
- Storm states now that the HD textures option in the launcher is missing intentionally (HD textures have to be installed manually), because “many people will leave it enabled ‘just so’ and not because they actually need it” – he adds that the reason for this is saving traffic and also preventing FPS loss on computers with low amount of GPU memory
- about Wargaming having hidden parameters in the game and officially disclosing them: “Let me say it simply – noone needs that. It wouldn’t make the game more interesting for anyone, apart from a few bean counters, it would only introduce complications in understanding the game.”
- if you quit a 9.3 replay early and you will see the “commissar” screen about leaving the battle, you won’t get any punishment for that, because when watching replays, there isn’t even a connection with the server
- Storm states that some players have predispositions to certain vehicles and for example can suck on vehicles, that are considered good and vice versa
- Storm states that the idea to let players re-buy once-purchased and sold premium tanks back for credits didn’t move anywhere for now
- IS-8 won’t be buffed

- Storm states that high quality (HD) of tank models is necessery, but only a few players actually need the super-high texture quality and that’s why it’s also downloaded separately
- basically, there will be a “normal” HD client for everybody (no lowres SD client coming) and “super HD” texture pack for strong computers only
- apparently, HD IS-3 will not come in 9.4
- Storm regarding tough deadlines: “They are always tough”
- leaving old and new Murovanka in the game at the same time? “Having many maps in the game is bad. For various reasons. We will likely actually reduce the current amount of maps.”
- Storm states that the difference between ultra-high HD (separate pack) and regular HD textures is very low, not noticeable outside of the hangar
- mission window in the hangar is okay and won’t be changed, but the rest of the UI will be reworked as well
- Storm states that there was no time to introduce the WoWp SD/HD launcher setting, it will have to be reworked for WoT
- bad players won’t be segregated from the rest (no skill MM)
- no plans to introduce +/-1 MM
- the 30 second countdown until the start of the battle won’t be reduced
- Storm states that Tiger was nerfed earlier because it was overbuffed, that’s why the nerf was also different than the current one of the Hellcat
- getting teamkilled in battles too much? Storm: “Change your behavior in combat, stop screwing with others and stop writing nasty stuff etc.”
- separate skill MM random is not planned
- IS-7 erected machinegun will not return
- the option to select the old hangar UI instead of the new 9.3 one won’t be implemented: “difficult and unnecessary”
- some players report a bug where the sniper scope is now bright yellow, Storm said he would investigate the issue
- Storm states that the Hellcat in the game is not underpowered when it comes to speed – real combat speed of the vehicle was 30-40 km/h
- Storm is apparently interested in Listy’s improved Conqueror turret
- the horizontal tech tree graphics in the game is apparently limited to 10 lines maximum in the game
- apparently the roadwheel size and the bottom of IS-7 tank is historically correct
- Q: “Soviet LT sux, Russians will stop playing and paying!” A: “Stop whining already.”
- when implementing new graphic effects, performance is as important as the way the effect looks
- the process of HD model production is still not fully developed
- it’s possible that 9.4 will have no HD models whatsoever due to the issues with outsourced model-making contractors
- apparently, Storm is considering implementing “E-100 with twin 88mm guns” (SS: that tank is a FAKE, made by some alternative history people)
- Storm confirms that the Chieftain will come in the same patch as the FV4202 switch
- Storm said that the whine about corridors is a public phobia, which is difficult to fight. It’s a sub-species of the “OMG MAP REWORK SUX” whine.
- apparently, the upcoming perk/skill rework will mean that those respective perks will come with a perk reset
- FV4005 Stage 2 was indeed scrapped, Storm confirms, they don’t want more “oneshot” guns
- it is possible (but not sure) Havok will arrive this year

172 thoughts on “25.9.2014

    • May i ask you something ? what’s with all the fuss about havok ? what will it probebly bring ? I , speaking about myself , see no need for all the extra eye candy . enlighten me please

      • It would bring more interesting enviroment, more realistic phisycs. Sounds like a big deal to me!

      • It will give tomatoes something more to oooh and aaah over, rest of us just want to shoot tanks and win games.

      • there are two kinds of people.
        Those who are bitchung that WT looks better
        and those who are bitching that WoT is improving graphics…

        Speaking about myslef, I see need for havok. It will look better, Im not playing on calculator, my computer will handle it just fine.. so if it can look better, why not ?

        It’s called “progress” or “evolution” …. I bet people like you complained in the past “Why do we need wheel, its devil’s invention” …

        • I was clearly , Politly asking for enlightment . People like “me” ( even thought i’m one of a kind ) want to shoot tanks and win . No need for retarded extras

          Here’s my philosophy : World of tanks : tanks that fight in a battlefield = more tanks + more maps .

          I dont need more .

          • well you are not playing the game alone…
            and obviously, others want both, tanks that fight on battlefield as well as eyecandy graphics…

            the only thing why there was so much hype about WTgf was its graphics…it’s obvious that players want not only good game game, but also good looking.

    • I love how they keep telling us to not complain about all the delays for havok implementation, but ffs! First they delay it a month, then several months, and now they say probably not this year! I think that gives us reason to complain a little, no?

      • Destroy buildings, no more exploding walls and cars, possibility to add deformation of the terrain, effects of explosions on the ground, new type of effects on armours and so on.

        The Havok is awesome and it isn’t heavy as the PhysX, for example, watch and try Spintires to understand the power of it.

