Please note that the last article about 9.3 changes was not correct in one point. Birch Gun 25pdr did NOT get removed, its internal ID just changed.
- the “XP for damage, blocked by armor” will not be reworked to incorporate damage done to tracks, because “tracks are not ‘tanking’”
- M8A1 in the game is not called “Scott”, because Scott is the name for M8 HMC and not for M8A1 (which is generally not correct as well, the correct version would be M8 GMC). The turret that was removed from M5 Stuart in 9.3 will be in the game as stock M8A1 turret, turning the M8A1 into M8 HMC (“Scott”) and M8 GMC hybrid, when the M8A1 gets reworked to HD
- T92 Light Tank does not have an autoloader and will not have it in the game (SS: if it gets implemented)
- T92 Light Tank will not come in 9.4 and it’s not a tier 8 light tank (SS: as in, it’s lower), it will not come this year
- the Firefly branch will be a mix of LT, MT and TD’s (LT – M2A4, M3 Honey MT – Lee, Sherman, Firefly TD – the rest)
- WG is aware that some vehicles do not have correct crew setups, this however will not be fixed for now
- there is a potential candidate for AFK Panther replacement, “now there is the ‘small’ matter of actually replacing it” (SS: the candidate is SP.I.C.)
- there are various ways of how to rework the German tree globally, but that won’t happen for the obvious reasons of such changes being too big
- the alternative hulls will (as previously announced) most likely be tied to suspension changes
- there will more likely be no more than two turrets and suspensions/hulls per tank, as there is no real need for more
- the climbing ability of tanks in new physics will most likely be limited as it is now on maps in order not to break gameplay
- new tank sounds: “when it’s done it’s done”
- tanks turning on their roofs are not Havok-dependant
- T-54 and T-62 burn when hit from the front not because of transmission, but because of fuel tanks
- different e-sports formats will still be tested, it cannot be said which one will be final for now
- there will be new tutorial for newbies
- Japanese heavies will come sooner than TD’s
- multiturret mechanism: “Noone needs it. We will make it at some point when we have no other things to do.”
- Roaming mechanism is not finished yet anyway, it has low priority
- Storm confirms that SerB was wrong when he hinted at implementing the Sturmtiger line. Sturmtiger will not come.
- Tiger II in HD: “when it’s done it’s done”
- developers are considering getting rid of trollplatoons (limiting tier differences in platoons)
- a player proposed that the consumable price for new players on tier 1-4 would be cheaper than for experienced players (“sealclubbers”) – Storm states it’s not possible
- regarding buffs of some premium tanks (Matilda IV and its low firepower) – “when there are issues with actual tanks, we will rework them”
- developers do not consider KV-1S to be overpowered, the KV-1S/KV-85 split is not a nerf, but a “rebalancing”
- T-150 will not be rebalanced, for now at least
- rebalance of skills and perks will not come anytime soon
- it’s possible that the top tier Italian medium tank will be the Leopard with autoloader
- developers do not consider KV-1S to be overpowered, the KV-1S/KV-85 split is not a nerf, but a “rebalancing”
rly ? :DDD my god :)
Cite of the Year, that is beyond redicilous. ;DD
Makes you wonder if they even play their own game sometimes. These are the people in charge of development and they haven’t got a clue.
These are the people in charge of PR* and they will say anything that fits the current agenda regardless of the truth.
Chances are nerfing the KV-1S is a sensitive matter on the RU forums because .
In that case why are they T6 tank of choice of 95% players in stronkholds and TC?
The devs do not have to balls to admit that the KV-1S is OP, because they fear the rage of the nationalist SerB, who likes this USSR stats pusher jewel.
thats why the hellcat and the fv304 bert were for.. but now they ard getting nerfed because the kvass is now getting nerfed to crap
No some t6 SH, it is all kv1s as heavies. These devs are so fking stupid.
ARL 44 armed with 105mm is a beast. If you can afford to shoot gold it’s even more insane (APCR has more pen and MORE DMG).
the ARL44 IMHO is far better … and i find my t28 prot more responsive than the KV1-S… I don’t know how it’s OP…
I know that it’s more rewarding for the average player than other tanks but for experienced players I guess there are better choices.
