
- new WoT epic features will be announced “when the time is right”
- it’s possible that the Chinese TD line will start (or at least, there will be a transfer between branches) either from Type 58, or the IS-2
- the new Soviet line suspension won’t have any special feature, such as less aim spread when moving

- SerB states that the tanks do not turn over on their backs, because the feature is not ready yet. When it is ready, players will whine about it.
- S-Tank (Strv 103) is still being discussed, its fate is not decided yet
- Chris Taylor’s new project? “No comment”
- SerB states that WG doesn’t know of any Chinese tanks, that would fit WoT while having good gun depression
- new hightier tanks with autoloader? “You’ll see soon”
- player statistics separation (separate random, clan and company stats)? “You’ll see soon”
- website player profile will be fixed to display the clanwars event achievements
- the average damage dealt by an average player stayed the same in last year or two
- SerB thinks that WG competitors will definitely make a tank game with MBT’s, as it was Wargaming, that brought tanks back into fashion
- according to SerB, mobility can roughly be estimated by tank horsepower (SS: but not completely, other factors play a role)
- artillery autoaim is not planned
- DickerMax buff not planned
- additional optional tank properties in the battle interface (SS: for example, showing the target’s viewrange) are not planned
- MM mechanism does not influence map choices
- T34 won’t get limited MM (“don’t buy T34″)
- Wargaming is sponsoring Russian History Channel’s “Great tank battles” (SS: History channel is a general source of notorious garbage and myths, so that explains a lot)
- WG plans to introduce their own replay-to-video converter
- SerB’s favourite tank is T-44, his least favourite is some TD
- no plans to put tanks, planes and ships into one client
- WG has a few ideas for new games, but no comment
- regarding quest: the tanks, mentioned as possible rewards for very tough quests, will be “premium and event” tanks, they will come with free slots possibly
- if you earn a tank that you already have as a reward, you will probably get its price in gold instead, but SerB states they will very much try to avoid such situations
- it’s possible that the quest reward tanks will be also hightier premium/event tanks, Panzer IV Hydro and SU-85i will probably (SS: if I understood this correctly) not appear as quest rewards.
- player-posted ideas have apparently “minimal impact on feature implementation”
- SerB states that as far as he knows, there won’t be a free crew perk/skill reset, when VK3001H and 3601H change classes to heavy
- Object 140 research possibility from T-54 will NOT be removed, when Object 430 and its prototype make an appearance
- the XP bonus for victory is in fact NOT 50 percent, it’s more complicated than that according to SerB, exact mechanism won’t be disclosed, but the exact bonus depends on “how confident (SS: as in overwhelming) the victory was”
- Sherman Calliope most likely won’t be introduced, Sturmtiger will be introduced, as its “rocket” mortar projectile doesn’t behave like a typical rocket projectile
- the ingame quests are considered to be a development of the “daily 2x” approach, when players are encouraged to play every day (at least a bit)
- the amount of additional XP you get for damage increases linearily with your target’s and your’s tier difference
- Q: (related to SerB’s wish to remove some tanks from the game because they are unhistorical, such as the IS-7) “Why don’t you remove the Tiger? It fought with Waffen SS!” A: “It’s interesting, that it was the Germans themselves, who asked for the removal of Wittmann. But our players, who jerk off over reputation (SS: “lajkodrocher” – literally “someone who masturbates over FB likes”) are tend to be holier than the pope himself. Makes me thinks – are such degenerates unicums only in our (SS: Russian) community, or are they elsewhere too?”
- Occulus Rift support is planned
- it’s possible, that in the future, subcaliber shell jacket is going to be modelled in the game
- it’s possible that the Superpershing price will be changed after the nerf, SerB expects cca 10k players to sell it

160 thoughts on “16.8.2013

  1. laykodorcheri has nothing to do with FB likes and a lot to do with specific kind of gloves German officers supposedly wore in WW2. Those are ppl that adore Wehrmacht etc.

    • Totally incorrect, no connection with gloves or anything. The meaning is exactly what SilentStalker said – people fapping on likes.

      • No, he is totally correct: laikodrocher is another form of “надрачивать на лайковых” (jerking off on laikovie” and “laikovie” is one of the modern russian nicknames for nazies.

