9.3 Tank Changes

Source: Gamemodels3d

These changes are based on SUPERTEST 9.3, might be a bit different in test 9.3

- all light tanks (except for Type 62, strangely enough) got their suspensions buffed by cca 10 percent (10-20 hitpoints)
- Jagdpanther 88mm L/56 depression nerfed from -8 to -5
- repair costs for VK3601 lowered by 25 percent
- T49 tank destroyer renamed to T67
- T71 light tank and T69 medium T185 gun made more expensive (63k to 73k credits)
- interestingly enough, SU-76I was buffed, which implies this vehicle might be implemented into the game

- stock tracks terrain resistance nerfed from 1,2/1,4/2,3 to 1,2/1,5/2,3, traverse nerfed from 22 to 20
- elite tracks terrain resistance nerfed from 1,1/1,3/2,1 to 1,1/1,4/2,1, traverse nerfed from 24 to 22
- accuracy loss after moving nerfed from 0,36 to 0,38
- Q.F. 25-Pr. Gun/How. reload nerfed from 8,6 to 8,9s, aimtime nerfed from 4,5 to 4,8s, shot dispersion factor after moving the gun and after shot nerfed from 0,36/5 to 0,42/6
- 4.5in Howitzer reload nerfed from 12 to 13,5s, aimtime nerfed from 4,5 to 4,8s, shot dispersion factor after turret rotation and after shot nerfed from 0,36/5 to 0,42/6

- reverse speed nerfed from 8 km/h to 6 km/h
- hitpoints nerfed by 5
- stock tracks terrain resistance nerfed from 1,4/1,7/2,7 to 2/2,2/2,9, traverse nerfed from 28 to 18
- elite tracks terrain resistance nerfed from 1,3/1,5/2,5 to 1,9/2,1/2,8, traverse nerfed from 30 to 22
- 75mm M1A1 reload nerfed from 4,8s to 5,2s, shot dispersion factor after moving the gun nerfed from 0,16 to 0,18
- 2pdr reload nerfed from 2,1s to 2,5s, shot dispersion factor after moving the gun nerfed from 0,12 to 0,14

- stock tracks accuracy on the move and when turning nerfed by 60 percent
- terrain resistance for stock tracks nerfed (soft/medium/hard) by 9/14/9 percent
- elite tracks accuracy on the move and when turning nerfed by 57 percent
- terrain resistance for elite tracks nerfed (soft/medium/hard) by 10/17/10 percent
- maxium reverse speed nerfed from 20 to 12 km/h
- 76mm M1A2 AT accuracy loss from turning the turret nerfed by 12 percent
- 90mm M3 reload time nerfed from 8s to 8,5s, accuracy loss from turning the turret nerfed by 25 percent

T57 Heavy:
- aimtime nerfed from 2,7 to 2,9
- accuracy loss from moving the turret nerfed by 30 percent
- accuracy loss from moving and turning the hull nerfed by 25 percent
- accuracy loss from moving at full speed nerfed by 25 percent

M5 Stuart:
(apart from being reworked, losing the 75mm gun and the turret changed)
- maximum speed buffed from 58 to 64,4
- terrain resistance buffed by cca 10 percent
- elite traverse speed nerfed from 45 to 42
- health buffed by 24 hitpoints

T92 SPG:
- accuracy loss from moving the gun buffed from 0,64 to 0,62
- accuracy loss from moving or turning the hull buffed from 0,38 to 0,34
- accuracy on the move buffed by cca 10 percent
- terrain resistance buffed from 1,2/1,4/2,3 to 1,1/1,2/1,9

Chafee changes can be found here.


- stock turret: 100mm D-10T reload buffed from 9,3s to 7,8s, aimtime buffed from 2,9s to 2,7s, accuracy buffed from 0,42 to 0,38, accuracy when turning the turret buffed by cca 23 percent
- elite turret: 100mm D-10T reload buffed from 9,3s to 7,6s, aimtime buffed from 2,9s to 2,7s, accuracy buffed from 0,42 to 0,38, accuracy when turning the turret buffed by cca 23 percent

Object 430:

- 100mm U-8TS reload buffed from 6,9s to 6,4s, accuracy nerfed from 0,35 to 0,38, accuracy loss after moving the turret buffed by cca 33 percent

105 thoughts on “9.3 Tank Changes

  1. So on thursday the test server should come if there aren’t problems? well we are talking about WGEU here lel

        • T92

          ”- accuracy loss from moving the gun buffed from 0,64 to 0,62
          - accuracy loss from moving or turning the hull buffed from 0,38 to 0,34
          - accuracy on the move buffed by cca 10 percent
          - terrain resistance buffed from 1,2/1,4/2,3 to 0,1/1,2/1,9”

          Whoop tee friggin do.
          Tell me, is it your own opinion that arty palyers are scumbag or is it because your Lord and Saviour Quickybaby said so and you’ve been riding his dick way too often, like all of his mindless followers?