They are not stupid, they work accordingly to numbers…But if You and all those cleverheads above You didn´t realize, KV1S is a choice of many many many (means good and BAD) players, which makes the numbers look a bit different, than it is in game. And only KV1Ses fault is, that it allows bad players deal at least some decent dmg before they die.
You´ll see next patch, tomatoes will suck in KV1S and good players…Well all who whined about KV1S being too OP, will cry even more.
I wonder, why is it that Russian tanks only ever get rebalanced, while tanks from other nations get nerfs?
One of life’s great mysteries I suppose.
Lol, kv85 dpm with the 100mm is ridiculous
WG gone mad. Why they don’t admit it ? It is a completely justified nerf. Why they have a problem with that ?
It still has .46 accuracy; 3.4 sec aimtime; 12 km/h reverse speed and 330m viewrange. (That’s why I didn’t buy it back.)
since there are kv1s in both teams both win and lose so the overall winrate is ok :P
Just… this :D
Meh to me KV1S is overrated.
Being a KV-1S owner, and having fought & killed many hundreds (if not thousands) of them, I still don’t see the OP-ness of it. Ok, decent alpha, but massively long reload to make up for it, and most of em are driven by tomatos who run around solo. Solo KV-1S? Eat the first shell, charge, enjoy your meal before he reloads (unless, that is, you’re driving something with similarly bad reload time). Yes, in the hands of good to great players it can seem OP…but hell, nearly ANY tank can be OP in the right hands.
developers do not consider KV-1S to be overpowered, the KV-1S/KV-85 split is not a nerf, but a “rebalancing”
Horse- hockey…
I’ve Played over 1K of games in that tank and have my barrel star (s)
This is their proposed change:
Gun: 122mm D2-5T
PEN: 175/217/61
DAM: 390/390/465
Reload time: 20s When it’s reload is about 13.1-13.8 seconds now (with rammer)
Aim time: 3,6s When it’s Aim-time is 3.4s (without a gun aimer about 2.8 with vents and aimer and gunner with 4 perks)
Accuracy: 0,5 When it’s dispersion in .46
Depression: -3/+20
Not a rebalancing that’s what we would call A NERF! plain a simple huge change on accuracy dispersion at 100m. Charges to reload and aimtime that will cripple that tank. A Change in depression too.
Hmm, lots of Rusky tanks have 0.5 accuracy or there abouts, I used to have Su152, the derp was about that, sure the aim circle was big but the shot always went to the centre of the aiming circle, that thing was really about 0.1 accuracy and you watch and see how bad the KV85 will be in reality……
Don’t believe a word these guys say, I won’t say any more….
Firefly branch: LT is M2A4 and not the other way, right?
Aye M2A4
“- it’s possible that the top tier Italian medium tank will be the Leopard with autoloader”
*Me watching my leo pta*
*Me thinking that i absolutely want the STB-1*
*Me thinking that the centurion mk 7/1 is cool after all*
fuck………………… another medium tank with the L7 gun, I want it :(
leopard 1=sniper+mobility
STB-1=rate of fire+armor
Italian leopard=autoloader+mobility
Centurion 7/1=polyvalence+armor
AMX 30B=penetration (fires only HE/HEAT, pens 310 mm ingame)+mobility
that works. No clones at all…
You forgot Centurion 7/1 = Most random shells that breaks armored tanks in half then do 100 damage on a tier 6 TD (hesh)
This one:
SS, I hope that all is well and I wish you good fortune in whatever your challenge is.
Is there and ETA on Japanese heavies, or is a “when it’s done it’s done”?
Ps. Thank-you for your amazing contribution.
Doing my best so far. And no, no ETA. Japanese heavies are problematic, generally there is a lack of info. Personally, I am quite skeptical.
I hope there will be Japanese heavies, even if just for the sheer hilarity of it.
Heavy tanks penetrated by HE from the front, working as intended :D
If im right, Japan has planed bigger heavy tank than Maus is.
It would be awesome if they will ad that one into game.
Yes the I-O is HUUUGE. But that’s the only wellknown jap heavy out there….
then FR heavys first :3
Any chance for japanese HTs to be in 2015?
Hard to say. Maybe.
I doubt any second French heavy line will ever appear.
when there will be no more russian clone or fictious tanks, they will be forced to add them :)
” – developers do not consider KV-1S to be overpowered, the KV-1S/KV-85 split is not a nerf, but a “rebalancing” ”
Do developers really play the game? or just kidding?
