71 thoughts on “HD Texture Pack Link

  1. it’s downloading very fast , thanks :)
    am i the only one who can’t update to 9.3 from the official WOT launcher? or is it because the server is currently down for maintenance ?

  2. Can you pls make a post that showing ingame pictures on whats the different between with HD texture and without

    • You can check yourself on any HD tank – zoom in in garage – you see HD texture. Zoom out as much as possible on battlefield – you see SD texture.

      They are virtually the same, only HD is 4 times the area (2 times bigger)

  3. Is this pack identical to the one for the RU server?

    Can I download it now and apply it me my NA installation when that’s been patched?

  4. I am sure that it’s a silly request, but can anyone put the link to the update once it is released?

    I’m trying to update the game via teamviewer, all my computers at home :)


    • I am getting a timeout here … and when I try the update url in the browser, I get a bad request error … I suppose the server is saturated

  5. i’m dnl it via launcher..still dont get all that separate dnl of HD textures do i have to do it since i dont play in max graphics??

  6. I have applied full update plus hd textures but i cannot log in. I always get a time out… Are the servers down ?

  7. Could somebody explain the HD textures issue?

    Do we have to download it?
    Where is the difference?
    Is it visible?
    Does it influence the game performace?

    As far as i am concerned HD models can be seen only on tank which we drive, not on other vehicles, is that true? I think they changed it last patch in order to increase performance. So the difference can be visible only on our tank, not on the other tanks on a map. If the difference is so subtle u have to zoom like crazy is there any point to use it?

    • yes my question exatly..do we have to do it since for example i dont play on max graphics!!what is the difference
      i already aplied the 9.3 patch via launcher

      • I play with max graphics setting (max texture settings), but there is so little info about “added textures” i am totaly confused what is it for.

        Are new textures better then the old ones set to max or what?

        • ok so u play on max mybe u have to.i have cent and t54 in my garage and they look little bit nicer on standard graphic but what is that mean do i also have do it and why are we not guided via launcher about it??
          and why WG didn’t put that news on the site to explain people why and where

        • I’ve had a look and it seems the textures in the HD texture pack are better than the old ones on maximum settings.

          They only affect tanks with HD models though – tanks that haven’t been updated with HD models will look the same regardless of whether you install the pack or not.

  8. Huh!? How can the launcher work for some but not all? Did it work for a while and then plugged out?

    Edit: I got in to update the launcher, but then nothing…

  9. I might take a few comparison screenshots once I’ve got the 9.3 update and the HD texture pack downloaded.

    Asia server launcher seems to be working correctly.

  10. The EU server is saturated and cannot handle all the client requests.
    So it took ages to get the launcher to upload, an advice, in the launcher screen, pause it when is checking for the new version after 5 secs or so, and then resume. In this way you can spam the server quicker until your request is serviced.

  11. Hi! Tested hd pack on my RU account, those are only textures. Can see better some screws and scratches, not so blurred, but polygon count does not change. As Storm said in stream, there is a very little difference between those hd textures and those in game already(non hd).

        • Same here … I had a look at the log, at the end of the installation it tries to connect once more to the update server url, and it fails because it is so busy. I am missing some button descriptions as well but the game works. I did not see such a mess in the last 2 years with WoT upgrades.

        • So it seems that the upgrade contains at least 2 patches, in the last one the menu captions are installed.