Hello everyone,
as a part of the Wargaming Soviet WW2 history initiative “Remember Everything”*, Wargaming, along with volunteers from the ranks of World of Tanks players, were cleaning up and repainting the armor collection of the museum called “Weapons of Victory” in the city of Krasnodar (Kuban region). A part of the armored vehicles in the city is located in the “30th Anniversary of Victory” park (founded in 1975) and they were in very rough shape. World of Tanks players helped to restore them.
There are English subtitles.
The video is relatively interesting, have you noticed the IS-3 though? Is it just me, or the shape of the turret and the slopes of frontal armor look a bit… off? Well, at least compared to the only other IS-3 I’ve seen in real life and to the ingame model. An odd thing too: the museum curator said that “every tank took part in combat action” – even the IS-3? Where? Does middle east count?
*unless it’s 1939-1941, you better forget that!
Rly strange why in that video is no IS7 on what Stalin did personally assault Reichstag . But if serious . This another schizophrenic propoganda material about red nazi “Victory” over brown nazis .
Hehe. Even North Korea looks pretty nice and happines all over if you look at some propaganda videos made for tourists.
It’s just a video about a museum. What’s wrong with you?
Oh yeah, you are a troll from Latvia.
Oh anther kid can’t see difference between trolling and not trolling .
My problem is in this “Victory” . There was no victory at all . All parties lost with millions dead . But nazi Russia constantly propaganding big “Victory” . Fucket degenerats country .
Emotionally. A great victory=Heavy victory.
And the victory was on the ideology of Nazism And its inspirers.
Maybe Latvia Nazi? Where Russians are not considered to be citizens
and they are second class people.
The so called Great Patriotic War which was really big, but not quite patriotic; reminds me D&D Blood War: lawful evil nazis devil vs. chaotic evil soviet demons.
“Remember everything”
Except what the Soviet war crimes. And using “political prisoners” as mine-detectors. Nah, you can totally forget that.
If you’re going to “remember everything”, you should go about it with maximal humility, and not use it as a PR stunt, as every single country did horrible shit that should never be forgotten, even 70 years later.
So you would arrange a burial of a Belarus pilot for his family and then tell them:
“I know your grandfather fought brave for what he thought was right, but let us not forget all the horrible things the Soviets did to other people:”
And then he starts naming casualties the pilot caused and other war crimes.
I’m sure the family would appreciate your effort.
No, as I said, humility.
You bury him as a man that defended his nation during wartime, but you do not use that as an opportunity to praise the great Soviets who valiantly defended the Russian people (not Soviets, Russian, because “fuck the Poles, Czechs, and other slavs” -Kremlin).
“We bury your grandfather as a man who took up the arms against an invader, and salute his service, along with the other men who gave their lives in that conflict.”
End of the sentence.
You sure as fuck don’t glorify the Soviets and “remember everything” that was positive while forgetting how big of bastards they were.
I don’t know if you were watching the same video as me, but I sure as hell didn’t see any Stalin photos in golden frames with people praising it.
You’re overdoing the popaganda accusations, every nation focuses on what they did well, especially if they won the war.
Every nation (that’s not Germany). Don’t even deny it.
I’m not talking about the video, but the idiotic”remember everything” initiative that casually forgets everything bad the Soviets did.
Yeah I remember the “Taking Berlin” special a while back, I remember it saying Soviets entering the city victoriously like true liberators and enders of the war, and not once even mentioning that they did some truly appalling shit.
And sorry but no, the only ones that start touching themselves at the mere thought of what they did during WWII are the USA and Russia.
Everyone else knows when to bow their heads in humility. Mention Collaboration to a Frenchman, and he will shut the fuck right up.
Mention Dresden to a Brit, and he will do the same.
Why? Because when they “remember everything”, they don’t forget the times they fucked up hard, and distort History. Not when it comes to WWII anyways.
I always wondered are you the real Alex Sonny? The Ex-Spetz?
ye, i still can’t believe Stalin is a “hero” in russia… and not as something like hitler is in germany…
You know, casting wasn’t a precise technique. And, judging by other info, welded parts weren’t that precise either, at least in Sojuz :P .
That’s why i want more turrets than two per vehicle and different hulls. I don’t care that they would be the same performance-wise, and it’s me who’s grinding and paying so just make them…
Yes, I obviously know all that. Others might not, by asking, I am inviting them to notice.
“Very long history…200 years”?
All is relative I guess.
One thing I noticed was the red stars on one of the exhibits was starting to come off, are such decals really just cheap stickers? :P
(I want to know)
As shown in the video they just started to restore the vehicles, so obviously painting was not the best.
why russian still stuck ww2 era.. yes war was greatest @ history. but on the other hand they are to much focused their history whic not really give any gain now. Why they cant focus soviet system fall? Why they arent trying be better and overtake their soviet days… After soviets down world balance broken. But russians still spend their time with votka and old tanks…
“but on the other hand they are to much focused their history”
You are right, i think that they would better focus on history of Burkina Faso and Myanmar.
This blog came a long way from a thread in WG forum, when i started reading it, just to attract retards like you.
Who does not remember their history will repeat it.
In order to overtake the Soviet times, need a second Stalin.
All the oligarchs and tradesmen in the Gulag. Let them work for the people and not fill their pockets.
I see the world initiative “Remember Everything” neglects everything other than the USSR. This is probably why we just laugh at Putin and his ilk.
There’s a time capsule in the monument at the end that will be opened in 2045 – maybe it contains the euro tree lol
From what I’ve seen that’s what the IS-3 is supposed to look like (every picture I’ve seen of it has been one with a very high pike nose). As far as I know, the IS-3′s hull in game is pure fantasy.
that’s the problem, more and more people see as reality what they are playing in fantasy games…
SS I hear you… Russians are proud of their WWII history, so lets shame them…
and WHO the FECK decided puke green was a good colour ??
gj WG volunteers, you just screwed the look of a whole museum !
Stronk !