If youre so scared of it then derp it with kv2. Deal with it
And whats going on with Achilles? Will we get him in Firefly line, or no Achilles for us?
Think it will come im looking foward to the Archer
SS got a few questions will ELC get buffed anytime soon? What could be this years Golden Joystick award tank?
What do u think of the alternative hulls?
and why can’t I like and comment on FTR’s fb page same name Nedim Ajanovic.
GL with the troubles ur facing.
Sincearly: quickyfartyy (IGN asadtesanj)
- ELC: apart from the suspension buff, I doubt it
- Golden Joystic: no idea
- alternative hulls: mostly useless
- no idea
Tryed re-likeing the page didnt work but nevermind. And I think they should give ELC a 20 HP buff so that it has 420. And ROF buff to the rld time with 100% crew is 9.5 sec. Well thats my idea apart from the fact ELC isnt ELC AMX it is ELC Bis that bugs me much and I’ve mailed em about that and brought that up numerous times,…, ugh I even got my acc baned for that i Had 62k battles on it! But im drifting away here thats just 3 letters they would have to change.
I’m in ELC-focused / stealthy tank clan.
I do think with all these highly OP new LT that ELC deserves a buff, at least in gun dispersion and moderately faster ROF.
Even with 5 skills and gold consumable it’ll struggle with all the newly buffed LTs and certainly with the 9.3 light tanks.
Nedim Ajanovic – look for me on WoT and then the clan, if you want to join, apply! :)
And agree, change the BLOODY name!!!! ELC Bis!
And maybe introduce the ELC with the heavy machine gun turret for laughs!
420…. blaze it?
MemoFromTurner I will gladly join ELC-P tomorrow I will send a join request
Just because you enjoy playing(padding) one tank doesn’t mean WG should fulfill all your wet dreams and buff the tank they way how you like it.
heres an idea givevit a 360 turret when you have the long 75 equiped.
and when the 90s equiped its has that same fixed td like look.
ELC AMX does not need a buff… if you think it does you are playing it wrong!
the stealthiest tank in the entire game+speed+ultra low profile+ 90mm gun with 170pen with AP and 240 damage can fire APCR (penetrates obstacles ) and now has a tier 8 max MM… it needs a nerf kid :P
When the 75mm short/long is equiped it has a turret a 360 degree turret. and when it has the 90 it has that fixed turret. easy buff there.
” different e-sports formats will still be tested, it cannot be said which one will be final for now”
Storm, there’s talk of the 1st and 2nd place of silver League – ie next season gold league – (for RU west I believe) being DQ’ed for being socked by current gold league players, any way to dig into that?
Also, about the format testing, any way to get more info on some of the stuff (two cap encounter, etc) that’s being tested?
by storm I mean silent rip
- it’s possible that the top tier Italian medium tank will be the Leopard with autoloader
The Oto-Melara/Fiat OF-40 (Mk 1 of course)… just be done with it.
No. This one:
- it’s possible that the top tier Italian medium tank will be the Leopard with autoloader
No more stupid autoloaders ffs…..There are alread enough of them especially at tier X :-!
NO PROBLEM! KV1S is sport version of KV1 with premium tier 8 MM! No problem! No problem!
See yourself how stalin guided missile flies and hit cupolla or snipe at 600 meters!
No problem! Balanced as hell, you jealous capitalist scum! No problem!
Go home youre 90% vodka
Kv-1S is not OP.
Nor would the Tiger II with adjusted HP as a Tier VI, but you know. Stuff. Soviet reign supreme, and to the common grave with you, unbeliever.
Tiger II as tier 6? What is wrong with you?
Yes kv1s is not op
No a ktig nerfed to t6 will not be good. Youre mildly drunk
- developers do not consider KV-1S to be overpowered, the KV-1S/KV-85 split is not a nerf, but a “rebalancing”
The KV-1S is so under powered, I think the depression around -10 or -12 makes more sense considering they can load the gun through the hatch. That front armor auto bounce strip should be the entire front too. Install the T62A hover technology while at it.
