Hello everyone,
one more interview with Evilly video popped up. Here are its contents.
- Strongholds mode was made to create a clan “eco system” for clan players
- CW map is getting reworked to “CW 2.0″, it’s a “redesign” with changed content and architecture, the design will be more flexible in order for WG to make various events on the map quicker
- attack and encounter will appear on CW map
- 9.4 is still planned for October, it will have “Strongholds 1.1″ (SS: oddly enough, 9.4 supertest does not include this)
- in current Stronghold, a shop will appear, where clans will be able to buy special vehicles and camos for SH resources
- this shop will also feature some of the already existing CW reward tanks
- Evilly mentions “clan consumables” (aerial recon, air raid, artillery fire support, mines, bunkers)
- these consumables will be useable in Stronghold mode and under certain conditions also in Clanwars
- in the video (linked above), from 4:55 onwards, you can see the artillery support consumable working (as said before, player will be able to select strength, area, elevation and other stuff), commander will open “tactical pad” and will select a square on which the artillery support will be applied
- there will also be “counter-consumables” and there will be a definite number of how many you can use in battle
- these consumables will NOT be usable in random battles, only in clan modes
- two more patches will come in 2014 (9.4, 9.5)
- 9.4 will be a technical patch and cybersports mode will be changed in it (from 7/42 to 7/54)
- 9.5 will be big and will have a lot of content, it will bring a British TD branch, which will start from medium tanks, tier 6 will be Sherman Firefly
- WG is slowly bringing clan functions (management) into the client
- 9.5 will also bring individual missions system – those are big and complicated missions only the player gets individually, these will last for long time and the rewards are unique
- the first version of individual missions will bring 4 unique reward tanks of tiers 7-10 (SS: now you know what the Object 260, T55A, T28 Concept are for), depending on how much complicated mission you complete is
- the first map with Havok will be Stalingrad, it will not come in 9.4
- client physics will be added in first quarter of 2015 (SS: 9.6)
- new motion physics will bring improved interaction with various surfaces, handbrake etc.
- the tank races do NOT use new motion physics (tanks won’t drift like that)
- developers are working on “mini stronghold” for every player (without clans), with bonuses and consumables, this is only in discussion stage
- developers are considering introducing the SH interface to mobile devices
- developers are currently working on PvE, historical battles will be a PvE mode: a “team of people against bots will fulfill historical scenarios” and they will be ranked by score (how fast they fulfill it for example), there will also be unique historical map
- another mode WG is working on is “PvE survival mode”, they are also working on modes for endgame players with one or more tier 10 tanks
- there will NOT be skill MM, Evilly explains why (basically “if you are skilled, you have the right to pwn”, if you want teams of equally skilled opponents, play team battles or CW), but the developers are looking into some sort of ladder/league system.
- Evilly states that despite some deep analysis attempts (and involvement of “analytical center”, whatever that is), “noone can prove that skill MM would improve the gameplay”. Developers are considering making some sort of “fun” event to test something like that (like previous races or football), but it will definitely not be released just so as random skill MM.
- third CW campaign is planned for the end of this year, the reward for it will be Object 907, or you can pick one of three tanks (907, M60 or VK7201). Third campaign was delayed by the release od Strongholds mode.
“- there will NOT be skill MM, Evilly explains why (basically “if you are skilled, you have the right to pwn”, if you want teams of equally skilled opponents, play team battles or CW), but the developers are looking into some sort of ladder/league system.”
And i say FUCK YOU WG!!! if you are unable to find a way to balance teams i am going to find a game where this is not a damn problem for it.
Missions and reward tanks ok for me BUT when a reward tank to do things like complete a full tree, score 50.000 kills, play 30.000 battles… is not a good moment to add more “play the tanks i want and do the things i want to have a special tank” because in a NEW game i can have this doing the things i want.
To bad, WG as usual ignoring player base, congratulations, you are doing it fine… for other games.