      • sup, kids i’m a RU region wot player, so laikodrocher means karma whore, since Serb get all thus whining crap from forums, and fapping on likes, also known as “+” is quite a plague on RU forums.

        • Oh trust me it’s just as bad on the NA forums, only it’s not on how many +reps you get, but how many -reps somebody you don’t like gets. The Unicums are the worst of the bunch (to the point where Garbad, the most infamous of the bunch, has been banned, and others have been banned multiple times, and it won’t be the end of the banning for sure)

  2. - it’s possible that the Superpershing price will be changed after the nerf, SerB expects cca 10k players to sell it

    Hmm. An increase in price? That ought to be a deterring factor for some…

    • And it was exactly what I’ve been suspecting since the nerf affair was started…
      1) nerf it
      2) let people sell it for 7200 gold
      3) buff it
      4) profit

      • Please notice that tier VIII premiums are no longer in 7500-range price. Prices start from 10k and tend to increase.

        Superpershing was the last from the old gang. Of course its price will go up – that’s WGs economy lately.

        Personally, I think it would be really dumb to sell it.

        • How is it dumb to sell it? Some people like me never play it, because I don’t like how it plays. Selling it grants me gold back, rather have that than a dust-collecting tank in my garage.

        • Really like that song :)

          Anyway someone should ask WG if they plan to buff it players are allowed to sell it. It will be a fantastic shitstorm if they do so without telling players in advance.

    • There was a mention of tier 10 reward tanks for players that aren’t in clans. The mission reward tank might be those.
      In the recent ASAP video it was mentioned that missions might tie into on another: that might be doable and yet hard enough to warrant a tier 10 tank as a reward. Sounds quite interesting, I hope they’ll share more details on their plans for these missions.

      • I could see things such as XXk amount of battles combined with some medal requirement or kill requirement or something. As WG would want it to be harder to obtain and not rush people to tier 10 like that.

        Maybe you’d need to get every medal in the game for one. Now that’d be an achievement worthy of a tier 10 tank.

        • Being hard enough, class 1 in all the major/step achievement medals ( Kay’s, Lecklerc, Ekin’s etc ). Achievable, but not definitely fast. :)

      • Free tier 10 tank if you earn 3 Pools Medals in a row, platoons and tank company games do not count.

  3. - player-posted ideas have apparently “minimal impact on feature implementation”

    Then why even have “Player suggestions” section on official forums? And why even pretend that they are listening to playerbase feedback?

    • Funneling said suggestions to a single thread instead of them appearing all over the place. They’ll appear regardless of whether the company takes them onder consideration, so it makes sense to keep everything nice and tidy.

    • Serb has stated earlier: “90% of suggestions are crap, 9% has been conssidered already, only 1% worth something”. I guess this time he’s meant the same, but just shortened it.

    • That’s because most players’ suggestions are simply retarded and it’s a good thing WG doesn’t take them under consideration.

    • All suggestions get looked at locally before they go anywhere near Minsk. The dev/s has complete knowledge of the games future, and can go yes/no/already being done.

      Mind you, to be a yes, it’d have to be a completely awesome and original suggestion.

      At best, the suggestions may get tallied to show player support.

      CoAF gives lists of suggestions rarely to the devs however. They might have some bigger say.

    • Suggestions have minimal impact because there is a minimal number of suggestions that are good.

      Here is how most days the suggestion forums works
      Remove 2 tier spread
      Remove arty
      Remove arty nerf
      Skill MM
      Ban bad players
      Give everyone M60
      Skill MM
      Nerf TD
      Skill MM
      Skill MM
      Did we already mention we want it so we don’t have to ever see red players because we don’t want to carry them so Skill MM?

  4. High tier premium tanks as reward for missions? Yeah right…
    Still, would be really funny to make a mission like “Get 200k exp in a day and you win a Type59″ I wonder how many people would try to do this….

  5. - Sherman Calliope most likely won’t be introduced, Sturmtiger will be introduced, as its “rocket” mortar projectile doesn’t behave like a typical rocket projectile

    Sturmtiger! i hope with 30m splash dmg and 3k dmg

        • … i hope with 30m splash dmg and 3k dmg

          ….and a rate of fire of twice a month.

          hm… sounds dirty….