      • I’m sure eventually you’ll grow over that sense of entitlement that seems to be causing you much trouble.

    • zoom in to gun barrel for example.
      I can see the difference (although not a big one…) on 24″ 1920×1200

  1. “super HD” texture pack for strong computers only”
    - Thing is, that super good hardware dont benefit wot that much. Game dont support multicore cpus neither does it support sli/cf. Good one russian troller.

    So the only thing super HD bullshit will make, is decreasing the fps even more for a small visual increase “ON GOOD PC”.

    • it doesnt do anything if you got enough video memory.
      I have zero fps drop, only thing changed is, my VRAM is used to 80% vs 40-50% it used to be…

      you will have fps drops if you dont have enough VRAM and gou needs to swap the textures to RAM

      plus, you dont have to install them :)

      • In wot its most probably that the game use all cpu resources (due to single core) not feeding enough information the the gpus which then makes the fps drop or beeing low all time. I have gpu with 4gb ram and a 4.5ghz cpu and on maps with alot of effects and smoke and shit I get fps drops. Even a modern cpu clocked at 4.5-4.8ghz is still not enough to not get your gpu bottlenecked.

        This is also why I didnt get any fps increase chainging from a 7970 to a r9 290, despite the r9 290 beeing 20-30% faster overall.

        • Sure, that is all true.
          I was just saying, that texture size dos not affect perofrmance at all. If yu got enough VRAM.

          CPU either says “place there SD texture” or “place there HD texture” thats one step.

          thing is, if you dont have enough VRAM, this happens:
          CPU says “place there HD texture”
          GPU says “I dont have enough VRAM”
          CPU says “ok, hold on, I look if I can swap it to system RAM”
          CPU moving texture from HDD to RAM.
          CPU says “its ready on this address”
          GPU says “k thx bye”

          if you got enough VRAM, the case is the same for both SD and HD textures.
          CPU: “place ther this texture”
          GPU: “done”

  2. - FV4005 Stage 2 was indeed scrapped, Storm confirms, they don’t want more “oneshot” guns

    I hope they add something else for tier X
    If the two lines are going to join together in one tier X then I’ll be… disappointed
    and probably not just me

    • Why not the FV4003 Centurion AVRE? 165mm L9, plus a dozer blade for spaced armor over the lower glacis.

  3. “IS-8 won’t be buffed”

    Storm hates Kotin, I’m now sure of it. Well, IS-8 is a beast in right hands, but its’ place is awfully wrong.

      • It’s not in good position in terms of logical advancement

        There are better candidates that could be a more suitable successor of IS-8, like the Object 277/278.

  4. I started up the launcher 1 hour ago, everything went fine and smooth. When will you guys learn? You just need to wait for 12 hours after release so all the problems are worked out ;)

  5. - Storm confirms that the Chieftain will come in the same patch as the FV4202 switch

    When people, when? :) Last I heard was that the switch won’t come this year…

  6. “- apparently, the upcoming perk/skill rework will mean that those respective perks will come with a perk reset”
    - So if you dont like the perks you currently have you can reser for free?

  7. “- Storm states that Tiger was nerfed earlier because it was overbuffed, that’s why the nerf was also different than the current one of the Hellcat”
    When was the Tiger nerfed? What was the nerf about? I’ve missed it apparently.

    - the process of HD model production is still not fully developed
    - it’s possible that 9.4 will have no HD models whatsoever due to the issues with outsourced model-making contractors
    Just read in the previous Q&A that “9.4 will bring many more HD models than 9.3″ and that “the process of making HD models is speeding up”. Same WG crap excuses every patch.

    “- Storm said that the whine about corridors is a public phobia, which is difficult to fight. It’s a sub-species of the “OMG MAP REWORK SUX” whine.”
    Yes, definitely, it’s just a coincidence that thousands of players noticed the same thing at the same time. Just a social construct. No way that WG would fuck up something, right?

    • You’re an idiot. They are only noticing it because they’ve changed the maps. Instead of the very narrow peakaboo lanes that existed, wider corridors have been opened up. And you people are only noticing it now.

      All WG maps have one thing in common. You are always channeled in two to three routes towards the enemy. The likely reason they do this is to speed up the battle so there is short, sharp, action packed battles. The modifications to most maps are meant to break up the bottleneck chokepoints that were so bad and slowed down battles. And they’ve been fairly successful.

      So why are you people only whining about it now?

      • “You’re an idiot.”
        Nice way to start an argument. I bet you are the smartest kid in your class.
        Let me translate this bullshit of your authorship above.
        “WG makes the maps so the 45% 300 WN8 retards don’t get lost on them. That way they can push the W key and land in one of the corridory chokepoints, depending on in which direction they spawn. That way no evil TDs will shot them or mediums circle them, they will be able to go right up the enemy, shoot twice, bounce twice and die. Then, after they die, they can quickly get their tanks back because the new maps lack any strategic points and the battle is one big, retarded shotout, which is exactly how battles on RU server look like since forever. Yay for retard friendly game, stop whining, I’m the Mr Right here.”

        • They get lost anyway. Or wander off. Or camp at the back.

          You act like its the bad players the DEPEND on maps being the way they are. Um, no. They suck no matter what. The maps don’t help them at all.

          If maps truly changed then a lot of orange, yellow, green and blues would complain because their favorite spot is gone and they can easily get out-flanked. In fact a lot of them are complaining because their favorite rock can be driven around the other way and their favorite bush is gone.