- developers are considering getting rid of trollplatoons (limiting tier differences in platoons)
Just get rid of them already and limit the tier difference, it srsly can’t be that hard! *headdesks*
I dont see whats the problem here… whats so bad about PZ 1c scouting in tier 8 match ? its still a scout, and arguably much more mobile than half of other tier5-6 light tanks…
Also, E100 pushing dead loltraktor in front it, nicely covers LFP rendering that e100 almost invulnerable… that tier 1 acting as shield is much more useful then half of the players actually playing… I dont see a problem
@Bugii never go full retard. Stop making people refer to FTR as For the Retards. Stop being a retard.
just sayin’ .. so many tomatoes, suiciding (in water) scouts or even meds when they are at the bottom of the list, and suddenly tier3 scout that actually plays is a problem …
@Bugii – Nope. Please read your comments at least twice before posting.
Im with you. I’d rather have a t1 scout that actually scouts than a Maus that only faps.
Not a fan.
Not a fan of troll platoons either, but there are many TDs/Scouts/Artys that can do well even above their standard tier. Type-59 platooned with a Centurion I -> not a troll platoon, but if there is no tier difference allowed, it’s an impossible pairing.
Type 59 and Cent I are both T8, so what’s the problem there other than the Type losing its prem MM?
I actually have no issues with the limiting of fail platoons…one of the guys I toon with has a bad habit of having me load up my KV-4 when he’s running the platoon, then swapping to his Ke-He and starting the match before I can stop him. Only got him TK’d once at least, but he DOES do some work too (I watched him embarass a T29, then kill it one time by kiting it and setting it on fire twice…that was lulz worthy).
Same story as with Chaffee and a StuG for example. They’re both T5, yet very different battletiers.
It’s not as easy as to “just do limit it”. There need to be thoughts and exceptions and first things first, an actual meaning of the “Troll platoon”. Is it the tier difference? The battle tier difference? Do both tanks have to have the sam or +-1 or +-2 MM?
I am excited about the idea of including the Spähpanzer SP I.C, a squatter ELC.
And maybe they could lower AFK Panther to Tier VI, no point getting rid of tanks for the sake of it – more the merrier!
Yes, there is a point in getting rid of the Awfulpanther from the light tank tree, because it’s NOT A LIGHT TANK!! How could they even have the balls to put a panther chassis under a light turret and give it light tank bonus on movement????
If they put it as a sideshow attraction in the medium tree, fine, have a blast, but putting it in the lights is like taking a barn, writing “Yacht” on it, and giving it a watery sendoff… Equally productive.
The fact the abomination sees t10 matches is even more hilarious. It can put out SOME dmg when flanking, sure, but it’s camo is shit, and the ‘armor’ it has is crap even in t7, let alone t9-10, so it gets one-shot by any high tier td, and two-shot by the rest of the field.
Whats the point of a scout that’s top tier for its country, and is seen by any other tank of its tier when on same footing?? If you’re looking for proof of Wargaming being absolute DICKS about their EU audience, look no further than the nerf of VK2801 and the Awfulpanther being put there as a sick, perverted joke.
- there are various ways of how to rework the German tree globally, but that won’t happen for the obvious reasons of such changes being too big
Of course, the German Tech Tree need to be rework. There are a lot of unhistorical tanks in the German Tech Tree than other nation.
WG have so many thinks to do, like get more money to RF, like dont give a damn about player, like SAYS, they working hard, to do nothing. No time to do something usefull, like ballance game, get rid of FAKE shits, Say Hi WTe100……
But We all need pay them more money, then Wg will do this faster u know….
What a crap company this is, everythink will be don soon, next year, ect………
funny how so many players QQ about fake tanks (wtf100, fv215b, etc) and nobody bats an eye when WG basically copy-pasted 2 french 2 americans and 6 soviet tanks and now they call them “chinese tree”…
I’m more pissed off by these duplicate tanks then something that is fake… that fake shit has at leas its own gameplay.. Who the hell is interested in playing 6 clones of t-34? sure one has 5 more damage, another has 1 degree less traverse, etc. … great.
Well maybe, but look, Wg said in 2011 that we will get second french HT line, i wait for it, “looong” time. Now Wg said no second HT french in 2014 and 2015. 3 year, and all they do to french was to put, some new tanks to get those X arty, TD, med. THIS is all Wg do to French tanks. No new line, for more than 3 year.
