Hello everyone,
as promised, an anniversary competition is here! And because FTR birthday is only once, we will be competing for something very attractive – a tier 8 premium tank of your choice :)
Rules are very simple. You write the answers (won’t be difficult) in comments, along with your nickname and server (acceptable servers are EU, NA, RU, ASIA) like this:
answer 1
answer 2
answer 3
answer 4
answer 5
answer 6
Yournicknamegoeshere EU
You have until midnight (central European summer time). After midnight, I will randomly pick one winner from the correct answers. Or more. We’ll see :)
So, the questions are:
1) What is the totem animal of For the Record
2) What is the nickname of For the Record webmaster, who runs this site, as well as his own RU WoT server?
3) What is SerB’s favourite answer to stupid questions? (two words)
4) Who is FTR’s featured streamer?
5) How many posts (including this one) in total were posted on wot-news-based FTR until today?
and, bonus question, you don’t have to answer that, but you might want to
6) How many Wargaming developers does it take to switch a lightbulb and why?
Yes, best answer(s) to question 6 will be rewarded as well.
Good luck!
PS: As always, if you ever appeared in Hall of Shame, you are disqualified.
Edit: Comments closed.
Edit 2: Due to a small glitch in the system, I will have to recheck each entry manually, that will take some time. The results will be posted in the morning. Also, had a good laugh at some of the lightbulb jokes, but reading all cca 800 will take some time, results of both will be posted in separate posts.
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) Two: One keeps the lightbulb in place while the other makes the whole building turn….
ValerioWTF EU
I’m pretty sure 6) is supposed to be “to CHANGE a lighbulb”. At least I really hope so, “to screw a lighbulb” comes across as having a *quite* different meaning that’s both alarmingly deviant and likely hazardous…
Well… it was intentional, I was hoping for some funny answers, but fine, changed that… :)
You have a dirty mind.
…is it wrong to find that hot? (no homo)
Theres notting wrong about this stuff. In the hospital i work at we have a whole collection of xray pictures with such things.
anyway 6) In soviet russia the lightbulb changes you, says serB
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. none; light bulb is screwed by default, just like players.
ComradeHX NA
Dat 6… haha :)
Silent has just found a winner :D
Great thing, Frank, with the competition. I follow your blog (already the old one) since the early beginning and had a great time. Sometimes I was sad, worried about you, sometimes, some Posts made me angry, but most of the time you made me wonder and giggle. Good to have you and your blog and all the supporters. Without, it would have been a very boring time.
As always, I leave the price to those who need/want a goldtank more than me. Thanks anyway and good luck all with the competition :)
C ya :)
1) A donkey?
2) Ectar, I believe?
3) “How terrible”
4) RitaGamer2?
5) 2213
6) None, it’s working as intended.
Damn I’m stupid, forgot to mention that it’s LightWolf EU server. /facepalm
Ehem, Ectar is WG EU community manager….there’s animosity between SS and his team….just saying,
1. A Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible”
4. Rita Gamer
5. 2213
6. Whole EU based staff and one guy from RU office. Why? Because while EU guys swim in their incompetence, the RU guy does his job as he’s supposed to.
Askorti EU
answer 1 – donkey
answer 2 – Edrard
answer 3 – how terrible
answer 4 – ritagamer2
answer 5 – 2213
answer 6 – I can’t give you exact number, but there is whole department working on this. Unfortunately this will cause a slight delay in intruduction of havok physics engine. Well if you want realism then you need to join army…
Matevz96 (EU server)
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Rita(or RitaGamer)
5) 2213
6) just one, SerB looks at the lightbulb angrily and threatens to nerf its family untill it does exactly what SerB tells him to :D
AngryBanana EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
bellion90 EU
“How terrible”
None, working as intended comrade
Matto97 ASIA
How terrible
5378 plus or minus 25% RNG
daedric_orc EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) how terrible
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) alot lel
J0n4s2 EU
Guys edit your posts and add your nicknames!
1) Donkey
3)How terrible
5) 2213
6) 69, because more is always better …..
kingoftranks EU
I will answer without looking :P
Nickname : Charcharo
Server: EU
1) The Donkey.
2) Edrard I believe
3) How Terrible.
4) Rita
5) A metric gigaton +1 (2213 according to other participants, does that inlcude old blog and special articles? Dont know, so metric gigaton is correct.)
6) None. It is working as intended.
If you want a working as unintended lightbulb, go DIY! :D
PS: Google Barn Job…. damn… what the f*ck…
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible.”
4. RitaGamer
5. 2213
6. One, because the developers in Minsk aren’t the ones writing the stuff on the portal- it’s the WG EU/NA people. ;)
Willy44444 NA
1) Donkey/osioł
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible/taki smuteczek
4) Rita
5) 2213
6)non -the wot dev cant change nothing !!!
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
Bazsa86 EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible
4 rita
5 2213
6. 4 staff to complain to get it fixed, 2 to check if they can afford to change it, half a dozen arguing what wattage to use, with the entire playerbase asking if it’s a historically accurate lightbulb.
RandyZie NA
Question 1)donkey
Question 2)Edrard
Question 3)How terrible
Question 4)Rita
Question 5)2213
Question 6)Wargaming does not need lightbulbs.They are simple too pro for human things.
panos 13,EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How Terrible”
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) None, they will permanently hire an electrician to sort any electrical issue, no matter the size.
mr3awsome EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Rita(or RitaGamer)
5) 2213
6) 5 to change it and then 35 to plug it in the right way again
Matfwa EU
1) donkey
2) Edrard
3) how terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) for OP or a normal light bulb?
gyeprefos_jf EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) 0
KingYoshiLuca EU
good luck KYL
thx :D
I’m not caring about the tier 8 premium, I have all of them anyway.
WG RU: Dimitry shouts at the lightbulb. Lightbulb trembles in fear. Lightbulb switches back on. Dimitry is very effective.
WG EU: What lightbulb and what’s a lightbulb anyway?
WG NA: One, and a medic. “Hold my beer, I got this”
Edit: Screw the prize, I’m not telling you my nickname <3
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) “when it’s done it’s done”
motoka EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How Terrible”
4) RitaGamer2
5) 2758
6) ∞
Harbingers_Havoc NA
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) Developers don’t change light bulbs Wargaming Paris does but they mistranslated it and now have a “Light Bull”
sl_andy EU
1) The donkey?
2) Edrard
3) How terrible…
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) Let’s pretend they’re in a Schrodinger’s box, and we can’t know, as I should be studing for my very near university exams :P (and I’m not that good at sudden inventive)
Chupacabra94 EU
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) the more the better
1) Donkey/Ass
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) One, SerB can do anything. :)
MaverickShevy EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Rita (or RitaGamer)
5) 2213
6) All of them! But not to change the lightbulb, but to nerf the darkness until a lightbulb is no longer needed
Urzum EU
1. A Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. Four. One person screwing in the light bulb, one person hitting his head against the wall saying the wall is too hard, one person running around in circles saying YOLO before tripping and knocking themselves out and one person sitting in the back calling everyone else idiots while they breath through their mouth.
tielknight US
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) None, they report that it’s dark.
Nickname: Schultz
Server: EU
answer 1 – donkey
answer 2 – Edrard
answer 3 – how terrible
answer 4 – Rita
answer 5 – 2213
answer 6 – None; you want light? Go to sun
Kramburglar NA
1. Donkey
2. Edard
3. how terrible
4. Ritagamer
5. 2213
6. none, mods for different sixth sense are made by non-wargaming developers
lastash EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible!
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) The whole developement team. This will of course be a huge waste of time and money as a community member has allready installed a modded lightbulb which shines twice as bright, uses half the power and last ten times as long.
Panzer_Fenris EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible…
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) No one. Working as intended.
Razorix22 EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. RitaGamer
5. 2213
6. They don’t change it ;) “The lightbulb is working as intended”
Woziciel EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) O – They would need to outsource it.
oldsurferjoe NA
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
Stirlingite EU
1) Donkey
3)How terrible
5) 2213
6)1x SerB but the lightbulb needs to be either German or OP as hell.(or, if it’s in the Paris office, they’d probably change it with a toaster)
Nick Drakk0, EU
Also…if it’s this bulb: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centennial_Light
They might not need to change it :)
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible”
4. Rita aka RitaGamer
5. 2213
6. it’ll be switched when it’s switched.
kit_t EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) RitaGamer2
5) 2213 (yes, I did add the archive counts just to check)
6) Lightbulb doesn’t need replacing. It just lights up with a 3 second delay
Kosminhotep EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6)The lightbulb will be switched this year.
Effect1994 EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) like everyone there
adren04 EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) Zero. Everything is working as intended and there is no need to fix it.
jeff_peters EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How Terrible”
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) None, they weren’t aware of it.
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) I don’t think the devs switch Light bulbs they have the modders for that.
Waffletiger, EU
1. Donkey!
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. None. They’re not qualified to change a lightbulb.
danutzzul EU
1) The Mighty Ji… Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How terrible!
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) Two RU devs and the EU PR team – SerB is wanting to nerf or remove it, Storm is against it, and the EU PR team is posting bullshit
atikabubu EU
1) donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible…
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) Eleven. First firmly holds bulb, four others turn the table under first one, sixth checks if it is correctly done, seventh makes new algorithm for bulbs, eighth is SerB, ninth tries to buy bulb factory, tenth shots at lampposts in Himmelsdorf, and eleventh gonna be bailed out because he plays WarThunder.
MultiKulti EU
1. A Donkey
2. Silenstalker
3. “How Terrible”
4. Quickybaby
5. 2213
6. None. Six sense lightbulb can’t be screw…
Reinkaos ASIA
1- Teh Donkey !
2- Edrard
3- How Terrible
4- Rita
5- 2213 !
6-ktts !
Congratz for the anniversary ! love & chocolate !
ahsnard, EU
1 – donkey
2 – Edrard
3 – How terrible
4 – Rita
5 – 2213
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. None – no one has seen a bulb in Minsk since fall of ussr.
gniewnyzim EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6. None. Everything is working as intended and there is no need to fix it!
cort3x EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How Terrible”
4. Ritagamer
5. 2213
6. Well, historical references vary from merely 5 to in the hundreds, so for the sake of game balance they tell everyone around 20, but it subsequently gets changed in a hotfix and nobody notices until someone is looking up light bulbs in WoT Tank Viewer, so SS makes an FTR post about it and WG EU notice the mistake and make a long blog post about “historical accuracy” and how it “didn’t affect the gameplay” and “according to data from the RU server people like that number just fine”; ALL the while nobody thinks to realize that this is only a number that SerB got from an RNG machine and WG has NEVER actually changed any light bulbs to test whether their numbers are accurate, and this whole ordeal just delayed Havok for another 2 months aka around a year.
Uberrandom NA
You can has +1 interwebs for today
Happy Anniversary!! Thank you very much for your great service to the World of Tanks community. You are truly one of the best examples of those helping to develop and inform the player base. Best of luck for the coming year!!
1 Donkey
2 Edrard
3 How Terrible
4 Rita
5 2213
6 None, will be ready when its ready, but a patch or two after it works fine on test, and a few micro-patches later might be working for many but not all on live server, not that WG can replicate any of our errors with the lightbulb, as the lightbulb does not light up for them, no matter how tightly they screw the lightbulb.
nekojima NA
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
demagur EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible!
4) Ritagamer
5) 2213
6) noone :D if they want change a lightbulb, there must come someone from Minsk office :D
Mortimord EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. None, there is only one lightbulb mounted on top of the WG HQ and it’s made out of Stalinium. http://imgur.com/T72LyUj
Retia SEA
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. 4. First will claim that the light bulb isn’t broken. The second will say it might be broken on some computers but its the players hardware’s fault. Third will say its the network company that is causing problems with the light bulb and the fourth will finally start working on fixing the light bulb.
Phuiston – EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How Terrible”
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. We’ll find out on the next episode of “Tank You Very Much”
hayhay58c NA
1- Donkey
2- Edrard
3- How Terrible
4- Rita
5- 2213 !
6-It’s done when it’s done.
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible.
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) Doesn’t matter, they can’t fix the bulb no matter how broken since not enough people finished grinding the bulb yet.
Cosmitz – EU Server but if i win, i’ll want the tank gifted to a friend if possible :)
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) Какой Ужас ! (how terrible)
4) RitaGamer2
5) 2213 (i guess, everyone else is doing it!)
6) Just Serb. He will stand up and hold the bulb, and the world will spin around him !
Vladis422 RU
1) The one and only Donkey.
2) Edrard
3) How terrible.
4) Rita (RitaGamer2)
5) 2213
6) None, because there are no bright bulbs at WG
Orkel2 EU
1) donkey
2) edrard
3) How terrible
4) RitaGamer2
5) 2213
6) zero, serB prefers candles.
yoman38 , EU server
1- Donkey
2- Edrard
3- How terrible
4- Rita(or RitaGamer)
5- 2213
6- all of them :)
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) “how terrible”
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) my guess is 1 but “no promises, we’re working at it and when its done, its done”
Karesto EU
btw – why no participating through fb and only comments here ?
1) The donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213 posts
6) The design department will change its design, the devs will make it work, then SerB will nerf it because it’s too bright, users will complain and it’s going to be split in two by the balancement team
EvilSnipeFR EU server
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
layne90 EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) ‘How terrible…’
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) None, Capitalist lightbulb was overpowered and has been nerfed. Enjoy your candle Capitalist scum…
Belial EU
Answer 1: Donkey.
Answer 2: Edrard.
Answer 3: How terrible.
Answer 4: Rita.(or Ritagamer)
Answer 5: 2213.
Answer 6: None. they call an electrician!
Peetteer33 EU
How terrible
3, one to notice the problem, one to verify the problem and one to report the problem
Gattagoblin EU
1) The Mighty Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible- SerB being SerB
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) None, they should have maintenance staff, they should not change bulbs, they should make the game better !
Give_Them_Hell from North American Servers
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) RitaGamer2
5) 2213
skykiller1997 EU
1. Donkey
2. The mighty Edrard
3. How Terrible!
4. ritagamer2
5. 2213
6. It is working as intended. Serb says he will fix the light bulb when sixth sense is fixed. In other words, never.
zhesah NA
1) donkey
2) edrard
3) How terrible
4) RitaGamer2
5) 2213
6) none, they just nerf it.
ikke4live EU
answer 1 – donkey
answer 2 – Edrard
answer 3 – how terrible
answer 4 – Rita Gamer
answer 5 – 2213
answer 6 – None.. Sixthsense skill still haven’t reached 100%
Nickname: irave (EU)
1) Donkey :)
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) One, although bulb will soon be removed for being OP and replaced with a candle.
HungryHaggis EU
1. Donkey!
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible…”
4. Rita
5. Apparently 2213
6. Changing it is easy, but they will probably screw a 1200 Watt one and nerf it to 10 Watt in a year
Schmeksiman EU
And wishing FTR a happy 1st b-day and many more of these anniversaries!
1. A Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible”
4. Rita or Rita Gamer
5. 2213
6. Probably how the place is illuminated doesn’t work as intended. So they have to think about some buff. They will rework the textures of the bulb and they will install it… when it’s done it’s done. After all, if you can’t see in that room it is your ISP fault.
fooway EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible!
4) Rita
5) 2 213
6) None. You just have to spot someone and in three seconds the light bulb will function again.
Nya_Chan EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) 6 Wargaming developers and a Maus :P
1. wanna be tank Commander ,2. wanna be tank Driver, 3. wanna be tank Loader, 4. wanna be tank Gunner, 5. wanna be tank Radio operator, 6. The wargaming specialist electrical engineer to climb on Maus and change the lightbulb,
gsuffer EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) RitaGamer2
5) 2213
6) none they buy a company that makes lightbulbs and let them replace the bulbs
tthoms eu server
1) The Mighty Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible- SerB being SerB
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) None, they should have maintenance staff, they should not change bulbs, the should make the game better !
Give_Them_Hell NA
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Rita(or RitaGamer)
5) 2213
6) None. Since one of the bulbs broke and no one knew what kind of bulb to buy to replace it WG bought a whole electrical company and now they do it for them.
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) It takes three, the player who spots ,other player tonk which haz sixth sense and the rng god.
1. A Mule
2. Edrard
3. “How Terrible.”
4. RitaGamer2 (aka The Catlessi)
5. 2213
6. Only one, SerB, as he tells it to switch and it switches, in fear of being Nerfed.
Donkeyshot EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard I guess
3) “How Terrible”
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) Whole development team: I think they will Change it in the next big 10.0 patch :)
RU server
1- Donkey
2- Edrard
3- How terrible
4- Rita
5 2213
6. None as Serb would be saying the broken lightbulb is working as intended. And if someone cant see he would respond with How Terrible.
A_Field_Marshal US
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) Well, I think the whole WG RU, after many tries with different lightbulbs, theyll just give up and SerB just nerfs the night, so they dont need lightbulbs.
Makaanfh EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3)” How Terrible”
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) Nothing has to be done with it, it works as intended.
TomiF EU
A donkey
“How terrible”
Rita / Ritagamer
None : “Nothing is confirmed yet, we won’t comment on these rumors of a broken light bulb in WG office”
Mwahahavovtich EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. No one… light bulb will be absolete in next patch. It will be replaced with a torch. Better graphics with low FPS.
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible.”
4. RitaGamer
5. 2213
6. None – it’s a fault of lightbulb manufacturer. The question is how many WG employees is needed to buy lightbulb factory
Gorzki EU
I am not entering the full competition, I just want to give question 6 a shot (that one bounced!)
4 employees and 1 kindergarten teacher.
One employee to code the nerf, one to add it in the next patch, one to tell the WG NA team to add it to the patch notes, one to forget about SEA.
And the kindergarten teacher to teach the WG EU team how to spell “lightbulb”
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6.I think None, it’ll be like with lag pretend that everything is okay and that the bulb works; or three, one that holds the bulb and two that are holding him and run in a circle until they remove the bulb. :)
dovoljno_los (EU)
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How Terrible”
4) RitaGamer2
5) 2213
6) 0. SerB buffs lightbulb. Lightbulb fixed. SerB should buff players, too.
Noowin NA
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible!
4) Rita
5) 2213 (??)
6) infinite: they can’t even fix a freaking fps issue, how can they fix a light bulb?
donJW NA
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) None, the chandelier has an autoloader :)
1) A Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible!
4) Rita
5) 2 213
6) Depends if it’s Russian or not,
DeBeeste EU
answer 1. Donkey
answer 2. Edrad
answer 3. “How Terrible”
answer 4. Rita Gamer
answer 5. 2213
answer 6. Only 1 dev is needed to switch the light on (with SerB’s permition of course, but SerB is not classed as a dev by WG as he is known as the glorious eternal master of happiness, logic and success). Then it takes a few dozen workers at the power station to generate the electricity and a few hundred workers to get the oil/coal/gas/uranium from the earth. Oh and of course Victor Kislyi had to create the earth first (or should i say the Big World?).
Arrrbol EU
1) donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible..
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) Just one. How terrible..
marty_vole EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Ritagamer2
5. 2213
6. No one, cuz its “working as intendet ™”
3-“How terrible”
BiH_Thunder (EU server)
1) A donkey, most likely
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Rita (or RitaGamer2, just in case)
5) 2213, apparently
6) 10: Five to test the light bulb, two to check if it’s historically accurate, one to insert it, one to remove it again because it’s too bright, one to nerf it and finally one to insert it again.
