Just like the good old days – Storm created a thread where he answers player’s questions about World of Tanks. Here’s what he wrote.
- Storm confirms the WT E-100 reload time nerf from 52 secs to 58 secs (for the 128mm)
- developers will think about removing Prokhorovka completely and reworking it, leaving the Fire Salient for now (SS: noticed how the map got renamed from Fiery Arc in test 1? Someone used google translator with that “arc”)
- roaming was delayed because it has low priority, it was moved to the back of the development queue
- roaming was delayed because “everything changes, current situation does not require roaming”
- roughly 70 people are working on WoT currently (Storm adds that they would hire more specialists, but they aren’t any available in their country and it’s not possible to hire westerners, when all the documentation is in Russian)
- WG on hiring mod makers: “there are few smart ones and those don’t want to be hired”
- M46 Patton will get improved torsion bars equipment in 9.3 (SS: this is the third time in last days I see this question for some reason)
- the bug where you can’t see your friends as online in the friend list will be fixed, “when it’s done it’s done”
- developers chose the T-54 Model 1945 as Soviet premium MT8, because they didn’t find an alternative with a good mobility
- regarding the issue above and T-44: “T-44 is in the game already, T-44-85 doesn’t fit due to weak gun, T-44-122 goes to supertesters and T-44-100 will possibly be an alternative hull for T-44″
- T-34-100 would definitely not fit Soviet premium MT8 slot
- Storm confirms, FV215b to be replaced by the Chieftain
- new motion physics in WoT? “Definitely not exactly the way it was shown in the motion physics video. We will modify it so that everyone can play and not just a few simulator lovers” (later Storm adds: “At first, we do it so we like it and then we will test. Noone likes the current realism”)
- FV4202 will be replaced by Vickers MBT (earlier than the Chieftain replacement? “No comment for now”)
- Chieftain model is not ready yet
- FV304 nerf will come and soon, the vehicle is too good considering winrate, average XP and damage (exact nature of nerf is not decided yet)
- regarding “too little new this year” – “Stronkholds are new and we invested a lot in them”
- reworked historical battles (removed in 9.2) will not return this year, there will be “something else”, but “I can’t comment for now” (the way historical battles will be changed: “no comment for now”)
- new tier 7-8 premiums will come until the end of the year
- MM will be fixed (SS: an issue was mentioned when one team has more top tanks than the other) but not soon (“we consider current MM satisfactory”)
- on unplayable tanks in game: “All the tanks in the game are playable, even AMX40, even though it sucks”
- Winter Himmelsdorf was removed from low tiers “for technical reasons”
- new motion physics is not connected to Havok, it will be separate. Havok will include nice destruction effect and destruction of tank parts (SS: as in, the equipment on it etc)
- developers decided that pieces of buildings falling on a tank will not be able to damage it, otherwise it could turn out very nasty
- no plans to ban XVM
- there was no drop in playerbase caused by 9.0 graphics, “everything is within the normal seasonal playerbase changes”
- too many noobs and bots in battles? “Play team battles”
- 4 man platoon is not planned
- future mods to be implemented officially into WoT are minimap descriptions and the gun traverse angles, no ETA
- more passages between buildings will not be implemented into Ruinberg and Himmelsdorf (reason: “FPS”)
- the rectangle-to-circle drawing range change will come “soon”
- XP for tanking (soaking damage) will come as well
- camo and spotting system will improve (“here I cannot promise anything, it’s complicated”
- Q: “Introduce something to change gameplay!” A:”Why would we change gameplay? Should we add starships? Or mages with healers?”
- Veider states that the idea of some hardcore players that hardcore players create the majority of WG revenue is a delusion
- Chat 2.0 in 2014? “I can’t say anything, everything is very complicated due to server load”
- FV 215b (183) stopped with oneshots in 9.2? “We decided that it’s better without them”
- Chinese top tanks are a bit underpowered, but not critically (Veider: “The tank itself is fine, but it suffers from good speed with poor alpha combination. We are aware of that tank, we will work on it.”)