          • Nope but lets see talking something about a player like that isn’t even nice..i see some buthurt dude maybe becaus you are jealous,but now on arty well siting in the base while 1 clicking players even if it misses for 5m you take 50% damage and so raining dead but when they need to die most of them go drown becaus you know they can easly do damage but dieing from somebody who you didn’t kill whit 1 shot uhhm nope?I’t like the bomber spam in SB battles in War thunder

            • “I’t like the bomber spam in SB battles in War thunder”
              About which I can bet you never heard off until Jingles mentioned it in his videos.
              Arty is nowhere near as deadly as it used to be pre patch 8.6 The only people who still got problems with them are campers. Unless Arty player is really good( less than 10% of arty players) it’s got almost no chance to hit you if you move and even if he/she is good it’s one chance out of 10. Learn more about how arty behaves before spouting insults at arty players.

                • Nobody cares about your rank in WT.

                  Also I’m having great difficulty reading most of what you are writing. Perhaps it’s best if you try a little bit harder to make your English seem as though it doesn’t come straight from google translate.

          • Lethality is right, people blindly follow the Youtubers opinions. I do love watching Jingles and Circons videos, QB not so much, but all 3 of them talk trash about arty, call them all kind of names and get pissed about getting shot by arty yet all of them have the ONLY OP arty and one of the most OP vehicles in game – FV304. So stop with the arty BS, it’s getting boring. If u get hit by an arty other than the FV, one that aims for 8 seconds and has a narrow gun arc, stop camping, learn the map and dont blame others for your faults

            • Ohh shut up already, it’s not like nobody would complain about arty if these guys wouldnt put up videos about it, the only thing they are influencing is the name (scumbags). Also don’t be like “arty is hard to play, it takes long to aim” you have all the time in the world to aim because no player on the entire battlefield can retaliate or even knows that you are even aiming at him + you don’t need to hit, know anything about weakspots etc. It took me one day to get ACE in T92 GW E100 on a friends acc. I can understand if you say, arty is part of the game, I like to play it and don’t care what people think about me but don’t act like it requires skill or that it’s all down to the player on the receiving end not moving.

              • OMG this. If arty just admitted they liked playingbecause they like less skilled parts of the game I wouldnt care. If they just said, I rely on RNG dont wanna take time to learn hitspots and love to ruin tankers games by griefing, then I might respect them.

                But acting like its anything but easy is just retarded.

                • It’s arty haters who are doing the complaining. Did u skip the part where i said i hate the FV304? My point was if players whine for being hit by arty that IS NOT accurate (even though u will probably say otherwise) and aims for more that 7 seconds, it’s their fault only. And its not less skilled part of the game if u want do be really good at it. Plus, if tankers wouldn’t attack on the same 3 lines out of the 10 on the whole map every fucking time, they would be safer

                  With the rising number of scouts sleeping or suiciding, heavies and TDs camping and being mostly useless, playing arty is not that easy.

            • They have the FV304 because it’s not as retarded as other ones, because it has low range so it has to be closer to front.

              Other ones can allow rng to hit a fullspeed scout that is turning without aiming from across the map.

              • It has low range, thats true. But thats the only weakness it has. It’s faster than scouts, small and hard to hit, shoots and aims fast, can perma track tanks. You’re right, its not retarded, its OP. And kv2 shooting over the whole map and killing a tank, scouts bouncing e100 heat shots, is not rng? In the end, every single one of us can complain about whatever he wants, it’s all up to WG what happens in the end

        • Dear Mijo, do you have T92 ? If you don’t have it, better don’t talk. T92 is the most useless T10 arty. It was overnerfed some patches ago.

    • Apparently the only change is that it has the 1.5 crew xp modifier now. They either forgot to make any changes or didn’t plan anything until in gets HD model and the patchnotes are wrong.

      • ah shame, was hoping we would see a soft stat boost at least before any major changes with the HD model.

  2. Also, still nothing about existing LT buffs? This is going to be brutal powercreep on the French and Chinese light tank lines, and the M5 actually looks worse than before.