The light bulb, however, ends up historically inaccurate and underpowered anyway, so it gets removed and is installed again two years later as a premium-bulb™.
1) the Donkey (a.k.a. Big D)
2) Edrard
3) “How terrible…”
4) Rita
5) 2220 (plus minus 10 – dunno if deleted posts count)
6) Exactly 12. One to hold the lightbulb, two to turn the one who holds the lightbulb, four to go in circle around the first trio in opposite direction to screwing in order to make the first three less dizzy, one to inform the working team about whatever his mother-in-law-developer says that SerB had told her, which of course implies two others (mother-in-law-slash-coleague of one developer and SerB), and two guys from balancing department who constantly argue if the fail-safe switch is underpowered or overpowered. ;)
Hustodemon EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible…
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) 1, because Soviet comrades are stronk and wise unlike you fascists
volkswagen EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) RitaGamer2
5) 2213
6)The WG EU staff. Why? Well, they ain’t doin’ any good anyways, have them stand the f*** up and do sth good.
Werseter EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) 5. First one notices the lightbulb is broken and tells it to his department chief. The department chief forwards the info to SerB. SerB dispatches a team of 2 to change it. When they arrive they firstly argue if it’s broken at all. They conclude it is, but they don’t know how to fix it so they return to SerB and tell him it’s working as intended. SerB then approves it and nerfs their salaries. Because he can. How terrible…
Vampir_Kifla EU
1) A Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrbile
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) The whole department and after its done it will not work properly
Onzorica EU
1) Correction: The totem pole has three animals; Donkey, Crayfish, & Topped by the Antlers of a Deer
2) Edrard
3) “How Terrible…”
4) Rita Gamer
5) 2213
6) Since when does Wargaming use light bulbs?
Ninja_Niner NA
3)How terrible…
6)Only one, but he need others to watch if he done it right :)
Jixez EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. None, the light bulb it’s balanced and historical.
gekados EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible”
4. RitaGamer
5. 2213
6. none, because in the new office bulbs are stronk!
reach3r EU
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita Gamer
5) 2213
6) Doesn’t matter – WG EU makes sure you don’t notice anything didn’t work as intended. Or did work as intended. Its called “no information tactics”.
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible…
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) They don’t need bub, they have sixth sense :P
DarkSumi EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) Zero, it will back to light on soon(tm)
Zanov, EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) what? I thought WG Office never had any light sources.
gilangrr, NA
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) RitaGamer2
5) 2213
6) Only one, and the chosen one is clearly Serb with his hands made of Stalinium
Jackarl EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible
4. RitaGamer
5. 2213
6. Just one, to call an electrician.
bograd EU
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) no one … they buy a new building … THEY BUY A NEW WORLD !!!
crash_core EU … fail forgot my name :$
1. a donkey
2. Edrard
3. “how terrible”
4. Rita (RitaGamer2)
5. 2213
6. The full dev team is needed to change it, but as to when it will actually be changed, they tend to stick to their traditional motto: “When it’s done, it’s done” :)
latzko EU
1) Donkey, I guess
2) Edrard
3) How terrible!
4) Rita Gamer
5) 2213 posts
6) Only one. SerB. And why? Hell if I know. (хуй знает in russian if I recall correctly :))
papo1001 EU
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) None, the lightbulb works as intended.
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) Zero: Changing lightbulbs ain’t a dev task. SerB told them to fix performance, so it stays dark until the chief says otherwise.
LordFjord EU
1) Donkey.
2) Edrard.
3) How Terrible.
4) Rita.
5) 2213.
6) Four. One to tell you its going to be restored. Another to tell you its Coming Soon™. When it doesn’t work a third is require to tell you its “Working as Intended.” And the fourth to patch it in 9.1.
1) Donkey ofc
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) all of them when they finish 9.1 hotfix
shogomad eu
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. No one… light bulb will be absolete in next patch. It will be replaced with a torch. Better graphics with low FPS.
This time with nick:
Dark_Havoc EU
1. Donkey!
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible!”
4. Rita Sobral
5. 2213
6. None, it’s working as intended
jurjeskovici from the EU server
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible”
4. RitaGamer2
5. 2213
6. Answer is 5 – 1 to constantly repeat “How terrible” at the fact the the bulb has burnt out, 1 to offend the bulb directly, 1 to make the bulb less optimized, 1 to say there are no bots in the bulb and 1 to shove the new HD bulb down our throats.
Karturu – EU
1.) Donkey
2.) Edrard
3.) “How terrible…”
4.) RitaGamer
5.) 2213 (I know lots probably just copied the first guy, but I went ahead and checked for myself. ;D)
6.) None. Like the BigWorld engine, Wargaming isn’t particularly comfortable with “switching” things.
Iron_Tsunami (NA/US)
1) Donkey
2) Silent talker
3) How terrible!
4) Ritta gamer 2
5) 2213
6) It only takes 1. But he ain’t going to listen to the people who point out that the light pub is broken. How terrible!
Tankersszz NA
After reading other people’s number 2. I realized that i’m not good with names
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) RitaGamer2
5) 2213
6) Lightbulb will be changed after her remodel in HD. Please, don’t whine, actual lightbulb is doing fine statistically.
Nienazwana EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. None; they don’t use lightbulbs. Just computer screens.
Server: NA
Nick: FastestClassic
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. None. Wargaming guys can’t change anything
Floodom EU
3)How terrible
6) No comment, when its done its done
Gurk4ever EU
3)How terrible
6)non..they still use candles it’s more realizzmmm ;)
ElBaninjo EU
1) Donkey~
2) Edrard
3) “how terrible”
4) Rita
5) 2213
6)WG EU, because they are in charge of maintaining lightbulbs and a misinterpretion will make them think that all light bulbs needs to be the same as that one faulty one and change all to faulty ones… And then say that it’s working as intended/ or the entire WoT playerbase, because there are too many idiots who would run around and mess things around and shout “die of c***** lightbulb j** tomato s****a pl” and bots who will destroy the working ones and eventually superunicums will have to come in just to fix a bloody lightbulb.
Assultguntank ASIA (is multiple answers for 6 allowed? :p) don’t ban me from this :)
Edit for wot community answer for 6): wot community,*because wg eu is incompetent and hence playerbase has to take things to their own hands bit there are too many i***ts* who wil run around and blah blah blah blah….
Overlooked the part of Devs.
And one more for 6) ( yes.im greedy) :
SS, when he is finally part of the team. (we all know when THAT will happen)
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. All of them. First they discuss if they shall do it or not, then how. And it will take at least 6 months before they apply the patch so the light-bulb might get repaired by itself.
Brixie, EU
3)how terrible
6)None, sixth sense will be nerfed
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) 1, SerB will pull out his nerf bat of doom and smash it, he will then declare that it will be replaced in patch 9.1 but after 10.0 we realize that it will be done when it’s done, despite there never being a problem on the test server…
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. 0 – Broken lightbulb? It’s a feature
shockerek EU
1. Donkey (the bots?)
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible”
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. None, they use bots based on the “goldberg machine” principle using our money to do it in their places. Because of it, they lose time at the entrance of each room, this is why the game is badly optimised, devs lose their time waiting.
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) Six. Five of them stand around the ladder looking at the bulb, the sixth one is in the garage and sees the perk is at 99%
forgot to say kierogonal EU
oops :P
1. A Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible
4. Rita Gamer
5. 2213
6. 5 for a standard Soviet Heavy type lightbulb. But only 4 if it’s lightbulb model IS-6.
theguardian050 NA
1) A donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita (http://ftr.wot-news.com/stream/)
5) 2213
6) None. How Terrible
moslembd EU
6) None, because a light bulb is OP and is not historical in tanks, Wargaming developers can change LED light in tanks, but it also changes tank’s sex, so a tank becomes a tankette :) :) :)
p.s. Yes I know tankette is not a female tank :) :) :)
1) donkey
2) edrard
3) How terrible
4) RitaGamer2
5) 2213
6) Doesn´t matter. It will be bright again anyways before they are done…
Lotha EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible”
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. None, they will prepare team of highly trained monkeys and teach them them how to do it. They will prepare special program, “World of Light bulb”, where you switch light bulbs in arcade style, grind new bulbs, you start with Edison-like bulb, at the end you have “LED bulb”. After months of development and teaching their adepts, adepts can change light bulb. Worth a weight.
Zielo747 EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. how terrible
4. Ritagamer
5. 2213
6. One. When someone is spotted WG doesn’t need a bulb lit
Capitanprezzo EU
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) One hundred, one to program it , other to implement it and 98 others to fix BUGS.
toniks123 EU
1. Donkey !!!
2. Edrard
3. How terrible …
4. Rita
5. 2213
Kaiwr EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How Terrible”
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) 0. Darkness is the new standard. Besides, just because changing a lightbulb works for WT doesnt mean it is right for WoT. (In secret they are developing a nicer, shinier bulb and then deny any connection to the fact that the bulb was broken in the first place)
Vesirott EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) One – Storm, but… Firstly, he will state he hasn’t heard of this bug, but he will check it. Then he will confirm, that this is a bug and it’s going to be fixed in next patch. After that he will be asking for players’ feedback on the new feature.
loffciam EU
1: a donkey
2: Edrard
3: “How terrible”
4: Rita Gamer
5: 2213
6: 11
one to procure a new light bulb,
one to get the ladder,
one to set up the ladder,
one to hold the ladder,
one to get the instructions on how to change a light bulb,
one to make sure the old light bulb has sufficiently cooled before removal,
one to remove the old light bulb,
one to dispose of the old light bulb,
one to find their asses in the dark,
one to take the new light bulb out of the box,
one to screw in the new light bulb,
and a paramedic team, incase any of these tasks are too complicated for any one Wargaming employee.
answer 1 –> Donkey
answer 2 –> Edrard
answer 3 –> “How terrible”
answer 4 –> Rita
answer 5 –> 2213
answer 6 –> Three. One to scratch his butt, one to order the wrong part and one to tell you “it will be done when it’s done”
nickname: turbo_killer, EU
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4)gatakristallin (Rita)
5) 2213
6) none will nerf lightbulb last
Snoopy7483 eu
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How Terrible”
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. n+1, where “n” is the number of Wargaming developers….they will never succeed :)
gizmo11x EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) Lightbulb ???
good luck mr vodka :D
1st answer= Donkey
2nd answer= Edrard
3rd answer=How terrible
4th answer=RitaGamer2 also known as Rita
5th answer=2213
6th answer=One. He will be the one to hire a light bulb professional to do the job while he sits in chair watching Discovery channel to learn more about tanks with the other developers.
Bugatti407 EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Ritagamer
5. 2213
HolgerDK EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. 0, It’s balanced.
tomesz87 eu
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How Terrible”
4. RitaGamer2
5. 2213
6. about all of them but without guaranteed result as we can see from this report:
“after last update a lightbulb suddenly stopped working, don’t worry fellow gamers, we already reported that to developers and in one or two patches, they will figure out how to fix it.
after three patches, OK guys lightbulb still doesn’t work so we decided to give you one day of premium account as compensation”
Johnthenoob EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) Only one, but the changing gets postphoned every 1,5 months
masterdimo EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) None. They will say it’s “working as intended” ™.
qqq10 EU
1; A donkey
2; Edrard
3; How terrible…
4; Rita (RitaGamer)
5; 2213
6; 3, Serb or Storm smashes the bulb, another picks the old one out, a third one puts the new one in.
answer 1 – donkey
answer 2 – Edrard
answer 3 – how terrible
answer 4 – ritagamer2
answer 5 – 2213
answer 6- 4,first one would ask “Whats the serial number?”,second one would ask”Have you tried to restart?”third would ask”have you tried to reinstall?”and fourth would say”Its probably the hardver issue because the lightbulb in my office is working just fine” :)
AuroraSky EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible (Какой ужас!)
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. Only one (WG CEO/SerB/Storm – pick your favorite) – he will hold the bulb, and the world will just rotate around him.
Brenthos (EU)
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. none; light bulb is screwed by default, just like players.
nickname: nhocs2love, ASIA
1. donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible…
4. Rita Gamer
5. 2213
6. None, because in Glorious Communist Soviet Russia the lightbulb changes itself. :D
Patrick76496 EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) just one T95 driver by the time he gets there it will fix it self
8Kaizer8 EU
1.) donkey
2.) Edrard
3.) how terrible
4.) Rita
5.) 2213
6.) one to change, nine to make top of the tree: lightbulb event
vladoku EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6)All of them,they form a queue around the nearest corner and aproach it one by one.
Bongo2296 EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) RitaGamer2 (Rita)
5) 2213
6) zero, because crayfish don’t know how to use lightbulb. (That’s a fact)
Sarg3r EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How Terrible”
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) 1 who already done it and also caused 300 more bugs ingame for unknown reasons(only 250 is game breaking) and 30 accidental nerfs which won’t be fixed until offical release.
Eksonmen EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How terrible”
6)It only needs a SerB
thecreeper1 EU
1. Donkey (A.K.A 1/2 of a mule)
2. Edrard (you state his name like 2 days a week)
3.How terrible (first started appearing around the release of the 8.6 patch)
4. Rita
6. none. they do not play enough to train their commander to 100%, therefor, no sixth sense.
eat3reat3r (NA)
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) one, serb
leggasiini, EU
Pussukka EU
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How terrible!
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) Two, the first one breaks the already burned-out lightbulb and the second one changes it after one and a half months.
1* Donkey
2* Edrard
3* “How Terrible”
4* Rita
5* 2213
6* 10 – 5 to drive a tank and shoot the old light bulb, and 5 to drive the engineering vehicle to replace it
Manijak82 EU
1. donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible”
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. Pressing “Battle” button. After the contdown a new lightbulb will appear. But only if you have checked automatic repair in the garage!
thepanic EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. in wargaming land you don’t screw the light bulb, the light bulb screws you.
urecheatu007 EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Rita (or RitaGamer2)
5) 2213
6) None, you have to do it yourself
Venturius_ EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible.
4) Rita
5) 2213(y?!)
6) Changing a lightbulb is nearly impossible for wargaming developers, because will be massive real life frame drops when they try to ‘update’ something, in this case a lightbulb. And if there are european wargaming community workers trying to help them it will become completly impossible ;)
DoToGoldBarracke EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible!
4. Rita2gamer
5. 2213
6. I don’t know because I use a mod. So blyaht.
96_pablo NA
How terrible!
None, War Thunder: Ground Forces hasn’t announced the “Light Bulb” feature yet :)
Durgaenil EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible”
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. Burnt out bulb is historically correct, they will not change it.
ck84 EU
1: Donkey
2: Edrard
3: How terrible
4: Ritagamer2 or “Rita”
5: 2213
6: light bulb works as intended. Don’t play light bulb. Nothing will be changed by WG
_Gagolon_ EU
1.) Donkey
2.) Edrard
3.) “How terrible”
4.) Rita (RitaGamer2)
5.) 2213
6.) “No comment for now, when it’s done it’s done” :)
Sethorys EU
1) The Donkey
2) Mr. Edrard
3) “How Terrible”
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) “If you want Light, Join the Lamp Factory”
DrakeZiggo (EU Server)
First of all… I’m glad your blog is here. This is my info source when it comes to WoT and tanks in general. I hope you will continue to do this and I hope you enjoy doing it. Happy 1st Anniversary!
1) The annoying donkey… Kill it with fire.
2) Edrard
3) How terrible… (I agree with him entirely)
4) RitaGamer2 (Rita) She’s on right now
5) 2213 (Used a calculator. It’s allowed, right? :P)
6) The correct answer is 5. One gets up on a table and holds the lightbulb. The other 4 rotate the table with the guy in order to screw the bulb.
Mao89 – EU server
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
Wojtix14 EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How terrible.”
4) RitaGamer2
5) 2213
6) Won’t happen. Serb will try to nerf the lightbulb until it starts working again. After he failed, Storm will deny that there is a problem with the lightbulb and it’s working as intended. Finally some young, underpayed WG employee googles the term “lightbulb” and finds a fan-based instruction on the net. Spirited by the efforts of his young co-worker, Storm informs the community that WG will change the lightbulb as soon as possible: “When it’s done, it’s done…”
Several months later, Storm will claim that WG had to reinvent the whole process since the instructions of the lightbulb-modding community were rather poor and full of mistakes. He will further claim that no satisfying solution has been found so far. To avoid admitting defeat, the building where the lightbulb is located, will be abandoned and the whole department will relocate to Amsterdam.
Johnny_Trash EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible!
4. Rita2gamer
5. 2213
6. At least one. At the end he will nerf it.
Piciu713 EU
1. A donkey
2. Edrard
3. “how terrible”
4. Ritagamer
5. 2213
6. Bigworld engine simply does not support the replacement of lightbulbs, but the devs are working on it, ( is it an HD lightbulb or a LD lightbulb ? )However, lightbulb replacement works fine on the XboX 360 version of World of Tenks. iFailing sent an email to WG Kiev recently about this exact thing so we will know shortly.. ( two weeks )
1 – A Donkey
2 – Edrard
3 – How terrible…
4 – Ritagamer (Rita)
5 – 2213 posts
6 – WG doesn’t fix light light bulbs, they break them and leave them like that
stalker528, EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) Three; one keeps the lightbulb in the same place, one turns the entire building around, and one gives weird replies on RU forums.
1. Donkey
2. Edrad
3. How terrible!
4. Rita
5. 2213
6.Only one. But he will get fired before he manages to change it, and the rest of them will instead of chaning the lightbulb invent completly unneeded overcomplicated device to replace the lightbulb because WG logic.
playername: Foxy123321 (EU)
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
Pseudo : Vod40
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How Terrible” “Kак страшно” ;)
4) RitaGamer2
5) 2213
6) Twelve little developers and a princess naturally.
First one creates a super lightbulb. Second developer charges you for it. Third guy comes to nerf this lightbulb. Fourth one creates gold plus credits package with lightbulb for free. The fifth promises new lightbulb and whole branch of lightbulbs. Sixth finds a bug in the lightbulb. Seventh speaks no word of it. Eight one goes on vacation. There is no developer number nine and probably he never existed. Tenth developer was fired. Eleventh guy is working as intended. Twelfth one kills the switch.
And the princess is in another castle.
ulmus_montana EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. The Lightbulb switch maybe come at this year, but the Developers must optimize it for havoc and make it HD.
Lyman EU
1) The Donkey
2) Edrard
3) ‘How Terrible’
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) 5 and sixth sense skill, 4 of them they a hydrolic crane based on the T-34 chassis and use it to take out the light bulb. Then they take it to SerB and he says ‘Working as intended’. The employees become angry and tell him it’s broken, SerB tells ‘How Terrible’ and then he takes a we one and puts it in.
Commander_to NA
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. Three, One to test the light bulb to make sure it’s working properly in a testing zone, the second to smash the light bulb into place with a hammer before the third can attempt to super glue it back together after being on vacation for a month.
EndlesNights, NA
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) Lightbulbs are overrated, nerf them and use candlestick instead.