          • “They get lost anyway. Or wander off. Or camp at the back. ”
            Not really. On any of the changed maps all of those red barons stopped camping the base because they can’t shoot anything from there. Instead they move forward into one of the corridors and camp there, making a chokepoint, or just drive forward and die. And you won’t do crap about it, since you can’t give any supporting fire, because as you said yourself, the spots for it are gone. To be able to flank the enemy you firstly have to crawl through you own corridor, arrive almost at their base and then go half of the map back to the falling corridor. Makes sense.
            “If maps truly changed then a lot of orange, yellow, green and blues would complain because their favorite spot is gone and they can easily get out-flanked.”
            How the fuck they would complain about getting outflanked when on the new maps flanking is almost impossible? Do you even have the ability to read comprehensively?

            • Oh, I see the problem. You think “the flank” is a place on the map. A place you got to overrun some enemies, then “flank” the rest. That’s not “flanking”. That’s a breakthrough.

              Flanking, or outmaneuvering your enemy is going where they aren’t and coming up from the side or rear WITHOUT having to flight through part of them first.

              Now back to my first point. A “flank” is not a place on the map. Say you’re on Lakeville and you spawn in the south. If 10 tanks head towards town, were should the other 5 go to guard their flank? Into the Valley of Doom? Many will say surely that’s the “flank”. No, it’s a chokepoint. One that gives neither team the advantage. And those 5 tanks can’t guard the middle road as well. However, if those 5 tanks go to the south end of the town and the hill south of that, then you can completely guard the flank of those in the town, make the enemy cross a large open killing field and you can either quickly reinforce into the town or have town tanks reinforce the flank. Yet people like you and the tomatoes you complain about will always rush to a place on the map mistakenly thinking you’re “guarding the flank” when all you’re doing is rushing to where you know you’ll see tanks the earliest.

              • Yes, you really can’t read comprehensively. Thanks for clearing that one up.
                “Flanking, or outmaneuvering your enemy is going where they aren’t and coming up from the side or rear WITHOUT having to flight through part of them first. ”
                Yes, this is flanking. And guess what – you can’t flank someone when he is behind some impenetrable hills growing from the ground across the whole map. Please, read my previous answer again, this time trying to get the point I was making.
                “Yet people like you and the tomatoes you complain about will always rush to a place on the map mistakenly thinking you’re “guarding the flank” when all you’re doing is rushing to where you know you’ll see tanks the earliest.”
                Rotfl, that’s why I probably score over 2500 WN8 daily, playing like a tomato and all. Please, come back when you will be able to have a discussion and address issues properly. I’m done.

                • You don’t have a point. You are just trying to justify your whining about the new and changed maps. There are NO MAP that are good for flanking. Never. They have rearranged the “corridors” to make breaking through one side of the other a little easier.

    • Apparently they planned to implement these nerfs to the Tiger I in 9.1, but they were delayed (or cancelled):

      - reload time for 88mm L/71 increased from 6,7s to 6,8s
      - 88mm L/71 accuracy nerfed from 0,34 to 0,35
      - 88mm L/71 accuracy spread when moving the turret nerfed by 17 percent
      - hitpoints nerfed by 100 for both turrets

      …looking at the current stats for the 88mm L/71 on the Tiger I, these nerfs still haven’t been implemented as of 9.3 (reload still 6.7 seconds, accuracy still 0.34). Last balance change to the Tiger I (that I’ve heard about) before those 9.1 notes was a buff, so…

      • Oh, okay, thanks. Thought that they already added some other silent nerf or I simply missed a memo. The way that the sentence is constructed you can assume that the nerf “happened” on the live server but apparently it’s about these “planned, but scrapped for now” nerfs.

    • Silly krayfish, how dare you question WG, you need some re-education at the Ministry of Love.

  8. I don’t get the Corridor Whining. Over a year a go I was complaining because all maps channel you into two or three small lanes which had a handful of choke points. WG has modified many maps and opened up wider “corridors”. Now people are complaining?

    Really? You rather have the old El Hallufail with it’s one choke point? Sure, there is a “corridor” now, but it’s not one peakaboo spot.

    Maps have gotten better.

    • “Maps have gotten better.”
      Yes, Severogorsk, Pearl River and Murovanka are so awesome with no ability to circle the enemy, not to mention complete lack of bushes anywhere.
      El Haluf is the only (absolutely shit) map that needed the corridor. Notice the difference, ONE corridor. Not 4-5 clusterfucks making the whole map.

      • You don’t have the ability to “circle the enemy” on most maps.

        Please name one of these wonderful “maneuver maps” you speak of.

        • “Please name one of these wonderful “maneuver maps” you speak of.”
          Pick any that the new map department hasn’t fucked up yet by placing impenetrable walls throughout the map, making paths leading straight from one base to another, without the ability to quickly change flanks or give supporting fire to the weakened flank. Are you able to do at least that?

          • I asked you, where are these “good maps” you can circle your enemies on? You refuse to answer because they never existed.

