Hello everyone,
the following picture was posted on Yuri Pasholok’s blog. I do think that it’s very… self explanatory. The post was called “realities” (in the sense of “how it really is”) – I think it’s very realistic depiction of the current state…
Oooh, burn! :)
Silly Tilly. Stop shooting down planes.
Got to give the man some credit for brutal honesty :)
Full flaps……………
Laughing my pants off – if it is relates to “Full retard” quote :) :D
Let’s hope the tank doesn’t have to pull the Ship, too
Nah they can’t screw it up :D
Can’t they?
Since World of Tanks has taught me to never under-estimate the ability for people to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, I am not getting my hopes up for Ships.
wargaming has taught us that they have all the means to ruin the game and that they actively ruin it(which is no easy feat fo a company to actually work to ruin their game) everytime they patch, add new tanks and just open their mouths
Bonnie Matlida, always there to save the day when things look at their darkest.
For me it’s the other way around. I hate the crap out of WoT while WoWP is…well…acceptable. I only played WoT lately to get more premium for WoWP (and to buy the FV4202 that is).
You serious?
Well, maybe I’ve played too many flighting games to find WoWP “acceptable”.
you’re mental Bro… whilst WG have made all the efforts through the years to make me despise and stop playing wot altogether WoWP is a piece of shit fail game.
it’s not acceptable by any standard, the retarded absolutely unreal flight model is jarring and the “HP” mechanic that “works” on wot absolufukingfails in planes (who wants to be “shotdown” because a tiiiny bullet hit the very outer tip of your wing and happened to “-1″ that last “1″ hp you had, retarded)
i do believe that world of warships will suffer the same faith!
WoWp came into a market that was already being dominated by WarThunder, and it came in trying to be an arcade while the audience wanted a more simlike game.
Coupled with some bad updates, it had a pretty shit launch. Then of course the Ukrainian crisis didn’t help, as WoWp devs are based in Kiev. Another factor was Jingles biased preview. The game has faults, don’t get me wrong, but his preview to me seemed very immature, compared to say, Krebs one.
WoWp just can’t get a brake. I enjoyed playing it, and I would like to see them fix it so the majority could enjoy it as well, but sadly I don’t see it happening.
WoWs on the other hand, is coming to a market that has not seen a major release in like what, 4-5 years? It is more of a race to see who will be first and what first impression will they leave, WTSea or WoWS. Being first won’t guarantee success, as if they release bug ridden bullshit, people will start jumping the ship to the other one.
@SunnyBittern – don’t blame Jingles for the PoS that WoWP is. I played WoWP before I even saw the Jingles video and I did not like the game at all. I’m sure that others are in the same place.
As for blaming the Ukrainian crisis is a bit like so many companies blaming things on 9/11 (councils over here in the UK were using it for all sorts of unrelated things).
I played wowp before Jingles made his video too, but I can make my own decisions and not just ride a bandwagon – that’s why I decided to give it another chance this month. And I like it, it’s exactly what I was looking for.
Too bad I don’t have any flying skills though :< But until wows is released, I guess I'll stick to wowp (after I finish fv4202 grind ofc).
WOWS will be out waaaay before WTNF, there’s no doubt of that.
if wows enters CBT by years end, take dunno, 3 months of CBT?(i don’t think they will do a 6+mo sbt like on wot now that they’re a mature big company) then maybe 1 month of OBT, even if my guesstimates are way off wows WILL be out next year.
In contrast, gaijin *JUST* released GF in OBT and are having a shitstorm of flak due to it being perceived as a “rushed, unfinished release” and the CBT was veeeery long, at least from nov of last year (so ~7months of CBT). NF is not even in the radar at this time, not until they fix GF(and finish adding all the other nation’s tank trees).
In fact i highly doubt even CBT of naval forces will begin next year, that gives WG easily a year’s headstart on ships
i guess you haven’t seen that one leaked video before it was pulled down?
Care to elaborate?
it was gud
Some alpha testers of WoWS released a low-rez video of the alpha gameplay.
As far as I saw, it looked very nice indeed.
Also, the video was taken down in like, 3 days and the alpha tester/s in question fined $100,000 for breaching the NDA.
how did they got caught if they released a low res video on purpose to avoid watermarking?
can someone explain ? didnt get it :l
WoWp (plane in the picture) was a failure while WoT (tank) was not.
The tank pulls the airplane just like WoT has to pull its weight and WoWp’s.