Jukla EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Rita(RitaGamer)
5) 2213
6) hmm… a lightbulb is too !OP! for them. Mighty Serb will bring Mr. Edison in a next patch to fix it :)
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How terrible …
4) RitaGamer2
5) 2213
6) Well, you need a few guys from EU to make a post about changing the bulb and what wattage it will be, another couple of guys (and a few days) to fix the post. Then you will of course get dev from RU who says a different wattage. Once the devs settle on how they should screw it in, you’ll need a few weeks for tests to be done by a few supertesters. The devs will realize that the light bulb mechanic doesn’t work well and put it on hold for a while. A few months later they will revisit the issue and just fix the bulb. Only to realize that the measurements they had taken for the bulb were incorrect.
Nickname: Dre028 EU
1. A Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible”
4. Rita Gamer
5. 2213
6.Lightbulb doesn’t works as historical? How terrible.
Kongo87 NA
1. Equus africanus asinus, also known as a donkey
2. Edrard
3. how terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. Entire development team works on a new lightbulb. The release is delayed for over a year, and when it is finally implemented, it requires twice as much electricity while being only half as bright as the old lightbulb. When people start complaining, SerB claims that it’s the fault of their lightbulb sockets.
TwilightSparkle EU
1.- Donkey
2.- Edrard
3.- How terrible™
4.- Ritagamer
5.- 2213
6.- The whole developer team is working in changing the “lightbulb” feature, It will be changed in patch 9̶.̶1̶, 9̶.̶2̶, 9̶.̶3̶… will come along with the KV-1S nerf and HAVOK engine (when it’s done it´s done)
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. RitaGamer
5. 2213
6. All of them but…“when it’s done it’s done”
mANGox77 EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible…
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) 1: one nerfs it, one buffs it.
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) All. And they would add more useless modes and featuers to it. Because of that lightbulb would lit up 2 seconds after turning on the switch.
Ledeni1 EU
1. Donkey
3. How terrible
4. Rita – ritagamer2
6. All of them ,so they can have it properly “Fixed” Wg. stile
Server EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible”
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. Changing a lightbulb? Scheduled for 2015.
RogYam EU
Cheers :-)
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita/Ritagamer
5) 2213
6) How Terrible
name : sws (EU)
1)The Donkey
3)How Terrible
6)none,but if they try,they will fail,too much lag
beki77 EU
1. donkey
2. edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. Correct answer is 5. It takes one community manager (1) to see there is a problem with lightbulb on EU forums, then one guy (2) in server team to deny any problems with lightbulb, then another community manager (3) to see the problem is real, one guy in HQ (4) to forward the problem details to dev team (5) and after two patches and 3 tests you get a working lightbulb that flashes red and light!
dzudzubajac EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How Terrible”
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) None. There was no decision to change the Sixth sense icon.
Constantine1984 EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) Lightbulb was changing automatically, but wg decided to nerf it because it was too op, and now there’s no lightbulb
HamishTym EU
1) Donkey
2) Erdard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) Non the old one is still working as intended
forgot nick: remiska EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible
4. RitaGamer
5. 2213
6. None. It is a historical correct light bulb and is working as intended.
Hitman2311 EU
1) The Donkey (ihaa)
2) Edrard (I had no idea, found this one out from the 1st Anniversary post)
3) How terrible! (easiest answer)
4) Rita (I watch her stream every now and then)
5) 2213 (thank God for that archive!)
6) None. WG bought an electricity company for that.
Allgreen_ (EU)
1.- Donkey
2.- Edrard
3.- How terrible™
4.- Ritagamer
5.- 2213
6 – to switch 1 light bulb u need ALl wg teeam and when is rdy they will say: “SOOOOOOOOOOOOON” will be fixed (hope is last chance of humanity)
se7en6301 >> EU
How terrible
Hfero EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. Our tests confirmed that the light bulb is screwed enough.
NesTon EU
1) Donkey…
2) Edrard
3) Ужас какой
4) Rita (RitaGamer2)
5) 2213
6) If Serb wants it – only one. If he doesn’t – more then a half of them AND some USA bombers bringing democracy.
PuchaczTrado EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) Zero . They only use firecrackers.
Forgottenduty EU
1) A donkey
2) Edrard
3) “how terrible”
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) WG devs do not change lightbulbs. What they do depends on where the lightbulb was made. If it’s a Russian lightbulb, it will be repeatedly buffed back to life every time it dies. If it was made anywhere else, they nerf it until it falls out of the socket and then install a new one next to the old socket.
derp, just realized I forgot to say I’m blackbird402, NA
1) Donkey
3)How terrible
5) 2213
6)None, it will be done when it’s done.
Ingame its ist io36 ;) EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) RitaGamer2
5) 2213
6) 3-5 depending on RNGod
CzTrewq EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) RitaGamer2
5) 2213
6) None for now. Won’t be fixed in 2014.
Kwakwaka_wakw EU
3.How Terrible…
6.Why should they change a lightbulb? It’s a feature not a bug!
And if someone will moan about it – already prepared answer form question 3.
Siwus EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita (or RitaGamer)
5. 2213
6. Have to roll the RNG dice to find out :)
3.”How terrible”
6.They doesnt need any lightbulb, their ideas are so bright, that its shining all over the office
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible”
4. RitaGamer
5. 2213
6. One to change it and 100 to spread propaganda claiming it never burnt out.
_Odium_ EU
1. Donkey.
2. Edrard
3. How terrible. . .
4. Rita Gamer
5. 2213
6. Just one if they have Sixth Sense.
Skiggygore NA
1) Donkey :)
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible….
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) None, since it’s already working as intended
Tauromachian ASIA
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible
4. RitaGamer
5. 2213
6. Just one, the one that will write in the patchnotes that the bulb switch has been delayed and will be switched in the next patch, probably.
Nucky6 EU
1. Donkey The Defiler
2. Edrard
3. “How Terrible…”
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. All of them, because, first of all , it needs to be established whether the lightbulb originated from KV1S interior. If it does, the lightbulb doesn`t need to be changed , because it “works as intended”. 2nd , if lightbulb is associated with King of Jordan , it will be replaced at any cost and in no time at all. 3rd , if a lightbulb is located in WG EU Paris offices, then its a lost cause to even attempt to replace it with local assets.
Steiner011 EU
1) Donkey (extinct due to a sudden rise of Lorraine 40t and 113 population)
2) Edrard (don’t mistake with Ectard… I meant Ectar)
3) “How terrible!”
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) If phrase “WG developers” can also include general workers…
0, FTR does it voluntarily, while WG EU employees are busy licking a window.
Or WoT players:
30 – 15 of them are bots, 10 are “play-for-fun” type players with negative WN8, 3 are butthurt teenage unicums platooning in Hellcats (preferably from a clan widely recognized as immature, you know which ones I’m talking about…), 1 is AFK and the remaining one is you.
BoletusLuridus EU
1) Donkey
2) Edgard
3) How Terrible…
4) Rita something
5) 2213
6) 4 to develop the lightbulb, 3 that follow SerB’s directions to install it, 3 that follow Storm’s instructions to install it, 5 to break up the ensuing argument, and 1 to actually install it properly, so 18
Forgot my username: Buccaneer NA
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) Want working lightbulb? Join (the army?!)
working lightbulb will definitely come in 2042
I Decided to only answer number 6, bocuse Im awesome.
Almost whole staff, First they have to check if they can change it, And then they have to check what they can change, Change it and see if the light bulb is too shiny, they have to nerf it. For mounting it? ahh, they just hire someone, becouse they can’t do it themselves. Planned time to change it: 6 months. Time they use to change it: 2 years
Silent_And_Dangerous, EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How Terrible”
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) All whargaming developers are needed cause the lightbulb is too stronk so they change just the whole building around it to make it work as intendend.
Zapzarab EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. infinite: one tries to change it, but fails, another comes, and they again fail, etc
moomy94 EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible”
4. Rita Gamer
5. 2213
6. 42
matijakurnik1 EU
1) Donkey!
2) Edrad
3) How terrible D:
4) Eermm.. Rita?
5) I barely managed to figure it out where to see the count.. yes, it’s 2213. Others are correct lol
6) Complete team of developers. You see.. while almost the whole team tries to actually switch the blub, one of them ( Guess who?? Guess who?? ) is trying to fix the port where the blub is fit in. That one just doesn’t give a f. if the port is too small or too large for the blub to fit in properly.. as far as he likes it, it’s working as intended.
Hajvanho, EU server
1. A Donkey
2. Edrard the magician
3. “How terrible”
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. Its a trick question, noone of them has managed to make an option to enable users to change the lightbulb icon ingame. It took non-WG employed modders to do that!
Carrera2, EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita (RitaGamer2)
5. 2213
6. Everytime they approach the lightbulb, they fall back, cause they think they are spotted.
Fenomenmusic EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) how terrible
4) RitaGamer2 (Rita)
5) 2213
6) None, because if the lightbulb doesn’t glow they are obviously not spotted so they don’t have to move or do anything.
stoli44 EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) how terrible
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) none if it works dont fix it ..lol wargaming has light bulb changer on staff for that job
gary2220 na server also wanted to say you guys rock ………thanks
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How terrible”
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213 /add.
6) Whole developer team and hundreds of testers – developers say they should add light bulb – they create test room and put it there; testers say light bulb is good and should stay like this. Developers completely scrap the idea, design new light bulb and put it in a normal room straight away; light bulb v2 twitches and has low light-per-second; developers wont change it straight away but instead they wait for whole room renovation that will happen in an unknown future.
How many posts (including this one) in total were posted on wot-news-based FTR until today?
2208 posts UNTIL today + this post = 2209. 2213 is every single post. Im not sure whether this is tricky or i cant understand it well because of my English level. If its tricky the answer is 2208. If its not – 2213.
1: Donkey
2: Edrard
3: How terrible
4: Ritagamer2
5: 2213
6: None, in Wargaming the lightbulb changes itself! (Every 3s)
Rang3r (EU server)
1) Donkey :)
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible…
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) When it´s done it´s done…
1) Donkey?
2) Edrard
3) “How Terrible”
4) Rita / ritagamer2
5) 2213
6) How many Wargaming developers does it take to switch a lightbulb and why?
Answer is: It doesn’t matter, the WG developers are going to switch the lightbulb and WG EU staff will screw it up so badly, the players would believe they need a lightbulb connected to their PC to fix FPS issues.
SlabakBG EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Rita (ritagamer2)
5) 2213
6) Two – Storm to design a new lightbulb, and an intern to mount it.
Noreng, EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) 6
1 standing on chair and holding a lightbulb
4 hold the chair in turn it to unscrew lightbub
1 comunity manager
Sokr3 EU
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) The lightbulb does not need changing it is not german. It is Soviet, stronk lightulb. Best lightbulb in the world. The developers are there just to keep an eye on the lightbulb so it doesnt give into any capitalist propaganda.
gomolj EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How Terrible”
4) Rita ( RitaGamer2 )
5) 2213
6) 0 – They simply buy a new office with working lightbulbs.
Delta537 EU
1. donkey
2. Edrard
3. ‘how terrible’
4. RitaGamer
5. 2213
6. Storm knows about the issue, when apparently the lightbulb rejects emitting light, it’s possible it will be removed and reworked to HD, and replaced in the future patches (SS: not in 2014)
lemonizzle EU
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) None.They still working on that, even the Serb answers how terrible when some people ask him, he change mind and says we will introduse the answer at patch 15.1
dimstam EU server
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. One to inspect if it is faulty after receiving complaints through the Support department. Another to compe inspect it also after his colleague asks for a second opinion. They agree that it is faulty. They ask Mo to help them, “Not now guys, I’m busy making a hilarious community video” replies Mo. Cue months of waiting until it gets pushed up the line to Minsk HQ. Finally gets replaced after SerB gives his approval. “Let them have light. At least then they might see what mistakes they are making”.
Aenaes EU server.
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Ritagamer
5. 2213
6. Lightbulb nerfed? Finally!
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
TheChoosenOne13 EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) None. Lightbulb is balanced now.
Quzuman EU
Reply ↓
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. Three. One to research light bulbs that actually exist. One to spend time developing a light bulb. And the third to throw that away and screw in a WT E-100 for shits and giggles.
1. A donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible!”
4. Rita Gamer
5. 2213 posts
6. It’s hard to say how many Wargaming developers are needed to switch a lightbulb. Every time a German tank is buffed/Russian tank nerfed or mistakes are done (they happen allways), Serb brings the developer(s) in front of the “Lightbulb test” and gives them an easy task, switch that lightbulb, if they do it wrong, Serb says “How terrible!” and he is fired. None knows what Serb says if you do it good, there is none who made it, none who could tell us that, none saw it, none heard of it, it’s a mystery that maybe won’t ever be solved! Tell me what else should he be doing? Vodka and lightbulb test all the day!
Ners – NA
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3) “Ужас какой” – “How Terrible”
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. Missing lightbulb causing lightness drops? Our tests do not confirm that!
fireabend – EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Rita(or RitaGamer)
5) 2213
6) if a developer gets scouted while changing the lightbulb everyone would lag after Patch 9.0 :)
Ramrodt[BAYA] EU
1) donkey
2) edrard
3) How terrible
4) RitaGamer2
5) 2213
6) 3. One to screw it in, Storm to keep him calm, SerB to troll him.
Amir4wise ASIA
I really can’t come up with a funnier answer….or a funny one at all….:-P
How terrible…
Working as intended
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Rita (ritagamer2)
5) 2213
6) The whole team. After they switched the lightbulb, the electricity of the building collapses. They try to fix it but the whole building burns down.
Next time they better call an electrician or the facility manager.
Krabbster EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible…
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) 1: one nerfs it, one buffs it, until it fits the historical height :)
Sebastianul EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible!
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) WG won’t change it for now, but will watch it closely to determine whether or not it needs changing.
phdr_vrba EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4 Rita
5. 2213
6. They don’t have light in their office. They work with their eyes closed anyway! :)
Acid_25 EU
1) A Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrbile
4) Rita
5) 2213
1: Donkey
2: Edrard
3: “How terrible”
4: Rita
5: 2213
6: It depends on what priority it is. If they can spare some men who are not working on the HD models then it might be done when its done. The usual procedure:
-Realise, that the lightbulb is burned out
-Admit that it does not work (a few weeks later)
-Organise a team that will work on changing the lightbulb
-Realise that there are so many people who want to see that lightbulb changed, so that they might want to make some money with it
-Invent a new hypersuper lightbulb and advertise it so everyone will be willing to grind their ass down just to see that lightbulb, and to do so buy premium
-Patent it, so WT will not steal it
-Change the wiring in the building so it will handle the new lightbulb
-Install the “Billionen Gigawatt Glühbirne ausf. H”
-Watch the building burn down because of it
-state that its not overpowered and does not need to change
If I am forced to say a number, as competent as they are, I would say a single developer can screw it.
Geregori EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2,213
6) Takes 0, WG is too stronk to need lightbulbs.
desert_eeegle NA
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) None. I don’t think they know what a lightbulb is…
Fritzy EU server
1 Donkey
2 Edrard
3 How Terrible
4 Rita
5 2213
6 all the Dev’s will work hard to solve this problem, 9.1 will be delayed 2 weeks. Problem will be solved in the moment a non-programmer comes in and uses the switch…
Erebthoron NA
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible.
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) WG does not change the lightbulb, they change their office.
Jesha1337 EU
1. A Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita, otherwise known as RitaGamer2 on Twitch
5. 2,213
6. “Dear evanfury130, Thank you for contacting Wargaming support regarding this matter. We have an automated system in place for light bulb tracking (i.e. when a bulb goes out, bulbs breaking), as such all mentioned occurrences will be addressed by the automation only.”
Evanfury130 NA
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6)lightbulb is broken? How terrible
tank_obi EU
1 sexual harassment Donkey
2 Edrard
3 “how terrible”
4 RitaGamer
5 2213
6 they pull AA searchlight into of the building to match the tanks already in there. probably every department has someone delegated to the task force
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible.”
4. RitaGamer2
5. 2213
6. Have they already invented how to do that properly? They must create proper program, write manual and hire proper team who will work under direct Serb orders.
McRice EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) They do not use lightbulbs , they use sun light and when it gets dark they go to sleep.
Jankoviky98 EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Rita( RitaGamer)
5) 2213
blackmeritum EU
6) Serb’s black heli forces will do that for them
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible!
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. About 6. Because it is a complicated process composed of finding the bug (broken bulb), forwarding problem to the developing section. When they find proper replacement the balancing department decides if it will fit, and after that it goes to the patching crew which they FINALLY replaces it ;)
Nick: Sv_Ahhhmed [EU]
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4 Rita
5. 2213
6. they dont use lightbulb, they have 6th sence, so whe they are spottet they lightbulb gos on :-)
NSC_Gonzo EU server
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible!
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) WG doesn’t have a problem with the lighbulbs, “Our tests do not confirm that” is their statement.
Forgot to mention my name is Shabbyjazz (EU)
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Ritagamer
5) 2213
6) When asked about the lightbulb Storm replied that the lightbulb is working as intended. When asked if there are plans of changing the lightbulb he said that it does not need changing and that statistically the lightbulb is performing “fine”.
Zgicc EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How Terrible”
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) Two, one to have sixth sense and the other to spot him. Voila near instant light bulb sadly it doesn’t last very long.
blaaat EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. RitaGamer2
5. 2213
6. 6
1 to suggest a paper-bulb
1 to find a bulb in a museum
1 to measure a bulb and record its sound
1 to balance it
1 to decide wether it will be a x2, x3 or x5-event
1 from EU-staff to screw it up in the end
bearcats EU
1 – Donkey
2 – Edrard
3 – “How terrible…”
4 – http://www.twitch.tv/ritagamer2 (Ritagamer2)
5 – 2213
6 – No need. It’s working as intended… How terrible…
Rexonon EU
Congrats on everything mate.
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Rita S.
5) 2213
6) 0 developers, because “the bulb isn’t broken – the darkness you see is caused by client-server desynchronization”.
After a heavy shitstorm on the forums, it’s going to get fixed in the next micropatch by some hired trainee, who’ll break 10 next bulbs in the process. :)
Haamre (EU)
1).The Donkey
3).”How Terrible”
6).Only one. But he’s never there when you need him.
darlykappa EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Ritagamer2
5. 2213
6. All minus one to hold SerB and Storm to screw it in.
Ronineter EU
1) Donkey (a really fast one)
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible…
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) Nobody knows, WG doesn’t have a lightbulb support department.
4) as “Ritagamer2″
On the EU server, too late to edit.
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible…
4. Rita, on the stream RitaGamer2
5. 2213
6. Well, let’s see… There’s the archivist who will check to make sure the lightbulb to be changed is the correct one at his leisure during his next trip to the Soviet archives, the designers who must bicker and argue amongst themselves and the community on the glass thickness, coating, the material in the filament, and voltage, the external, hired-on maintenance crew who must now wait for a ladder to arrive at their office, and then SerB must file it down anyways. By my count, anywhere from 20 to 50 people must be included in the changing of the lightbulb.
Valorin NA
1. Donkey
2) Edrard
3 – “How terrible”
4. Ritagamer
5) 2213
6 – it takes all of them, from beta-testers to super-testers, cuz that’s how great the system is.
WarpSx – EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita (RitaGamer2)
5. 2213
6. There is no need for light, they can see in the darkness by default(on standard and on improved graphic too). But in case they really wanted to replace it then it would require zero since they have specialized people to do it.(lot of money and time)
lordbeast EU
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) SerB states that no switching is needed and its working as intended! :)
Srk1 EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) 2. First SerB will reply to any complaints about low lighting “How terrible“. Eventually he will step into a turd that Kislys pink pudle left behind underneath the lamp with the malfunctioning bulb. Then he will yell “Ey, ti shluha vokzal’naja, syuda idi!“ to one of the lesser developers and make him change it.