  3. - terrain resistance buffed from 1,2/1,4/2,3 to 0,1/1,2/1,9



    Boy, T92-Formula 1.

  4. Intresting update it seems , with the new medals , easier mark of potato and more light tanks carnage , possibly the update that will keep me into the game

  5. T18 nerfs…although I don’t play tier II anymore, I’m glad to see something get done, while that OP thing is around its a killer for new players motivation.

    But is those nerfs enough? Mobility gets a knock, so it can’t marauder around so easily anymore, but the armour…IMO the biggest stumbling block to new players must be its armour!

    But the plan its to replace it entirely later right?

    • IIRC WG has some long term plans to replace it with something else at tier 1, possibly involving turning the T18 into an SPG

    • T18 armor is pretty much historically correct though, should be 2in (50.8mm) and it’s 51mm now.
      They’ll probably replace it with the T3 later.

      • It has a freaking weakspot half the size of it’s front. I mean the begginers will find out about the existance of weakspots on a tank. At least that’s how i found out about weakspots in this game, in my early times, facing the T18. It was a tough nut to crack, but man, that satisfaction when you wrecked one! And then came the Hetzer…. :/

    • T18 in real life was an SPG, whilst the T57, currently an SPG was actually a TD. So WG are going to swap them over. This will make the T18 a slow but still difficult to kill arty.

    • 2 ground resistance on hard ground? That’s worse than the T-62A in a swamp.
      Totally deserved it.

  6. Birch Gun keeps the 25-pdr: thing is, it’s only available on the other “turret” (every vehicle in the game has one for the purpose of gun selection, check the Pz.Sfl. IVc for example: you can’t select the 8.8 FlaK 41 with a stock “turret”).
    Also, T-50-2 changes: they changed the “ball” turret back to the regular one, mantlet is messed up though.

    • And it would be strange to take away the 25 pounder from the tier 4 Birch Gun when the tier 3 Sexton II keeps it.
      Apart from that, the 25 pounder is already by far weakest tier 4 artillery gun. Tier 5 and 6 games with Birch Gun were no real fun when half the hits did no damage…

  7. i dont get this WG..nerfing everything that is good but buffing the arty..yes gg..what a fkn bullshit all good tanks are going to be shit now..why would u buff 50b and then nerf t57(which needed it but not that much)..keep doing this for the whiners and that is all that is going to be in this game-whiners

        • Another assblasted noob, I bet you only played KV-1S, hellcat, T57 which are “good tanks” well guess what , your days are over, you need to improve your skill to be good rather than have a good tank.

          • Hellcat/KV-1S will still be playable and i will continue playign them, skilless sunday tankers can’t roflstomp with them anymore and flex their e-peens over their 400-500 avg done in a KV-1S ( which is a bloody joke to stay polite )

    • Sigh….first, they didn’t touch what makes the T57 broken, it’s very high DPM and time between shells, so i with still be broken post nerf. Second, have you stopped to consider it’s not whining and it’s really justified balance complaints? My guess is probably not

    • It’s called “balancing”. Perhaps you should try checking that up in the dictionary.
      These are all good changes. Try playing any other tank aside from OP tanks.

  8. Wonder if this big russian 100mm buff (that puts it in line with the one the KV-85 is getting) will change the IS meta at all as to which gun to use.

    • It won’t, you have a well handled 100mm gun on SU-100 and 122 BL-9 on ISU-152, none is actually used in the meta although they’re perfectly good guns. Most players just go after damage and penetration, they don’t look at soft stats mostly.

      • Well, on the TDes it’s a bit of a problem to use fast firing guns…you need to expose yourself far more often which also means that you might get hit more often, thus, big toys being prefered.

  9. “Jagdpanther 88mm L/56 depression nerfed from -8 to -5″

    Did they just nerf a premium tank? For what justifiable reason?

    Edit: reminder to self: get new pair of glasses…..I read Jagdtiger, lol!

  10. - IS:
    - stock turret: 100mm D-10T reload buffed from 9,3s to 7,8s, aimtime buffed from 2,9s to 2,7s, accuracy buffed from 0,42 to 0,38, accuracy when turning the turret buffed by cca 23 percent
    – elite turret: 100mm D-10T reload buffed from 9,3s to 7,6s, aimtime buffed from 2,9s to 2,7s, accuracy buffed from 0,42 to 0,38, accuracy when turning the turret buffed by cca 23 percent

    for real? this is great buff to IS. 100mm was really good even before. now it would be clear choice for me.

    • And arguably, using the stock turret too would be a better idea since it turns much faster than the top one.