- 121 tank depression will not be buffed
- there are plans to buff T-34-3, its combat effectivity is okay, but it needs to be more comfortable
- PVE will not come this year
- Q: “Why did my FPS drop?” A: “I don’t know, telepaths are on vacation”
- Wargaming wont change its monetization model, “we consider the current one to be correct”
- heavily armored tanks will not be rebalanced to reflect the fact that the gold ammo is available for credits and it diminshes the role of their armor: “we have discussed this for a long time and decided not to do it”
- Firefly will come in “forseeable future”
- 9.3 will come until the end of summer
- Storm is quite unhappy with the AFK Panther, there are currently variants to replace it with
- skill MM is not planned (SS: you know someone HAD to ask :))
- why no skill MM? “It would not be interesting to play”
- it’s possible however that “skill MM” will come in a separate mode
- reworked ingame sound will come soon
- developers will add a graphic setting that will disable various effects for the weakest computers (SS: something like official WoT Tweaker)
- tree and grass render will be completely reworked
- Maus is doing fine statistically
- Storm confirms that the German premium MT8 will be the Panther (Storm adds that other variants for hightier Germans have all been shelved for now)
- end-game content for solo players? “We are considering it”
- captured tanks will not come anytime soon
- there are no plans to implement an option where the post-mortem view (you watching the gameplay of another tank) would also follow that tank’s camera (you’d see exactly what the he sees)
- there will most likely never be a WoT Content Development Kit
- tier 10 HD tanks? “Soon”
- confrontation mode return is still planned
- various ingame bonuses to XP like in War Thunder? Nope – “so that you don’t screw the battle when chasing the bonuses, victory is important”
- developers created a mechanism that influences the probability of map drops for players, it’s possible it will be tied to certain mission events
- some tier 10 vehicles have optional guns “so that there are variants of the tank use” (IS-4 has D-25 as stock because the gun is historical) (SS: Storm states it was a “forced measure”, probably was forced by SerB who really wanted the D-25)
- regular tanks will not be possible to recieve premium status for gold
- dynamic garage tank characteristics will come
- it’s possible that depression/elevation statistic will be added to the garage tank stats
- apparently the KV-5 is bugged – when you ram it from the side or something, the rammer deals it 1 point of damage every split second (SS: like when a tank is standing on you), this will be fixed
- tier 10 very strong tanks being nerfed when they become popular? “Stop chasing imbalanced tanks”
- there will be no captcha during login
- client-side CW will come in very far future
- it’s possible there will be an automated platoon search interface
- no changes to company mode for now
- there are plans for in-client championships with prizes
- M6A2E1 “Alien” will be buffed a bit
- it’s possible there will be female crews
- EU tree will come (official)
- a point capture mode with respawns “a la Battlefield” is considered
- new anti-aliasing until end of the year as promised earlier? “Unknown for now. There are problems :( We are working on it.”
- KV-5 miniturret weakspot will not be removed
- the developers decided not to limit or nerf the gold ammo in any way
- new French heavy tank will not come anytime soon, but the AMX-30 medium branch will come sooner than the heavies
- AMX50B will not be further buffed – quite the opposite, T57 Heavy will be nerfed a bit so that both tanks are equal
- there are no plans to allow clans to pick their landscape (winter, forest, desert) for their Stronkhold (which would then influence the map played)
- further mechanisms á la “kill marks” for damage done are not planned for now
- it’s possible the Panzer V/IV will be rebalanced
- Sturmtiger, Brummbär, E-10 in the game? “In very distant future”
- T-35 will not come soon, not even because War Thunder has it
- Japanese tanks are doing fine statistically “more or less”
- Chi-Ri will not be buffed or nerfed for now
- when a map is reworked to HD, it doesn’t mean small objects such as rails will get collision models
- Foch will not be buffed
- Garage battles will come, one way or another
- Wheeled and halftrack vehicles: “We are thinking about it. But we fear that the demand for them is little, because they would mostly appear on low and medium tiers” (SS: not really, I mean, we tried to put some designs together with a couple of friends and basically the Brits alone – tier 8 easy, Czechoslovaks – tiers 2-8 or so, French tier 10 possibly…)
- the map “Minsk” was scrapped for now
- multigun and multiturret mechanism? “I don’t want to create a feature for only a few tanks tanks”
- developers considered creating a separate new mode for top tanks only, the idea wasn’t scrapped for now
- tank colors will improve in 9.2
- M56 Scorpion stats? “Nothing is known for now”
- Tiger hull is too high (ingame, in real life), it will be fixed
- it’s completely possible that various unique camos or decals will come as a reward for ingame missions
- arty will not be removed from the game
- low FPS after 9.0? “In 9.1 we already fixed the main problems”
- KV-1S will be split to two tanks, Hellcat will get a nerf
- no plans to introduce your own emblems and pictures on tanks, for now
- FV215b (120) will be completely removed, not changed into premium
- FCM 50t gold ammo is not too expensive
- it’s “completely possible” that there will be more hightier German and Soviet TD’s
- useless perks will be changed
- 25 percent penetration RNG will not be reduced
- engine buff for T92 arty will not happen
- Havok will come in one of the following patches
- How WT E-100 came to be on the live servers: “Testers made tests and we did not recieve statistics pointing out at strong deviations.”