EU rabiesdog
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) Four, first is reading manual, second is dreaming about buffing lightbulf if he discover that is russian product, third is trying to nerf if he discovered that is lightbulb is german made and fourth actually is smoking and drinking cold vodtka and enyoying in DRIVING his IS3
xdado, eu server
1, Donkey
2, Edrard
3, How terrible
4, RitaGamer2
5, 2213
6, 0 – They dont need lightbulb, they have light from computers.
MeWoodson EU
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) None, WG devs don’t botter .. unless a tread appears in the forum, but then again they don;t care about that
CmdrShepard EU
1) A Donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How Terrible” – Trademarked!
4) Rita (RitaGamer2)
5) 2213
6) If it WG EU, 13 and somebody is getting electricuted…
Inferno1976 EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible…
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) 4, one is deciding its influence on the power network, second guy is researching its historical accuracy, third is deciding how much watts it should have to still be balanced, and fourth one for useless customer relations.
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) 5 – first one sends a suppot ticket to wargaming – second one reads it – third one asks Serb and he responds
“How terrible?” – fourth climbs on a donkey (the 5th stuff member) and changes it
tselos EU
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
OneHundredEighteen EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) ritagamer2
5) 2213
6) Storm states that the change of the lightbulb will most likely not happen before 9.4. “When it’s done it’s done”, and “no promises”.
wubo EU
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) They have developers?
890 EU
answer 1 – donkey
answer 2 – Edrard
answer 3 – how terrible
answer 4 – Rita a.k.a. ritagamer2
answer 5 – 2213
ilyuxaif RU
1) a Donkey
2) Edrard
3) ”How Terrible”
4) Rita (ritagamer2)
5) 2213
6) That depends of the altitude of the lightbulb.
DanMan96 EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible…
4) Rita , “RitaGamer2″ – from twitch :)
5) 2213
Exactly 4. Why? 1st – to take it out. 2nd – to put new lightbulb in. 3rd – to tighten up the new lightbulb. 4th – to optimize work done by three others – otherwise, it will not work correctly for too long… [*cough* BigWorld engine *cough*].
Unreal89 EU
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6)The whole WG development company to make sure they put it in correctly. And fix bugs.
Account is CypherHK NA sorry
1) donkey
2) Edrard
3) how terrible
4) ritagamer2
5) 2213
6) they don’t need to switch, lightbulbs are working as intended!
red_baron40 EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. Developer 1 asks Serbs permission to change light bulb – Answer: Win rate too low. Ignored!
Developer 2 asks Serbs permission to change light bulb – Answer: No light bulb for you capitalist pig!
Developer 3 asks Serbs permission to change light bulb – Answer: Russian light bulbs are better than all the rest. No need to change!
Developers 4,5,6….. ask Serbs permission to change light bulb – Answer: How terrible!
Apparently it’s impossible to change a light bulb at WG.
scrumx EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. only 1 dev and a chair. why? cause he is short and he cant reach it without the chair
1 Donkey
2 Edrard
3 How Terrible
4 Rita
5 2213
6 All of them. One holds the lightbulb, and the others turns the whole world.
Sir you forgot your nickname. And the best 6. answer i think :D
Ooops, its Dexter5021 EU :)
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Ritagamer
5) 2213
6) Serb is just gonna enter the room that the lightbulb is with an the Russian IS-7 Heavy tenk! Stronk tenk! He will blow the facsist piece of German technology to smithereens, firing randomly without stop accusing everyone that opposes him of capitalist monkeys!. People on the foroums are gonna say that it is not realistic enough, but Serb will answer : “If you want realism, join the army”
Panerakis EU
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) One (1). We r doing that in the right way. lol
Danaos130 EU
1 – Donkey !
2 – Edrard
3 – “How Terrible!”
4 – Rita (RitaGamer2)
5 – 2213
6 – Usually one, but after the nerf, additional hands might be required. With the introduction of physics, it might broke and might need re-fitting again. Around 9.5 it’ll prolly be split into LightBulb-85 and LightBulb-122. Has nothing to do with Watts. Go figure – WG logic !
speedphlux EU
3.How terrible
4.Rita, RitaGamer2
6.Six.One to design the change, one to model it, one to implement it, Storm to reset the change while testing and then to change his mind and implement it again, SerB to nerf it and then say “How terrible” to the complaints that the light is too weak now and another one to fix the light drops encountered after the change.
GeneralTelcontar EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How terrible”
4) Rita (RitaGamer)
5) 2213
6) none, because “it’s working as intended”
Terius, EU
1- Donkey
2- Edrard
3- How Terrible! :D
4- Rita Gamer
5- 2213
6- First, SerB gotta nerf the switch button not to harm other devolopers !!fragile!! hands.
efe_TR EU
1) Donkey.
2) Edrard.
3) “How terrible…”
4) Rita. (RitaGamer)
5) 2214.
6) None, because SerB doesn’t want others to see he hardheartedly nerfs all the tanks we love.
Mccqa, EU
Sorry ‘SuchSkillMuchWow’ somehow decided to reply to your post, not from my own will, just noticed. :D
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Ritagamer
5. 2213
6. None, “Working as intended”.
Tokitaari – EU
1 Donkey
2 Edrard
3 How Terrible
4 Rita
5 2213
6 They won’t change the light bulb. Tests didn’t duplicate burned light bulb. The darkness is only a placebo.
Wulfgar EU
1. A donkey.
2. Edrard.
3. How terrible.
4. RitaGamer2.
5. 2214.
Bonus 6. Lightbulbs? “There are no lightbulbs in World of Tanks”.
Healthy EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible…
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) One for gettin a ladder
One for settign the ladder up
Two to hold the ladder
One to climb up the ladder
Another one to climb up because the other one fell down.
One to throw the light bulb to the guy in the ladder, ” hits the guy in the head which makes him fall ”
And the last one climbing the ladder is so clever he takes the ligh bulb whit him and screws it in.
Nick: TheMasterOfDarkNess Server: EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita Gamer
5) 2213
6) WG employees? Lightbulb change won’t come this year apparently.
fujnik (EU)
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Ritagamer
5. 2213
6.lightbulb? in soviet wot russia the only way to get some light is making a fire with wood and gasoline.
aengis , EU
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible!
4) RitaGamer2
5) 2213
6) Lightbulb? There hasn’t been one since the first idea of WoT came up and it stopped shining somewhere during release, this explains all the size-, armor-, and data-problems encountered in WoT. Cause who can bother to read all details correctly on for example a 70 year old fainted blueprint in the poor light from an old CRT-computerscreen and the darkness just keeps adding new problems on top of the old one.
affie EU
1 Donkey
2 Edrad
3 How Terrible
4 Rita
5 2213
6 Want realism? Join an electronics company.
dCK_Ad_Hominem EU.
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How terrrible”
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. None: “It doesnt light? Our tests do not confirm that, its working as intended”
Terrordrone EU
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) None of them, WG devs will tell us they will change this ligthbulb ASAP (!), there will be movie abou this feature coming in nearest patch but in the end this feature won’t be implemented due to technical difficulties. But in real, WG devs haven’t done anything about lightbulb replacement.
eXterm EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. none; How terrible it doesn’t work, dont use the lightbulb.
Cherny013 EU
1) A donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) RitaGamer
5) I might be misunderstanding, but until today there were 2208 posted, with this one included – 2209.
If you meant to say until *now* instead of today – 2213.
6) One developer and three weeks to develop a new light bulb of a model, two developers and two weeks to fix graphical issues of the model, one developer and three weeks to take out the old light bulb and implement the new one into the socket. The entire balancing department to monitor and see that it is working as intended (Eats too much power and makes everything else weaker? Working as intended!)
Three months for one developer to implement the fixed graphical issues of the model.
Ramke EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. 3 , Two drinking beer and the other one doesnt know how to turn it on
123ferdi321 EU
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) 5, to crew the T-34 they drove to the store to pick it up!
tiger61378 – NA
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible…
4. Rita, or RitaGamer2
5. 2213
6. Light bulbs don’t get switched by WG employees, thay pay someone else (WG owns a bank ffs:P)
Anonymus91 EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible…
4) Rita ; RitaGamer2 – from twitch
5) 2213
6) -2 + 1 ( 1. gets electrocuted, 2. dies from laughing and on 3. light bulb falls on his head and he gets an idea… but it isn’t a great one)
anzekz EU
1. The Donkey
3.How Terrible
4.Ritagamer (ingame gatakrisllin)
6. 1, but he screws up so he tries to release updates for it which screw it up even more, SerB will try to nerf it, graphical team will try to make it look cooler and in the end they are going to end up with torches
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Rita(or RitaGamer)
5) 2213
6) none, they are all busy with conversing bushes to HD :P
neutralnynick EU
1 – Donkey.
2 – Edrard.
3 – How Terrible.
4 – Rita.
5 – 2213.
6 – None, SerB will state that Darkness is the new WG standard.
truedamiam NA
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6.None, if you want lights join the army
koz_rockhound EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita Gamer
5) 2213
6) It doesn’t matter, you’re already shot by a camper when it’s starts to work again
ReX92 :)
oh, i forgot, my server is EU.
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) RitaGamer2
5) 2213 posts
6) None because:
9.0.2 Preliminary Patch Notes
Posted on June 07, 2014 by Darctos
Source: world-of-everything.com
Not much today:
- Changed the texture of light bulb to LED lamp (DT: probably whole developer team worked on it)
berny904 EU
1) Donkey. Also, the totem vehicle of For the Record is Lorraine.
2) Edrard
3) How terrible.
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) 16 developers are needed for that:
2 developers in balance department checking if the lightbulb actually needs switching.
3 developers in map department creating a map between the office and store where the new lightbulb is to be bought.
5 developers testing the new lightbulb configuration.
1 developer to upload the lightbulb patch to live servers.
3 developers repairing bugs after the others have screwed up the lightbulb switching operation.
Yet another one developer to upload the lightbulb bug repair minipatch to live servers.
And finally.
Your sincerely, Haren EU.
Haha you rulez :P
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How Terrible”
4) “Ritagamer2″
5) 2213
6) Depends whether the lightbulb is Russian or not. If it’s Russian, then Storm will mention once or twice that it will be looked into in a later update, but does not specify how and when. The lightbulb will then never be changed, because it was “working as intended” even if it wasn’t working at all.
If it is not Russian, then 2 developers and SerB will be needed to switch it: a developer to do the actual switching, another developer to make sure it works even less than it used to after the switching, and SerB to answer sarcastically to anyone that mentions that last fact in a forum post.
Fguri (EU)
1) a donkey
2. it’s Edrard
3. “How terrible!”
4. Rita (I don’t know the exact nick)
5. 2213 ( I am cheating tbh)
6: 10, one skilled with programing, and one which won’t get the joke.
You forgot to mention what server you are on (and also your nick :P).
This is my game account nickname…
Dr_Wycior EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) The lightbulb is working as intented and our research shows that there were no lightbulbs in the Ardennes battle, only a couple heavybulbs of the 23rd Schweres Panzer Abteilung (which ran out of electricity at the start of the action and had to be abandoned).
Tyyne EU
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) light bulb will be changed in the next patch, it’s not profitable for WG to release hotfix.
Troom EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible”
4. Rita (RitaGamer[2])
5. 2213 (not counting the deleted ones)
6. Suffer in the dark, you capitalist pig!
uh_oh RU
1. donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. None. Serb nerfed it after candles complained it was too powerful
SurfaceTension EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita!
5) 2213
6)Just six: One to tell players bulbs are not historically screwed, one to unscrew it without telling the rest, another one to negate the existance of bulbs, another one to promise bubls on an upcoming patch “this year”, one to get the wrong model and color, and the last one that just puts an used bulb that lasts a few more days. RInse and repeat :)
HOA_Weezy NA !!!
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213 (All aboard the lemming train!)
6. None, bots will do all the work by themselves (there are no bots here, move along…)
Boneser EU
question1 : Donkey
question2: Edrard
question3: “How terrible”
question4: RitaGamer2(Rita)
question5: 2213
question6: well..none because all is very well automated.So they have a complex system that automatically switch the lightbulb when the PLC detect that the bulb was burned,
User name : badfoxy EU
1) A Donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How Terrible”
4) Rita
5) 2,213 (+1 if plus the number of post posted later)
6) None, they make a contest with reward for any player who changed it.
queenofstove ASIA
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) “how terrible”
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213 posts
6) In order to switch a lightbulb we will need 6(six) wargaming developers. One will hold the bulb, 4 will rotate the table where is the guy who hold the bulb and the last one developer will lookout in case if electricity arrives to inform the others.
SiegfriedGR EU
1 Donkey
2 Edrard
3 How Terrible
4 Rita
5 2213
6 noone because it will be nerved with next update and fades out
Motlecrew EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible
4. RitaGamer
5. 2213
6. None, it will light up again when they get spotted.
osdsi EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible (second most: “Don’t play X”)
4) Rita
5) 2213
6)None, just 50 Gold or 20,000 Credits; they have a Premium Consumable for that
cherweg EU
(P.S.: Just noticed, Repair Kits could be another moneysink, if they add night battles, and tank lights as a destroy-able module)
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita, Ritagamer or gatakrisllin)
5. 2213
6. It’s depending, they can get so many people they want, but the lightbulb won’t work if his sixth’s sense is not at 100%
Firatstyler (EU Server)
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. 12 Developers: one to make the cool feature and 11 to screw it up!
PucKviruS (NA)
1 – Donkey
2 – Edrard
3 – How terrible
4 – Rita ( http://www.twitch.tv/ritagamer2 )
5 – 2213
6 – None because they say its a nerf of the light power. :D
Leinad2005 Eu Server
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) “Does the light bulb not work? How terrible”
Grelleck EU
1) the donkey
2) Edrard
3) ‘How terrible’
4) Rita
5) 2213, amazed by this number
6) It takes one WG dev, but the new lightbulb is broken while the old one did work but was not so bright
ErwtEnEtEr EU
How terrible…
None, because “Our tests do not confirm broken lightbulb, it just doesn’t have any light”
Necromonster96 EU
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) First they will investigate (for months) if the lightbulb needs to / can be switched
Buculus EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible
4. RitaGamer2
5. 2213
6. Their tests do not confirm that it’s even broken
Ananga EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) how terrible
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) 10, 1 to put in the new lightbulb and 9 to fix the bugs caused by the new lightbulb
lodenblau – EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible
4. RitaGamer
5. 2213
6. it Only takes 1 WG developer in a stronk tenk to switch my lightbulb off… but there is always a 3 second delay added to 600ms ping and 50% packet loss… which equals to the lightbulb never going off and then…BOOM.. back to the garage :/
MrClark56 – EU
1 – Its a Donkey
2 – Edrard
3 – How Terrible
4 – Ritagamer
5 – 2213
6 – One to check If they fix the lights at Warthunder HQ and then act accordingly
It said ‘Screw’ a light bulb which I thought meant it was broken. Now It has changed it would be:
One to check If they switch the lights at Warthunder HQ and then act accordingly
1: “Donkey”
2: Edrard
3: “How Terrible”
4: Ritagamer
5: 2213
special 6: after the entire bureau in france failed and messed up all the other lightbulbs in the building as well they’ll send a ticked to RU Support asking for help. Russians will implement Tracer ammunition for all russian tanks boosting the damage any penetration by another 50% which will light up the rooms in france while playing WoT. All these changes will be claimed to be historically accurate so none of the player will realize how badly the guys in Paris messed it up again.
scuRio EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. they need all, but the new lightbulb will be too OP, a few patch later they nerf it to the hell and need a new one
sry my name is Amberger EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible
4. RitaGamer
5. 2213
6. None – in WG lightbulb switches you
kers_pl EU
1) A glorious donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How Terrible !”
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) Depend on in which tank the lightbulb is brocken. In an ELC for exemple only 2 : gunner to hold the bulb and driver to spin the tank to death !
TreeShepherd EU
answer 1 – donkey
answer 2 – edrard
answer 3 – how terrible
answer 4 – Rita Sobral aka RitaGamer/RitaGamer2
answer 5 – 2213
answer 6 – 61 give or take – one to change the actual light bulb, Yuri Pasholok to find the light bulb in the archives/make it up, let’s say three to research the balance impact of the light bulb, five to optimize the lightbulb, SerB to nerf the light bulb, ~50 community managers/support ppl/moderators to advocate the light bulb in ticket responses, forums etc. and Storm to announce the light bulb in the next ASAP video.
theLYKKroll EU
“How terrible”
All of them, but the new bulb will have FPS issues which will be addressed with 7 additional bulbs.
PLSiusiak EU
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) None. WG is unable to confirm any lighting bugs. Please include a ping plotter report from your optic nerve with the support request.
laxchem, NA
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible…
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. 3 and a Serb. One to come up with fun lightbulb, another to make it screw it in and third to make it shine a blue light only on weekends. And Serb to say “how terrible” when you complain.
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) “How Terrible!”
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) None, the lightbulb’s been nerfed to non-existence by SerB’s filthy russian bias finger, because the lightbulb was german.
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Ritagamer
5) 2213
6) Just one. Serb will replace it, soon.
Bobi_Kreeg EU
1: Donkey
2: Edrard
3: How Terrible
4: Rita Gamer
5: 2213
6: Need all Wargaming developers, BUT only if FTR team give a hand on help to.
winterfeII EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. RitaGamer
5. 2213
6. After 35 minutes of thinking a funny answer im going to go with: I don’t know….
dulethelord1998 EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible
4. RitaGamer
5. 2213
6. None, because I do it.
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) 300 + serb, one to make it OP, SerB to nerf it, and the other 299 to rebalance it :P. Of course, if the new lightbulb were to be Russian, then the first one would be enough
Valnir93 EU
1. donkey
2. Edrard
3. ‘how terrible’
4. Ritagamer (ingame name: gatakristallin)
5. 2213
6. 5 1 to nerf the elictric current going to that lightbulb one to remove the old textures of the lightbulb oneother to make the new lightbulbs textures (in HD so everyones FPS goes to 10 fps) and one to put the lightbulb in the right spot using a tank. and finally someone to buff the current going to the lightbulb
answer to 6) none! WG Minsk office didn’t gave them permission; according to Minsk everything is working fine, the only fault is WG EU’s office perception of light
version 2: none! the light bulb was not mentioned in the patch notes, therefore it does not exist
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2214
6) its doesn’t matter because WG eu would screw it up again :P
jerung_puteh SEA
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) Whole EU staff. 1 change and all the rest correct the mistake.
Kauzler [NA]
1) donkey
2) Edrard
3) “…how terrible”
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) Six. (Čtyři drží dveře vyndané z pantů a chodí s nimi v kruhu, jeden na nich sedí a drží žárovku v objímce, šestý nakonec stiskne vypínač.)
carramba66 EU
Premiák věnuji Edrardovi.
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) 0
JohnMcClaneSRB EU server.
answer 1 donkey
answer 2 Edrard
answer 3 “How terrible!”
answer 4 Ritagamer
answer 5 2213
answer 6 Wot did you say? Who said all of them together could achieve that??? Any idea how much energy, talent and genius that requires, huh?