The fact you want skill MM doesn’t mean everybody does. Those who want it are a vasr minority – it’ not profitable to make it only for them
i’d love to face only purples with purples rather than with reds and oranges against purples.
The only ones who are incredibly strong about Skill based MM are those who blame their team for every loss they encounter. You are a very small amount of players, but very very loud, making you seem bigger than you actually are.
The only ones that dont like skill MM are that stronk players with a lot of battles and under 500 efficiency… and i dont say remove normal random i say ADD a 2nd random system based in skill MM.
I am BORED of see guys underperformance ruining games… you know, guys that leave cap and made team lose, guys tha push others out of cover because they want position, scouts/heavies that hide behind TDs or with arty… sorry but i dont pay a premium account to suffer this class of idiots and well, antibot system is not working very fine when you find guys with 7000 battles tier 8 tank and 72 efficiency.
And you will be very bored when you realise just how little numbers will be part of this mode such that the entire system breaks down due the insufficient numbers to satisfy the bracket needs.
And you kind of proved my point, you are blaming every single person on your team, but yourself, and half the cases there aren’t limited to bad players, just awful human beings, I’ve seen purples acting like douche bags in half the ways you describe. You pay premium account because you choose to, noone is forcing you to do so. But also, when will people realise, the war on bots won’t end? When the system improves, the bot makers revise their software to get around it by including new actions, they have to stay in business some how…
This. It will just end like the HB everyone(as in only a few VERY loud ppl) wanted -> they soddenly realized, that their plan to roflstomp everything with their über tigers doesnt work without someone who wants to play cannon fodder for em.
Its the same with Skill-MM. They dont really want Skill-MM (as in skill becomes balanced and therefore meaningless). What they want is a single player modus where all other 29 players are equally balanced in skill (And best worse than oneself). So they can “pwn” the enemy without having to care what the rest of the team does.
HB fails because was a shit game mode… no interest in play a game mode with lower incoming and where you need wait a lot of time to play a small battle.
HB fails because WG implement it fast with 0 work on them, simple a poor development for a game mode that needs more work… work that WG doesnt like do, out of add new tanks WG works very few in game… well, lets see what they do in near future… do in months all the things they dont do in years.
And you proved my point to, if you dont care about player skills WHY you are against a MM that BALANCE BETTER teams??? and again is not remove the actual MM is add a 2nd one, you want total random MM??? play it BUT not all want this total random where MM decide add all good players in a team… saddly 90% of battles are decided before start by MM and this is unchange since closed beta… now the vehicles per team has lower influence (is present but not like some years ago) in decide who win but when in a team all good players are in top tiers and the other team has less good players and in the lower tiers…
I only want a random game mode where you can see a much better distribution of players per team, if you think this is bad well, is your opinion but maybe in a near future WG is going to change again forced by reduction in incoming.
PD: most of bad players in WOT fear skill based MM… you know why??? think in a battle 15 VS 15 with not good players in any team… who leads the attack??? who move to block enemy actions??? WHO is going to leave the damn corner where is camping 2/3 of the team??? this could be fun to see… a lot of draws where nobody move or lemming trains attacking diferent flanks and game finish by cap with 0 kills in battle…
Clearly you have never experienced a situation where, according to XVM, your team has a win chance of 32% and your team wins the battle, because you carried the game.
Having these random setups keeps the game interesting for me.
Somehow, if you read the forums, its exactly those red players and ppl that have no clue of statistics/basic mathematics that all cry for skill-mm.