          • I would be ok with a buff to the rate of fire, so it can fire twice a week… :)

            Lol… wonder what the traverse will like…

            • Traverse will let a T95 with damaged tracks and engine flank it and turn to face it, fire, and then turn and start flanking again before the turret is anywhere near it.

            • With 30m splash it would be screwed if anything got close period, regardless if it could bring its gun to bear. One hit/splash would kill itself at that range lol.

              Course to counter the flanking you’d just have to aim at the dirt.

  6. - Q: (related to SerB’s wish to remove some tanks from the game because they are unhistorical, such as the IS-7) “Why don’t you remove the Tiger? It fought with Waffen SS!” A: “It’s interesting, that it was the Germans themselves, who asked for the removal of Wittmann. But our players, who jerk off over reputation (SS: “lajkodrocher” – literally “someone who masturbates over FB likes”) are tend to be holier than the pope himself. Makes me thinks – are such degenerates unicums only in our (SS: Russian) community, or are they elsewhere too?”

    thats funny :)))))))

    • That’s especially funny when you take look at tanks like the T-25/2, T-28 Prototype or 110E4, which never existed and yet it is IS-7, that was bulit and tested, but ultimately not adopted for production that is being called “unhistorical”.

      • It seems that WG uses “unhistorical argument” only when they want to nerf something. There never was buff because tank was UP and they wanted to make it “historical”

      • IS-7 (realistic one) would have 8 rounds per minute ROF, more penetration, way faster and way more accurate. Basically it would destroy everything in it’s path save for realistic t-62 or t-64 prototypes. Back in the beta days is-7 was the only Soviet HT10 WG came up with and they had to nerf it several times to bring it back in line with Maus and E100 and other HT10.

        So ingame IS-7 is a mere shadow of it’s real self and that’s why Serb wants to remove it – the tank doesn’t feel historical.

    • “Why don’t you remove the Tiger? It fought with Waffen SS!”

      Panther/M10 was used solely by the Panzer Brigade 150, an SS unit. I don’t see anyone whining about that.

      • That removal of the Tiger request has to be one of the most moronic questions I have ever seen…

        • The whole question was made of stupid and general failure, singling out the Tiger was merely the crown jewel. As if the Waffen-SS at one point or another didn’t use virtually every AFV in the German arsenal – and as if that had anything at all to do with the historicity of any in-game tanks in the first place.

      • I dunno about whining, but in certain circles the M10 Panther is nicknamed the “warcrimes Panther” for giggles.

  7. So a few days back rockets tanks were a go but today the calliope is a no because its rockets don’t have normal shell trajectory?

    I’m confused.

    • To keep it historical, callioppe would have to fire all its payload at once and then hide somewhere for half a match to reload. Aside from the glorious alpha damage carpet bombing, it doesn’t sound like a fun tank to play.

  8. What’s the point in adding Oculus Rift support in a TPP game? I’ve played War Thunder with Rift, view from cockpit is amazing (not really playable though, due to shitty resolution), but when switched to 3rd person it feels extremely strange.

  9. What exactly is so unhistorical about IS-7? At least it isn’t like the other bullshit tanks like FV215b HT or T28Prot.

    • From what I understand, the IS-7 is heavily underpowered compared to what it was in real life. SerB has said that technically, IS-7 would actually be a tier 11 vehicle.

        • IS-7 should be put into game as historical, specially the mobility, right now it’s a very underperforming tank(the easiest metric to see wheter a tank is UP is to look at tourney and CW usage, IS7 is not used anymore since ~ a year ago, when the BS fantasy T10s started getting added). Compare it to other T10s and it doesn’t has the alpha(gold 150mm E100) doesn’t has the mobilty (50B, T57, any T10 med) doesn’t has the hitpoints (maus, IS4 -another dog of a tank-), doesn’t has the ROF (e5, fv215, IS4, all meds, anything but IS7), has terrible accuracy and aimtime(worse maybe the E100 with 150mm, offsetted by the oneshot capabilty), oh and since it’s from the “original” batch of guns it doesn’t has the superpen bullshit stats the new T10 guns have.

          If it ends up being a T11/12, so be it, heavy tanks should be the top of the top in this game, not T10 meds.