SunTszu EU server
1: Eehaw tankers. eehaw. Donkey.
3:”How terrible”
6: five. one to unscrew the old model, another to make that one HD, a third to mess up the wiring, a fourth to fix the wiring, and a fifth one to nerf the incandescent into a fluorescent- thus fixing something that was not broken and causing more problems.
Kauris NA server
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) 42
Tkalex EU
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) Your ticket “Lightbulb needs changing” has been received. Please expect a reply within 24 hours, which will include the forms you must fill out in order for us to process your request. If, after our investigation, we find your request valid, we will contact you within 7 working days to resolve the issue. Please be aware, that you might need proof of ownership of the account and any proof of payment made from that account.
FrannyHUN EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) They won’t give any details about the light bulb. They will only say “When it’s done it’s done”. A huge announcement will be made about the light bulb issue when it’s about to happen. The light bulb issue will have severe consequences on the servers – horrible laggs, timeouts, server disconnects, login problems, CW issues. They will fix everything in about 3 months. The whole dev team will try to find out what caused the server problems for another year.
algis242 EU
1- The Donkey.
2- Edrard.
3- How Terrible.
4- Rita (Ritagamer)
5- 2213
6- I think none.
gfoxi NA
3.How Terrible
6.They don’t switch lightbulbs,scouts do it
bodyfrost EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Ritagamer2
5. 2213
6. the correct answer is 15.
It takes 1 scout developer to check if the lightbulb is working, and 14 tank destroyer developers to sit around the campfire making smores, While the scout developer does all the work
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How Terrible” (SerB is against changing the Lightbulb as well… it “works as intended”)
4) Rita, Ritagamer2 on Twitch or gatakristallin in game
5) 2213 up to this post
6) 60… 40 will advertise it as an important change, 15 will argue whether it’s needed or not (“working as intended”), 4 will say they’ll do it… “soon™” the last one will actually do it.
Forgot my nickname…
smiglo112 EU
How Terrible
3, first step nerfing it, then changing it and again buffing it
Forgot login….
Raaahan EU
Can’t edit the initial post ?
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita (Ritagamer)
5. 2213
napoleon390 EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6)58524564791474795647 One switches the lightbulb, and others are developing some new WT E-100 shit in the dark.
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible
4. RitaGamer
5. 2213
6. “Want new lightbulb? Join the army!”
zixor EU
How many? 6. One to get paid for changing lightbulb and five to ban everyone complaining about darkness
3:How Terrible…
4:Rita (nice voice SS :D,love the accent in the Q&A)
5: 2213
6: 0 developers.. Why? Well,each WG light bulb have 1 tear of Serb inside them wich makes them more durable than Staluminum.The scientists never discovered the mystic power that is inside Serb’s tears..Because Serb nerfed the Scientists car to just 1 D.P (1 donkey power) and it’s just not enough for the roads to WG office.
Alex152 EU server
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6. None, EU has banned old-style incandescent bulbs of 100W and higher
Day_of_a_dog, eu
1) Donkey, the banned omnipresent, a silent stalker in the post section nowadays, lurking just behind a click of our mouse, I sense the gaze…
2) Edrard, a man to thank indeed.
3) “How terrible..” just like that, with two points there, because three would be too much effort to answer a troll..
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) The number is not important really, what is truly relevant is to determine if such a lightbulb truly needs switching. Leaks flood the web about the questions in many WG offices: “Is it historically accurate?” “Does it fit in the lightbulb tree?” “Was it ever mass produced?” “Is it in need of an overhaul?” “Did Gaijin change the lightbulb before us? “Do we need to compensate players for changing the lightbulb?” “Is it too modern or too strong for the general time frame?” “Does it require effort of the Lesta studio?”… Publicly they deny the need for the lightbulb to be reworked, a random EU dev called “lightbringer” refers to Storm having said a few days back in France that the lightbulb needed switching, but the man denies the information on the grounds that such a switch was never proposed, unnecesary, and Lightbringer is not a spokesperson for the company. After an article in a reputed blog called “For The Record” explaining with historical detail why should the lightbulb be fixed (supported by apocryphal stats datamined by a russian player) they figure out that the lightbulb does need to be switched but the company that can make them is in Cyprus and they buy the entire enterprise. After a while, a poster asks if the lightbulb was switched, and Storm says: “Its done when its done”
LoRDa (NA)
1. donkey
2. Edrard
3. “how terrible”
4. Rita aka RitaGamer2
5. 2213
6. one with 6th sens :D
powaalarkin EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How terrible!”
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) It takes 7 WG devs to change a lightbulb; here’s how the process works:
• Dev 1 proposes Lightbulb, and implements it in a patch.
• Dev 2 realises the Lightbulb is insanely overpowered, and proposes nerfs in the next patch.
• Dev 1 resists the nerfs, because the Lightbulb has already become his most played thing in the game.
• Dev 2 goes to SerB and says it really *should* get nerfed, despite what Dev 1 says; Dev 1 stops talking to Dev 2.
• Dev 3 realises the stats for Lightbulb have been wrong since the start anyway, and asks Yuri to go research the Lightbulb’s actual stats in the Munster Lightbulb Museum. The Munster Lightbulb Museum refuse to let him in after the nasty things he said about German Lightbulbs in his last book, so Yuri just makes up the stats anyway.
• Dev 4 changes the sound the Lightbulb makes when it blows from ‘bink’ to the sound of a 16-inch shell from the USS Missouri exploding, because he thinks it sounds cool; this goes live in the patch, but since nobody has agreed on the stats for Lightbulb yet this is the only change.
• Dev 3 posts on RU forums saying the sound should be more historically accurate; 50% of players say they like the new sound better, 40% say they preferred the old one, 10% hadn’t noticed that it had changed. Dev 4 stops talking to Dev 3.
• Dev 5 gets the stats Yuri wrote on the back of a napkin on the train back from Munster, and implements this on the test server for the next patch; Dev 3 asks Dev 5 if he is tripping balls. Dev 5 joins Dev 4 in refusing to talk to Dev 3 any more.
• Devs 1 and 2 make up, and start asking SerB what to do about Lightbulb now since results from the test server with Yuri’s stats show it can now solo a Maus, three Object 430-IIs, five Tier X artillery, a flight of Beaufighters and the US Fourth Carrier Group single-handed. SerB says “How terrible!” and re-implements the first set of Lightbulb stats along with its original sound; Devs 3, 4 and 5 stop talking to SerB.
• Dev 6 accidentally reduces every stat of Lightbulb to 25% of its previous value in the second version of the patch after an all-night vodka-snorting binge; everyone except Devs 3, 4 and 5 agree this works better.
• Dev 7 uncovers Bundesarchiv blueprints which show that it should have been a candle anyway, and removes Lightbulb from the tech tree altogether.
• SerB has nervous breakdown.
Svartmetall EU
1) A donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How terrible”
4) RitaGamer2
5) 2213
6) 1 SS and 3 WG employees, first SS noticed the broken lightbulb, then the special WG FTR-reader messages the message-messager who calls an electrican.
Langoor, EU
answer 1 – Donkey
answer 2 – Edrard
answer 3 – How terrible
answer 4 – Rita (twitch account being ritagamer2)
answer 5 – 2213
answer 6 – Changing the light bulb won’t solve lag issues, so why bother?
sonyc148 EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) ”How terrible”
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213 ( not sure )
6) ı don’t think they can ”screw” a lightbulb
Ovverlord EU server
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. RitaGamer2
5. 2213
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) http://i48.tinypic.com/141nip.jpg
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How Terrible”
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. After some research by Yuri Pasholok, they name that thing “Heavy Bulb”, place it to the USSR tech tree.
Karika EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible”
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. About 10 guys to prepare the event, 25 to create the needed stuff (like a stepladder and so on), 7 to make the HD textures of the bulb, 13 to post it on the forum, 6 to include some mistakes in the project, 43 to install a test server, and 0 to change the light bulb because the patch is too big, so this modification will come in next update :p
Necromanza_Vindicta EU
1/ donkey
2/ edrard
3/ how terrible
4/ ritagamer
5/ 2213
6/ One word – one. And he shall command your army of lemmings that they do so.
Nick: yoshua87
Server: EU
1) He who must not be posted as first comment… the mighty Donkey.
2) Edrard
3) “How Terrible…”
4) Rita(gamer)
5) 2213
6)Problems with lightbulps are highly exaggerated, it doesn’t need changing. It’s working as intended, it’s bright outside you dont need light. You’re supposed to be in bed at night anyway. Statistically it’s doing fine. How terrible…
Han_Sulu EU
question1 : Donkey
question2: Edrard
question3: “How terrible”
question4: RitaGamer2(Rita)
question5: 2213
question6: 1 with slingshot :)
Perzej EU server
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible
4. RitaGamer
5. 2213
6. The whole team, because they wont be able to do it properly without lots of bugs and kinks as well as having to do a test team to make sure its good
Kougamatt from NA server
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible!
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. Well, lets have a look: First we need one of the developers, who will screw that lightbulb out and throw it in the trash. After that, SerB contacts the game rebalancing department and orders the director to take the sixth sense perk out of the game (SerB: “Finally!”) and materialize the bulb. A team consisting of 6 developers proceeds to handle the task. As soon as the work is done, SerB himself is going to put the bulb into place. But because the player base is very angry and unhappy about that decision and stopped paying for premium and gold, SerB is forced to put the bulb perk back into the game with the help of another team of game developers (so another 3 people).
In the end, he sends one of his workers to the local DIY market, lets him buy one of the ordinary bulbs and prompts him to screw it in himself. So overall, thats 13 people (and “some” working time wasted).
dragonmaster1 EU
answer 1 – Donkey
answer 2 – Edrard
answer 3 – How terrible
answer 4 – Rita or ritagamer2
answer 5 – 2213
answer 6 – an entire department, they have to balance the amount of electricity to switch it on
wolframio EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. RitaGamer
5. 2213
6. 7 Developers.
1 to propose a new lightbulb into the office.
5 Developers discuss how to implement the lightbulb, based on its nationality its lumiosity and its type (led, and such types)
And SerB to nerf (or buff if the lightbulb is russian) the lightbulb before its released into the office.
-mte1998 EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Ritagamer2
5. 2213 posts
6. Light bulb is working as intended, it does not need screwing
Tehoblivion EU
1. DonkeYYYY
2. Edrad?
3. “How terrible!”
4. Rita
5. 2214 (but others say 2213, but I’m gona risk it.)
6. Only one but the light bulb must pass very intensive testing in order to be absolutely sure that its perfectly balanced. Cause…we don’t want an overpowered light bulb, right?
LQ90 (EU)
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible…
4) Rita
5) 2213
Baleent7 EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3)”How Terrible…”
4) Rita – RitaGamer2
6)23 – Dvadsiati ju vymieňajú, dvaja rozmýšlajú či buffnú tých dvadsiatich že im to tak dlho trvá a ten jeden ? Ten buffuje a nerfuje žiarovku samotnú aby moc nesvietila (Áno je to SerB).
martin2803 EU
3:How Terrible…
6: “Statistics show there is nothing wrong with the lightbulb” (oh and don’t forget the WG EU team to advertise the wrong model of the lightbulb)
bamboocza EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6.only one SerB he will nerf the bulb fitting unil it really fits <3 if you take a normal WG worker you need the whole wot community how he has to do it and then you have to wait 6months and then it will(maybe) fit
ingame nick: Duck_of_Death Server: EU
1) donkey
2) edrard
3) how terrible
4) rita
5) 2213
6) at least one, within view range and a direct line of sight (assuming the wg devs are properly trained)
3dk eu
1. A Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible”
4. Rita Gamer
5. 2213
6. Trick question, there is no lightbulb in the WG office since no one there is bright
Personality, NA
1) A donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How Terrible”
4) Rita, Ritagamer2 on Twitch or gatakristallin in game
5) 2213 posts
6) It doesn’t take any wargaming developers to switch a light bulb. Switching the light bulb would be modding it and the current light bulb is working as intended. Switching light bulbs is therefor unsupported by wargaming. Actually; modding of the light bulb will cause the electricity supply to break, please delete light bulb mods if you still want to have a working lamp.
Amayii, EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) two, but only after a dozen staff meeting to talk about if indeed the lightbulb needs to be changed and then the first one would put in the wrong lightbulb and declare too everyone that it is working as intended, but after many days of complaining and whining by the other staff members, a second developer would have to fix it.
TalonNail NA
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible…
4. Rita/RitaGamer/RitaGamer2 (gatakristallin ingame)
5. 2213
6. 0, the old one is favorite one of Serb, so he just buffs it to light again… You want realism, join the army! ;-)
Pavka EU
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) “How Terrible!”
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) None, the lightbulb’s been nerfed to non-existence by SerB’s filthy russian bias finger, because the lightbulb was german.
Deadliar EU
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) If it is an EU light bulb they wont let you know, they will install an overpowered floodlight
slaapzakineentent EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How Terrible”
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) None, let RNG do the work.
genezish EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) None, it will turn on by itself, with a 3 second delay.
Cain , EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. None. Lightbulb doesn’t need a buff.
1) Le Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) “No comment”
Suiberi EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How Terrible”
4) RitaGamer2
5) 2213
6) 1 to buy the lightbulb company, then they change it whenever needed.
SudoPacman EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible”
4. RitaGamer aka Rita
5. 2213
6. One keeps the lightbulb in place while the other one turns the table around…
TheBigBison on EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) RitaGamer2
5) 2213
6) Serb and his team, unsure of what exactly was required to change a lightbulb, and with a severe lack of stronk ladder elevation the team felt huge depression and with no more bright ideas..they decided to play their favourite tank, the Rheinmetallhalide Borsig Wattenträger.
Bennyboymothman EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible”
4. Rita Gamer
5. 2213
6. Two guys? One who change it and the other one who say how to change it? O_o
Imperatore_of_Destiny EU
1. donkey
2. Edrard
3. “how terrible”
4. Rita aka RitaGamer2
5. 2213
6. lightbulb? how terrible.
b4ldek EU
1) Donkey
2) edrard
3) how terrible !
4) rita
5) 2213
6) if its EU bulb, only one which is curently at vacation
if RU every developer available at the time
nickname: Filip_SVK EU
1) Donkey
2) Edward Snowden
3) How terrible™
4) Rita (ritagamer2)
5) 221 pages * 10 posts + 4 on the 1st page 2214 (including this)
6) They will need the whole development team to develop lightbulb 0.9.x version then fix with a micro patch they CTDs and nerf it in the next version. Plus from the ASAP Serb says about the CTDs How terrible™
TabloMaxos (EU)
Since I discovered this blog, I check every day for WoT and historical news. Very good job you did here. Continue. ;)
1. The Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How Terrible”
4. Ritagamer2, alias Rita
5. 2213
6. The whole team. They will change it 2 years after about 100k players complained about that unbalanced light bulb. But the new bulb will cause massive FPS drop and clien… SerB’s crash (down the stairs). And because of the time needed to change the bulb (not to fix the lags, ofc!), StronkHold release will be retarded of AT LEAST one year.
And players will still complain about the bulb. :P
Sams_Baneblade, EU server
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. 42 (the answer)
One to write a post about “coming son the Switch”
Five will deney it was never plant.
Five make a note in changelog.
Five go out in archives to find lost papers about switch
Five man make a video a about the secret of the switch
Five make a patch for the switch
Five made a roll back
Five a hot fix
And Five didn’t believe that this is really needet
And Serb B to puch the button.
Saccharin EU
1) Donkey
3)How Terrible
6)All of them one is changing it and the others are “fixing” it so it won´t happen again.
Bibbedsine EU
1) a Donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How Terrible”
4) RitaGamer, getacristallin
5) 2213
6)+- 25% of all employees
Ysander EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6 none,they are not genius
Mrdbagh ,server Eu
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. I’m going to go with..false
ign: Ravenpersona
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) no need to change, there is no light blub at the WG… the light is coming out from SerBs nerfbat
Happy birthday!
1 A horny donkey
2 Edrard
3 “How terrible…”
4 RitaGamer2
5 2213 when this post was put online, 2214 now
6 Both with an IQ > 70 :)
SgtGaryRoach EU
1. the lovely Donkey
2. Mr Edard who is much appricieted for his help
3.The well known words How Terrible
4. RitaGamer
5.2213(deem lots of posts!:P)
6. normaly 3 guys 1 climb to change the light the other to carry the stair and the othet to hold the lightbulbs
if they are working as intended then by historical accurasy call they will nerf them
if they are not working as intended and cant explain then it’s not a fault it’s a new feture :P
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible (always)
4. RitaGamer2 (frm twitch)
5. 2213
6. Wargaming can not change anything, None
Jumaxas EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible
4. RitaGamer
5. 2213
6. I wonder if WG developers know what is a lightbulb.
Apocalipsys NA
1. Donkey!!! (R.I.P dude…i miss u.)
2. Edrard?
3. “How terrible.”
4. Rita? (atleast many was with her)
5. 2213 (2214 if include post about soviet inscriptions too.)
6. Three. Yuri to check out if that lightbulb is german, SerB to nerf it and Storm to say “When it’s done.”
EU nickname Konrad_Elite_PL
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How Terrible…”
4. RitaGamer
5. 2213
6. Answer unknown, lightbulb changes will occur in Version 11.3, which will be released sometime in the future
Jessica_Stark NA
1 – Donkey
2 – Edrard
3 – How terrible
4 – Rita
5 – 2213
6 – two – one will nerf it, the second will rebalance it for a new in about, well, month? year? doesnt matter, “its done, when its done”
AngeloDan EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. None, Lightbulb is working as intended and does not require re balencing
WarRus87 EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6.Why switch the light bulb, not like its overpowered or something
O_xD EU.
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) None, it’s work as intended. “Too weak, need a buff” ? “Don’t play with lightbulb”
Jullebarge EU
1. A Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible”
4. Rita Gamer
5. 2213
Kekkonen22 (EU)
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible!
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. You need just one developer, who buys some new fancy LED bulb, which can be controlled with his phone. – However this lamp screws the whole electric installment up. Which then results in some big technical issues. Weighting repair up against building a new office, they decided for the last option. Several months later they got a new office building with a super cool LED bulb for every developer.
Based on true events.
Horscht369 EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
Kraaterikaniini EU
1) A donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) None, because in soviet Belorussia, the lightbulb screw you!
CroPanzer EU
1.) Donkey
2.) Edrard
3.) “How terrible”
4.) Rita
5.) 2214
6.) How many developers? As long as they aren’t from the EU part of WG, you only need one :D Otherwise the answer is infinity :D
EmperorSafirius EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. “None! You don’t want to sit in the dark playing WOT? Go join the army and play with tanks outside!”
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. None, because they’re all too scared to leave their arty safe positions.
Grister NA
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) RitaGamer2
5) 2213
6) None, the janitor does it.
memphispt EU
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) “How Terrible?”
4) Rita Gamer
5) 2213
6)it only takes one because serb himself said so.
Casbane NA
1: Donkey (or is it a mule?)
2: Edrard
3: “how terrible”
4: A shot in the dark here – Rita?
5: 2213
6: Not a priority. When it’s done, it’s done.
Amazing_Ace EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Rita Sobral aka RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) The burnt out lightbulb is a feature, but the balancing devs will take a look at it.