The first because “Im not a bad player, I only always end in the team with low winchance”, while not realizing that their stats are the reason for the low winchance and the later just believe that with skill mm soddenly they would pwn everyone and end with 110% winrate, while not realizing, that with every win the skill MM would PUNISH em for playing good by giving em harder games(Better opponents/worse teammates depending on what kind of skill mm you want to use) which would result in even lower winrate (And other stats)
this is true, problem is the way the matchmaking is now, it punishes you for relying on your teammates to do certain things.
either way you can say i could of done this better and that better, in the end your teammates still screwed up and you got punished for hoping they wouldn’t.
of course this isn’t the average pubbies situation as the majority of the time they weren’t doing something right in the first place while bitching at everyone else.
it is a fucking random game. Random shit happens. If you are that good that you exclude yourself from the noobs, then you should not play like a noob, and start carrying your teams. When you carry your teams you are gonna feel happy, and successful, neither which you are now.
that’s not true, eventually it becomes a usual thing to do so it doesn’t make you happy.
Please explain to me how it isn’t teams fault for defeat when you are no. 1 with 4k dmg and the second one has less than 1,5k? Rest I wont even mention… I guess I’m just cocky…
What, every 200 battles?
Or in a tier 10? If you did that literally every game, you could send me a bunch of screenshots to prove it.
jesus, just go and play some other game then. Nothing easier than that.
Is easier and when WOT lose pay player base lets see what do freebies to mantein game lol
No to skill MM in random battles!
Is my Serb giving right to pwn tomatoes and to suffer when i have a tomato team. I don’t want too much concentration in random.
When i want competitive playing (and win gold) i play CW and ESL
Even in balanced teams you will get roflstomped and you will blame it on your team’s reds. Again.
Yes but you remove a lot of wins by MM, you can fail in a good team, you can have a bad battle… but with actual MM 90% of battles are decided without fight of course you can win lose a easy win but the influence in MM is excesive now… is like the 25% RNG i am not against random in game but the power of RNG is to high.
Legue system is the only one skill MM which makes sense in WoT. I don’t understand how anybody could think about “balancing skill in teams” when there are different type of tanks. Would you like to have one unicorn in SPG on the one side and another one in IS7 on the other side?
But I am glad there will be skill MM after all. The “legue system” is whats needed there
League system lets bad players fail up the tiers at the same speed as good players, and holds back good players to bad player speed. I think that’s rather unfair.
So its unfair to play with people of the same skill (roughly) and not to bother with tomatoes?
How exactly should that holding you back? You think you make more exp when there are noobs around? You loose the same when you have a team of failed players.
Oh please letz VOTE! WG will see fuck letz be democracy!
Bye then. We won’t miss you.
Delete your stupid XVM Software and start enjoying the game again.
Yes you are math correct,but just a tought:in sports(cycling,football whatever)it makes absolutely no sense in playing,running ,whatever with or against someone who is 2 classes above or bellow you!
2 “classes”? If you mean tiers, it’s like competing against a younger/older person–maybe not the best situation for you, but it can be overcome by skill.
Go then, i won’t miss you.
In last 1000 batles u have 2,280 wn8, so u are decent but u are not that good to be bitching all day about rng and mm and bla bla bla only noobs, before u complain about your team think first what u could do more to help it to win, Btw u wouldnt get 57% WR and more then 2k wn8 if u play in skilled mm because u are not that good and the only reason u have decent stats its because other players are even worst then u, just like everyone else with beter stats then average….
Skilled based MM is necessary for World of Tanks.
Some arguments against skilled based MM in this tread.
- “I don’t understand how anybody could think about “balancing skill in teams” when there are different type of tanks. Would you like to have one unicorn in SPG on the one side and another one in IS7 on the other side?”
Grundeis: Wow, it is so difficult to take the tanks in consideration that you think it is impossible. I can’t take this argument seriously
- “Delete your stupid XVM Software and start enjoying the game again.”
Grundeis: You are the guy shooting the messenger, aren`t you. XVM is not the problem, it just makes the problem visible.
- “When i want competitive playing (and win gold) i play CW and ESL”
Grundeis: Good for you, but this is not an argument why you should not implement skilled based MM in random games.
-”Clearly you have never experienced a situation where, according to XVM, your team has a win chance of 32% and your team wins the battle, because you carried the game.