          • “making paths leading straight from one base to another” – not true
            “without the ability to quickly change flanks” – with small exceptions (severogorsk west, Tundra west) it’s possible everywhere
            “give supporting fire to the weakened flank” – is not completely possible even on the flattest maps (even on Malinovka or Steppes you can get proper cover to hide you from other flank)

            It’s just a temporary bias that I hope will quickly move to something else. Probably TDs or arties again (we know our players)

            • “not true”
              Well, I give up, can’t fight such argument. Really, I’m not in the mood to make drawings for kids to understand how some the maps look like.
              “with small exceptions (severogorsk west, Tundra west) it’s possible everywhere”
              Oh yes, you can completely make it on time to the other side of the map on Tundra, Northwest, Severogorsk, Pearl River or Komarin. Plz, play the game you are talking about.
              ” is not completely possible even on the flattest maps (even on Malinovka or Steppes you can get proper cover to hide you from other flank)”
              Do you even know the difference between “possible” and “impossible”? Last time I checked there is a difference between “some cover” and “impenetrable, fake hills going across half of the map”.

              The only bias is your denial, but I wonder what do you get from it? Do you just like to be “against the flow”, to be cool, or what?

              • Dude, give it up, you’re fighting windmills.

                Apparently the number of tomatoes on FTR has recently gone sky-high.

                P.S.: Fuck them and their corridors!

              • wtf, steppes are just 3 corridors, try to get out of them and you will be spotted an killed quick.
                malinovka? the corridor near the water is very recent and has improved the gameplay in that area, also the hill was reworked into another corridor so people down there couldnt hit you.

                seems people just want trenches and no mans land to kill bots getting out of cover, ww1 style.

      • Count me in on the “I have no idea what they are complaining about”.

        The only changes that I really dislike is Severogorsk. Pearl River? Are you seriously thinking that the old Pearl River is better than current? Can’t say anything about Murovanka until I personally tried it.

        Please tell me another map where the map changes is negative. Please don’t tell me you are going to mention something such as old Erlenberg or Redshire.

        • Pearl River is one of the BEST examples of “drive 100m and meet the enemy in a retarded peek-a-boom!” ideology.
          Windstorm allows basically no sniping and very limited flanking
          Erlenberg – Hills! Hills everywhere! Fuck you and your sniping tanks!
          Murovanka – One of the few maps where having a good scout to spot forest (also one of my main sources of Spotting Damage, for the KV-220 mission) is now butchered. Scouting is now, like on 90% of the maps, IRRELEVANT.

          …do you want me to go on?

          • I was asking “Please tell me another map where the map changes is negative.”, please read my comment correctly.

            I was aware that the overall map quality is still not that good but most of the recent changes are quite positive IMHO. You do play the old version of Pearl River and Erlenberg, right? Old Erlenberg is a material made from Serb’s nightmare, glad that I don’t have to sell my soul to MM in order to avoid that map again.

    • “I don’t get the Corridor Whining. Over a year a go I was complaining because all maps channel you into two or three small lanes which had a handful of choke points. WG has modified many maps and opened up wider “corridors”. Now people are complaining?”

      People like using catchy phrases – and “World of Corridors” _is_ catchy.

      Simple psychological mechanism: if you hear complaints about something and then, at some point, everyone suddenly starts using the exact same phrase to describe it – you will get an impression the amount of complaints increased, even if it didn’t (and I have no idea if it did or not).

    • “Really? You rather have the old El Hallufail with it’s one choke point?”

      New halluf, so much better – 2 peek-a-boo points and 1 hull down point on area that was more or less the same size of the hill on old halluf. 1 choke point = 1 choke point, but the old one was better imo.

      Anyway – peek-a-boo ftw, r.i.p circle-of-death, high dps dependant tonks and sniping. NEED MOAR CORRIDORS!

      • The old one was better because you could PROVIDE FIRE SUPPORT to said chokepoint, from the mid, if you were smart enough

        Now? Brawling area is completely closed off, so the autistic tomato kids can be left alone with their mindless pushky-pushky-tanky-tanky-boom-boom!

  9. The Conqueror turret from Listy’s article looks interesting. Not sure how good the current one is and how much better this one would be, though.

  10. Same shit different day ?
    - bad players won’t be segregated from the rest (no skill MM)
    - no plans to introduce +/-1 MM
    - the 30 second countdown until the start of the battle won’t be reduced

    • Question, if the worst players are segregated, how will you know you’re good?

      Most players aren’t that good. The only difference between a green and a red is the green has reds to farm on. Otherwise they would be orange.

    • - skill MM has more cons than pros
      - +/-1 MM is unnecessary, since you can flank and have prem ammo to your use
      - some people have weak PCs (50% of the player base, by words of WG).

    • Would it kill them to try the +/-1 MM for one patch to see how it does?
      Same with the 30 second countdown. Try a lower one.
      It can always be changed back if it doesn’t work out.

      • If it’s unnecessary in the first place, why even consider trying?
        About the 30 second count, they may already have all the necessary data suggesting that lowering the time would be a bad idea. I’m supposing load time is not a difficult statistic to get if they need it.
        Is it such an annoyance? You can use the little spare time assessing the situation.

  11. - leaving old and new Murovanka in the game at the same time? “Having many maps in the game is bad. For various reasons. We will likely actually reduce the current amount of maps.”

    LOLWUT? Too many maps is bad? I want some of whatever they’re smoking. More maps, time-of-day, and weather conditions infinitely enriches the “random battle” – I think they’re just worried they can’t randomize them enough without killing their engine or servers.

    • I was wondering when someone would point out that completely inane comment. More maps are bad only because they apparently only have 3 styles, so their imagination has run dry. There isn’t a single reason that more is bad for the player. For them, sure, it’s more work, for the player? No.