Im pissed of this. Chinese can be copies, but not all are FAKE, WT is OP tank, broken vision of mad developers. This piss me of more. Regards, for bo bad eng.
I’d like to see new french tanks as well.
chinks are just plain copy-paste. That tree is so boring.
Heck I played only till tier 6 to get the superpershing mission done. Whats the difference between type 58 and t-34 ? something line 75%crew and 85% crew in the same tank.
I’m so worried about so called “EU tree”
got it, lets just randomly pick some tank from each nation and call them EU tree.
Dont see why they are removing fv215b, its kinda nice vehicle. regarding wtf100 … I dont have much problem with it apart from the fact it should have HP pool nerfed.
Give it about 800hp and its balanced tank. its not a problem to spot it, problem is it can empty the clip faster then you can shoot down those 2k hitpoints…
Must we really call the people from Eastern Asia “chinks”?
- the Firefly branch will be a mix of LT, MT and TD’s (LT – M4A2, M3 Honey MT – Lee, Sherman, Firefly TD – the rest)
I think it’s M2A4, not M4A2
“(SS: the candidate is SP.I.C.)”
I can already see all the bans coming from the gestapo staff of moderators.
Not to be nitpicky, bet M3 (medium) with British pattern turret was called Grant. Beside being lower in pictures it looks more streamlined than flat-faced American one. Maybe WG will make it slightly bouncier. We can dream, can’t we :)
- developers are considering getting rid of trollplatoons (limiting tier differences in platoons)
They are talking about it like it’s something bad. Why the fuck are you considering it and not implementing it ASAP?!
- developers do not consider KV-1S to be overpowered, the KV-1S/KV-85 split is not a nerf, but a “rebalancing”
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
I really wish they’d just fix the Chi-Ri and give it the (HISTORICAL!) planned Type 99 88mm AA gun… That’d make up for the lack of mobility, huge size and crap armor…
The 88mm was never planned to be mounted on the Chi-Ri, that is just what US Army researchers thought post war. It was always intended to be used with the 75mm gun.
At least, that is what the people who research Japanese tanks on the forums have been saying…
That is what Dai and SoukouDragon are saying and that’s why it’s not on the Chi-Ri
Besides it only offers 140-ish pen. Not really going to drastically turn the tank around in the community’s eyes.
- T-150 will not be rebalanced, for now at least
When they say “rebalanced”, are they talking nerf or buff? Because I rarely see anyone drive it, and when I do, they usually know what they’re doing with that tank (A platoon of 3 fully-upgraded T-150s who know what they’re doing is a lot more capable of carrying a team than the average KV-1S platoon in my experience).
When I drove it, the only thread in tier 6 was the 1s.
Now with the death of the kv1s, T150 will rule the games. That armor.
But more vulnerable in high tier.
But pls WG, don’t touch it. :)
‘multiturret mechanism: “Noone needs it. We will make it at some point when we have no other things to do’
That person who wrote it needs to speak for him/herself. I want it!
I still don’t understand how sidescraping with your tracks isn’t tanking damage… :v
It’s only damage to the track modules themselves that doesn’t count.
If a shell hits your track and nothing else, that’s not tanking damage. Same with duping someone into shooting say, the armored skirting on certain tanks at an angle where there’s nothing behind it. Either is tricking someone into taking a dumb shot and wasting their time, but it’s not tanking in the traditional gaming sense of the word; you’re redirecting potential damage, rather than soaking it up.
Now, if the shell happens to go through your tracks on the way to smacking into your hull, that’s tanking because using your actual armor is involved. The extra reward is obtained for doing this in a skillful manner, e.g. without taking any actual damage.
I’m really not sure why people are so up in arms about hits to the track modules not counting, there isn’t a single tank in the game that can sidescrape out enough to take a shot and ONLY expose the tracks. There’s always going to be enough angle present for the hull to be behind the tracks, and the tracks themselves don’t have enough armor thickness to them to completely block shells from hitting the hull. Unless the incoming fire is exceptionally poorly aimed (to the point of going under the tank or catching the rear wheel while missing the hull), the hull is going to get hit, and this will be rewarded appropriately.
