Dynamic Tracks in 9.3

Hello everyone,

a new system of tracks is tested on the current 9.3 test server. Basically, the tracks move more naturally and all that – check this out, the first part is from current 9.2 server, second part (obviously) from 9.3.


60 thoughts on “Dynamic Tracks in 9.3

    • probably. my fps drops a lot when there’s nothing but HD tanks in the game, especially in spawn at the beginning of the match

      • How much VRAM do you have? Maybe then all tanks are in HD it’s not enough and causes drops (because it’s pushes back and forth from regular ram).

        • these comments are wrong

          If you have followed FTR in the past you should have noticed that the only HD model in the battle is you when you hit the battle button

          (basically the only hd texture that loads is your tank that displays in the client, the true is to every other player, all else has a slight lower quality in comparison to your own tank that you re driving)

          why? because the other tank’s differences in HD would only be noticeable upon very close inspection, if your fps drops too much in 9.3 “because tank threads” i have to wonder just what kind of pc you are in, or if the cause is another situation, like overloading your card with so many settings, having a match with full HD tanks would be a colossal job for a high end card, thats why tis set like this, and nobody has whined about it yet so it means no one really notices the change, but know they re there.

          if you think im trolling here, my laptop runs it just fine and its a freaking intel hd graphics 4000 running it at steady 28-33 fps on medium settings on improved graphics, on a low voltage laptop!

          Game breaking? no, but if an intel hd gets the job done, im fairly sure something else is trottling your fps, and the most common problem that i ve found is the dynamic lights and shadows that cause fps loss usually, try tweaking that first.

          And just like flash says, depending on the amount of VRAM you have you can realize how much you can load up your card/Processor, this game is well known to have memory leaks from time to time (red screens, objects in screen, strange colors, etc).

          • How are you able to play on medium settings with improved graphics at that frame rate with a hd4000? I play on standard graphics with settings somewhere between low and medium and i get 30-40. Seems odd.

  1. Nice. That’s looking quite good actually :) Hopefully this is easy to roll out for all vehicles (the ones in HD at least). It may be a minor change but it’s little touches like that I love.

        • It can be atmospheric, but I have a problem with WT’s grass rendering settings.
          In WoT, you set grass density. If lots of grass lower your FPS, you lower the amount of grass on the map and it still looks good.
          In WT you can only set rendering distance, so you either have a super grassy environment with 10 FPS or you just have a circle of flowers rendered around you with the rest being a desert.
          I hope Gajin fixes that, I otherwise rather enjoy WT GF.

        • you know in WT you can adjust the rustiness of your tank in real time …(in personnalisation )

    • WoT HD models already look WAY better than WT. For one, WT doesn’t have this track motion going on, nor does it have functioning suspension – the wheels might move independently, but the trailing arms are locked in place, it looks really weird.
      In WoT, the Hellcat has fully animated suspension, even the parts attached to the arms move.
      Not to mention that WT has problem with levitating tanks, the ground hitbox is not where it should be, but WoT has a bit of that too (mostly rubble in Himmelsdorf).
      WT is relatively new though, let’s see if it improves over time.

      • WoT has big problems with driving at the edge of hills and mountains, where tanks get slowed down or simply stuck. WT at least has that bit right.

        I do like WT tank looks better than HD WoT, but I suppose it’s a matter of personal preferences. Nothing wrong with liking either.

        • Did they fix WT collision models yet? Because the last time I played you glitched out as soon as you rammed another tank.
          One time a tank rammed another, everything was still until one flipped on it’s back instantly and the other one’s tracks broke, and they were going like 10km/h.
          I do like the option to bail out if you’re stuck, though. But you do respawn after it.

    • Yeah I too noticed it. It’s amazing how the tracks sag when you go forward and tighten when reversing.

      I think the very first batch of HD models (Tiger, T-54, hellcat etc..) didn’t have this, while the new ones do and the first ones are only now getting it.

  2. It looks nice indeed. Do you guys remember the days when the tracks were only a stiff fixed model with textures that simulated movement of the tracks? lol!

  3. I bet this will fix the weird new Panther and Tiger tracks. While idle they might rest on the wheels but while running (and especially accelerating) they’ll get pulled up.

    • This is not a bug, german tanks are FWD, while many others RWD in terms of where is wheel connected to the engine.

  4. Something out of topic. Turrets flying off when ammoracked doesn’t seem to happen anymore.

    That and there is a great deal more ammoracks in the test server as well. Any info on that?

    • Increased amount of ammo racks is i think due to testing purposes since they have added some explosion effects which includes ammo burning out only w/o turret flying off.

    • Possibly also the T49 having caseless ammo, I’m guessing the ammo rack is quite low on HP. M551 was infamous for cooking off.

  5. And people say Wot hasn’t improved a bit in 2 years.
    It might be a slow process and will never look as good as AAA titles, but it never went to the bottom the eyecandy scale.
    mfg eX
    PS: Let’s just hope that next “big” thing they do is 20% more fps via multicore support. Heck even 5% would enable me play with all maxed+grass on min 30fps…
    PPS: as long as no Panzer 1C comes around

  6. Whoopie?

    I mean ok, if it’s a step that needed to be done to get better suspension movement in future patches, sure. Hope it isn’t just what the video showed.