Tanaj EU
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible!
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) 23 developers in pyramid formation to reach the top because they are to obese to use ladders, however in reality all their light bulbs have been broken for quite a while …. ahem … “working as intended” :P some speculate that this dark lack of light has led to “great” hits such as historical battles…..
rogash1775 (EU)
1) Donkey
3)How Terrible
6)2 rather drunk “employees” Let RNG or MM screw it, like they do with everything else.
Ryan_Higa (NA)
1. Donkey.
2. Edrard.
3. How Terrible.
4. Rita.
5. 2213.
6. Nice trap question. None since WG’s electrical system is as advanced as their multicore support, they are still running on gas lamps.
PsychoBG EU
1. A donkey
2. Edrad
3. How terrible
4. Rita
6. It only takes one Serb to switch the light bulb. That is after Gajin steals the light bulb design, modifies it, and sells it for more. (First thought was to say that the staff would claim the light bulb is already working as intended, a Ctrl+F search showed 37 others said the same -__-)
1) Donkey :D
2) Edrard
3) How terrible.
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) SerB and the entire balancing separtment :) Why? First they announce the switch which causes massive whine of the players. Then they delay it for an update. Then they switch it but it becomes too OP so SerB nerfs it with the mighty Rasp of Nerf after 10 updates or so. But then it’s unhistorical so they buff it again, but SerB isn’t happy so he uses the Rasp of Nerf again and nerfs the dev team so they can make it right. But they find out it’s made in Germany so SerB nerfs it again. Then it’s “Working as intended.” Now the light bulb awaits conversion to HD…. :D
Yurra EU
answer 1: Donkey
answer 2: Edrard
answer 3: How Terrible
answer 4: Rita Gamer (ritagamer2)
answer 5: 2213
answer 6: One. Overlord replies about the DeadBulb system feature.
ColonelBlimp EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible
4. Rita aka RitaGamer
5. 2213
6. All of WG. First they need to check if they have power (1 week), then they need to check all the wires (2 weeks), then they try various new designs with the supertesters (2 weeks), then open beta starts and they decide that they don’t like the new light bulb (after 3 betas). A year later, they find the perfect bulb and change it in 1 day. But, WG EU doesn’t know how to turn it on :)
ZoroastroBR NA
1 Donkey
2 Edrard
3 How Terrible
4 Rita (ritagamer2)
5 2209 (as far as i know “until today” doesn’t include today; so 2214 – 6 from today + this one)
6 none, their bright ideas are quite sufficient
Dachladd EU
edit: http://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/until
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Rita(RitaGamer)
5) 2213
6) Any amount. Judging from the game status right now, are there even any devs? Or just wannabe devs, who are actually designers. (Joke, cause of the dumb bird changes we remember back when when)
Lito EU
1. Donkey (somar)
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible”
4. Rita Gamer – http://www.twitch.tv/ritagamer2
5. 2213
6. I think all of them… because it so hard to research a new technology
nick: Ragnarocek EU
1) a donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible…
4) Ritagamer
5) 2213
6) All of them , they want to replace the broken lightbulb but they invented a new high quality bulb and they dont want to do more work if they can avoid it ,so they dont replace it with the old perfectly fine lightbulbs. But to replace it with the new ones they first need to find a mass production method to make those bulbs, they dont care that all the people complain about the bulb and to keep them happy they just say it will come this year!
Brumbarr EU
I just thought of a second answer to 6 , I hope you dont mind SS
3 devs;
The first notices the broken bulb, the second one reports it to the tihird one who screws in a lightbulb in his office and says; we didnt manage to confirm the bug , it works fine here, so you are all lying, we wont fix it.
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) None, they will wait until a player devellop a bot which can change lightbubs to pass for a normal human being.
multimark EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible.”
4. RitaGamer, aka Rita Sobral
5. 2213
6. None. They’d just get spotted in a tank and the 6th sense lightbulb will magically apear!
General_Jeno EU Server
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213 or 2214 including inscription post.
6) We don’t know because multihand using mechanism is not yet developed.
Zulko EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. 9.0 – Takes 2.0 developers to identify the damaged lightbulb 2.0 developers to inform Serb that the light bulb is broken and upon Serbs aproval to buy the lightbulb and instal it 2.0 developers to instal and turn it on just to find out that the new bulb is to OP as crap (200 watts bulb insted of 100) 1.0 developers to identify why the bulb is OP and nerfs the shit out of it in the next patch
EvilOn3 EU server
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. “Help Wanted. Seeking a person with superior interior lighting specialty. Light bulb has been out for 3 weeks. Would like to stop living as trolls. Please Help!” -Wargaming EU
Treyjan NA
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How Terrible”
4) RitaGamer2 (Rita)
5) 2213
6) It’s impossible to change the light bulb until patch 9.1 goes live, as noone knows where the bulb is, because our OP Tank Destroyer still hasn’t got the after-shot camo nerf, so it’s not detected yet.
StyleZ_ (EU)
1 Donkey
2 Edrard
3 How terrible
4 Rita Gamer
5 2213
6 None, WG will add the new more powerful light source, and everybody forget the old bulb.
CallMeCrazy EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Rita(or RitaGamer)
5) 2213
6)one guy to install it and the rest of the company to keep it(barely) operational
Lorheem EU
Happy anniversary SS, Edrad & contributors.
1. A Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible”
4. Rita Gamer
5. 2213
6. Let’s try deciding the number with RNG and hope for the best … :D If they fail, they’ll get it done with the next update … :D
Oldum EU
1 – Donkey
2 – Edrard
3 – How terrible
4 – RitaGamer2 (Rita Sobral)
5 – 2213
6- none – Why to change current one? – darkness is historicaly accurate
Satbel EU
1.) Donkey
2.) Edrard
3.) “How Terrible!”
4.) RitaGamer2
5.) 2213 posts
6.) None. WG will hold a contest which player can paint the lightbulb the best to never have to change it. Reward will be a Type 59. (Also you have to farm 1 million experience per nation.)
Meneldur EU
1: Donkey
2: Edrard
3: How Terrible
4: Rita
5: 2213 (?)
6: Only one, but in the glory days of the Soviet Union, thousand would have lined up for days in order to have the great privilege to do so! (sorry, not much of a comedian :P )
Rambauti, EU server
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita(Gamer2)
5. 2213 posts
6. None, because they refuse to switch the lightbulb simply on how popular the lightbulb is nor how long it’s been there
parktatkrap NA
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible!
4) RitaGamer alias Rita Sobral
5) 2213
6) So, it takes 4 developers, cause it goes like this: one tasked with the graphics, one with the physics, one with the ‘light-play’ and another one to actually fire it out and seeing if it works. And then it requires the whole team to keep it lighting stably.
Cezar91Stef EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible
4. RIta (ritagamer2)
5. 2213 + the one about inscriptions
6. None. Bulb lights up after 3 seconds. If not, you don’t have sixth sence trained on commander or it’s due to your own faulty internet connection.
Manslayer EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible
4. Rita
5. 2214
6. It’s not yet decided
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) RitaGamer2
5) 2213 post’s
6) Change, what’s change?
pa0l0m EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible!
4. Rita
5. 2214
6. All of WG: Yuri & Co. to research what type of light can replace the removed one, the art team to make it SD and HD, the balancing team to decide if it will have special matchmaking and the producers to decide if it’s premium light or not.
Am3r1knu EU
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213 (2214 if you include the one posted between when this was posted and when I got online to see this)
6) It doesn’t take any developers. The lightbulb is “Working as Intended”
Bring_The_Rain NA
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. A full research department to figure out if people wanted the light in the first place. Then a development team to figure out how to do it. Then the marketing department would make some fancy trailers showing how the light would look like and promise that it would come soon. After a few years WG would finally light a candle.
VufVuf EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. Clearly more then they can afford as they leave everything in the dark. (including their own customers and other departments) To find anything in there you’ll need to bring your own light with you. (which would be FTR for us)
€: SmahaEU EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible”
4. Rita aka RitaGamer
5. 2213
6. None. It doesn’t work? How terrible.
zako EU
1° Donkey.
2° Edrard.
3° How terrible.
4° RitaGamer2.
5° 2213
6° None, they are using candles.
Refi EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible….
4. Rita Gamer
5. 2214
6. In Soviet Russia, lightbulbs screw you.
samchen185 NA
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita aka RitaGamer2
5. 2213 posts
6. None, because they’ll keep it there until it spontanously combusts each time a newer more efficient and powerful lightbulb gets placed into the building
An_Arty_Player_Hits_You NA
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) RitaGamer2
5) 2213
6)none, it’s a hardware problem. So they dosnt need to fix it
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213 (at the time of this post)
6) None, RNGsus sais: “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
p0st EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible
4. RitaGamer2
5. 2214
6. 1 developer plus Serb. ( the one will break it, and SerB to “How terrible” him)
riyad1974 (NA server)
1 – Donkey
2 – Edrard
3 – How terrible…
4 – Rita
5 – 2213
6 – None, because night battles will not be in the game. Want realism? Join the army.
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How terrible”
4) RitaGamer2
5) not enough, i read them all
6) they dont have lightbulbs, the PC-monitors shed enough light
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How Terrible”
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) it takes 9
1 to get a new bulb
1 to screw it in
1 to notice it is OP
1 to nerf the bulb
1 to release the new bulb
1 to fix the FPS drops caused by the new bulb
1 to make a new HD model bulb
1 to screw up the announcement on WOT.eu
1 to test it and proclaim “working as intended”
mawi29 EU
1). Donkey
2). Edrard
3). “How terrible”
4). Rita (ritagamer2)
5). 2214
6). 472 (but i am not sure)
Ingame Nick: OxyAction0815
Server: EU
1: Donkey
2: Edrard
3: How terrible….
4: Rita Gamer
5: 2214
6:If it’s russian, nobody. If it’s not russian, actually entire developing staff is necessary, gotta get it nerfed!
Fenrus9 EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
one to insist that the bulb isn’t broken. Then one to argue with the other, one to replace the bulb with a wrong model, one to change it back, and after one year one to change it to a new one.
Bulb98 EU
1) Donkey/osioł
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible/taki smuteczek
4) Rita
5) 2213
6)non -the wot dev cant change nothing !!!
kanonada1 eu
1: Donkey
2: Edrard
3: How Terrible
4: Rita
5: 2214
6: 0. The maid will switch it because developers are too busy. She’s the only one who knows how to get the job done and so the new one won’t have micro-freezes nor lag spikes.
Eat_bananas EU
ps: today is my birthday too:)
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible”
4. Rita
5. 2214
6. None, Sixth sense will be nerfed, serb doesnt like it, so no light at all :)
DemolitionDmitrij EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible!
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) None, they just add a new line of OP Lightbulbs to counter the brok.. workin perfectly as intended one!
OneDollar Server: EU
Happy Birthday FTR!
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) 1 but it will take 3 sec to light up and arty will kill you. NERF ARTY!
Zalafrydps, EU
Gratz on the first year btw :)
answer 1 – donkey
answer 2 – Edrard
answer 3 – how terrible
answer 4 – ritagamer2
answer 5 – 2213
Hitman_79 , EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Rita(or RitaGamer)
5) 2213
6) what wargaming developers?
mack00, EU
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) one development team, but the new light bulb will NOT be implemented this patch.
1n_Soviet_Russia NA
1) donkey
2) Edrard
3) how terrible
4) Rita Gamer
5) 2213
6) Don’t you mean change a wick? Upgrade to lightbulbs happens this year, promise.
fartbucket3000 NA
1:donkey 2: Edrard 3: how terrible 4:ritagamer2 5: 2214 6: it takes 9
1 to get a new bulb
1 to screw it in
1 to notice it is OP
1 to nerf the bulb
1 to release the new bulb
1 to fix the FPS drops caused by the new bulb
1 to make a new HD model bulb
1 to screw up the announcement on WOT.eu
1 to test it and proclaim “working as intended ingame nickname :tankdav na
3.How terrible
6. 0 “You want realism, join the army”
Breitenfeld1631 EU
1 – Donkey
2 – Edrard
3 – How Terrible..
4 – RitaGamer2
5 – 2213
6 – Only one, but he needs to buy it with 3 premium fire extingushers and 3 premium days.
Ryukra EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
maci3k EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How terrible”
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6). Only one and he stands still as the whole world revolves around WG in their own little universe
Lemmingtrain (EU)
1: Donkey
2: Edrard
3: How terrible
4: Ritagamer
5: 2213
6: 202 in 6 months. One to find the need for it, 50 to figure out and create a new and “improved” version. Forty more to make an anouncement (5 for US, 5 for RU, 10 for SEA and 20 for EU), ten to keep an eye on the procedure and the last one to connect it. That takes 3 months. I think you know what the other three months ar for. (Fix the problems with a new crew of the same size)
Treadhead1 EU
1 – Donkey
2 – Edrard
3 – How terrible
4 – Rita
5 – 2214
6 – No precise data on this….one thing is sure: very much of them if they think this game needs an accuracy nerf.OMG! But im sure that less of them could easily switch a nerfed lightbulb!! :D
nagymocsok EU
1) donkey :D
2) Edrard
3) how terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) Only one. But it will be fixed several times in next patches.
orlos_ (EU)
“How terrible”
Six! One stands on a chair with a lamp in his hand, four rotate it along with the chair in order to screw in the bulb, and one walks around the chair in the opposite direction that first one is dont get dizzy.
Rawnock83 EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) None, because only Minsk office can change something
Hallak65 EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) None, the lightbulb is working as intended.
Tishler NA
1. Donkey!
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6.99- keeps the lightbulb in place while the SerB makes the whole building turn.
Travolta001 EU
1.) Donkey
2.) Edrard
3.) How Terrible.
4.) Rita (gamer)
5.) 2213
6.) 5 developers, 17 bugs and 7 patches later than expected.
BlackenedGem EU server
“How Terrible”
None, the light bulb is not ready yet, it’s coming in the next patch
JP7152 EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Ritagamer
5) 2213
How terrible
Ritagamer “Rita”
2213 in time of releasing this contest, 2214 with post that came after announcement
None, they dont need lightbulbs, there is enought light from SerBs greedy eyes
Svaty_Peytl EU
1) donkey
2) Edrard
3) how terrible
4) Rita (Ritagamer)
5) 2213
6)No one, even tho it’s clearly busted. it’s working as intended, but they might look into optimizing it when they introduce Havok.
Devorast EU
3)“How terrible”
6)None, it working statistical just fine
Hulk_75 EU
1 Donkey
2 Edrard
3 How terrible
4 Ritagamer
5 2213
6 none, that’s a modders job. Teams are way too busy working on optimisation, and failing.
CmdPrompt Eu
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita (Ritagamer)
5) 2213
6) They organize a contest for that, and the they announce the winner after a couple of months.
Lordmech2 EU
1)The Donkey
3)How Terrible
6) Storm: the bulb will be changed soon ( apprently not in 2014 )
PetarK1995 – EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Rita(or RitaGamer)
5) 2213
6) two, one for hold the bulb and other for spin the holder one.
katxuflos EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. ‘How terrible’
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. ‘WG cannot reproduce the alleged problem with the lightbulb. Replace your ‘ calculator’.’
naughtydog29 EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. just 1 as he trolls eveyone how to switch the lightbulb the wrong way and he does it right :P
Fireking2000 EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible
4. RitaGamer2
5. 2213
6. 0. They buy a cleaning service company to do it for them.
Aerdred EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) Depends on the bulb
PurpleShift EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible
4. Rita (streaming as RitaGamer2 on TwitchTV)
5. 2213 posts
Trent EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How Terrible”
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) none the lightbulb is working as intended and wont be nerfed
Technowolf EU
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) one, because it is quite easy.. :))
1: Donkey
2: Edrard
3: -How terrible
4: Rita Gamer
5: 2214
6: 0. Storm states that they CANNOT SEE this problem in Minsk. “must be the user end”.
1. A Donkey.
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible…
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. You need two WG devs to change a ligtbulb. One to do it and the other one promises, that next time it brakes, it will be changed without any delays and to a better model.
Aquiluus EU
1: Donkey
2: Edrard
3: “How terrible”
4: RitaGamer
5: 2213
6: Two: one to announce their plan to switch out the lightbulb, the other to keep telling people it’s coming “soon”
DanteJones NA
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6.) Three: One is just sitting round and say what to do, secound have to pay the sitting one and one is working for 8 hours at the lightbulb
Death08 EU
1. The Donkey
3.How terrible……
6. It takes 2 EU employees, a crayfish and a deer. Wait no, Serb just does it himself…….
PhiliPTran NA
How terrible
None. Working as intended.
szcz0ta EU
1: A donkey
2: Edrard
3: “How Terrible”
4: Ritagamer
5: 2213
6: None, they are still counting their money.
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) None, the lightbulb should be nerfed first.
long_fc EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible”
4. RitaGamer
5. 2213
6. Three, one to hold ladder/chair, one to hold the light bulb and the third to read the manual/instructions on a foreign language.
AveCenturion EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Rita (RitaGamer2)
5) 2213
6) is not yet decided
Kuldarian EU
1. Donkey (P.S. DONKEY LIVES)
2. Edrard
3. How terrible™
4. Rita (http://www.twitch.tv/ritagamer2)
5. 2213 (remember to add +/- 25% RNG)
6. Lightbulb lags? It’s your ISP/PC fault, not WG servers.
Anyway… we can’t nerf or buff lightbulb without SerB’s permission.
Tankista87PL EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible
4. Rita Gamer
5. 2213 including this one – 2214 with the one about the inscriptions
6. None – for just switching a light bulb on/off, there is a duty station manned by a WG-EU staffer with special training.
dodge_the_bullet [EU server]
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible…
4) RitaGamer2
5) 2213
6) All of them if they need it in HD modelling. Else just one who needs to ask SerB what to do about it. SerB of course answers “How terrible…”. Then they both think it’s all just fine as it is, no buff intended, and bulb’s winrate has been too high anyway.
SamZulX EU
“How Terrible…”
Unknown, but: “when it’s done it’s done”
Speederxx EU
1.The allmighty Donkey!
3.How terrible…
4.RitaGamer2, or simply Rita
5.2213(And, yes, I cheated on this one)
6.re aren’t enoenough WoT EU employees to change the bulb…and no matter how many they’ll ever be, there won’t be enough.
XxAl3xX, EU
1. Donkey
2. Edard
3. how terrible…
4. RitaGamer
5. 2213 until this post, 2214 with “inscriptions” post
6. It is like that because it is six sense light bulb, it will switch on when someone spot devs working fixing on bugs…
pablozfzw EU
SS, you’re doing a great job and i hope you’ll keep this side up and running some more time!
Greetings from a fellow French Tank Lobbyist,
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) The night was dark. The only light-source, the lightbulb in the Wargamings Office in Minsk was defect. The plot of Wargameings Arch-Enemy Gaijin was in full swing. Large Numbers of tomatoes, deers, crayfishs and walledwarriors were confused, because the lightbulb was their target to throw their money at, and with it’s absence they had no target for their money. Not long, and they would throw their money towads everyone with a halfway decent game, Gaijin’s chance for quick and easy wealth.
There was no one, who could stop Gaijin from their villainous plan.
