Source: VK Wotleaks community
Hello everyone, so, it seems that the earlier information about Malinovka changes was confirmed by another source. The lower base had the buildings apparently removed, but the base recieved some cover (of unknown type for now, possibly stones and such) the way the northern base has it.
No building? O.o
No shooting through the windows?
Probably preparing for Havok integration. Buildings will be capable of being damaged once Havok comes to the game.
Not every buiding will be.
Only very huge ones or special ones like the lighting towers for example, the huge buildings in Kharkov, Himmelsdorf (the castle) or possible also churches for obvious reasons. Other then that buildings like we see on highway or the ones on Malinovka will be.
i dont think so, one side with invulnerable rocks and other with weak cover would break the gameplay of the map.
and i doubt you can break other key covers or buildings in city maps.
the first floor of multi story buildings, close to the cap, can not be destroyed however the second stories can be totaled although some buildings do retain their steel skeleton. the single level buildings next to the cap cannot be demolished.
All that was stated in the dev video some time ago.
Ah, good point. I thought this change sounded a bit odd at first, but I guess that makes sense.
Good, those buildings really favored campers on that side, now it’ll pretty much be equal for both sides.
What about OP poss on K3/4 ?
Sorry, I want to say something constructive, but GTFO, you fool. Those buildings are a magnet for tomatoes, which, along with other elements of the map, put the south base at a meaningful disadvantage. The soft cover and rocks on the north base are much more useful.
SS dont you mean Muronvanka? Malinovka is the big map with the great open field and a big hill on the north-east…
No, he means Malinovka. Both maps are getting changed apparently.
Murovanka has the magic forest, Malinovka has two bases on opposite sides of a small field and a large hill in the north east. SS is talking about removing the line of buildings from the south base on Malinovka so it matches the other base.
I wonder what will happen with the totaly OP rush spot near the south spawn at the water that allows ridiculous raping of all camping scrubs behind the buildings.
Went to that area recently in a T54. Got 12,000 spot damage.
Did that in an elc. Wasn’t spotted the whole time I was there, got 5500 spotting damage. I’ve also done this with the north side, plus in the north side you can sneak right up behind the base and kill the arty if you stick close to the red border.
That area is insanely OP. If the enemies have the brains to go there, there isn’t any way to counter it except only if hill-goers push into enemy base quick enough.
Kill the scout, if not possible hide behind buildings and wait for him to make a wrong move and come out.
They never intended for more than 4-5 tanks to be in the base anyway. If you get raped because of this, you deserved it.
It’s imbalanced. Whether or not players deserve to lose by mishandling the imbalance is irrelevant.
And while they’re at it limit this map (and Mines) to tier 6 maximum; it’s just too small for high tiers. Tier 8+ in Malinovka is just misery, pure arty shooting range hell.
Malinovka? Too small? Where have you been?
After many many battles on Malinovka in my chaffee, I do find that the north base has an advantage over the south base. What I generally find happens with the south team is that some of them will head straight for the buildings (which they believe is a safe spot) where there is little concealment, and because the buildings are border lining the field, the tanks there will get spotted easily. However on the north side, since there are no buildings to provide hard cover at the edge of the field, not many people go down there because it obviously appears unsafe, thus they are out of spotting range. This is apparent when I passive scout, if I’m on the north side I move down to the bushes near the field and basically light everything up, but if I’m on the south side, the few times I’ve tried scouting from the small bushes near the buildings yielded poor results.
Stop messing with Malinkova. It’s fine as it is.
just remove the goddamn field, ruins the whole map.
Campinovka is my most hated map in every tier and in every type of vehicle.
I don’t know, personally I’ve enjoyed it when sealclubbing with my kitted-out Loltraktor (though Province is better for it tbh, due to being much smaller)
bet u feel like a real man…
Ah, Campinovka…I hate to say it, but removing the buildings, while it will balance the map a bit, will also make it lose its “flavor”. The buildings are even part of the loading screen, and are a key feature to the map, so it sucks that they want to remove them, even if they are a noob magnet. Maybe if they made the buildings more solid type instead of the long low ones with big gaping shot traps, er, I mean cover holes?