  12. Just played a round to test VRAM usage with the “super HD” pack installed. Measured using MSI Afterburner.

    Playing as Hellcat on the map Tundra, with a few other players driving HD model tanks (Hellcat, T-34-85, KV-85), max settings 1920×1080, peak VRAM usage was 1400MB. It might be a bit higher in games with higher variety of HD tanks or on larger maps with more objects.

    • Watching the replay of that same game, running with max settings at 3840×2160, peak VRAM usage was 1990MB.

      I wish more parts of the UI other than just the map were scalable.

  13. So horizontal tech tree is limited, huh? Well then, I guess the vertical one of yore (I heard of it in myths and legends) will be coming back soon enough, with a side-scrolling ability the horizontal lacked…

  14. Storm states that the Hellcat in the game is not underpowered when it comes to speed – real combat speed of the vehicle was 30-40 km/h

    This is a game not a simulator yet WG keeps stating about making tanks historically correct. They need to give it a rest. If things were historically correct my Tiger could take out a Sherman from 2 miles away with one shot. Not shoot it point blank in the in the side and watch the shell bounce off. Of course that can’t happen. Everyone would be dead in the first two minutes which I understand can’t happen. Just quit this crap about historical relevance. End of rant.

    • It’s just universal excuse. Historicity, balance issue, SerB’s nightmare, you pick.
      Not that the Hellcat didn’t deserve nerfs, it’s still very capable machine while it stopped being statpadding pubbie roflstomper.

      • It’s still same old beast as before. But now even less “noob-friendly”. Experienced players still find it pretty damn good mobile-sniper.

        Just…don’t. shoot. on. move.

    • That “may” be a valid point on “forward” speed, but WG totally cocked it up on reverse speed in the latest patch. The “actual” reverse “cruising” speed of a Hellcat is 32 kph (they made the “max” reverse speed 12kph).

      Keep in mind “cruising” speed is lower than “max” speed so the reverse speeds are even worse.

      btw, Forward 3rd gear “cruising” speed for the Hellcat was 72 kph.


  15. I’d prefer if they swapped the current FV 183 for the FV4005 Stage 2 tbh. It would be nice to have a real tank instead of some blueprint/model one and it would give them a chance to fix one of the most broken tanks in the game.

  16. >> – leaving old and new Murovanka in the game at the same time? “Having many maps in the game is bad. For various reasons. We will likely actually reduce the current amount of maps.”

    Like, WHAT?!?

    Introduce procedural terrain generation instead, and then you can tinker with normal mappack as much as you guys want…

  17. - Storm states that the Hellcat in the game is not underpowered when it comes to speed – real combat speed of the vehicle was 30-40 km/h


    Hellcat gets limited by it’s “real combat speed” while everything else gets to go it’s maximum possible speed theoretical road speed.

    Newsflash: T-54s don’t move around like hovercraft in combat either. But it’s green with a red star on it so it doesn’t matter.

  18. - Storm states that the idea to let players re-buy once-purchased and sold premium tanks back for credits didn’t move anywhere for now

    On US server you can sell and buy back your premium tanks as many times as you want (180 day wait for Speshul tanks, or only 72 hours for Premium tanks!!).

    On EU server you should be ashamed if you sold your tank, your are a bad bad person, you shall go to hell, we might do it once, but never, ever, ever again.

  19. - FV4005 Stage 2 was indeed scrapped, Storm confirms, they don’t want more “oneshot” guns

    That would be a good thing if it weren’t for the fact that the 183mm gun is crap anyway, barely works and could be entirely fixed to be balanced and good if WG ever bothered to put effort into British tanks at all. Instead it just becomes hilarious.

    So continues WG’s saga to shaft the British any way they can.

    • If they weren’t so goddamn lazy and retarded they could have as well made a 2nd HT line for the Chieftain and replaced FV 215b with smth else. No doubt that a 2nd medium line will never happen…..

      French are shafted way more, no new tech lines since update 7.4 two and a half years ago…

  20. - leaving old and new Murovanka in the game at the same time? “Having many maps in the game is bad. For various reasons. We will likely actually reduce the current amount of maps.”

    There are already too many maps in the game and I only get to play less than half of them in a week.

    - IS-7 erected machinegun will not return

    Now it looks pretty…..ummm…..sad-puppy-ish

    - the process of HD model production is still not fully developed
    - it’s possible that 9.4 will have no HD models whatsoever due to the issues with outsourced model-making contractors

    Who do they hire? Some random janitors?

    - apparently, Storm is considering implementing “E-100 with twin 88mm guns” (SS: that tank is a FAKE, made by some alternative history people)

    Right, “we don’t want any more fake tanks”….

    - Storm said that the whine about corridors is a public phobia, which is difficult to fight. It’s a sub-species of the “OMG MAP REWORK SUX” whine.

    Some maps were indeed reworked to corridors

    - FV4005 Stage 2 was indeed scrapped, Storm confirms, they don’t want more “oneshot” guns

    Bullshit, with the gold nerf the 183 can’t roll for more than 800, besides there are only 2 “1-shot guns” currently – Jageroo and the former Death Star. A relatively zippy platform with same reload and gun handling of the FV 183 but no armor whatsoever and limited turret traverse wouldn’t exactly kill the game…

    On a note to yesterday’s Storm Q&A “-French new HT and MT lines – HT line was scrapped, some tanks are fake and there was not enough info”
    Utter bullshit, models of AMX 65t and “AMX M4 49″ (or Char 50t B) were all ready for over 2 years now and they couldn’t find time to add parameters to them and release them. I was thinking, that T10 could have been a pretty interesting tank – mobility of the 50B, no autoloader, very tough frontal armor but non-existent side armor and large side profile. But no, they decide to kill the variety and they deny us 2 more interesting tier 10s and only give us a Leopard clone in the form of AMX 30. GG WP Wargaming.