But then, suddenly, there was a flash of light. Wargaming had known, that it was only a question of time till their enemys would sabotage them. The source of the light was spotlight, directed at the sky. It projects a smybol. It wasn’t a Nerf-Bat. It wasn’t a TOG II. It was THE DUCK! http://s1.directupload.net/images/131202/lkok4guo.png The Duck was standing on a nearby building. He rushed forward, useing his enormous speed to get to the Wargaming Office. But Gaijin’s henchman were allready waiting for them. They outnumbered him 3 to 1. One of them, a Panzer II Ausf. C, tryed to outmanouver our hero, rammed an hydrant, catched fire and stoped dead in his tracks. Another one, a russian T-28 with 76mm Howitzer shot. The time froze as his shell flew in slow motion throug the air towards our hero. But luckely, his shell ricochets of the right hand side of the Ducks upper frontal plate. Our Heros retort, his shell were made out of the rare element „Stronkium“, detached his foes turret. But the last of Gijins Henchman send a cold shower down the Ducks engine compartment. It was a colossal KV, armed with a 107mm gun. Our Hero knows, that his doom was inevitable. But then, out of a dark corner, there came a masked stranger. He ran towards the KV, jumped on top of it and lifted his cape. He was no stranger, he was the allmighty SerB, in his hand his trusty Nerf-File. He stuck the KV-1s turret with it, where upon it started to crumble. Parts of the armor fell to the ground, whereup they disintegrate. In the place of it’s former turret, there was now a smaller one, equipped with a 76mm gun. Before anyone could react, SerB muttered something like „Nerf for historical reasons“ before he vanished. Our Hero shot another of his Stronkium-Shells into the Kvs track, where it bounced on one of the roadweels, where upon it pierced the fuel tank. The KV burst into flames. The way was now free for the Duck.
He reached the lightbulb mere seconds before the timer on the right upper corner reached zero. He screwed it back into place with a well aimed HE-Shell.
Suddenly, the whole city was diped in light. All the tomatoes, deers, crayfishes and walledwarriors had their light back, so they could throw money at it forever. Our Hero had saved the day. But the Duck was long gone. In Reverse, he had headed for his secret layer, to emerge again whenever Wargaming needs his help.
The End.
1, SerB :)
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) how terrible
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) 15
Freeman_89 EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) how terrible
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) Working as intended.
makinis EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. None – no one has seen a bulb in Minsk since fall of ussr.
adi12231 EU
1.one Donkey
.2. Edrard
4. RitaGamer2
5. 2213 posts
6. all…because first of all they must find SerB,2nd ask him for a bulb, and ask him to let them to turn it on or change it:, and if SerB is enough proved, that that dev is good enough to change bulb, he lets :D
Jonolitium4 EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. Only one of them gorillas! You need a helluva lot of lightbulbs though
SuperOlsson EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How Terrible”
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) Lazy to think But “When its done its done” (This answer too)
ThePejlka EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) It will come this year, but they are too busy about WoWp.
Vito4848 EU
3.how terrible
6. it takes 4 people.. 1 to get a ladder..1 to climb the ladder and switch the bulbs.. 1 to hold the ladder
in place while the latter climbs at it.. and 1 last more to approve the switch of light bulbs
PanggaLalove ASIA
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How Terrible”
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) 46: One to extract the information from the database on the lightbulb’s statistics, one to analyze the statistics and determine whether they are out of ordinary, one to implement a fix for it, forty two supertesters to test the lightbulb both switched off and switched on, and finally the manager to approve switching it on. Oh yeah, they have to assign someone to actually do it.
McTony EU
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) 500 bulb just enough :D:
misho450 eu
1, Donkey
2, Edrard
3, “How Terrible”
4, Rita/RitaGamer
5, 2213
6, We don’t know anything about the numbers, but they are working on it (“when it’s done it’s done”), maybe in the update 9.5.87 the lightbulb will be fixed, but switching it is unnecessary
humanus EUserver
1. A Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible”
4. Rita Gamer
5. 2213
6. All of them, beacuse serB nerved the sice of the bulb, to small to find now
3.how terrible
6. According to our tests in Minsk, your light bulb is working as intended. Try lower settings.
Fritzblitzer EU
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) None, because when the situation would be presented to Serb he would just say “how terrible…” And they wouldn’t change the lightbulb
Akafr0st EU server
1- Donkey
2- Edrard
3- How Terrible
4- Rita
5- 2213
NolanLegit EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible”
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. The lightbulb doesn’t work, how terrible.
Devil318 EU
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) The one and only, SERB!!!!! (FTW!!)
PuntiesT EU
1.: Donkey
2.: Edrard
3.: How terrible
4.: Rita
5.: 2213
6.: 10. 1 pay’s for it, 1 plan’s it, 1 design’s it, 1 holding back the production, 1 Nerf it, 1 “re”-balancing it, 1 makes a public test about it, 1 answers the questions, 1 hold the camera for asap and finaly, 1 Serb to watch this all.
oh yes and the switch wont working its arc angle is nerfd how terrible
killer_geza EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. how terrible
4. RitaGamer2
5. 2213
6. 0, they lightbulb got nerfed so hard it doesn’t shine anymore
h311fi5h EU
1) The Mighty Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Rita Gamer
5) 2214 posts
6) How many Wargaming developers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
One to screw it in and 100 screw it up.
Oooops, forgot to write my nickname and server.
MarianR87 EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) Just one. To announce – “It’s done when it’s done”.
InnocentExile EU
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) none , if they are too lazy to do the job they are hired for , how are they suppose to do a job they aren’t hired or paid for ? , WG developers sitting in darkness “How terrible” xD
username : nors2 server: EU
1) lorraine.. oh well, donkey
2) edrard
3) how terrible
4) rita
5) 2214
Edocsiru EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) The bulb doesn’t need to be changed – it’s perfectly balanced
1ggy EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. Nobody, while PR department claims they created whole team of specialists that works hard on it. WG EU will publish an information a week later, that broken heating will be fixed on February 30 as scheduled.
cz_geox EU
Because i write by phone its a little hard here…
nick ingame EU Hrothgar1234
2. Edrard.
3. U want answer? How terrible :3 …
4. Rita .
5. 2213.
6. Lightbulb should be fixed in 3.wtf nerf all patch. That was 1 year ago, we have a 9.5 patch and change of lightbulb its in plan in next patch… ior next… or next…
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible!
4. Rita (Ritagamer2)
5. 2213 (incl. the soviet inscriptions one)
6. “Wait, you have lightbulb? Raport unfair plane!”
System98 EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) RitaGamer (RitaGamer2 in twitch)
5) 2213
6)0, they just buy their own light bulb factory and let them change it.
Sjtv82 EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) None, because their are too lazy for thinking and doing it ! :)
Mr_Troller EU
1) A donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How terrible.”
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) No light? How terrible.
You want working light bulb?! Join the army!
1- Donkey
2- Edrard
3- How Terrible
4- RitaGamer2
5- 2213 until this post or 2214 until today (question wasnt clear enough)
6- 15. Thats how many tanks will shoot you after you get lit / spoted in a light tank in marinovka.
ricardogunnz EU
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6)” How Terrible”
Brownape EU
1: A Donkey
2: Edrard
3: How terrible
4: Rita Sobral (or RitaGamer, or just Rita)
5: 2213
6: How many Wargaming developers does it take to switch a lightbulb? Lets see: First one comes with the idea, the second one makes a fail post about it, the forth one post it on forums, the fifth apoligises for screwing up the post, the sixth one deals with the haters, the seventh one banns the haters, the eighth one is trying to edit the failures in the post, the ninth one discovers an error in lightbulb’s code, the tenth one takes a break, the eleventh one is buying some new office buildings and a bank, the twelfth one is closing and banning the post about how WG doesnt know to switch a lightbulb, the twelfth one postpones switching the lightbulb to the next patch, the thirteenth is trying to make an HD version of the lightbulb, the fourteenth one is balancing the lightbulb , the fifteenth one is messing with lightbulb’s armour, the sixteenth one screwes up the performance of the lightbulb, then the seventeenth one is finaly implementing the lightbulb 4 patches later than it was scheduled. And then the lightbulb is causing a blackout in the whole Minsk, and massive lags for the rest players from EU. :)
Grox009 EU
Bonus pic: http://s2.postimg.org/3kzc2u0qd/Ser_B_Trollface.png
Happy Birthday FTR!!! Keep up the good work SS!
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. 999 devs are needed to screw a lightbulb, another one to press the switch button, – if everything is going well, they start fixing it untill is broken …
StAres_Ro EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) RitaGamer2
5) 2213
6)none, maybe one who calls the repairman
martal1 EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) RitaGamer2
5) 2213
6) 0 devs needed to change the light bulb since there is no need for a change. They are not aware that there is a problem with the light bulb that was reported by some players… they tried to replicate the problem on dozens of other light bulbs but failed in all attempts. Devs are stating that it’s more likely some issue with reading data from the power grid on the player’s side and suggest to defragment wall sockets.
dr1ponja EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. Two. One to screw the lightbulb and one to nerf the germans :P
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) RitaGamer (RitaGamer2)
5) 2213
6) None, its working as intended
Thmmer EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) RitaGamer2
5) 2213
6) We won’t give you any details but “when it’s done it’s done”, and “no promises”
xidex EU
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) if they have lagg i don`t know if not they sure have smth
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita <3
5. 2213
6. None, lightbulb switches WG developers
Destino1993 EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita (RitaGamer2)
5. 2213
6. One. He put on sale type59 for 24h.. They’ll f****ing buy all the electrical infrastructure
Skrotos, EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. ужас какой (your translation is WRONG! :D)
4. Rita (RitaGamer2)
5. 2213
6. None. They will buy a building who make lightbulbs and make them change it :)
Woras, EU.
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. RitaGamer
5. 2213
6. In soviet Russia, light bulb switches you!
But really, first, SerB to start doing anything, then a team of trained monkeys to design the new light bulb. Then a team of untrained monkeys to patch around the errors, but really just monkey around and do nothing. Then an IT guy to actually do the switching. THEN another team of BBVs to ban everyone complaining about how shitty the new light bulb is. So, in total, about 30 monkeys (7 of them BigBadVuk), 10 people, and SerB, which is neither. It’s a new species, actually.
TheTsunami1 from EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How terrible”
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) None, because they are working so hard on their game and didn’t even notice the light was out! /sarcasm
1: Donkey!
2: Edrard
3: How Terrible
4: Ritagamer2
5: 2213
6: Just one, but he will have finished at an unknown date
Carpette, EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) Using their ‘fair and balanced’ napkinwaffe the WTF E-100, WG staff are capable of launching 128mm lightbulbs at a rate of one every two seconds, and despite claims that this method only results in many broken lightbulbs, WG continue to claim it is working as intended.
SteeWasntAvailable, NA
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible
4 rita
5 2213
6. WG EU forgot about the light bulb
Kabturek EU
1 – Donkey!
2 – Edrard
3 – How Terrible
4 – Rita
5. – 2213
6 – it takes a group of devs and some testers, because 1st they switch a smaller light bulb on, in a smaller room, like a test room (test server), after a few people look at the light to see if it is ok they switch it off and on again in the same small room (test server faze 2). After that they switch the light on in the normal room where everyone has access and they notice they used a fluorescent bulb that makes working in that environment awkward and “laggy”
politistul EU
P.S. This made me create an account on your blog, I have been following it for some months now and what kept me as a follower is the fact that you have more then 1 post every day… compered to other websites/blog witch are updated a couple of times a week. So for me besides the quality of the content also the quantity made me a follower. Keep it up!
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) None – SerB just looks at the bulb and says “Working as Intended”
JamackanMeCrazy, EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) how terrible…
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) only one who isn’t deer/ donkey because with grooves its very hard to screw in light bulb.
And also SerB ofcourse because someone has to turn light on and take all honors (and $ check) for good job unless the bulb is broken… then he will nerf it, don’t give fuck and go back to rubbing his nipples in his foam tank.
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. none – lightbulbs change by themselves
marp93 EU
1 Donkey
2 Edrard
3 How Terrible!
4 Ritagamer
5 2213
6 the answer is 1 but it wont work the first few tries mybe he will get it working in 3 or 4 tries
nickname fishel123
How terrible
2213 (up to and including this one)
0: We’ll try it in WoWp office, and if they work better when they can see… good for them.
darkthing EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How Terrible”
4) Ritagamer
5) 2213
6) You mean that tiny lightbulb on top which indicates your package loss that flashes red-green all the time? Well i can’t tell for sure becasue apparently whole WG couldn’t fix it by now.
Medjed EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. The light bulb may need changing due to being broken but will not be due to the fact that it takes work.
123wes EU
1 – Donkey
2 – Edrard
3 – “How Terrible”
4 – Rita
5 – 2213
6 – Cant tell how many, but it will be fixed “Soon ™”
Baukan EU
1.) Donkey
2.) Edrard
3.) How Terrible
4.) Rita (Ritagamer)
5.) 2213
6.) 0, employees only work when it’s light, so why change it at all.
“moppelmurks”, EU
1) Teh Donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How terrrible.”
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) Four: One to polish. One to break it with a hammer. One to fix it with duct tape. One to proclaim: “Working as intended.”
HerrHeimlich NA
1. A Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible”
4. Rita Sobral (Ritagamer2 on twitch)
5. 2213
6. Depends of the lightbulb… But anyway, all the missing personal to fix the game are probably fixing it.
SpeedyCraft51 EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Ritagamer2
5. 2213
sajko33, EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) RitaGamer (aka Rita, RitaGamer2)
5) 2213
6) Their whole graphics team, as we all know – they are capable of fixing bugs in the game, making new gamemodes, fighting the bots – so they can also screw the bulb. In hd.
SolarisP EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) how terrible
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) All of them
Jubilemus EU
- Donkey
- Edrard
- How terrible
- RitaGamer2
- Tricky: as you said including this one: 2213 after you wrote this article
2214 as I write this post (22.09)
2008 excluding today, because:
But you probably meant 2213
- WG RU: If its a Russian Lightbulb Serb personally changes it
WG EU: You need one Guy for every Language in Europe and a lot of luck
and 6 weeks of darkness and dozens of short circuits later, something burns, maybe even the
new lightbulb, but that´s not very likely
EU Server
answer 1: Donkey;
answer 2: Edrard;
answer 3: How terrible;
answer 4: RitaGamer2;
answer 5: 2213;
answer 6: A lot. Lightbulb, lightbulb everywhere!;
cvedran EU;
3:How terrible
6:None, in wg dev’s mind, there’s no problem with that lightbulb.
Tinkeu EU
1: Donkey
2: Edrard
3: “How Terrible”
4: Rita
5: 2213
6: Ehmmm O.o………………………………………………….
Sirxnoxdanmark EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrad
3. “How terrible!”
4. RitaGamer2
5. 2213
6. 1, which is SerB, because SerB is the best at multitasking and managing a F2P game.
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible”
4. Rita (twitch.tv/RitaGamer2)
5. 2213
6. NONE. Lightbulb switches automatically upon being detected – this is the one thing they already programmed correctly :) (as: no bugs found yet).
duxexercituum, EU
“How terrible”
a_stone EU
Well I suppose it could go a bit like so,
Ectar we have a light bulb out what you should we do?
Well iscending why don’t you change the bulb.
Are we allowed,i thought we had to have permission from Serb
Ok ill ring him see if we can change the bulb.
I hate ringing him has he always says “NO”
SERB’s answer
“Leave the decision making to Master SERB*
Now kiss my boots you two for all the mistakes you make on the main portal.
Serb has very shiny boots
That makes 3 on a good day.
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
brko21 eu
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) Varies…..depends if the bulb is OP or not and if it is popular.
flyingmanticore EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. 4 employees to hold the table and a developer on top of it
dimitrisLt EU
1: Donkey
2: Edrard
3: How Terrible.
4: Rita (RitaGamer2)
5: 2213 posts
6: Dear Sir, Thank you for contacting us with your issue. Unfortunatelly we don’t see any sign of darkness on our side. Therefore we would advise you to figure out what is cousing the trouble yourself. Have you tried to reformat your SSD? I hope this solves the issue. Should you have more questions, please don’t hesitate to come back to us.
Bambooblade EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
Izari EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. I guess 10, one wants to nerf the lightbulb, because it was to bright, second will buff it because it is does not give enough light. Next two won’t do a thing because one believes it hangs near the ceiling so the sattelite view makes it inappropriate for the room, other one beacuse his test proven no damage to the bulb. The fifth one works for WG EU so he started to change the bulb in other room, the sixth did nothing but offered to change two lightbulbs for first entrance to the room. Seventh was a Polish translator and run away, because he thought he would have to change a bulb each time when anyone succesfully enters the room. The eight one doesn’t change the bulb directly but promises to prepare it for multiswitch support. The ninth one postpones changing for the next month saying the bulb has some rebalancing issues. The tenth claims he knows WT GF has working light bulbs but is not sure whether players really need it. After all SerB comes and says the bulb works as intended.
funkypumpkin EU
1. A donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible!”
4. Rita (RitaGamer2)
5. 2213
6. It takes only one Wargaming developer to switch a lightbulb, but they have to be the commander with sixth sense at 100%.
CH2O – NA server
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. 0
fotbal15 EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible!
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) One. First, he finishes implementing Havok, then he changes the bulb and then he writes an accurate post about it (the bulb, not Havok).
m473 EU
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) None, they will think about replacing it while the people in the room will whine about it not working, then they will wait until the light on the other side goes out and call it balanced.
Elsewhere NA
1) donkey
2) Edrard
3) “how terrible…” (the dots are important ;p)
4) Rita (RitaGamer2 on twitch)
5) 2213 + the newest about inscriptions (it was written today so i assume it counts) = 2214
6) WG announces that they created the second sun and according to them a whole department was working on this amaizing invention. After a many times postponed releases, players find out that the great invention is only a lightbultb. Additionally it’s not working and the players start the sh*tstorm on the forums. Of course Storm uses the standard tactics and denies, because everything is “working as intended” and changing anything would cost them at least! 6 months time. After some time, one of the developers finds the broken lightbulb and replaces it in 5 minutes. Storm in his pompatic announcement admits: “Yes, there was a bug but we fixed it” = “we did what we were supposed to do at the start but we are not gonna admit to a screw up anyway. We are a generous god”
Opa_Apo EU
1. A donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible
4. Rita Sobral / RitaGamer2
5. 2213
6) Assuming the WG devs use the stronkest tools available:
My calculations, based on the above illustration, tell us they need 14 WG devs: 3 calling the shots, 3 with a sense of direction, 3 with a clear aim, 3 carrying the load, 1 communication expert and ofcourse no lightbulbs will be screwed without Serb.
Meta4 EU
1 – A donkey ^_^
2 – Edrard
3 – How terrible
4 – Rita
5 – 2213
6 – It’s hidden info, contact Belarussian KGB for details ;P
iKleiner EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita Sobral (Ritagamer2)
5) 2213
6) I don’t know. It has been over a 3 years and they still didn’t change damn lightbulb. I guess trols like Serb love dark caves.
1° Donkey.
2° Edrard.
3° How terrible.
4° RitaGamer2.
5° 2213
6* None they outsource that kind of job.
Strzelba EU
1 – the donkey
2 – Edrard
3 – How terrible!
4 – Rita
5 – 2213 (without the “Soviet Inscriptions Part 1″-Post)
6 – not creative enough for a good answer :’(
Hasenragout EU
Oh, and happy birthday of course, my beloved FTR :)
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible!
