Not much going on. Russian Supertest had a little affair, where one guy with the nickname Kostik_11 ranted against Ukraine (allegedly very rudely) and as a reward, he got kicked from supertest and recieved a 2,5 month ban. He “appealed” using support ticket and RU support changed his punishment to permanent ban, which caused much butthurt and many bricks were shat. The rage on RU forums was quite funny, pointless to translate though.
Q: “Developers, you said earlier that the vehicles, which can be lit up by firing into frontal transmission have this handicap compensated by other characteristics. Does that mean you will nerf the frontal transmission vehicles, now that they can’t be lit up from the front?” A: “If necessary”
Oh Russian super testers. Why u so silly.
Got ban. Rages more. Permaban.
Oh the funs :D
it sounds like some fun drama is going on over there
if we add H and change A to E walaaa
Woras – 3==D = Whores
So small.
You sure it was me who fucked you last night?
somebody dont have any humor or imagination for better ansver? lol….
I have waiting far better answer….
Here your prize for this quality ansver:
and if you want to know where i was last night.. Ask your gf…..
Ah yes, you are to speak of humor.
Shows that WG isn’t on either side I suppose
And why would they chose a side then :)
Its WG side they are.
The money’s side more like :]]
Indeed. And the money side likes peace and stabilisation more than anything else. Conflicts, of any kind, are not good for business.
Swiss bankers strongly disagree
How many recent wars have been fought on the territory of Switzerland? Perhaps THAT is a reason why people like to put their money there, where the peace and quiet is?
Or am I totally confused and it’s actually Bank of Syria that’s the place to invest your money these days?
Exactly, if there was no conflict elsewhere, no one but crims would use Switzerland. Therefore conflict is good for the business of Swiss bankers. Arms dealers, drug lords and ethically challenged Diamond miners would also have something to say about it.
Conflict can quite happily go hand in hand with business, as can just about everything else. It is all about position. Obvioulsy a business having millions of young eastern european/russian men with no lives and excess cash as their core customer base are not in a good position come open warfare in the Ukraine….
Which is exactly why US industrial output and wealth was triple by the end of WWII….?
Conflict is good for business.
Private companies sell to governments, no matter if they have the money or if they will be able to repay the debt they put themselves in.
Industrialists and engineering firms thrive on conflict.
US industrial and wealth tripled after WW2 cause not a single bullet was fired in U.S. Territory, therefore they suffered no infrastructural damage (Except pearl harbor)
everyone else was wrecked, and they turned to the US for rebuilding (starting the cold war)
War is only good for war industry, and it’s for such industry somewhere else, in another country, preferably across the globe.
Just because one parasite does well when there are other countries fighting each other, totally wrecking their economies, it doesn’t prove anything. It only proves there are people out there who will try to make money, regardless of how they are going to do it.
I worry that those tanks that are already powerful will benefit a little too much from this change. The E-75 for example is already borderline-OP, this buff may be enough to put it over the line.
Perhaps a way to balance the mechanic would be to make transmission hits much more damaging to the engine, so you could get it knocked out loknger or more often… I could get behind that.
Meh, it just means fires won’t start up by hitting the lower glacis. It can still be penned and you can still wreck the engine through it
I’d nerf its armor.
But then what point would one have for getting it besides a 128 mm gun? I get it, the real E-75 was just a cheaper Tiger II, so the armor wouldn’t have been much better, but there would need to be something else to give one a reason to drive the same tank a tier higher. Granted, I personally prefer the mobility of the Tiger II over the extra armor of the E-75, but still.
E-100 is the reason to grind tru.
Like 263 is to 101.
You must be joking. E-75 is MUCH better tank than E-100. When I sold my E-75 over a year ago to buy the E-100 I was crying, and nowadays I’d still rather have the E-75 than E-100.
Noob, E-100 is shooting sport with AP or trololololo with HEAT.
Now place Uber KT vs E-100 and see who dies :D
But the SU-101 is awesome. I can’t understand all the hate towards it.
Gun is good, tank is shit. Like Cent7.
Meh. The fires itself do not occur that often that it would reduce the overall performance stats of the E-75. So this change would barely make any tank over perform but would help tanks like the JPE-100 that has little choice but point its lower glacis directly at the enemy. Just because you haven’t learned how to kill E-75 after almost 23k battles it doesn’t mean it’s borderline OP. And why am i not surprised that you don’t own one. Get one and see how fun it is driving half of the battle with damaged engine or getting lit on fire every single battle. Shitlord.
Where do you get this script you got there?
He’s using “WoTStatScript” (I uses it aswell)
here’s the link for it: :)
The e75 is fine. Prefer the sti anyway.
Its ST-I as in ST-1
Q: “Developers, you said earlier that the vehicles, which can be lit up by firing into frontal transmission have this handicap compensated by other characteristics. Does that mean you will nerf the frontal transmission vehicles, now that they can’t be lit up from the front?” A: “If necessary”
Hopefully that ends up being “We’re going to collect data on it” and then nothing happens.
But it’s mostly German tanks….so you know something will happen.
THIS, most likely.
I want link to RU whine :D
Deleted already.
i blame woras :3
I pity your parents.
KUDOS to RU support.
Kudos to WG, for having balls to making expensive, but right, decisions.
I wouldn’t exactly call it “expensive” to perma ban one rage kid.
Nah, that’s not it. The guy submitted a ticket, but the one who has answered was not a support member, but a head of the supertest department. That’s when the shit started.
Where do you see this on the Russian forums? Linky?
Who cares?
He will just do a “forced” reroll and start over under a new name, Kostik 2.0.
Apparently you value your time cheaply if you don’t think having your game account erased is a punishment.
Sure you can reroll but your time and money put into the first account is gone.
If he didn’t care he wouldn’t have appealed.
Pretty sure he was in no condition to realise what is forbiden to talk about. Brain capacity at IQ of rock.
40k games is tough to lose…..
Hey SS,
this is totally off-topic, but I can’t ask anywhere else. What’s the current state of the skirmish changes in 0.9.3? Will clanless players be enabled to play or was that feature scrapped?