    - it is possible (but not sure) Havok will arrive this year

    So much hype about it and yet it got repedeately delayed for over half a year….

    • Yup, with all that’s available in Saumur and declassified national archives, in addition to books, it’s probably a matter of laziness and their staff in Paris only having to do with PR and moderating.

  21. I keep downloading the texture pack but im having problems with it. Either my connection or the source for the download keeps dropping and stopping the Zip download. Once thats happened it will not resume and i have to being from the start again………….

    Anyone know if or have a link for it in torrent format??

  22. All this complaining about “world of corridors”. The problem with open maps isn’t the lack of cover, it isn’t arty (despite my dislike for arty as a class), and it isn’t tank destroyers. No, the problem with open maps is the camo system. If there were no invisi-tanks then the open maps wouldn’t be a problem however when you can’t spot a tank yet it’s continually shooting at you then it makes for a no fun experience and by extension, maps. If the spotting system was improved or the camp system was scrapped then the maps would play fine.

    • This exactly. The broken, flawed spotting system is one of the single most frustrating things about this game. It makes absolutely no sense that you can see a car 1,000 meters away but you can’t see the 100 ton tank parked next to it…

      Not being able to see forces people down “the path of least resistance” and that’s when you get corridors.

      The game needs a spotting system that works like every other shooter ever.

      I’m really hoping Armored Warfare doesn’t make the same mistake.

      • Spotting system is a balance parameter. If everybody would see everything all time, what point is there to come closer to make damage let alone play anything but TDs and arty?

        Also spotting system and camo are crucial parts of the game, its the core of the game appart from other stats. How ever, the new maps make people move closer because there are less spots for idiopt TDs and other campers to hide and this is good.

    • Mechwarrior 4, line of sight radar, unfortunate jumpsnipers and my gesu medium mech disagree. If there is enough terrain concealment you can use then there is no problem, no need to make the damn corridors where you can’t circle loltractor in a cromwell, because THERE IS NO ROOM.

      Funny, since 50% of most maps is unusable because: it’s a dead zone in the middle, underwater or some big ass mountain (hidden village ftw).

      • Let me clarify: spotting system is not the problem here, it’s map design. You can make open maps with plenty of hard cover, where peek-a-boo, sniping, circling and hull down can be used effectively.

    • I would love the game mode, without camo or spotting range..everything visible.
      Imagine national battles, you will not have “marks and names” above tanks.
      You would actually need to see it and recognize the tank to know if its enemy…

      might be fun, more realistic.. I’d like to try it out…

      • Realistic and wot is not the same. Having all tanks spotted all time would turn into a sniper fest, because thet wouild not motivate people to get close to the battle. In the future I suspect view range of all tanks as well as render range to be heavily nerfed to motivate people to get closer to fight, and prevent invisisnipers from 500m away. Before 8.6 this worked some how because the worse accuracy made it hard to snipe which motivated people to push closer. 8.6 stopped that and the camping begun.

        • well yes, thats why I said I would like to see it only as a game mode. Implementing this into whole game would be stupid. But it might be fun to try it out…

          The other problem is, as you said, sniping…. how am I gonna snipe something that is 500m away ? I would have hard time even noticing somethings moving over there…
          the other thing..Sure im gonna snipe, because armor is shit in this game…

          They are trying to “historically balance” all tanks, yet every fucking one of them is fitted with unhistorical gun. I wouldnt snipe in Tiger I if there were no tier IVs that can penetrate me like a butter. This part was good in historical battles… no L70 on StuGIII, no 88L71on Tiger I etc…

          If all tanks had their historical gun, armor would suddenly matter.

          • Many tanks have historical modules as in historical projects. The idea of tank balance in wot in relation to tire is that all tanks should damage eachother and that works pretty well now. Having tanks in stock configurations would heavily reduce grinding and money spent. Even WT has introduced historicaly projects, as in tanks can mount modules that only existed in blueprints.

            WOT is a vehicle based shooter, just like battlefield. You play to unlock parts on the vehicle/weapon and that is a very fundamental part of all games.

            As it is now, game balance has never been any better in WOT. Accuracy is good, the amount of TDs and arty are lower and the maps are more “brawler” friendly as well as new tier 8 scouts that are more potential. Some OP tanks has been nerfed like kv1s, hellcat and T57. I dont think we have seen any better balance since 8.6, which fucked up the game and turned it into a camperfest (because former map design heavily favoured TDs).

            So yes I do consider that the state of the game in terms of game balance is pretty damn good now. What is not good is that every patch introduce new bugs and fps drops, as well as too many noobs playing higher tiers (because its much more easy to obtain high tier tanks no, with the credit and xp buff for prem tenks).

        • Not necessarily. If this were true, games like MechWarrior Online would be “sniper fests” since you can see another Mech all the way across the map and you can, theoretically (Albeit with greatly reduced effectiveness) engage another mech on the other side of the map.

          But brawling is still one of the most effective tactics and relatively shortranged ballistic weapons are still some of the most effective and common…

          • Well, all evidence shows that long range fighting/view range will only be beneficial for TDs or other vehicles with good camo/view range and penetration/alpha/accuracy. That is why arties was so popular back then, make damage from long range taking little risk, and after 8.6, TDs.

