Fast and Furious: Libya Drift

Thanks to mbd for this one.

Hello everyone,

as you probably know, after the fall of Qaddafi, Libya became locked in a state of perpetual civil war with several fractions fighting each other, Al Qaeda and IS got involved as well, it’s a mess. In any case, this is what happens when people, who are not regular army soldiers, get a hold of tanks. The drifting is nice though…

67 thoughts on “Fast and Furious: Libya Drift

    • Why should they thow it ? As long as the track slides over the flat concrete its like ice skating. Tracks usually break when they enounter strong resistance in a direction they shouldnt. Other than that its fine.

      • I was also surprised with this. So if the track had rubber coating (like these to prevent damaging roads) it would fall off?

        • You’d be surprised how terrible a tank behaves on hard and flat surfaces like concrete.
          While on manoeuvre you usually use rubber pads to spare the streets – in winter a tank with rubber pads is almost uncontrolable.

    • Probably got some help from the WoT Devs that made the T-50-2.! Not a reasonable explanation but will have to do for you and “histerical accuracy”

    • Above stated reasons, and, a large portion of that pavement is wet. Now, if they had drifted into one of those dirt patches sideways….

  1. Shitty physics. Tanks don’t do that…

    Also good job France, UK, US. Libya is so much better now ^^.

      • On a flat smooth, wet concrete surface when you’re doing it on purpose or when it’s 30 below, yes it happens. While driving down a gravel road? Not so much.


    • yes civil means better than one dictator. ıraq and syria is better ….

      i really miss good old coldwar days. when power balanced and less war than now…

      strong russia or china need for world power balace…

  2. Can anyone find a country that is functioning normal after visit of American and their allies? God save us from USA help…

    • I was going to ask the same thing. Libya was fine with Qaddafi. I hope they like their revolution fruits now.

      • Oh yes, a prince amongst men:
        He funded the Black September group who perpetrated the 1972 Munich massacre of Israeli athletes in West Germany, and had the killed militants’ bodies flown to Libya for a hero’s funeral. Gaddafi also welcomed the three surviving attackers in Tripoli following their release in exchange for the hostages of hijacked Lufthansa Flight 615 a few weeks later and allowed them to go into hiding.

        Gaddafi financially supported other militant groups across the world, including the Black Panther Party, Nation of Islam, Tupamaros, 19th of April Movement and Sandinista National Liberation Front in the Americas, the ANC among other liberation movements in the fight against Apartheid in South Africa in Africa, the Provisional Irish Republican Army, Action directe, ETA, the Red Brigades, and the Red Army Faction in Europe, and the Armenian Secret Army, Japanese Red Army, Free Aceh Movement, and Moro National Liberation Front in Asia. Gaddafi was indiscriminate in the causes he funded, sometimes switching from supporting one side in a conflict to the other, as in the Eritrean War of Independence. Throughout the 1970s these groups received financial support from Libya, which came to be seen as a leader in the Third World’s struggle against colonialism and neocolonialism. Though many of these groups were labelled “terrorists” by critics of their activities, Gaddafi rejected such a characterisation, instead considering them revolutionaries engaged in liberation struggles.

        Also, ever heard of PanAm flight 103?

        lest we forget indeed……

        • Trading one evil for another isn’t actually a solution. Sure Gaddafi was bad but how about Saddam Hussein? US/UN wrecked Iraq with their sanctions first and then hammered the final nail in the coffin with an all out war. The world media portrays Saddam as an evil dictator responsible for a lot of crap but what about the crap that was thrown at the Iraqi people from outside? My father was an engineer from India working in Iraq in the 70s/80s. Later on he told stories about how he witnessed young children dying there cause sanctions wouldn’t allow proper amount of medicines to be flown in to be distributed among the civilians. How people would beg my father to buy a can of milk powder because the authorities wouldn’t let them buy more than one because of the shortage.