- the WT E-100 nerf from test 2 is final (for 9.2 at least)
And now, a break. More (yes, there will be more today) later.
“All the tanks in the game are playable, even AMX40, even though it sucks”
“Introduce something to change gameplay!” A:”Why would we change gameplay? Should we add starships? Or mages with healers?”
I remember an interview with a chinese player, stating that many chinese players wanted the introduction of healer tanks and such roles familiar in other, more popular, types of MMO
It is technically a true statement. Every tank is playable, even if it sucks donkey balls and has no hope of being usefull.
In theory one could use bergepanzers to slowly fix modules…
My T-34-85 keeps getting killed by the Daemon Mage. We definitely need a Healer Tank
Yah…. I was gonna say bergetiger would be a great idea….. but then I remembered that from League of Legends…. I would never touch one of those tanks with a 6 foot pole.
If by saying “playable” you mean accelerating / turning / reversing. Then yes. All are playable.
Healer tanks? Like the M88 Recovery Vehicle? Sounds interesting but I fear that Storm’s reply would be the same: “We are thinking about it. But we fear that the demand for them is little.”
good ol’ CoH
The idea of a Bergetiger is great, and is realistic and everything…. but see SS’s comment above…. it shoots that idea right down.
I laughed when I read the “AMX 40 is playable” comment. Jesus I know it’s playable but it’s HAAAARRRRRRRDDDDD. It is an underperforming tier 4 tank. It is in dire need of a buff..
So it’s Vickers MBT after all.
Quite a shame seeing that it has historical -7 degrees of depression :( Another no-no for ridgefighting lovers like me.
Perhaps it will have MK.3 turret as upgrade, the turret increase gun depression to -10.
Too new I think
We just need the turret, not entire tank.
At least we’ll able to hulldown
Is a way discussed that people that like it can actually keep the FV4202 (and not get the new tank for free, maybe have it researched but not placed in garage automatically)?
The FV4202 will become a tier 8 premium (not for free)
T-50-2 was removed and not changed into a premium
“- FV215b (120) will be completely removed, not changed into premium”
I see a trend…
Well they don’t put in LT premiums above T3 and the FV215b 120 is completely fake, both completely wrong for a premium. Even though the Brits don’t have a T8 premium heavy it makes sense not to keep it. The FV4202 however is perfect with its historical stats for a premium. A prototype, real, self-standing, no different modules/upgrades, and no current premium British T8 medium above T5 exists. WG has the perfect opportunity to add a T8 med with very little added work
“- FV215b (120) will be completely removed, not changed into premium”
I hate things like that. DON’T put the tank in to the game at all if you decide to remove it completely later. Hell, I would simply stop playing this game if WG would do that to my Leopard PTA.
Historical or not, it’s just really frustrating to see WG remove tanks that some people might love. Or have you perhaps forgotten the T-50-2? There was no reason to remove it completely just change it and put it as alternative light tank to the current bathtub. I never owned a T-50-2, but I can totally see some people falling in love with its looks. The wallpaper of the T-50-2 is one of my favorites.
tl:dr removing tanks completely sucks. Don’t do that WG. Add more tanks and rebalance the old ones and throw them somewhere in to the lines. Don’t even add tanks that you will REMOVE later. It’s just fucking idiotic.
They should just leave the tank as tier 10 but put the new ones underneath like how the T-54 goes into 2 different tier 10 mediums.
Yes, exactly. No need to remove a completely awesome looking tank if you have already gone though the trouble of adding it.
Adding more tanks is fine, but removing tanks is just stupid.
If the need to remove it whay people who already got one cant keep it? Ok Cheftain will be nwe tier X but all of us who have FV could still be happy using it.
I wonder if you can get some kind of compensation from them……….
10 out of 10 :P
^!*$^&*& JACKPOT! @#^*&!#^!*
The only thing that’s awesome looking about that tank is the Conqueror turret and since we already have that at tier 9… fuck it.
Wow, opinions.
Right back at you.
They won’t do that to the Leo PTA because the Leo PTA actually existed.
The FV215b 120 is getting removed because it is literally fictional BS like the WT E-100.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the WT E-100 gets replaced by something real [i.e. WT Panther] later as well.
I know but still it isn’t fair. This game isn’t that historical to begin with. And it’s WG’s own fault for putting these unhistorical tanks in the game in the first place. If you put them in game then keep them in game.
