9.3 Official New Awards

Source: RU forums

Please note that the names are not translated from Russian, they are taken from the official supertest post, published earlier



For reaching 1000 points of spotting damage in one winning battle, can be awarded to multiple players per battle.

“Eye for an Eye!”


For destroying an enemy while being destroyed by him as well, ramming and fire do count, is awarded to both players.



For destroying the enemy by setting them on fire. Can be awarded to multiple players per battle.

“Demolition Expert”


For destroying the enemy by ammoracking them. Can be awarded to multiple players per battle.

“Hand of God”


For surviving battle while being damaged by no less than 4 enemy players. Only hits that cause damage count. Fire and ramming damage also count. Can be awarded to multiple players per battle.



For causing no less than 5 critical module hits and/or crew kills per battle. Can be awarded to multiple players per battle.



For destroying no less than 2 enemy vehicles, which caused you damage in battle. Module damage counts towards this. Can be awarded to multiple players per battle.



Awarded when the total damage blocked by armor in one battle is higher than that tank’s hitpoint count. The player has to survive the battle. Can be awarded to multiple players per battle.

“Fire for Effect”


For dealing more damage than is the hitpoint count of your vehicle. Not awarded to artillery players. Fire and ramming also counts. Can be awarded to multiple players per battle.

“Battle Buddy”


For not dealing any damage to friendly players in 50 battles. Battles in all vehicles count towards this. Damage that damages modules but does not destroy them does not count. Can be awarded to multiple players per battle.



For destroying 4-5 enemy vehicles in battle. Can be awarded to multiple players per battle.

63 thoughts on “9.3 Official New Awards

  1. I’m really digging these “play poorly” medals. You managed to get your tank shot up by 4 different enemies, but somehow you didn’t die? Here’s a medal for just being lucky!”

    Does non hp, pure module damage count as a hit?

    • They are meant to be easy, I think their aim is only to show in post-battle screen who ammo racked enemy or who set someone on fire or survived by luck etc. Notice their shape is distinctive from more difficult medals.

      They are just meant to be EASY

  2. Don’t deal HP damage in 50 games? – The award for being either incomprehensibly useless, or the most passive of all the passive scouts :P

  3. ““Hand of God”
    For surviving battle while being damaged by no less than 4 enemy players. Only hits that cause damage count. Fire and ramming damage also count. Can be awarded to multiple players per battle.”

    Does that one count friendly player’s damage aswell? both ramming and shots

    ““Battle Buddy”
    For not dealing any damage to players in 50 battles. Battles in all vehicles count towards this. Damage that damages modules but does not destroy them does not count. Can be awarded to multiple players per battle.”

    I’m sure you mean “For not dealing any damage to FRIENDLY players”, right?

  4. Pingback: [Sammelthread] World of Tanks - Seite 3930

  5. Battle Buddy medal: At last, something I can actually achieve in this game. For once, I will feel special :)

  6. All this butthurt about medals for “playing poorly”, and i’m just sitting here thinking; “Cool, my Post-battle screen will be filled with medals :D”

    Seriously i like the idea of more medals, as long as they’re not given with every single thing you do.

    • At least, if they are taken into account as Heroic Resistance, you’ll get more xp EVEN if you played a wednesday afternoon during summer holidays (defeat because of 10 y.o. dumb children everywhere) :P

      • Seriously i like the idea of more medals, *as long as they’re not given with every single thing you do.*
        And that’s exactly what happened.

  7. Unless you mean friendly fire “Battle Buddy” will be quite hard to achieve :P

    Nevermind, could have known this comment was here already 20 times before me.

  8. Just what we needed, more useless medals.
    Oh you logged on two days in a row, medal. “Persistant tanker”
    Oh you checked the tech tree 10 times today, medal. “Research-o-holic”
    Oh you use the general chat box, medal. “Socializer”

    Template for future comments:
    Oh you … , medal. “…”

  9. Man, I see KV-4 and KV-2 farming the hell out of a couple of those…Esp. Hand of God, shellproof, and Bruiser. Fire for Effect should be a lock for any competent players as well, since you should be doing at least your own HP in battle every game anyways!

  10. 1) You all act as if WarThunder DOESN’T have a shitload of awards, medals & accolades. They’re cool/fun, for those who like them

    2) What’s most important -> Will they be taken into account for Heroic Resistance?!

    • add 2) That is good question. Might be WGs answer to constant complain from players who did the most for the losing team, yet it was not enough to get one of those tricky and bit random awards needed for courageous resistance.

      • Especially after they removed Sniper medal and introduced two medals favoring prem ammo spammers.

    • there should be some indicator for HR…often get that bonus stuff in matches where my team goes off to die gloriously within 4 minutes of start

  11. Finally some small milestones for tomatoes to strive for, maybe they’ll become 1% better than they were before.

    I guess that SSJ 6 whiner is pleased and he’ll finally win his first medals in WoT if he didn’t whine among the first 5.

  12. I’m gonna ask, tho I’m pretty sure the answer is no.
    Do those medals give you and xp/creds reward ?

  13. Easy-peasy!

    Well, “Battle Buddy” will be hard to achieve for large contingents of arty players; given that they shun nothing to get a (easy) kill, say for example when you circle an enemy or facehug someone *badaboom* “friendly” arty takes out your tank or at the very least half your modules…

  14. what a bullshit, so you get a bunch of medals every battle?
    did the idiot players whine too much that they cant get any medals or what!?

  15. now for every battle we fight, there always have tons of medals waiting for us :D guess WG makes these medal for newbies :D

  16. So, if any deep red tomato can get medals, what’s the point of them anymore? Medals should be showing a player has actually reached some level of competence, not that he is able to click the battle button and survive the first ten seconds of the game..