9.3 – New Ricochet System

Hello everyone,

in 9.3, new ricochet system was implemented – now, the ricocheting shells do some damage and can actually be used to damage tanks – or, in worst case, your own tank! This is how it works, a little demonstration:


54 thoughts on “9.3 – New Ricochet System

  1. So it basically means shoot anywhere in a horde of enemy tanks. You’ll hurt at least one even if it bounces off.
    I guess it’s to stop those masses of corner huggers.

  2. now, the ricocheting shells do some damage and can actually be used to damage tanks – or, in worst case, your own tank! the one if you bounced someone at 1st place but the bounced shell went into somwhere in that tank hull was implented some time ago u can try it by shooting ST-I turret frontal part where it should be impenetratable it bouncec into hull

  3. If you try to shoot an enemy tank and (for example) it ricochet off and hit a friendly light tank that was trying to circle him, is considered like normal team damage or else?

  4. Hey SS is ramming bugged on test server because now you can ram maus with full speed RU-251 and survive and ram kills are ammoracks but turret doesnt fly

    • I killed 2 times tanks with 1 shoot with Conqueror arty and it showed “ammo rack explosion”, but in report there were not destroyed ammoracks. I think they implemented it just to try how much will it occur. Maybe they want us to watch more flying turrets than it is now, would be nice.

    • Pople are thinking the ammor rack thing is a bug, where it will say ammo rack anytime a tank dies while taking module damage

    • Yup, something is wrong with ramming. I tried to ram T-54 to the rear with E50 M (spall liner and crew skill) at 60 km/h and did 200 damage. I hope thats not intentional…

  5. What about shooting Maus or Tiger II with Porsche turret to lower parts of the turret? Will there be shots deflected to upper parts of the hull of the same tank?

        • I worked like this for a while, but to be able to penetrate anything, shell must bounce under very specific conditions

    • This is already in place, the change here is the fact the ricochetting shell will also be able to damage other tanks

        • Then you’re testing wrong. It’s worked for years. I think it was most noticeable on IS-4 maybe, where you can bounce shots into the hull roof from the turret front.

          • the best tank to try it on is the 112, have the turret at about 15-20 from centre either side and aim at the lower part of the turret, it usually bounces straight down into the hull, it is the only thing i hate about the tank

  6. Interesting… so, a new skill to learn… how to deliberately angle a shot to bounce of the side of a heavy and damage a light tank hiding around the corner of a building/rock/hill etc. :)

  7. I’m waiting for 30 guys in Training Room to make a huge circle of Mauses on Malinovka, and then a shooter (Leo 1 in example?) fires, shell bounces off all those Mauses and hits the Leo back XDD

    • Gonna be as fun as being called a hacker for shooting people in between the cracks of buildings on himmelsdorf. xD

  8. Interesting…
    Hmm…what happens if you place multiple Mauses in that formation…will the shell bounce off from all of them?

  9. In 9.3!!! I did damage my tank (forgot what model it was) shooting a centurion’s turret in 9.2… How is this a new feature if it already happened?

  10. Based on the theory of TANKING damages..this does not mean all ricochets will now cause damge. Just the possibilty that it may.

    Added bonus to Combat Experience which rewards vehicle non-penetration/ricochet, applicable only when an enemy shell hits the vehicle’s hull (original trajectory of the shell must cross the hull), but does not reduce its HP.

  11. Now all they need to do is add where you can pen multiple tanks with the same shot if the pen is high enough.