I think part of the problem is that they added the FV215 120 as a stopgap tank. They needed something to fill T10. They wanted to use the Chieftain later, or at the time thought it was to new or wouldn’t fit. Rather than delay the entire tree because they lacked 1 tank they made up a filler to use. They basically mashed together a Conqueror and the FV215 183 to make a T10. Now that they have a Heavy that fills the role (either because they gave in and put in what amounts to a second T10 Chieftain or they gave up on having a Chieftain line)
I’m not sure if “fair” comes into play at all. Certainly some FV drivers will be disappointed, but you are getting another T10 in exchange. I’m sure a number of players will be excited to have a Chieftain instead. (and we’ll see which is better when it is released)
Meaning the WT auf Panther ‘Scorpion’? That would be really cool. But can You imagine how epic the shitstorm would be?
Answers like he usually does with a little bit of Serb when trolling.
FV304 getting nerfed…….it was only a matter of time. Probably a speed nerf, traverse nerf, aim nerf, reload nerf and……am I missing anything? I think it would just fine with a reload nerf, 15 sec reload?
Bare in mind, that 15sec reload would mean increasing the reload time by 50%. That’s fucking huge.
Didn’t stop them from doing that to the Lorr 155 50
16 reload or so to 30+ … Dont remember what it is anymore but they broke it
Want decent reloads? Don’t play pussymode.
- Q: “Introduce something to change gameplay!” A:”Why would we change gameplay? Should we add starships? Or mages with healers?”
That’s the best description of WG – conservative as fucks.
So, I get it you’d like healers, laser cannons and spells?
I take it you’re joking?
I take it you are, too?
- Tiger hull is too high (ingame, in real life), it will be fixed
Wait a second, are the inner and outer roadwheels swapped in the HD model (relative to the real one)?
Edit. Hmm, I see there are photos of real tigers with the first roadwheel inner and the last outer too, so is it a early/late production difference?
“useless perks will be changed”
I wonder which perks WG consider to be useless?
Me thinks most of the radio operator perks/skills are…rather useless :P
Me thinks they good
Aside from the obviously useless ones like the radio operator perks/skills beyond Signal Boosting, most are perks/skills are “useless” mainly because others are just too good to pass off.
They should overhaul the crew skill/perks entirely that will allow variation of “builds” with strengths and weaknesses. They could even introduce a deeper synergy system where a combination of skills will result in an additional special skill or extra effects. For example:
- 100% Recon and 100% Mentor will apply the additional perk Sixth Sense;
- 100% Firefighting on all crew will reduce chance of fire by X%
- 100% Smooth Ride with 100% Snapshot will increase each others’ effects by X%
- Eagle Eye with Deadeye will increase each others’ effect
- 100% Camouflage on all crew will apply the perk Call to Vengeance and reduce camo penalty for hull traverse
- 100% Repair on all crew will increase the effect of Preventive Maintenance, Safe Stowage, and Armorer if those perks/skills are present
These are just examples but stuff like these will make for interesting and interlocking combinations, make powerful perks like Sixth Sense harder to attain, make less useful skills important for bonuses, and provide a justification for grinding a ridiculous amount of crew xp for multiple skills (more skills = more combinations = more bonuses. Not just a cumulative 1 skill + 1 skill = 2 skills).
Hell, they are giving us strategy game in form of Stronkholds, why not introduce RPG aspect for the Crewmembers? Give them levels and a skill tree, and let them advance up that tree :3
I made a topic about skills/perks and how i would change them
T-34-3 getting a buff, praise be. Please Lord a tiny gun depression / dispersion buff.
I’m getting on slightly better gun dispersion while moving, maybe a tiny bit of RoF.
I doubt gun depression will. be changed.
That said, since the T-34-3 is one of my favorite tanks, I’m more than happy to hear about any improvements.
I think it should get gun depression, so that it can be like all the other Chinese premiums.
I hope mobility!
RoF or gun depression only help you so far, but they stated they want to make him “comfortable” to play, so i think a mobility buff would be the best thing :)
“- FV4202 will be replaced by Vickers MBT (earlier than the Chieftain replacement? “No comment for now”)”
Fuck it. British top medium will be shit :(. A worse Leopard 1 and STB 1, unusable in CLan Wars. Hell its even worse then the Centurion 1… a cheap monkey model tank.
“- Veider states that the idea of some hardcore players that hardcore players create the majority of WG revenue is a delusion”
A delusion, true. But they are what you can and should count on. Dont go the EA way WG :(
“- Chinese top tanks are a bit underpowered, but not critically (Veider: “The tank itself is fine, but it suffers from good speed with poor alpha combination. We are aware of that tank, we will work on it.”)”
Finally. Fixing armor is a start WG.
“- 121 tank depression will not be buffed”
Buff engine power and turret sides. So that it has same sides as WZ-120 and is like T-62A / 140 mobility wise, or at least close to them
” – there are plans to buff T-34-3, its combat effectivity is okay, but it needs to be more comfortable ”
WG, hire me to balance your stuff.
