Hello everyone,
it seems that the new system, developed by Wargaming to fight bots (you can read about that here) is working very well. On 29.9.2014, more than 3500 botters were banned on RU server. These botters were permanently banned after ignoring the previous temporary bans (you have to be special kind of stupid to do that).
It’s nice to see Wargaming taking this seriously. According to Ectar, WG EU has the same system as well, it’s just they are not so vocal about it. Maybe they should be, RU server publishes the list of banned botters openly, that’s a nice idea for EU as well – if that’s legal anyway.
Hmm i just want to see stats bans on EU.
I have found a stat denier!
The moderator who would post the list would get banned for “naming & shaming” – the most retarded rule made to protect carebears.
the forum is for discussing things, not hating on certain people. (i wouldnt mind if they posted a list of bots banned but i can see why they wouldnt)
You know?…Naming and shaming doesn’t really imply “hating”.
If I want to warn people of some nasty players I’ll get RO-banned. Same goes with naming bots.
It’s just dumb.
In that case you can NAME & ADMIRE/THANK them…for team killing/blocking/regular acts of stupidity etc. and include a replay :D
Good, now they should take care of those hopeless arty suiciders and punish them so hard each time they drown, they swim in their own tears.
Don’t forget about when they hug and lick the houses(happens when they don’t have any water nearby).
they cant set the punishment high enough that would make me not to suicide whenever i please so… Im not playing to make your battle any better, i play for “fun”, what means i play for my own reasons.
I hope they make it so when you drown, your game uninstalls itself and burns your PC along with your house, you hopeless coward. :)
Fucking arties must die!
haha, yesterday I DENIED Type59 a Top Gun medal by “hugging the wall” (after our Lemming train failed to move and got surrounded… I was last in game.. no way I could survive or win).
“Fucking arties must die!” and those artys are fighting enemy the way they can – by dieing earlier :D
kids like you ruin this game. after you spend the whole game damaging others from all over the map you alse deny them the damage they deserve. guess what idiot. we, tank drivers dont suicide when we see the game is lost. we continue to play, not because we think we can win it but because quitting ruins the game for our enemies.
And who tha fck is “we”? You got multiple personality brain disease or you are WOT-Jesus or something else?
do I need to explain you the role comma plays in “we, tank drivers”?
ftr paying the price for popularity. day by day more illiterates comment here.
this forum was cool at first. now im getting disgusted by the audience.
Why are you so proud of being a cunt?
your butthurt is a pleasure for me.
well it will be the same as tk: 1 or 2 warning than 1h ban, 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, goodbye aka perma ;)
I always trying to do some additional dmg on close distance. What is point of committing suicide? .
You guys should read more, suicides/mass suicides were not a strange thing during war. I seriously cant see what all the fuss is about. If one feels like making a stand – its his own choice. I personaly rarely suicide, but when i do (or someone from enemy team does) – i dont give much poo.
Even movies were(are) made where people make theyr stand (or not) with a grenade or last bullet :)
the enemies must have been really angry at suiciders during the war. that t-34 commander only needed the xp from a kill to complete his 4th skill and the german suicided.
you describe suicide as such a heroic act.
i think we need a medal for suicide in wot. a medal for beeing a cunt because reasons
Not heroic at all, mate. Desperate, being sure that you lack the skill to plant any more hits. Ending the obvious sooner for everyone.
Why would you go after every last bit of flesh when wining team has allready won?
PS. Im only speaking about the last man in the team – not ones that suicide mid-game.
Of course they can- they can set the punishment high enough that you cant play the game at all. Cant suicide if youre not in the game at all.
Pingback: 3500 Ботове са баннати. | WDEST
Well done WG, go on!
it took them long enough, but in the end they are doing it well! so 3 cheers for WG!
Ban one bot, two more shall take his place. Hail Bot-ters! x3(chant)
Do they only ban the crappy bots which only move their turret or can they actually ban the “better” bots as well?
find out ;)
They ban the advanced bots too.
Tankleader, for example, is quite smart for a bot – can keep some 48+% winrate in low levels and I saw even some screens with Ace badges from it.
And many of players, who used it (even on EU server), got 45 day ban. And as this article suggests, if they continue to use it, they get permaban.
Botter’s tears, so delicious!
Bots banned on EU: -3500
over 9000
That’s great and all, but what about the bot situation on the US servers? I feel like I see a few dozen over the course of a few games at low-mid tiers.
Actually, it’s a very bad idea to publish a list of banned bots. The bot designers simply grab the list, look at which bots were caught and which bots weren’t, and use that information to design their next bots.
Anyone know if NA is using this or will be using this anytime soon?
I have seen RU, EU and SEA listed here in FTR as using (or will be using) but nothing about NA. We cannot be “too cool for school” on this one. Can we?
What about banning WARPACK it’s ruining the game.