Source: VK Wotleaks community
Hello everyone,
this is how the branches setup will change in 9.3 – please note that these branch changes were confirmed as legit so yes, this is how it’s going to be.
Germans will recieve the RU251 on tier 8, that will merge with Leopard Prototype.
Soviet changes are more extensive. MT-25 will no longer be unlocked from tier 6 KV-1S, but from tier 5 T-34 and will lead to tier 7 LTTB, tier 8 T-54 Obl. (light T-54), which will merge with tier 9 T-54. Current KV-1S will be split into tier 5 KV-1S (unlockable from KV-1) and KV-85 (tier 6), that will be researchable from KV-1S.
American branch is pretty straightforward – Chaffe, T37, M41, T49 (which merges into T54E1). What is interesting is that the T49 tier 5 tank destroyer was renamed to T67 (which is historical, or at least more historical).
Oh, god. To bad i need to grind that shitty aufklarunspanzer even more now :(
But im readdy to get that T54 light in my arms!
And do you have any idea about how much xp the chaffe will need with this update? I hope a lot less then the current amount?
aufk.panther now similar to E-25 , just a little bit rof and better APCR pen. Im easy deal 3000 damage in tier 10 battle.
Sadly enough, I do not do that. And I like lights and im not a complete patato :(
You only shoot APCR in that thing? Ill try it, but I’m afraid it will just eat credits like there’s no tomorrow …
never use goldshells, and suddenly you realize you can make a shitty gun like the 17Pdr on a BP into a DPS beast. luv mai BP.
oh you also forgot that aufkl is HUUGE
the Aufk.panther is more of a fast medium with thin armour that is quite heavy so it is a pretty good rammer when you are against lightly armoured tanks like the Borsig or any other light tank and the gun on it isn’t that bad
Aufklofung Panther is only shitty as his driver. After ROF buff its more than decent if you have good crew.
Best thing about is that it can ram a lot of stuff. Poor borsigs never saw that coming.
3k damg in tier 9
well, I lost about 2 mils credits for afk.panther after she get buffed, but it worth (half year premium so credits is not big problem)
Sitting on 24 million (not so) “FREE” XP so all I need to know is how much I need to convert
960,000 Gold
Using the best package now is $3840
Any ideas how many XP from Chaffee to T37?
1. Same as any tier V to VI tank (like M7Mt to T21 = 28k exp)
2. If we luck, we can have max out T37 when we already have elite Chaffee
Wish WG will chose no.2
Anyway, from M5 stuart (tier IV) to Chaffee (tier V), you need cca 50k xp…
no, when Chaffee get nerfed, exp for unlock chaffee from M5 will reduce like all tier IV to V tank (12k ~ 15k exp)
anyway, M5 will get nerfed too (lose -20 depression turret, 75mm derp and get 37mm autoloader)
Well in this case this sounds great. Because M5 is a pain. Now I can use free xp for chaffee. :)
i assume cos its technically t6, so t4- t6 exp cost combined. my guess.
Just great. I suffered M5 for all the 55K and then when i unlocked Chaffee, i didn’t even buy it…
A bit confusing, I’ve never had T-50-2 nor KV-1S so I don’t have MT-25. Now I would need to rebuy T-34 again to get to T-54 light. It’s kinda stupid that I already have almost top branch Leo PT and top ruskie T-62A/Ob140 but can’t have their predecessors and have to grind from lower tier.
yes. Or you can grind Kv1s from now
What do you suggest? You want they to give you something for free? I see no reason why would they do that.
Close to zero incentive to go back grinding to something I already have
You obviously aren’t all that bothered about the T-45 Light then…
I notice the T50-2 is still in that list, which is odd, doubt it means it’s being brought back…
T-34 is a great tank. Mid tiers are a great fun. What’s the problem?
And it’s not like getting xp on the current KV-1S is “grinding”.
Already stocked my 90k XP and 70k Free XP for RU251 in my Awful Panther.
My Body is READY!!
Not awful anymore XD
Wish Ru251 will become mini Leopard 1 with crazy DPM like Afk.panther now
Is this mean that we must reserch Leopard so we can swich ON acelerate crew trening on RU-251 or what ? :/
Leopard PT A, yes.
Dont forget all modules of RU251
Don t like that :( Don t like that German line & tanks,bad idea for me :/
Must reserch stupid Leopard and 170k and more exp :(
Buuuuuu…. :D
If we lucky enough, RU251 will share module with Indien Pz like engine, radio and 90mm gun
It s not problem RU-251,problem is reserching stupid tier 9 tank that i don t need & don t like so i can accelrate crew traning. :@ Buuuuu…. :@
Don t thing we gona get gun but yes some engine and radio. :)
RU251 definitely has a different 90mm gun, so how could they share it?