“- captured tanks will not come anytime soon”
Tie it to Historical Battles.
” (SS: Storm states it was a “forced measure”, probably was forced by SerB who really wanted the D-25)”
I am curious Serb, I e mean I agree with you, but what is your reasoning :P ?
“- multigun and multiturret mechanism? “I don’t want to create a feature for only a few tanks tanks””
Weak Game design attitude guys. Add it in, more variety.
“- KV-1S will be split to two tanks, Hellcat will get a nerf”
Nerf. Depression. To. At Least. -4. And. Speed. No. Need. To. Clutter. Tech Tree.
“- FV215b (120) will be completely removed, not changed into premium”
Stupid WG, use it as a CW award tank. Let people that have it choose a previous CW award tank once they win a campaign… Jeez…
well come on just because you haven’t seen it in the game doesn’t make it crap, people look at the BP and think it’s shit but when they get it it’s great the turn rate is so not 20 degrees it’s more like 30-35, same thing with the centurians the only reason people go for them without question is because dear old jingles love em but we if he didn’t like it people would just look at the stat’s and say that’s not a Medium tank get lost, so don’t push the Vickers mbt before you have drove it
Centurion 1= Good
Centurion 7 = Good
For once, Jingles did his homework and is corect. These are good tanks. With unique gameplay.
Vickers MBT = Cheap Leopard 1 or STB 1.
Gameplay is not unique.
It is what it is. It will be inferior. Wont be used in CW.
With WG balance, it could even be better that those, at least for a short period, while they evaluate the performance. My point is, we will have to wait to see haow it will be implemented in game statisticwise to know for sure how it will play.
Some hard stats that matter a lot cant be changed though.
-Armor ( its bad)
-Gun depression (good, there are much better though)
Those matter a lot. Even if its ultra accurate (will happen), spots as much as a Patton (not gonna happen), has great camouflage (nope, wont :P ) and is accurate on the move as all hell (probably)…
Even then it will be last choice for CW, and not even best for Randoms :(
If it’s the Mk III, I would be very happy about it. It still has a rifled gun and steel armor. Fire-control system is immaterial gameplay-wise.
If it’s the Mk I, I just hope they compensate with monster DPM, and great gun handling – like a long-range tier X Comet. That’ll work for me.
There were a few Marks of the Vickers MBT, the later ones would be quite competitive.
Thankyou for your “Expert” remarks on all those points Mr Alexander
What would WG have one without you…..
Oh Wait, you are just one of the millions playing this game, wouldn’t make a difference
I’ve actually done quite a bit more then you mate :)
BTW, just to clarify, this is a place where people comment Afrika_Korps.
Accept it and deal with it.
“- Veider states that the idea of some hardcore players that hardcore players create the majority of WG revenue is a delusion”
A delusion, true. But they are what you can and should count on. Dont go the EA way WG :(
Unfortunately it seems to be the way they all go when they get greedy , and as you can see from comments like , ” Free stuff is bad ” and them taking tanks away from players that have earned them and refusing to give them what others were given in the past under the same circumstances because now their priority is money over quality of service are clear indicators that they are turning to the darkside
More high tier TD’s? FFS
quit crying
>>WG on hiring mod makers: “there are few smart ones and those don’t want to be hired”<<
What do these mod makers know that we don't know??
They can make better money somewhere else perhaps? Happier being their own bosses? Who knows.
dont wanna get shafted by WG like the playerbase does ?
WG you douches, do something about the french tree. You could add three of four branches without even doing much research work. It’s been left to rot for 2 years.
they are too busy making more prems to milk cash from your wallet
“- new tier 7-8 premiums will come until the end of the year”
Does that mean they will introduce T7-8 premiums with each patch until the end of the year or we will have to wait for the end of the year before they are introduced.
The wording is very vague and confusing.
Great english grammer skills WG :P
As it is, it should mean there will new tier 7-8 premiums till the end of the year, then no more. Ever.
But I guess what they meant is we will have to wait till the end of the year to see new premium tier 7.8 tanks.
Cant hire westerners cause the docs are in russian..and dont have the talent pool domestically. You can tell WG was a small company that has grown beyond the ability of its management.
Wg is playing in the big leagues with a amateur management team.
Or just look fo westerners that know Russian…
I am sure they are quite a few.
Or use the money to teach em OR TEACH the WarGaming team English… its 2014 dammit…
here , here
noooo Please dont rework fucking Prokhorovka its the best Map ingame,you dont have only 3ways to drive you can actually use viewrange camo and all other game mechanics pls dont change it to crap like you did with Severogorsk WG….
