Straight Outta Supertest: Inca Path Map Scrapped

Source: VK Wotleaks community

Hello everyone,

remember the Inca Path map, that appeared on supertest?


Apparently, based on the feedback, this map was scrapped. It will not appear in random battles. Instead, it will stay on supertest to be used for testing of vehicles.

18 thoughts on “Straight Outta Supertest: Inca Path Map Scrapped

  1. Let’s see…there’s an open area in the middle with what looks like good sniping spots on both sides, making it a killing field…and there’s no corridors there in the middle. Yep, dosn’t fit the current meta, better get rid of it :p

  2. Just another Belogorsk / Karelia variation with asymmetric spawn points. Hard to tell without height map. I don’t care about maps like this. You can go left or right, then around hill left or right and then you can’t relocate to other part of the map fast enough without suiciding. At least I guess.

  3. Pingback: Mapa Inca nakonec pÅ™ecijen nebude…

  4. So how many maps are sitting idle and not being used? Dragon Ridge and Port were in but are out. Now this map, the two open maps from two plus years ago. “Rivertown”. So that’s at least 5. Yet I get Ruinberg and Other Ruinberg over and over and over again. That and Himmelsdorff. I don’t like and will never like either map. Yet they waste resources making maps that they refuse to put in the game. Why?

    • Rivertown? That’s one I haven’t heard of.

      As for those “two open maps from 2+ yrs ago”, they’re Mexico and Savannah. And I’d LOVE for WG to put those in the rotation. Arty too powerful on them, they said? Well, those maps were designed before The Great Arty Nerf, so why not give them another shot? If arty does end up being too potent on them, they can always be pulled out again.

      Seriously, I wish they’d just put maps in the rotation and just let the chips fall where they may. Most players want more variety. And WG has the means (i.e. the maps) to do this, if they’d just release these maps into the rotation.

  5. This Inca map “might” be better if they made those hills accessible (they don’t appear to be on the above mini-map), and if they filled in the middle area with a fairly thick jungle forest, with perhaps only the roads being “open”. After all, aren’t these Inca pyramids in Central America in heavily covered jungle regions?

    Of course, jungles aren’t exactly tank friendly battlefields, so there is that.

    So, instead of an Incan jungle map, how about just going back and revisiting the Mexico and Savannah maps? And maybe the Empire’s Border map?

    Why spend all this time and effort on new maps when there are some that already exist that have never been released? Release them and let the player base see whether they like them or not!!!