Having these random setups keeps the game interesting for me”
Grundeis: That happens, but surely even you don`t do that on a regular basis. On the other hand you should have 68% games which you lose even though you carried a lot. That must be very frustrating.
- “The fact you want skill MM doesn’t mean everybody does”
Grundeis: would be valid if we knew how many wants skill based MM and how many dosen’t. Since you don’t know and I don’t know this argument is unvalid.
-” The only ones who are incredibly strong about Skill based MM are those who blame their team for every loss they encounter.”
Grundeis: This is just plain stupid
- “And you will be very bored when you realise just how little numbers will be part of this mode such that the entire system breaks down due the insufficient numbers to satisfy the bracket needs”
Grundeis: Valid argument, but this depends on how you implement it. e.g. Much would be won if you just put the red players in one league and the rest in another.
“Much would be won if you just put the red players in one league and the rest in another.”
This idea is just as flawed as any other skill-based MM ‘solution’ so far. It would work for a day or two, and then you would just be flip-flopping between the two leagues every few battles. Once the winrate evens out, what is there to judge skill by? It sure as hell won’t be the “Personal Rating” Wargaming has for each player. That’s primarily judged by the number of battles more than anything. And we all know how they feel about third-party algorithms.
Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not praising the current random MM (Although I do enjoy the randomness at times, keeps me on my toes), but there aren’t many better alternatives for this kind of game.
My point is, any skill based MM will be just as bad or unpredictable as the current MM. There will still be landslide losses and victories. You will still have good days and bad days. I can’t say with any certainty if it’ll be more frequent than it is now or not, but after a few weeks of the new system you’re proposing, the game will pretty much be exactly the same as it is now, just without people judging others’ performance on winrate, as that’ll be evened out over time.
I prefer not to be punished for out-performing others on a consistent basis.
“Wow, it is so difficult to take the tanks in consideration that you think it is impossible. I can’t take this argument seriously”
Yes its difficult if you want to have working MM. To increase complexity means to increase waiting time. And you would like to add two extra dimensions?
lets VOTE!
I know how to fix the skill MM problem, uninstall XVM. If you don’t have XVM you will never know the supposed “skill” of your team or the enemy team. Problem solved. I’ve seen t and of 95% blue and purple players go lemming train down one side of the map cause a fast loss. Skill doesn’t always matter it’s more if a strategy game.
True. A lot of people just give up when they see that their chance to win is unfavorable.
Goodbye then…
As far as i’ve seen in other games, skill MM is as fucked up as non skill MM, it just provokes abysmal queue times and solves very little…
Oh please letz VOTE! WG will see fuck letz be democracy!
ignoring player fanbase? i don’t recall the 10% who want skill MM is representing us. i think it’s a stupid idea for many reasons:
-it does not affect statpadders and goldspammers since they will stay on top (pay2win, duh), so no matter how good you are you will ALWAYS find some noob spoiling the fun
-how does it feel to grind a hardgrind tank with unicums? =)
-playing lowtiers will guarantee hour-long queues because all the good ones are on the top tiers (at least t6)
-even if there are good players in the bottom, you’ll still queue because 50%+ of the servers (except SEA, which prolly has 70%) are “bad” players
-need to remember that as much as you hate goldshellers (i hate em), they pay up for the server upkeep. imagine if the skill mm deters them from playing wot. no money = no f2p, so you’re made to pay up or worse, subscribe. prolly with free prem buut do you REALLY want to pay monthly?
->this will in turn deter “poor” ppl (ppl who dont have a cred card like me) to NOT play it. the biggest advantage of f2p is the HUGE exposure, in exchange for “quality”. something like an unassured quantity over quality. making it a must-pay will reduce playerbase and trigger longer/worse queues.
so, you still WANT a bad thing?
- the first version of individual missions will bring 4 unique reward tanks of tiers 7-10 (SS: now you know what the Object 260, T55A, T28 Concept are for), depending on how much complicated mission you complete is
Does it mean i’ll be able to get only one, or all of them if I complete all missions? I mean, I don’t think I’ll be able to, but i’m just curious.