    • I´m a bit sad they didn´t buff Chinese IS-2 aswell. Partially because Im playing it and partially because WG always cries that people don´t play Chinese tanks – well obviously, if they make them inferior in 5 stats and superior in 1. And accuracy on 122 is terrible.

      • +1, I don’t understand why WG wants more chinese tank players when their russian counterpart is always better

    • I like how you say that while ignoring the fact that they add a bunch of overpowered US LTs.

      • Of course, soviet LT, that never ever existed even as a drawing, with armour that can put to shame wast majority of mediums of same tier yet is somehow much lighter and faster and has comparable gun, is not overpowered…

      • Implying here that the T-54L isn’t going to be the best of the bunch.

        Oh no the T49 gets a gimicky derp gun! OPOPOPOP!!

  11. why did they have to nerf the jt 88 again? i don’t have it but it was never a problem to deal with one ..

  12. 6kph REVERSE SPEED FOR t18? That is bullshit. I can run faster than that. Shame on you Serb. The fastest people can run 15-23 mph; most people usually walk at 3-4 mph!

  13. “- all light tanks (except for Type 62, strangely enough) got their suspensions buffed by cca 10 percent (10-20 hitpoints)”

    When you say “all”, do you mean “ALL”, as in the tier 4 lights as well? One of the previous posts said tiers 5-8 only.
    I mean, 10%, my Luchs is still going to be detracked if someone looks at it funny…but every bit helps.

    “- 75mm M1A1 reload nerfed from 4,8s to 5,2s, shot dispersion factor after moving the gun nerfed from 0,16 to 0,18
    - 2pdr reload nerfed from 2,1s to 2,5s, shot dispersion factor after moving the gun nerfed from 0,12 to 0,14″

    Yes, because people using the AT guns was totally the problem, not the ones using the howitzer to roll around oneshotting things.

    WG, once again missing the point.

    • In reference to the T18 at least, they hardly missed the point. The guns got nerfed a bit, but the main nerf is really to its mobility. There are numerous vehicles that exist that can one shot their peers, the Cruiser Mk. II is a great example. But you pay massively for this, and so now, finally, does the T18.

      It’s armour is still gonna be a bit of a bitch, but now you should be able to circle and out manoeuvre it with much greater ease.

      A vehicle that had great speed and agility (or at least decent), good gun selection (either was plausible) and good armour was never gonna work in a ‘balanced’ environment.

      For me, the mobility nerf is the best thing that could have happened to the T18 without removing it from the game entirely. It has a niche, potent guns, good armour. They’d be better off starting with a new tier 2 TD if they were to nerf the armour IMO, and the guns have received a bit of work, but I never saw those as OP, perhaps frustrating and a little too good for the platform, but not OP.

      • I’ve had a while to think about it, and coupled with realizing that they did hit the howitzer too (m1a1 75mm != m1a1 76mm AT gun), it may be enough.

        You did sort of get it right with the Cruiser II; it has the ability to oneshot, but I don’t think even the word “massively” quite does justice to how much it pays for it. No armor, moves like a heavy, average view range, somewhat poor camo, and terrible, terrible gun characteristics. It’s like a KV-2, only worse off because of the whole “no armor” thing and being in a tier where everything fires 4-6 times faster.

        Up until now, the T18 has been the polar opposite in everything aside from view range. This nerf…will certainly even it out. At least, like you said, it can be circled now, instead of it pivoting at MT speeds. In fact, the net nerf to traverse speed is going to be even more than the 8 listed, because of the hit to ground resistance; they might have overdone it.

        We’ll see. It’s certainly not going to be rolling around like a medium tank whilst oneshotting things like it was before, at least.

      • Yea, you’re right…I was thinking of the M1A1 76mm gun, a different creature.

        Times like this make me realize that I probably shouldn’t be posting in the morning, when my brain is working even less well than usual.

    • “- all light tanks (except for Type 62, strangely enough) got their suspensions buffed by cca 10 percent (10-20 hitpoints)”
      i hope it starts at tier 3 like my BT-SV :) and locust
      imagine how troll the ELC is going to be with even more troll tracks :O

  14. Holy cow, best patch ever!?

    Finally the T18 gets balanced, that vehicles was OP IMO.

    The KV-1S (or effectively now the KV-85) gets nerfed, which is good, because while I never considered it OP, it had too much good/average/not bad enough stats, if you want to play with that alpha at that tier, then you have to pay by having a poor vehicle in most other regards, which is looking like how they’re making the KV-85.