          Don’t get me wrong. I am sure Saddam was no saint, but the so called freedom that US pushes on other countries in the name of democracy is reckless and without long term planning. Cause even though they claim to hunt dictators, in the end it’s the innocent population that suffer heavily later. Sadly more than they did under the dictator. Also lets not forget how many countries US destabilized in the past to “protect their own interests”. *Iran*

          • Sure, just leave dictators, people that authorise genocide, chemical warfare alone, and world will be a peaceful place. No children will die because of lack of medicine etc… people were having same attitude towards hitler “just leave him alone and everything will be ok” ohh how wrong were they…

        • Very nice and probably true but let’s not forget that Murica did all of this and MUCH MORE. Should we also bomb them?

        • Latest estimates put the number of casualties inflicted in Vietnam when they were being, uh… “pacified” by the US to 4-6 million.

    • Italy, France, Germany, Japan. That’s just a few so you would get the picture. God save us from short sighted people like you.

    • Japan? South Korea? Panama? Grenada?

      But i do agree that their latest track record of intervention/freedom support… is mostly bullshit.

      Besides, most of the countries intervened in lately are countries that where created artificially, as in their border where determined by old colonial borders and they are not based on ethnic population. Thus when a dictator who relied on dividing these ethinc groups and playing them out on each other to keep them weak against himself is toppled they turn on each other very fast at in all go down to hell.

      • My point remains simple. I am not advocating to leave evil alone. I am advocating bringing stability once that evil is overthrown. Otherwise we are just waiting for a new evil to rise.

    • Actually there is some truth in it. I know a person who worked in Libya under Qaddafi, as an engineer (contractor). You could argue that as an external contractor he was in different environment – true, but he was almost three years there and travelled a lot. He showed me pictures and the Libya he was presenting was… slightly different from the one I knew from media. It looked like a normal country – in some ways weird, but in others surprisingly developed and stable.The same was with people – like everywhere they were angry about some things but generally living their lives. It was safe though – he was never afraid going everywhere. And now? Hm…

      • That’s the power of media my friend. They will project a country in ruins so a war can be justified but only the people that have actually been and lived there know the real picture. Heck my father was there during the Iran Iraq crisis and he said he never realized that there was a war going on since the fighting was isolated to border skirmishes mostly. The cities would be lit up and people going about their regular daily lives and armies on both sides would also follow the “No fighting on Friday” rule. Only when they would transport coffins would one remember that there was a war. That’s how weird living in Iraq was.

      • @Anonymous4245

        Lol, at least you can blame it on your own politicians and not the Japs. :-) I would love to visit the pinoy contry one day.

  3. “In any case, this is what happens when people, who are not regular army soldiers, get a hold of tanks.”

    What a pile of bullshit.
    There are enough examples of regular army soldiers from different countries doing similar stuff. I still remember video of Swedish tank drifting on ice or a video of Dutch Leo 2 braking in front of the soldiers, stopping just few meters before them.

    And for civil war in Libya and Iraq we all know who to blame. I knew 2003 what will happen once they remove Saddam. A power vacuum is created and country falls into civil war. And we all know who made this possible.
    Thank you Murica and NATO!

    • Same view here, how can you be sure that those are or are not “regular” army, whatever “regular” means in current day Libya? And regardless, why would soldiers not do that?

      I’m drifting with my car when I feel conditions are appropriate, and no I don’t do it while drunk and yes, I am aware of consequences and yes, I was pretty close of wrecking it several times, but due to experience I’ve never paid repair bills (I don’t fix scratches). Given some life memories to some friends and wife though.

  4. Another fuck up by WG, if anyone (like me) for some reason missed last micropatch for launcher, wont be able to download and install 9.3
    Even if you download from other sources and copy to Updates folder, launcher wont install it because it can’t connect to update server…

  5. I just find it incredible how ppl always mix politics in every fucking oportunity…

    Yo! Drifting tenk? Lets talk about politiks mens!

    • “Hence it is evident that the state is a creation of nature and that man by nature is a political animal.”
      -Politics, I by Aristotle

  6. Still sad that WG refuses to make this possible for all tanks in Winter Himmelsdorf. It’d be hilarious.

    TOG would probably need some help to start going sideways, though : \