Everyone will say T49 qnd then say its the T49. You guess which one
Oh lolz.
Now people must to grind KV-1S after grinding KV-1 just to get into IS line?
Thank got i already enter that line
Or you can go trough KV-13
Yeah looks like the IS-7 now becomes the only line that has 11 tanks in the line instead of 10. Before this only non-optimal (or “cross-class”) research paths had one tank that unlocks another of the same tier.
Are you ready for the T150 flood? ;)
Looks like M41 arty is getting renamed “M41 HMC” as well?
And I spot a T-34-85M in that tree, so hopefully it will be normally available and not a reward tank.
It will be normal prem tank. I think, someone already said that.
Yeah, but WG is known to change their minds. They also said that T23E3 would go on sale for a limited time after the CW event. And then they said ‘nope’.
OK, now I can take out those Accelerated Crew XP checkboxes on MT-25 and Chaffee too (not only Auf. Panther), good to know and to be 100% sure.
And people – if you don’t have a KV-1S in garage, I suggest to buy it. You will most likely get KV-85 for free with garage slot and 100% crew.
Or whats more likely to happen is, you will keep your KV-1S and it will be renamed KV-85 and the new KV-1S will be unlocked for you on Tier 5. Like it was with the StuG3.
Unlikely, since KV-85 has a different crew composition. I’d expect it to be just like VK 30.01 H and 30.02 M, crew moving down one tier but you get both tanks and 100% crew for tier 6.
I have mt25 researched but not purchased. What will happen with the exp.
What will happen with my kv1s? Will i get 2 tanks? What about my 3 skill crew?
Put them in the barracks before 9.3.
T-54 will be premium or not? Now i dont understand..
Silent Already stated on previous Post “T-54 LT Will not become Premium tanks”
We’re getting the T-54 prototype as premium instead.
Im gonna ask the same question the others have – If one already has the entire KV line unlocked, and with the KV1 and KV1s in the garage; when they nerf AKA SCREW OVER the KV1S does that mean we get a KV85? And yes I AM bitter that both the KV1s and Chaffee are getting SCREWED OVER.
It’s possible you will get both, yes
“Screwed Over” like all your opponents have been when you seal club in your OP-1S?
As for chaffee, they did it to all special T5 LTs, only different thing with the Chaffee is it is last. We all knew this was coming for well over a year.
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damn i want that derpy T49 light but i really hae grinding US M5 -__-
i mean, the derp’s just there for a consolation prize, and now they’re gunna remove it? BRING ON THE GOLD+free xp cuz we got a HOOLLE here
In my opinion. Chaffee drivers are getting f**k in the ass by WG. It was a Massive Grind in the M5 to get the Chaffee and to get all the upgrades. And now the Chaffee is getting massively nerved. I hope WG will give all Chaffee owners the new T49 as compensation for their efforts and loss. Or even better. Make the chaffee as it is now, a premium tank next to the new Branch line. Compensation is in order.
crii moar psl…
compensation my arse, shit happens, suck it up…there’s no need to compensate this player base every time something changes in the tech tree. It’s already a compensation that you will end up having a t49 that will eat WT-E100s for breakfast…
Whine whine whine.
I for one consider the 1.3k fantastic games I’ve had in the Chaffee as more than enough reward for the “massive grind” on the M5 Stuart which only took 100 or so games back in the day.
75 battles for me to elite the M5. That’s stock to elite, all modules, M7, and Chaffee. With premium, really that’s pretty easy when 1v1 you can beat almost every T4 tank.
OHMAHGAWD T-50-2 SilentStalker TELL ME it is coming back!!!
Nope, Tank Viewer just loads old data to show it off
I wish we could research backwards. If wishes were horses… ¬__¬
im coming for you t49
Sooo will the overall exp for the chaffee be dropped since it’s not anymore the end of the line?
Of course. It won’t have T6 LT stats anymore so it won’t have T6 xp costs either.
Do we know if there is any compensation for the 55k XP for Chaffee?
Am I the only one here who’s a bit worried that the “T-54 Light” is basically going to be a regular, light tank version of a Type 59?
Think I’m exaggerating, think about it:
Take the Type 59, remove some of its armor but make it faster, AND allow it to keep its full camo rating while moving. That thing’s going to be an absolute NIGHTMARE to go up against.