods and beside that, simple possesion of such mods is not punishable by game rules.
just saying, the mod is in the oficial forums.. if they really wanted to ban it, then you shouldn’t be able to download it FROM THEIR OWN SERVERS….
its still WG u know
LOL epic bot battle, it’s like he could have turned circles and they would have followed him. That amount of bots is just crazy. I hope WG finds a way to fix that.
Wow look at that cannonade! Remindes me of good old line infantry. I hope one day to participate in such battle, bots are much more fun than real players.
Now everybody can see, that bot are shooting to targets with smallest amount of hp, even when the target is covered by wrecks etc (but must be visible and closer than other remaining). Just look at T34 ang JT88
one word: SAD
Still better that EU weekend match
SS, could you please make a script translation of the chat?
To all you guys: think for a while – would you really prefer to fight against machine? Like in singleplayer? Really?
Oh they don’t say much, stuff like “Is there anyone alive here?”, “Is everyone a bot here?”, “My team is full of bots camping the base” and such
Thanks then.
I have to say, it is mindblowing.
On one hand: tomatoes every time, camping and “goldnoob”s…
On the other hand: singleplayer experience.
It’s easy to choose for me. :D
THIS is why the game is… I wont say “bad”, but “f***** up” is a good expression…
Bots are possible, bots are here, but developpers prefer focus on creating useless graphic updates or historical battles, and never try to fight bot, say that bots don’t exist !
But… Oah… 28 bots is huge xD
Good god, that’s just ridiculous
Wonder if it’s to fill up the matchmaker and make impatient people wait for a lesser amount of time.
I wonder if they would follow him if he went for the water to drown himself. It would be hilarious to see whole team drowning. Also, i smell a lot of new Super Pershings on RU. I see 28 of them right here in this video. :)
…If I get a whole team of bots, I’m gonna do exactly that just to see if they follow me. XD
Or I might decide to lead them all on a death march on the fastest route to the enemy base and enjoy the fireworks.
Dead tanks turn white, huh? Someone ban this non botter.
I noticed that those bots had safe shoot mod (не мешай стрелять) to not to hit team mates.
Napoleonic tank warfare ftw.
(for those of you who don’t know, it is the open field, lemme just stand here and fire back at you kind of fighting)
Basically, in WoT terms, low-tier (and sometimes higher tier) battles on Malinovka.
So this is how lemming trains form, huh? xD
“World Of Bots”. Coming soon to a regional server near you.
Bots are much more interesting than players… Looks like they know how to use teamwork! ALL HAIL THE ROBOT OVERLORDS!
Hope this link will end on many pc game portals.
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Well it is simple to get rid of bots.Give exp and moneu for only the top 10 players from the team so the bots will go away.
Dude… as you can see they are able to get into top 10. :D
If you’re going to take this route, bar it from, for example, anyone who gets under 200 experience on the losing team, 300 or something on the winning team; if the team performs well, you end up with human players not getting any experience if you go by top 10 earners.
Suddenly all those Karelia lemming trains make perfect sense…
hey Jingles.
Assuming the bots are programmed to follow the nearest human, this might account for overloading a flank.
No wonder I prefer playing in WT there are no AFKers and Bots there, because their reward is **** or negative if they do nothing or do crap.
Unsociable in public matches, camping for most of the match (in a position that’s likely to only leave them dead) and waiting for the enemy to come to them, focusing fire… are you sure these are bots and not clan members?
Red Bots stronkerest bots!
Is it me or are the bots really recognizing the bots and almost instantly hook up to the factual player? If these bot programs can somehow magically distinguish player from bot, so can WarGaming. Whether they choose to ignore it or are too stupid to build a bot-trap, hardly makes a difference…
They followed him because he was the first one to start moving, as none of the bots would move until either an allied tank did or until the enemy was spotted.