          IS7 had a rammer system integrated, yet not modelled in game on the ROF time(the reload should be a little more than half of what it is now).

          i hope they will finally do justice to it, but Serb is a dick by wanting it removed

          • IS-7 is a jack of all trades, master of none, still gets used in CW’s’too, and speaking of underperforming tanks, 113 :D

  10. - the XP bonus for victory is in fact NOT 50 percent, it’s more complicated than that according to SerB, exact mechanism won’t be disclosed, but the exact bonus depends on “how confident (SS: as in overwhelming) the victory was”

    Which means that overwhelming victory yields more XP or a marginal and more difficult does ?

    • I got the feeling a close victory gives more xp, rarely I see someone get 1k+ raw xp in a 15-1 victory. But it can also be that a crushing victory will probably mean that damage dealt is spread out more evenly over the players of the winning team.

      • Yeah that’s probably due to the fact that noone really has to carry the game by himself.

        But, actually, discloseing the formula would be very, very interesting :(

  11. “- Object 140 research possibility from T-54 will NOT be removed, when Object 430 and its prototype make an appearance”

    but it will be removed once the object 140 line is complete?

  12. “- Object 140 research possibility from T-54 will NOT be removed, when Object 430 and its prototype make an appearance”

    Excellent news!

    • Wasn’t it just a few weeks ago that SerB said he didn’t like high tier crosslinks? and that they wouldn’t be adding them?

      Now you can get 2 Russian T10 grinding only 1 tree. I think it would be fitting (proper?) that you had to have the Obj 416 researched before you could purchase the Obj 140. Then you would only be skipping T9 instead of T6-9

      • he probably meant that he didn’t like high tier crosslinks between different vehicle types

  13. Hi,
    Just question regarding experince path in T-54. Do you think new OBJ 140 goes trough the 100 mm D-10T2S cannon ?

  14. SilentS, can you or someone from FTR team make article about swedish Stridsvagn 103 (Strv 103 or S-tank)?….imho its definitely worth to think about his implement in WoT – 50km speed (forward and backwards), variant of british 105 (maybe with autoloader), low profile, designed in 1956 (prototype maybe)

  15. Youtube has a number of videos on the Swedish S-tank , as well. All in all, I do hope it’ll be included in WoT.

  16. - SerB states that as far as he knows, there won’t be a free crew perk/skill reset, when VK3001H and 3601H change classes to heavy


    • why would there be any reset, heavy and med configurations are basically the same ..

    • Your crew will be retrained to be a heavy crew but I don’t see any reason that you need to reset your perks. Its not like a Heavy tank changing to a TD like T30 in which case Camo skill becomes far more use full

      • lets say you have offroad king as driver perk on both meds since both turn nice. now with the heavy conversion they may lose turn rate and or speed can you imagine that you might want to use clutchbraking instead of offroad king?

        • No, already because Offroad beats Clutch hands down in general utility; traverse speed is affected by terrain reistance too after all.

          Also it’s not supposed to lose shit in the conversion, nor is there any realistic reason why it would – weight and engine power stay the exact same, as does track contact area.

  17. “- SerB states that the tanks do not turn over on their backs, because the feature is not ready yet. When it is ready, players will whine about it.”

    Players will whine about it – SerB knows one of the constants of online gaming!

  18. In 8.8 video they announced, that obj 140 will be completely different from T-62A. But now I can see it will has the same damage, penetration etc etc … only one thing which I dont understand is rate of fire ? lol ?

  19. Any words of the T-44-122? Does not appear on the 2nd soviet branch…
    So this is going to be a premium medium tank…what bothers me is that their statements contradict in some cases…that the T-44-122 is sometimes going to be a regular tank, sometimes going to be a premium..

  20. - new WoT epic features will be announced “when the time is right”

    when the time is right?

    this game is boring as hell, exciting only for players from 3rd world country that don’t even know what a gamer PC is, what a modern Game is.

    playing WoT feels like playing a game from the 80th’s

    • So… most of Western Europe, the US and Japan are, quote, 3rd world country that don’t even know what a gamer PC is, what a modern Game is, unquote?

      Your trolling is bad and you should feel bad!

    • I’ve seen americans using 56K modems stills so no, you’re no pro-gamers, you’re just unemployed fat morons.

  21. >But our players, who jerk off over reputation (SS: “lajkodrocher” – literally “someone who masturbates over FB likes”) are tend to be holier than the pope himself. Makes me thinks – are such degenerates unicums only in our (SS: Russian) community, or are they elsewhere too?”