Inb4 3 10m walls in the middle of the map making it into 3 tunnels :D Leage of Tanks FTW!!! :D
It’s one of the most shitty maps ingame along with Westfield and Komarin.
Agreed I dont see a prob with prohorovka , seem to me as with the proposed t57 nerf that apparently makes it a slow AMX 50B that WG is less focused on player opinion than storms opinion , that attitude kinda takes the fun out of the game
“- FV304 nerf will come and soon, the vehicle is too good considering winrate, average XP and damage (exact nature of nerf is not decided yet)”
NOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Leave Little Bert alone!!!!!!
bert never did harm to any one it wasn’t his fault his father was ELC and his Mother was Hummel
Giving people cancer is not harm?
You are giving people cancer with your comments, crying every time about the arty.
Says the cancer boy.
whats you ingamename? im so gonna focus you with my Artyies/tds…. srsly, you are fucking annoying. if you hate arty, change your playstyle so your wont get focused….
If you aren’t that dumb you would check my nickname if it’s maybe the same as my ingame nickname, but obviously your cancer clicking brain can’t get that itself. Yea, you’re totally gonna get in the same battle with me so you can click on me you fucking dumb turd. Even if i didn’t gave you my nickname it wouldn’t matter because you click based on XVM so i’d be focused anyway. And why would i change my gameplay if i’m doing just fine. FUCK ARTY AND EVERYONE WHO PLAYS IT
where did the bad arty touch you?
Does your hate for arty come from the fact that you feel it as a lack of “honor”?
If it’s that (or any other “it can one shot you”, “you don’t even need practice”…), I remember having studies similar attitudes towards archers first, and rifleman then, but that’s warfare evolution, and a way to balance heavyer slow tanks
(I don’t play artys by the way, I play heavyes :D)
Because arty rage topics are back, my guess is that since 8.6, arty players have improved, while artyhaters did not improved a bit, they still camping 24/7 with their HTs and raging is always easier than using the WASD keys
I love Medjed <3
- it’s possible there will be female crews
So all PZ 4′s will get the crew from Girl’s und panzer
Panzer Vor!
“it’s not possible to hire westerners, when all the documentation is in Russian”
That’s why all programmers in civilized countries are taught to write comments and documentation in english you russian dumbasses.
“there are plans to buff T-34-3, its combat effectivity is okay, but it needs to be more comfortable” as in: we did not cashed enough money from it and in it’s current state to few ppl are buying it so we will buff it.
-why no skill MM? “It would not be interesting to play”-hmmm…. then the skill campers can camp together …after 14:59 min …. still no tank spotted … insta draw :D
It would be similar to e-sports. 15 mins of camping and then trying to score a win in last minute by capping or shit like that. Yea, fuck skill MM. But what needs to be implemented however is the equal distribution of tomatoes/unicums in both teams so you would avoid wins/losses by 15:2-15:1
^^^This is what’s needed….. +1
Same as distribution of tiers. Makes sense.
Yes, that´s what skill MM is. Only an idiot would make it put unicums vs unicums only. Well…:D
This has been mentioned before and is what is NEEDED
Also to ensure MM doesn’t put tier out of balance teams. I still can’t believe this happens all the time
- Veider states that the idea of some hardcore players that hardcore players create the majority of WG revenue is a delusion
We all know who makes the most cash for WG. It’s those they are trying to satisfy the most. Like changing maps into tunnel corridors. You know. Those reds on XVM.
- arty will not be removed from the game
Well, fuck you too WG.
- How WT E-100 came to be on the live servers: “Testers made tests and we did not recieve statistics pointing out at strong deviations.”
- the WT E-100 nerf from test 2 is final (for 9.2 at least)
Do i even need to explain this one?!
Cry. I will miss you, FV215b 120.
I won’t, its an utter piece of shit, it was half decent before they nerfed it into the ground and I’m fucking glad we’re getting the Chieftain in its place, even if they nerf it and make it crap, I’ll still have fun in a vehicle that existed and fought, and still continues to instead of something some drunk Russian fuck thought would be cool to invent in the place of much more appropriate vehicles.
“- AMX50B will not be further buffed – quite the opposite, T57 Heavy will be nerfed a bit so that both tanks are equal”
Whats the point of it? I don’t think that T57 is any more OP then the 50B is. Well, 50B has slightly worse reload time, but it’s faster a lot. What will be the point of making two nearly identical tanks? If they will nerf T57′s mobility, it will become pain in the ass probably, as you need to run back a bit, when reloading and with even worse mobility, then it has now, most of the people will be dead after first empty drum. Playing it as sniper? Sorry but no – the main advantage is the 2 sec reload time between shoots and seriosuly T57 dont aim that fast.