            The reason TDs are not overpopulated anymore (even though they are as high or higher in numbers than heavys or mediums) is because maps has changed.

  23. RE corridor maps.

    How can it be some mass illusion that WG likes us to play on corridor maps when ALL (but one, Sacred Valley) recent new maps were in fact corridors from the start?

    It’s not any subjective “feeling”. It’s a fact. Dragon Ridge, Port, Pearl River, Hidden Village, Tundra, Severogorsk, Northwest, Kharkov (did I miss any?) …. they’re (were) all fucking corridors.

    Northwest got opened up little but Tundra and Severogorsk got corridored even more. They made Sacred Valley into corridors too. Pearl River only got more corridors, but the principle stayed all the same.

    So come on now, it’s not just an opinion. This is what is happening. And it shows a clear corridory tendency. Map rework was only a trigger after people got fed up with corridor maps they started with. The rework really went from “some corridors” to “fucking corridors all the way, if your face motherfuckers!”. No wonders people (FINALLY!) started to complain.

    • hard to say, if there were only open maps, people would complain that there are TDs shooting at them from 445m distance. Or artillery…

      • It wasn’t my intention to debate whether it’s good or bad to have this type of map or the other.

        I wanted to point out it’s not our imagination that the map development is heading towards more corridor maps and changing existing ones into more corridory as well.

        • New maps are remade to make former open spaces more secure and former small chokepoints has been opened up with several “corridiors”. That is a fact. Only people who complain are TDs and those who were used to bushwank and make damage that way. Now you need to be closer to the battle.

  24. - if you quit a 9.3 replay early and you will see the “commissar” screen about leaving the battle, you won’t get any punishment for that, because when watching replays, there isn’t even a connection with the server
    Why do i have the feeling this whole punishment system is made as a placebo and this “bug” with replays only confirms it. Because if that option is still available in replays i have the feeling that it’s only made to pop up every time you want to leave battle earlier is just to scare you from doing it and actually doesn’t send any info to server and actually doesn’t work :D

    - no plans to introduce +/-1 MM
    We need more of useful info like this one :D

    - some players report a bug where the sniper scope is now bright yellow, Storm said he would investigate the issue
    Looks like someone’s gunner bought himself a pair of gunnars http://dev.gunnars.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/gunnar.jpg xD

    - Storm said that the whine about corridors is a public phobia, which is difficult to fight. It’s a sub-species of the “OMG MAP REWORK SUX” whine.
    Storm was doing fine until i saw this. Please stop blaming people for whining about the shit you created. Maps are done/reworked in this manner and it sucks. No one but idiots who can’t differentiate their ass from mouth like these kind of maps where everything is funneled into corridors. Even some of them don’t like it, let alone players who can actually think while playing. It’s not a fucking phobia you paranoid fgt.

    • Well, I suppose you could exit early during a few games in a row and see what happens. ;-)

      Having said that, I thoroughly agree with what you said here: “Please stop blaming people for whining about the shit you created.”

  25. I hope they won’t reduce the number of maps. I already see the same 5 maps about 80% of the time.

    I don’t understand why some people are scared of map changes. If nothing else it breaks the monotony of playing on the same 5 maps every day. :))

    • turn off assault mode in settings.. you will see more maps…

      I had the same problem… Erlenberg 3 times in a row, each time a different game mode.

  26. IS-8 will not get buffed…

    OFC not ! There isn’t anything wrong with it, it has great turret armor, decent gun and good mobility. Why the hell would it need a buff for ? To have impenetrable hull armor as well ?

    The only T9 heavy which needs a buff is E-75. I played it and I don’t like it at all, the armor is good but the mobility is very bad, the gun is very bad – everything except for alpha which isn’t that great of a diff – 50 more dmg than IS-8 pfffff.

    Guess what T9 I’m going for ! T-54, ofc. It is very well “balanced”, I agree 100% with Serb. And by balanced I don’t mean for it’s tier, I mean it has a very good balance of armor, firepower and mobility.

    • E-75 needs a buff ? You are doing something wrong…
      It’s a tiger II on steroids.
      mobility is enough… get some crew skills and it will be good. I loved mine :)

      • E-75 needs a buff? lel

        The poor M46 has been power-creeped to a ridiculous degree. Centurion 7/1 has been nerfed. M103′s gun and armor are still hilariously unreliable..

        And E-75 needs a buff?

  27. Imo giving radioman the sixth sense skill actually made sense and should explain how the skill works, since the radio man can (probably) wiretap/tuned into enemy radio frequency and determite if they got detected or not.
    also they should change the skill name to something else too the skill called sixth sense seem a bit out of place in WoT setting.

    • I’ve had similar idea long time ago.

      As far as perks and skills go it doesn’t really matter who will get the sixth sense equivalent. If there are no dedicated radio operators then some other crew members (commanders or loaders … not sure if gunners) have such function assigned to them. On the other hand keeping radio operator alive, regardless if it’s dedicated one or other crew member multitasking, would suddenly become very important. The guy would finally have it’s own important place and role in any tank.

      “Code Breaker” or “Eavesdrop” as perk name would be more down to earth and explain better HOW is it possible to know you’ve been spotted.

      • Yes, but no skills or perks are realistic. What is un realistic is that a crew member automaticly teach himself 6th sense when reaching 100% and no other skills. Because that us what WG wants to do right? Make 6th sesne default when member reach 100%. Kinda unfair for those who have spend gold to reset skills or train it from the first beginning.