    SS, you translated this uncorrectly. This form of “lajkodrocher” equals to nazi-lover.

  22. - WG plans to introduce their own replay-to-video converter

    yes. Now my poor laptop won’t die every time I try to upload a reply to the forums.

  23. “- player statistics separation (separate random, clan and company stats)? “You’ll see soon”
    Would be interesting to see them separate random platoon and solo stat.

    • How is this related to WoT or tanks in general? Also, Mikasa is the best character, don’t waste your time on those lesbians (BTW does this count as “homosexual propaganda”?).

  24. - SerB thinks that WG competitors will definitely make a tank game with MBT’s, as it was Wargaming, that brought tanks back into fashion.

    Good luck finding info on modern MBTs :D

    • From Lert:

      M1 Abrams:

      HP: 3500
      Acc: 0.25
      Aim time: 1.0
      Pen: //
      Turret traverse:
      Hull traverse:


      HP: 3500
      Acc: 0.25
      Aim time: 1.0
      Pen: //
      Turret traverse:
      Hull traverse:

      Chally 2:

      HP: 3500
      Acc: 0.25
      Aim time: 1.0
      Pen: //
      Turret traverse:
      Hull traverse:


      HP: 3500
      Acc: 0.25
      Aim time: 1.0
      Pen: //
      Turret traverse:
      Hull traverse:

  25. - new WoT epic features will be announced “when the time is right”

    That “time” will be when War Thunder’s tanks come out and WG loses a mass of it’s players, while another chunk are left on the fence in which WG will try to stop from losing.

    Rich that they’re sponsoring a “History Ch” show… the channel that they mocked before? Good stuff WG.

      • More whining, people like Gino have been whining since they came out from their mothers.

        • Michael Moorcock wrote a whole series of books about the Eternal Champion; thankfully he skipped the less famous idiot cousin, the Eternal Whiner.

    • War Thunder is no match for WoT. WT Is not even server based. Aside from its graphics, its crap, and its tech trees are crap too.

    • I cant wait for you to stop playing wot, with you and bigmouth noobs like you the game quality will skyrocket.

      • I don’t know who you are, but I’m no noob, and it would be a safe bet to say I’m superior to you in every way.

        • The fact that such demonstrably unfounded declarations of superiority were damned near the first thing I saw you post here are one reason I rank you only marginally higher than a case of herpes, Gino.
          Just so you know.

    • I wonder what your ilk will do if/when the Messiah fails to show up on the appointed day? “Cognitive Dissonance” has been the standard reaction, the odd mass suicide aside…

  26. Hmm…Wot with Oculus Rift.
    That might be interesting, altough some people will break their neck looking around(situational awarness) :P

  27. i hope they dont remove is7 because i waste a lot of time for it! my only t10 and they are going to remove it because it is unhistorical (like most other t10′s)

    • It would just get replaced with another Tier 10, in the unlikely event that WG decides to remove it.

  28. (SS: History Channel is a general source of notorious garbage and myths, so that explains a lot)

    Now I know why I left WoT. ;D

  29. “Panzer IV Hydro and SU-85i will probably (SS: if I understood this correctly) not appear as quest rewards.”

    Are they planning on using them for something? Anything? They built and tested them forever ago, but it doesn’t seem like they want to sell them.

  30. New Super Pershing price will be 10k. That way it will be a tough choice for players to decide whether to sell it and get only 8500 back. He knows if the new version is 10k then most players will think they have got a better deal if they keep their old one despite the nerf :P

  31. “- DickerMax buff not planned”

    Why would anyone ask for Dmax buff? What’s wrong with that TD?

  32. >>“lajkodrocher” – literally “someone who masturbates over FB likes”

    Not exactly =) I’ve suspected, there were meant mean citizens of the former USSR who masturbates over 3rd Reich and voila:
    Сергей Борисович, от наших англоговорящих друзей поступила просьба уточнить что вы имеете ввиду под “лайкодрочерами” – тех кто наяривает на лайки (репутацию) или лайковых (нацистов)?
    Я как старый ВИФовец под этим словом понимаю граждан бывшего СССР, дрочащих на брутальных мущщин в лайковых перчатках и форме от Хуго Босса. Надеюсь, теперь “Ваши англоговорящие друзья” все поняли?