T57 and 50B are balanced..
T57 is slow but has more DPM
50B is fast and has less DPM :P
If they want both equal, the mobility of the T57 needs a increase :P
But I think they increase the reloadtime between shots to 2,5 and buff the aimtime to 2,5 because right now, if you want to shoot precisely you can’t even use the 2sec intrareload. 50b is even faster than the t57 :D
Thats why T57 sucks in sniping and is rather good as support tank for brawling (with some other heavies with more armor), while AMX 50b playes another role in battle I think. I see as main advantage of the T57 that 2 sec reload time, so if they will remove it, there will be no more advantages and everybody will move back to 50B (as it will do same job as 57 heavy from any position and has quite better mobility).
Female crews!!!
T57 nerf? After the buff of the 50b they seem to be balanced..
Mobilitywise T57 is a joke.. 12km/h reverse is 3km/h slower than a Maus backwards :D
50B trades 480dpm and little bit armor for speed and mobility. Seems right?
Also T57 has only 1% more winrate than the 50B before the buff.. so it will get more winrate after the patch.
- T-34-100 would definitely not fit Soviet premium MT8 slot
But it’d be a decent tier 6 premie.
- AMX50B will not be further buffed – quite the opposite, T57 Heavy will be nerfed a bit so that both tanks are equal
This is pure horses**t – why in the word would we want all tier 10 tanks to be “equal” ? The whole point of the different nation’s end-game tanks is because each one was supposed to have something unique and advantageous over one another. Having everything essentially equal simply makes the differences cosmetic and irrelevant.
I think T-34-100 is tier7 material.
Could be … I could see it there, then the armor would be what makes it the limiting factor of a premium tank.
Totally agreed , the AMX50B is a fast less armored medium style heavy while the t57 is a brawler .No one , and i mean NO ONE wants that proposed change , so why is it happening , it wont add to gameplay , they are both good at their roles so why fix what isnt broken , ffs WG how about focusing on things to improve gameplay and not give storm his nerf bat every couple of months so he can go apeshit and screw up gameplay
- new French heavy tank will not come anytime soon, but the AMX-30 medium branch will come sooner than the heavies
Do you think they will add a French premium medium tank with the branch? I mean, I’m currently training a crew for the Lorraine 40t in my D2 (still far to go), but it would be nice with a premium medium tank to help train the crew in the BC too.
Trust me, it’s MUCH more easy to train Lorraine crew in ARL44, 13-90 or AMX50-100, you get shitloads more XP than in the little D2, and when you buy Lorraine, just retrain the crew.
Ah yes another Big Storm Q/A aka Big Storm of “when its done, its done”
always happy to scroll trough meaningles info of coming soon, we are considering it, will come, will come as well and ofc when its done its done.
If its the Vickers MBT MK3 then its not a bad replacement, but if its the crappy MK1, then yeah its going to be bad as everyone says.
I am hoping they put the MK3 instead of the MK1, because the MK1 is actually a downgrade from the centurion, it was a cheaper and crappier monkey model.
MK.3 is too modern, perhaps there are some MK.3 prototypes but I am not sure.
It could just use the turret and engine of the Mk3, not the entire tank if that’s the case.
WG does not have a timeline limit, but a technology limit.
The AMX 13 90 has its top engine that came from the late 70′s far after its original conception.
How ablout Vickers Mk.2?? At least it’s not a shitty Mk 1
Great…Vickers MBT.
A bad, cheap export version of a centurion mated with a leopard 1.
I hope the Chieftain will compensate by being good.
It’s really two bad news rolled into one. Loosing the unique FV215b 120 and getting a bleh tank as a replacement to top off a very good medium line.
OMG! is WG that stupid? they are going to replace the FV4202 for the Vickers MBT.. but the joke is…. the vickers MBT is even more SHIT then the FV.. .. the vickers MBT has almost no armor because it’s a cheap pos export tank.. it will have the armor like the leopard 1 but with no speed.. and the centurion mk7 gun.. so well done wg.. wel done..
in the words of sirFoch.. fuck youuuu
SS, what is the HAVOK ETA?
yes i wish they would do this im so looking forward to it
- tier 10 very strong tanks being nerfed when they become popular? “Stop chasing imbalanced tanks”
Then stop creating them…
But that would impede their bottom line….. They bring out tanks with good stats so everyone buys them then they nerf the crap out of them to make everyone buy the next tier X they release , i beleive its called bait and switch
- Storm is quite unhappy with the AFK Panther, there are currently variants to replace it with
Finally! Developer agreed with this! Did someone drink vodka when implementing this? Oh well, when it comes, RU251 will already sit nicely in my garage.