    • Not really.

      Notice how it was Maho, who noticed councils third attempt at hetzing in GuP finals. :P

      See? Maho has a sixth sense. :D

  28. - …… We will likely actually reduce the current amount of maps.”

    You can do that even with many maps BY SOME FKING MAP ROTATION PER WEEK. It is so unbelievable that at WG HQ are so dum and stupid that noone didn’t think on that option.

    It’s so easy. WG could just select some maps like few city (or 1 city), few open and few half/half (IDK how WG classify maps). Let’s simply say 10 map per week, next week other 10 map. With these solutions WG could introduced same maps with different weather/time conditions/effects.

    • this would be great…

      when northwest map was released, it took 4 days till I saw it …. was getting erlenberg and himmelsdorf all over again…

  29. - Storm states that Tiger was nerfed earlier because it was overbuffed, that’s why the nerf was also different than the current one of the Hellcat

    they never followed through with that nerf
    hurrdurr wg pls

  30. - leaving old and new Murovanka in the game at the same time? “Having many maps in the game is bad. For various reasons. We will likely actually reduce the current amount of maps.”

    Bullshit. Most of the maps in the game might as well be copy+pastes of each other anyway, so sorry WG, but I’m not buying it this time.

    • yeah, and then they are removing ruinberg on fire and replacing it by …wait for it… winter ruinberg!!!

  31. “- Storm states now that the HD textures option in the launcher is missing intentionally (HD textures have to be installed manually), because “many people will leave it enabled ‘just so’ and not because they actually need it” – he adds that the reason for this is saving traffic and also preventing FPS loss on computers with low amount of GPU memory”

    When you open the installer, it displays two BIG buttons, one for “slim client” and another for “high definition”. The player presses one, and the program DLs the appropriate textures.
    You know, it was the russians who found the easiest and cheapest solution to writing in outer space…..

    • If you refer to using pencils … they were leaving a lot of pencil graphite dust floating in the air and because there’s no gravity it wasn’t falling down on the floor like it would on Earth, and so it was very difficult to get rid of it. And when inhaled it was harmful to the crew.

      So the easiest and cheapest solution was in fact a flop.

    • Take a Tiger 1 and put it against tier 10. Observe the non pens. Now add another Tiger 1 and put it side by side with the first one. Observe non pens.

      If it’s on tier 10 it’s firepower will be meaningless if it can’t pen reliably … and it can’t. Lucky high roll pens and damage vs paper tanks doesn’t really count. It’s too situational.

      If it’s on anything lower than tier 10 it’s armour would be too strong to even consider such project.

      • They’ll probably add it as a tier 8 prem tank to sell to the weheraboos.

        Because we all know that Germany needs moar prem tanks.

  32. “We will likely actually reduce the current amount of maps.”

    nobody will notice, mm puts on prokhorovka and its retarded brother all the time anyway

  33. How would disclosing the now hidden stats complicate the game? Those who doesn’t understands probably doesn’t understand what is going where with the current amount of information anyways.

    Bean Counters on the other hand can tell other people what those number means, not to mention about the Soviet Superiority whine (or you dont want to because it is true).

  34. Storm is a real fucking asshole.

    He calls “corridors” basically a phobia and his customers are a bunch of fucking whiners, but there are corridors everywhere. WG is designing the maps so they are all basically identical. You drive down a corridor and brawl. Is he to blind, stupid or arrogant to see that?

    He says they need fewer maps! How stupid is this guy? They need 100 maps, 200, 500, 1000. There could never be enough maps. I get so sick and fucking tired of playing games on the same fucking maps over and over and over. Wouldn’t it be nice to play 25 straight games all on different maps? How hard would it be to have a half a dozen desert maps? Not hard at all.

    Storm says, “go fuck urself if you like the old hanger better. Use the new one or go fuck urself.”

    It must be nice to run a business and tell your customers they are a bunch of useless, stupid, dumb fucking whiners who don’t know shit about the game they play.

    • “Storm says, “go fuck urself if you like the old hanger better. Use the new one or go fuck urself.”

      It must be nice to run a business and tell your customers they are a bunch of useless, stupid, dumb fucking whiners who don’t know shit about the game they play.”


      Ever heard how SerB “handles” PR? It’s hilarious.
      You don’t always have to agree with customer. In many cases customer is NOT right, in many cases customer is and asshole or idiot.
      I’m a chef and I can confirm that usual complain coming from customer (atleast in restaurant where I work) is total bullshit. Nothing to do with quality of the food or how it’s prepared. Food is hot and always prepared well when it leaves to the table yet sometimes some complain because they personally don’t like something (if you order spagetti frutti di mare and don’t like seafood – well, that’s pretty much you being retard).
      Listen to customer but if he/she has nothing real to say then fuck off.

  35. - about Wargaming having hidden parameters in the game and officially disclosing them: “Let me say it simply – noone needs that. It wouldn’t make the game more interesting for anyone, apart from a few bean counters, it would only introduce complications in understanding the game.”

    So, let me see if I’m understanding this. To paraphrase.

    “Y’all are too stupid to understand”

    That pretty much nail it?


    • If you’re interested about your tanks, you will find your info.

      If you’re not interested about your tanks, you will not find the info (even if it’s shoved into your face) and never get better.

      Some noobs stay as noobs. Some noobs want to get better.