    Hellcat, about time.

    The rest I’m pleased with.

    And new tanks.

    Best patch since I’ve been playing, which to be fair, is only since 8.7.

    • Well the hellcat nerf won’t affect passive scouting/camo sniping at all, so I can’t see it making a major difference.

      Funny how they nerf the KV-1S then buff the IS… gotta keep the ruskies happy…:)
      I’m going to get the IS again and wait and see on the new T5/T6 KV-1S options.

      • Yeah, fair point about the Hellcat.

        I’m more interested for the KV-1S at tier 5 than the KV-85 at tier 6. We kinda already know what to expect from the KV-85, I have no clue on the KV-1S, although I’m assuming a faster, lesser armoured KV-1 in terms of playstyle for the most part.

        Either way, both should be positive and hopefully balanced solutions (I hardly see the KV-85 being OP now, just because it has alpha, doesn’t make it OP)

  15. Is WG realy nerfing the T57 heavy because of 5-6 second diference of full reload time or are the soft stats to strong on it?
    Because it seems a bit stupid to buff the 50 B’s aim time since it was to long from 3 to 2,5 but the T57 gets its aim time nerfed from 2,7 to 2.9. Why dont they just change the reload between shells from 2 seconds to 2,2 – 2,5 and that should put it close to the 50 B’s gun,

    • I believe in one of the interview it was mentioned that the goal is to make the two more different. E.g. one more of a second line support unit and the other shoot-on-the-move. Not just two identical vehicles in French and US tech trees.

      I don’t care much for any of them so i didn’t pay close attention though. I might be completely wrong here.

      • They already are quite diferent, the only thing they have in common is the 4 round autoloader with 1600 average burst dmg. The 50 B can out run pretty much any tank exept for few mediums with its top speed of 60-65km/h. While the T57 only has 35 and is going to have to need some kind of backup. The only thing the T57 realy has better than the 50 B is that the full reload is about 6 seconds faster, the time between shots is 0,5 seconds faster, and it has 32 more armor on the hull.
        At the moment the foch can go faster, aims faster, turns faster, has more ammo, only 6 second diference on full reload compared to T57 and over all has more survivability if used propper.
        The nerf of the T57 is kinda stupid the way they make it.

  16. - interestingly enough, SU-76I was buffed, which implies this vehicle might be implemented into the game
    Even better stats than before?
    Want it even more. 0.0

  17. Lol, the STOCK gun on the FV304 will be nerfed too? Nobody using it… (tried once, it sucks)

  18. So the ROF is 2 secs, the dispersion is now 30% higher and aimtime nerfed…..This is such a massive hit for the t57, all they had to do was make its accuracy less, not the dispersion.

    Problem with the 57 is it at 300m can use AP rounds to hit lower plates. Make tthe accuracy .42 change reload a tad and its fine.

    Or just be original and make it have 3 rounds where the 50b has 4. So a 57 isnt as scary with 1200 potential dmg as 1600 dmg.

    • T57 Needs to have SOMETHING better than 50B (other than that pretty much laughable for tier 10 armor) to have any place in the game. AMX 50B already has better long range fire capabilities and much better mobility on top of that.
      I don’t understand all that crying about T57 when it’s close enough to AMX 50B while there is something like WT E100 in the game.

  19. - repair costs for VK3601 lowered by 25 percent

    And what about Chaffe ? Haven’t seen any news mentioning its repair prices and it’s pretty high for a tier 5 tank. After nerf … ehm … rebalance, they need to lower it. Why do I have a feeling they will “forget” about it. It’s dirty capitalist US tank after all.

    • You could at least wait for the exact stats to be released before making such statements. We already know that EVERYTHING about the Chaffee is being lowered to Tier V standard, including its XP requirement getting lowered to around 12k instead of the current 55k (already saved up that much on the M5 so I can unlock it come 9.3). It’s likely the repair costs will be lowered as well to match.

  20. Hmm…minor nerfs to Bert (and much needed, even coming from a Bert owner who gave it gold paint & emblems), T18 “nerfed” (yeah, ok, not much there), and the 100mm on the IS buffed. I might just have to stick the 100mm on my IS just to see how much extra DPM I can get out of it over the 122…fast heavy with a relatively fast firing gun and somewhat troll armor for its tier? Yes please!

  21. i bet we are going to sit on the M6A2E1 buff for few years. I mean, not like we were waiting for it for ? 2 ? 3 years ? don’t remember, i paid 80€ to feel it deep in my ass so long time ago…