- FCM 50t gold ammo is not too expensive
If you need to fire gold with that tank please uninstall.
Agreed, I don’t even remember the last time I shot gold with it.. But I do carry couple of rounds with me just in case.
Vickers MBT is like a downgraded Centurion. They could at least have introduced a newer Centurion, perhaps the Mk10 with better stats.
At least wait for the Vickers to arrive, drive it, test it then whine about it……. Over-reaction at its best.
No. Fuck it. Fuck it with a splintery-wodden bat, entangled with rusty barbed wire. I want a Centurion as the top of the tree, not an export-version pseudo-look alike.
Well, I can start to whine now. Vickers is butt-fugly in comparison to Action X Centurion…
- arty will not be removed from the game
Players still ask stupid questions
- FV304 nerf will come and soon, the vehicle is too good considering winrate, average XP and damage (exact nature of nerf is not decided yet)
i hope Bert will get only some minor nerfs like 0.3 sec longer reload, 1cm less splash radius, etc – the worst nerf than could happened to Bert is when its gun range would be increased wich will destroy its good accuracy
- KV-1S will be split to two tanks
Yes, but the tier 6 one will keep that OP gun :/
- M6A2E1 “Alien” will be buffed a bit
Good, good.
I’m happy about the Confirmations about the Brit Tier 10s
I think the KV-220 went to supertesters, but WG decided to sell the shit out of it later on. “One time only deal!” everyone runs and buys it. Now I see it every week for sale.
WG ‘working as intended’
welp kv1s is split hellcat is getting another nerf and the FV304 is soon going to be nerfed (problably to shit). can WG not leave any good tanks to play?
On the one hand i would really like to destroy something with my bare hand, due to the rage which comes from the FV replacements
On the other hand, i can do nothing but laugh at you… you wanted the 2 tanks to be replaced (though i like chieftain i still want it in a 2nd british line), now you have it…4202 will be replaced with a…well i would say garbage, but im waiting with the judgement until i get her in my hand….vickers.
- Q: “Introduce something to change gameplay!” A:”Why would we change gameplay? Should we add starships? Or mages with healers?”
- Firefly will come in “forseeable future”
I assume that the Firefly will be the tank and not the spaceship then. ;) Browncoats Unite!
- the developers decided not to limit or nerf the gold ammo in any way
Well can they at least balance all tanks around there gold ammo then ?
instead of the odd gold ammo nerf for the odd tank now and again when it is getting abused too much.
where as if it was properly balanced in the first place you couldn’t abuse it,
They dont care people are abusing it it makes them $$$$$
“Roughly 70 people are working on WoT currently (Storm adds that they would hire more specialists, but they aren’t any available in their country and it’s not possible to hire westerners, when all the documentation is in Russian)”
SS, can you confirm this is the correct number? Out of 3000 employes only 70 percent are actually developing their top earner game? Geez, thanks god they have at least 2500 people support staff.
someone has to count all the money and its too big a job for one man.
That IS their priority
So, the way I see it, these Vickers MBT and AMX 30 tanks basically mean we get three different Leopard I’s now. That’s just stupid in my opnion.
All Russian T10 meds say Hi!
devs chose T-54 1945 because they couldn’t find one with good mobility?
hahahaha they chose so we can’t have a proper medium tank
- MM will be fixed (SS: an issue was mentioned when one team has more top tanks than the other) but not soon (“we consider current MM satisfactory”)
Does anyone from wargaming even play this game? Their MM is broke as fuck and rigged to all hell.
If they’re not going to rush Roaming could they at least change the client so you can connect to any server you wish without having to download a completely new client?
e.g. log out of NA and connect to EU instead.
- Havok will come in one of the following patches
could delay it three years and this statement would remain true
“- developers created a mechanism that influences the probability of map drops for players, it’s possible it will be tied to certain mission events”
The current system puts 5-7 maps in the rotation more often than all the other 35 (full tier) maps out there.
I was looking forward for roaming….because I do move around the continents few times a year….Maybe I’m the only one who wants it badly….
So the devs finally notice the error with the tiger 1, how it took em so long I don’t know lol
ROFL – “roughly 70 people are working on WoT currently (Storm adds that they would hire more specialists, but they aren’t any available in their country and it’s not possible to hire westerners, when all the documentation is in Russian”
WHAT KIND OF IDIOTS are responsible for documentation at WG :)
Nowhere you write a documentation in another language than english – except you are a complete moron :)
But the language of the documentation is not the only problem they have.
People with skill do not work for idiots – and a company stating “server lags because of olympic games” do not sound like a company with smart people.
But smart people wants to work with other smart people – dumbasses can ruin your whole day :)