4. RitaGamer
5. 2213
6. 0, they are too lazy to switch the light bulb.
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How terrible.”
4) Rita (RitaGamer2)
5) 6
6) None. “Developers are not responsible for the light bulb switching.”
Ahrtoo NA
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How terrible!”
4) Rita (RitaGamer2)
5) 2213
Aimer_SK EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible…
4. Rita
5. 2213 and the one of the sovjets. To bad I didnt find your post about it from a while ago. I would have recounted myself.
6. I think one is just fine. If they needed more, they probably wouldnt be able to make such a game and if they needed less, they wouldnt have made this game :P
Ojelle EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3 How terrible
5. 2213
6. As much as needed to make it… Working as intended
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita aka RitaGamer2
5) 2213
6) Allow me to answer with an image: http://s25.postimg.org/6q7xtvi9b/lightbulb.png
Avalier @ EU server
Here is my attempt:
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible…
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) Trick Question – When the lights go out they just say “Working as Intended”
(NA Server)
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita Gamer
5) 2213
6) WG developers are not responsible for light bulbs, that’s done by another department. If they screw a light bulb we will learn about it in the patchnotes and will be able to check on test server ( note from me: well, on EU server the news will probably be wrong or non-existing at all).
WG tests did not discover any problems with the server lightbulb screwing mechanism, it is working fine. There are no bugs with it, players who have issues should check their PC, remove mods, etc.
Screwing of light bulbs by users is considered by Wargaming, but no promises. IF they decide to implement it, it will come “when it’s ready”. Not many players want a lightbulb screwing mechanism controlled by users implemented and only a few tanks will benefit from it.
Gugushev EU server
1: Donkey
2: Edrard
3: “How terrible.”
4: Rita
5: 2213
6: 0. They will just hire a contractor to install a new lamp.
zlurem EU
1 – The allmighty, first!’s rosedub plucker, Donkey
2 – Edrard
3 – How terrible
4 – Rita
5 – 2214. including the Sov 7th of June stamped one. 2213 otherwise as the question may be read as up to that post
6- it’ll be done next patch.
Bakta_Tank NA
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) how terrible
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) Just Juan (classic)
skipyzor EU
1 – Donkey
2 – Edrard
3 – How terrible
4 – Rita
5 – 2213
EU server
No, they need none because once a lightbulb burn out they change it to serbbulB™.
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How terrible”
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213 (with this post only, 2214 now, when “Soviet Inscriptions: Part 1″ was posted)
6) One developer – SerB supervising his emergency rapid response team.
SerB and his team http://img.ii4.ru/images/2012/01/17/177568_Serb.jpg
meql EU
Answer 1 – Its a Donkey
Answer 2 – Edrard from WOT News
Answer 3 – How Terrible…
Answer 4 – Rita -> http://www.twitch.tv/ritagamer2
Answer 5 – 2214
Answer 6 – Its a russian, OP, tier 9 light bulb. There are some LED lights but it would not fit the time frame. We have found a Fluorescent light which fits perfectly but it still needs testing. Our entire balacing team are working on it and it will be available soon to the russian supertesters.
JordanIso from EU server.
Happy birthday FTR! =)
1) Donkey.
2) Edrard.
3) “How terrible”.
4) Rita.
5) 2.213 (Or is it 2.214? When I opened FTR, the post about Soviet tank inscriptions was up, and it’s the same date, so I guess maybe I should count it?)
6) None. The lightbulb isn’t switched because it’s working as intended. Eventually, down the line and after many have complained (And data has been gathered of it’s malfunction), all bulbs in the building will be changed so that the malfunctioning one is brought to the same level of the other bulbs.
FlavioB, NA server.
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) They call Putin and the broken lamp starts to work again when Putin arrives
LordofHara EU
1) a donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How Terrible…”
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) It would take 2 months and whole WG-EU team would be needed, because they have to develop a new light bulb system. Then they will release it with a 4 months delay :)
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita aka RitaGamer2
5. 2213 (with this post only, 2214 now, when “Soviet Inscriptions: Part 1″ was posted)
6. All of them and even one more
Fraxinus97 EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible.”
4. RitaGamer2
5. 2213
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) Light bulbs? You want light bulbs, join the Army!
SadoMasticator, NA server
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “how terrible”
4. Rita (Ritagamer2)
5. 2213
6. The Whole WG Company (2200+) because the Sixth sense shows up after i died! “Working as intended”.
Lenxor ,EU server
I want to fix myself
So the real 6. answer: 2201
As i see the whole WG company(2200) isn’t enough, because the sixth sense still shitty and it shows up after i died! After a hours of fixing they call a real-programmer ,who fixes this bug after 1 min.
Or 6. answer :D
6: Crew of WTF-E100. One drum of WT auf E100, after that the lightbulb (sixth sense) never shows up again.
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita ( RitaGamer2 )
5) 2213
6) 0 – they leave such menial tasks to WG EU section
duvvel EU
1) The wondrous and myyyysteriouuuss…Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) “How terrible!”
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) Zero. The light bulb never gets changed. Instead, WG spends 2 years developing their own brand-new type of light bulb, which is supposedly to have “extra shiny light” and “improved lighting of open spaces”. Then, after 3 years of development ( hehe), once it’s ready it turns out it is incompatible with with majority of light bulb sockets so they have to come up with a number of tweaks and construct an adapter for the light bulb to fit. After that, the light bulb performs worse than the old one, so “it’s working as intended”
such a fail on my part…forgot the nickname and server:
noneskii EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213, or maybe 2214 if the last inscription post is counted.
6) In Wargaming, lightbulb change you!
_Zhukov_ NA
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) how terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) 130
1 to ask permission to switch the lightbulb
6 to discuss wether the lightbulb should be switched or not
1 to give permission to switch the lightbulb
1 to coordinate the switching
1 to hold the candle for the developper coordinating the switching (you need another lightsource since it won’t come from the lightbulb)
5 to hold the ladder
1 to overwatch the switching
4 to set a perimeter around the place where the lightbulb is going to be switched
8 to accompany the people setting the perimeter with a candle
1 to hold the manual
1 to translate the manual
1 to translate the translation of the previous developper to a language the other developpers understand
1 to hold the candle for the person holding the manual
2 to hold the candle for the person translating the manual
1 to hold the candle for the person translating the translation of the first translater
12 on the lookout in case Gaijin is going to spy on them
24 to hold the candle for the lookouts
1 to infiltrate Gaijin to find out if Gaijin is going to spy on them switching the lightbulb
1 to hold the candle for the person infiltrating Gaijin
25 for the paperwork
24 to hold the candle for the 25 doing the paperwork (25 is more comfortable, but in theory they can do it with 24)
2 to dispose of the body in case a developper gets killed during the switching
2 to hold the candle for the 2 responsible of disposing the bodies
1 to write a report about the lightbulb being switched
1 to hold a candle for the developper writing the report
For the switching itself, you can use 1 of the previously mentioned developpers, BUT you still need 2 extra developers to hold the candle for the person doing the actual switching of the lightbulb.
In case you have questions about answer 6: I’ve told you how many and why that many, not why it would make any sense. I mean, how can the need of 130 developpers just to switch a lightbulb make any sense?
Battle_Pope EU
1- Donkey
2- Edrard
3- “How terrible.”
4- Rita (RitaGamer2)
5- 2213
6- Lightbulb not working? How Terrible.
Awkwardowl EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How terrible”
4) Rita (RitaGamer)
5) 2213
6) None. It’s a hardware problem.
reciklaza EU
1). Donkey
2). Edrard
3). “How Terrible”
4). Rita
5). 2213
6). n=(A(100)∙F)/(a(100))(d/100)(W/10)
n= number of WG employees
A= area of light switch (m^2)
F=force required to switch on light (N)
a= average % of alcohol available people
d= resolution of light switch
W= watts required for light bulb
However expect ±33% as the mind of WG is predictable with a 12.54% accuracy
Norens EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) twelve because potato salad
SofairCZ on EU server
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
Tomsa EU
How terrible…
No bonus answer for you, western capitalists!
buenonacho94 EU
1. A donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible
4. Rita Sobral / RitaGamer2
5. 2213
6) None. WG has Chuck Norris as an employee. Light bulbs are to scared to go out
Madmaxfvh EU
1). Donkey
2). Edrard
3). How terrible!
4). Rita
5). 2213
6). None. They have so much money they can train any animal to do it, including a donkey.
giannidecavele EU
how terrible
RitaGamer2 (gatakristallin)
None. They’ll buy lightbulb factory to make one lightbulb and employ electrician. He has to test that lightbulb in privacy on his desk if it lights. Then he has to invite some friends (also electricians) to test it “in privacy”, if it also lights. He also has to make a public test for all employes in company, but in different room, if it also lights here. Finally he can install it on its place. ………… After months of using and tracking he has to nerf it for too much light (with a hammer).
1. donkey
2. Edrard
3. how terrible
4. Rita (aka RitaGamer2 and gatakristallin)
5. 2213
6. Some modder would do it and then it would take them months to figure out how to do it themselves
SzarikGustlik EU
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6)Over 900 :)))
Pulile EU
1) Donkey (âne)
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible!!!!
4) Rita ;)
5) 2213
6) Fortunaly, developers are not from the team who manage EU, because we would stay in the dark for a while… :D. But technicaly, 0 developer, they have money (and the bank with it) to avoid such human being!
lordante EU
How terrible.
Scharnhorst87 EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible
4. RitaGamer2
5. 2213
6. http://imgur.com/R5UUbU6
arbenowskee EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible…
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) 1 is enough, they have plenty experience with screwing.
anzezaf EU
How terrible
Rita (RitaGamer)
10- 2 overbuff it, 2 nerf it, 3 are making a forum post about it, 1 writes the website post, 1 makes sure there are typos in the website post
and SerB secretly changes it to piss off the employees
SgtAngry EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible
4. RitaGamer2
5. 2213
basil7 NA
1) The Honabru Donkey
3) How Terrible…
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) WG Devs don’t switch them, They never burst, as they only flicker on when they’re spotted!
~Chieftain_NZ ASIA
1| Donkey
2| Edrard
3| “How terrible.”
4| Rita (RitaGamer2)
5| 2213
6| Depends on the server, mostly 1 for each region, except in the Chinese server where they will do what ever they want instead of changing it and in the EU server, all of them, they will consult it between themselves and reply “Why do you need a lightbulb? We don’t have any info about changing lightbulbs, stop spreading rumors” and then they close the room, but only after they translated the reply to french, german, polish, spanish, english, scottish english, sweden, italian, esperanto, latin, euskera, catalan, binary and navajo.
UselessOkuu | EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) RitaGamer2
5) 2213
6) Just one, each of them is perfectly capable of screwing stuff (up) on his own.
Crooq_Lionfang EU
1) Donkey
3)How terrible
5) 2213
6) No light? how terrible…
When_Kittens_Attack NA
1- Donkey
2- Edrard
3- “How terrible.”
4- Rita (RitaGamer2)
5- 2213
6- Just one. He put type59 on sale for 24h, money will flow, and they will buy all the f***ing electrical infrastructure.
Skrotos EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) RitaGamer2
5) 2213
6) all of them :first they will give gold in codes so people can buy it,then they will sell it for unacceptable amount of gold, ,they will see someone using lightbulb very well, then, they will sum up winrate of it, then, they will nerf it until its no longer usable, then, they will gift it only in special events (just like type 59,may he rest in peace )
darkowozzd97 EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. How terrible :)
SandMan_CRO EU
1. a donkey
2. Edrard
3. “how terrible”
4. Rita (RitaGamer2)
5. 2213
6. 5 (five) – SerB commands to the driver to bring in the office an KV1S and with the coated optics locates the broken bulb, the loader loads a brand new A.P.C.R.L.E.D. (Advanced Power Consumption Russian Light Emitting Diode) bulb, gunner gets the cannon in position and the radio man gets on the cannon and change the bulb and thats because WG does not have any more credits to buy a ladder!
e4gl3m4n EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How terrible”
4) Rita (RitaGamer2)
5) 2213
6) None. Lightbulb is working as intended. Plus, the current Sixth Sense indicator is perfectly fine and surely Lord SerB would come down from the heavens to smite any WG employee who dared to adulterate his perfect masterpiece with a mod that would change the indicator.
M13416 NA
1. A Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible”
4. RitaGamer2
5. 2213
6. None. Light bulb is not used by many so changing it is really low on devs priority list.
goosuto EU
answer 1 – donkey
answer 2 – Edrard
answer 3 – how terrible
answer 4 – ritagamer2
answer 5 – 2213
answer 6 – 5 people, 1 to hold the bulb and 4 to spin the table in order to properly screw the bulb ;))
blademaster15 EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) They have found no historical documents supporting, that light bulb really existed. it will not be removed and replaced by more historical correct gas lamp
robozu EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) None, its an Arcade game and not a lightbulb simulator.
1 Donkey
2 Edrard
3 How Terrible
4 Rita
5 2213
6 SerB could deal with that alone. In case he fails, he might nerf it.
s3ri0uz RU
1. A Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible”
4. Rita Gamer
5. 2213
6. All. Teambuilding.
Aless23 EU
1) A donkey
2) Edrard
3) “How Terrible”
4) Rita, Ritagamer2 on Twitch or gatakristallin in game
5) 2213 posts
6) Any number higher than zero. However no EU community moderators can be involved. Also depends they are spotted and wait 10 seconds.
fjhamming, EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) RitaGamer2
5) 2213
6) They won’t change it, since it is historically acurate.
mumlock EU
Answer 1 donkey
Answer 2 Edrard
Answer 3 how terrible
Answer 4 Ritagamer2
Answer 5 2213
Answer 6 you dont need a worker. Serb States, that the New Feature “Nun funktional Light” is working AS intended…
My nickname Phobos86 on EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible”
4. Ritagamer
5. 2213
6. None, working as intended comrade :D
DamageHigh EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible.”
4. RitaGamer2
5. 2213
6. 5.
One to take the light bulb.
One to examine it.
One to declare it is terrible.
One to post about how terrible it is.
One to screw it back in.
Shardmind US
1) A donkey
2) Ectar
3) “How terrible”
4) RitaGamer2
5) 2213
6) 3 person : one up on a table that holds the bulb, and two that spin the table to screw the bulb :)
1nu EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How Terrible”
4. Rita Gamer
5. 2213
6. None, the old one is still working, but it needs to get nerfed. It lasts too long.
Bryden38 on NA
1. The donkey
2. Edrard
3. How terrible.
4. RitaGamer
5. 2213
6. 4 in total: One developer to rule them all, one to find them, one to bring them and the last one to get all our money.
Erikvdb70 -EU
1. Donkey
2. Edard
3. How terrible
4. RitaGamer2
6. The answer is still not certain, a new algorithm for whether or not the light bulb actually needs fixing has been created though but more information is needed before any changes!
TenakaKahn NA
Also our art department has came up with a picture of the new bulb model! http://tinyurl.com/qe3oxa5
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. RitaGamer
5. 2214
6. All of them. But they have to release an ASAP video first, then maybe in 3-4 weeks and they can do it.
Nyzei – EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. 10- one to change the bulb 9 to discuss if it really needs fixing
Bomba_84 EU
Nice competition. :-)
1: eagle
2: edrard
3: how terrible
4: Jingles
5: not enough?
6: One. The devs are slightly more competent than the guys running WG EU. :P
Schepel, EU (If I win, I would like somebody else to get the tank.)
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible !
4) Rita
5) 2214
6) Two, one with a hammer and one with a crowbar. You can fix everything with a hammer and a crowbar !
Stevmon EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible…
4. Rita aka RitaGamer2 and gatakristallin
5) 2213
6)Well nobody knows the exact number of this yet because this mode is still in development department :)
they are working on it ASAP!
The only available information on this meter is from the test server -Storm says 6 wg stuff people needed to do this for now but Storm also says that this is not server side thing!
Storm added -we will nerf this ” switch a lightbulb “mission so it will be much more easier to the wg stuff to do it :) in next patch 9.1 it will be needed only 4 wg stuff to do it.
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita \ RitaGamer2
5. 2213
6. None. The light bulb is a lie!
1. A donkey
2. Edrard
3. “How terrible”
4. RitaGamer
5. 2213
6. Three, one to stand on the ladder and hold the light bulb, one to turn the ladder to unscrew it, and an EU employee doing nothing but is just there because they get paid. But, if it was SerB, then nothing would be wrong with it. :P
Nickname: Annihilator NA
1 Donkey
2 Edrard
3 How Terrible
4 Rita
5 2213
6 Just one, but it takes him three weeks till the bulb gets out of beta testing.
WatDaFraK EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Ritagamer
5) 2213
6) Two, one guy for changing light bulb and another for nerfing german tanks
AlduinV13 EU
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) You need every single one of them, family, dogs, just everything!
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6)Your lights is out how Terrible
coupe89 NA
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
CypherHK NA
1) A donkey.
2) Edrard
3) “how terrible”
4) Rita Sobral
5) 2213
6) None. Bots will grind sixth sense by themselves.
Aikl EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita (RitaGamer2)
5) 2213
6) WG is not using light bulbs, they have torches!
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible…
4) RitaGamer
5) 2213
6) Storm on Bulb: “Our statistics do not confirm that bulb is OP and needs changing, but we’ll monitor the situation. So working as intended”.
JagdWehrwolf EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. Their lightbulb works with solar power…but always is night.
TadukoAri EU
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) None, because they dont give a sh*t about those meaningless whines about lack of light. How terrible…
Kegeyn @ EU
1) A donkey
2) Edrard
3) How terrible
4) Rita aka gatakristallin from the FILO clan
5) 2213
6) Whole team to release new patch with light, and it will be released! Soon!
DexMark EU
1. Donkey
2. Edrard
3. How Terrible
4. Rita
5. 2213
6. 5 – one holding lightbulb and 4 others rotating table with him on it.
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3) how terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) None, they just move into a new office.
Ario32 EU
1 Donkey
2 Edrard
3 How Terrible!
4 Ritagamer
5 2213
6 Just 2, 1 for change a lightbulb correctly, and the other 1 for nerf the brightness of the lightbulb if this one are not made it in the soviet motherland
1) The Almighty Donkey and his weird sexual habits
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
50. 47, who are currently working on a different project, and cant do it right now, Storm, who says that we should be happy about the new features, Pasholok, who says the lightbulb was german shit and russian lightbulbs are superior, and Serb, who says, that after a succesfull nerf, the lightbulb is finally “working as intended”.
Emerico91 EU
3…How Terrible
4…Rita (she awesome)
6…Q: How many Wargaming developers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
A: None. That’s a hardware problem.
1) Donkey
2) Edrard
3)”How terrible!”
4) Rita
5) 2213
Deflex 32 EU
1) a donkey!
2) Edrard
3) “…how terrible”
4) RitaGamer/Rita Sobral
5) 2213
6) It’s not a question of “how many” but “when”: After Havok physics are introduced. Also, historical accuracy will be considered before changing the light bulb. If it’s German, it will probably only glow, if Russian it will last forever, thus it will not need to be changed.
Pandabird EU
1) Donkey!
2) Edrard
3) How Terrible
4) Rita
5) 2213
6) You need every single one of them, family, dogs, just everything!
uti8 EU
Of course I did it wrong the first time:-)