The problem is that WG expects people to use armor skillfully and scoff from their high horse at tanking with tracks, while on the other hand they almost disable tanking by giving people prem shells that reduce the window of opportunity for tanking to a bare minimum.
If I manage to get dmg eaten by my tracks, that’s my skill for getting idiots to shoot it. Balance the amount of xp gained, don’t deny the skill involved, cause it’s simply insulting to the players that you deny them the use of a mechanic you as a developer introduced in the first place…
- the climbing ability of tanks in new physics will most likely be limited as it is now on maps in order not to break gameplay
Being able to go more places might actually be more fun. Or we can just go left, center, right for all of eternity.
I wish they would assign greater importance to the multi-gun mechanism. There are many tanks spread across a number of tiers(2 to as far as 8) for France especially that would benefit from its inclusion. As well as the Soviet T-35 and the German tank that I can’t spell but had a 75mm and 37mm gun.
“T92 Light Tank”
How many US tanks are sharing its name with an another US tank?
They give something a name when the predecessor runs out of it’s lease on the title
I think that its a case of there being multiple versions of the same suspension…so, for the T92, there’s a turreted LT variant and an SPG variant. Both are T92, but different classes of vehicles. Really though, its just laziness by the US Army naming bureau :p
““XP for damage, blocked by armor””
I still think this is stupid and is a method of reward gain that grossly benefits some vehicles (mostly German) that other vehicles have absolutely no means of taking advantage of.
kv220 in a t4 game as thevonly t5 lol
That’s the point of heavily armored vehicles. What’s the use of receiving a potential damage of say 10,000 and getting nothing in return ? For example, the Maus is slow, cumbersome, and has a subpar tier X gun. Therefore, it’s goal is to primarily put it’s armor to use by blocking incoming fire. So, why shouldn’t it get rewarded for this ? And there are many vehicles in the game that could use this, even tanks like the T-62A can bounce shots with it’s turret. In my opinion, this provides some incentive for armored tanks to actively protect teammates instead of only themselves.
Exactly. And then you look back to T8 and the KV-Fortress. There’s a fair number of games I’ve had in mine where I’ve taken massive damage while actually doing something of a scout role (ie, our scouts & mediums were too scared to come up & do their jobs in a T10 match, so I had to do it myself), bounced most of my shots fired, and had minimal damage dealt with a fair amount of spotting damage as the entire enemy flank opens up on me revealing their locations (Patrol Duty or Scout in a KV-4 is always epic, and 5k+ spotting damage is lulzy in a blind Sov heavy). My XP should be higher though, since I’m clearly doing my tank’s job (damage sponge), and doing it well, despite not dealing tons of damage.
- the climbing ability of tanks in new physics will most likely be limited as it is now on maps in order not to break gameplay
“We’re going to fix physics, so the tanks can roam more like tanks can!
…but we’re going to artificially limit it, so tanks can’t roam more like tanks can!”
Why, WG, why do you do this ;_;
Jeez, at least give it a trial run with tanks at their “proper” climb angle ability before deciding that it’ll break everything.
Noticed another thing. Patch after patch, nerfs to US and Brit tanks, and buffs to Russian tanks, and specifically Russian mediums. Its not as if the Russian meds have low global win rates…
RU cluster is most numerous even though it brings less income per capita. So they chose to artificially cater to the largest player base.
My standard reaction to whiners: ” deal with it”
My not-so-standard reaction to whiners: “shut the fuck up damn whiny wanker noob and lemme shoot you”
Yes i hate whiners who said this tank is op and whatnot. And i DO prefer trollplats that ACTUALLY play than hightiers that cant fight for shit. A moving FT is more useful than a wanking Maus.
give the ft a camo net a binocs and a light sprawl. (for those that want to stay in the game from a trolling team mate who trys to perposely get you killed.
then sit in a bush and gain profit because your so freaken tiny lol
I want my Japanese Heavy tank branch. NOW
Why what Could it possibly contain?
Let T92 LT be a tier7 premium, its spec is generally worse than Walker Bulldog. (just want more high tier premium LT)
Japanese heavies will come sooner than TD’s
What Japanese Heavy tanks? What Japanese TD’s? sure there were few but very few.
Honestly why this game needs more designs never implemented but drawn on toilet paper is beyond me. We have too many tanks that NEVER EXISTED in this game now.