I think you will be able to collect them all
My pants are filled with joy :DD
Sure, get 100k xp on each nation tier 4 vehicles only.
Do 50k ramming damage over any number of battles.
Get 100k spotting damage.
Destroy 80 vehicles while driving LT.
Once per day.
complete above mentioned mission 25 x get one of the tanks.
missions are stupid.., I liked the first two – IS-6 and T26E4 – there was no “once per day” restriction…
that stupid “once per day, repeat 25 days” is a deal breaker for me. Even if it was something as easy as “Lose 1 match” … I just cant login and play every day…
M60 GET !
Welcome to last year.
Curious what the tier 8 individual mission tank is. 4202 perhaps? Doubt it’s the Panther, two German mediums? Nah.
Possibly the T95E2?
so is panther 88 coming in 9.4 or 9.5?
“- developers are currently working on PvE, historical battles will be a PvE mode: a “team of people against bots will fulfill historical scenarios” and they will be ranked by score (how fast they fulfill it for example), there will also be unique historical map”
Might even get the tanks VS zombies? Would be nice
PVE fun battles? Shooting zombies or deers with tanks?
If PVE battles will be succesful, it could be possible ;)
Sometimes we already play against bots … what would be the difference ? :D
Bots does not swear… :)
Most of those – very good news. Especially about getting those reward tanks and special missions.
“oddly enough, 9.4 supertest does not include this”
The strongholds are tested on a public common test these days.
I know. But it’s not in 9.4 supertest patchnotes.
The “fun mode” to test skill mm will certainly not be fun.
if you want teams of equally skilled opponents, play team battles or CW),
THATS WHAT IM DOING ALREADY! but i cant do it for all tanks cuse some of them just suck dick at team battles and CW….
Your perfomance would certainly increase if you made them work .
“- there will NOT be skill MM, Evilly explains why (basically “if you are skilled, you have the right to pwn”, if you want teams of equally skilled opponents, play team battles or CW), but the developers are looking into some sort of ladder/league system.”
It’s not about the right to pwn you stupid pricks it’s about the right to competent team mates the right to not have to try and carry 14 retarded fuckwits who cannot be bothered to ltp and who have no idea what a fucking minimap is for.The play clanwars argument is crap as well how am I going to grind the tanks needed? Oh yeah with your fuckwit toxic playerbase guess you didn’t think that through. If armoured warfare live up to their promises and include skill based match making I will join the exodus and you can stick your rigged game up your arse.
“toxic playerbase” vs this comment. Oh, the irony
You do know that if you consistently have a sub-50% XVM chance, it’s because of you, right?
Those “retarted fuckwits” live among us. We interact with them everyday in real life, in public, and the same is and has to be in WoT, in future, in random battles.
Oh how cute, you cannot understand that you can not always win. I see you saying that your team is always bad, what if the enemy team is just plain fucking better? And I never saw you complaining about when you were on the winning team.
You are certainly part of the problem.
And you will be the first one whining here that you cannot get stupid “Top Gun” in skilled MM…
in my 14k battles, 88 are clan wars, no company battles, and just about less than 100platoon battles, but still manage to have avg. WR. I won and lost bad players on team with xvm showing 35% or less chance to win battles, and also lost a lot of times with 70% chance to win. I don’t like skill mm, because you admit it or not, you also enjoyed those benefits when you have unicum players on your team and red players on enemy team. So instead of bashing the MM, why don’t you become part of your team to increase the % told by XVM, and don’t be the one causing the sub 40% of XVM.
It’s bad that your team’s WR % is 34%, but a scenario where you are replaced by another bad player, the team would have 35% chance to win, and that means you’re really bad.
you reacted to my comment although I was saying the same.,..
heck I dont even use XVM,,, sometimes its better not to know what Im standing against… at least I dont give up in the beginning …
Lol, CW and TB.
On the SEA server.
Go home wg, there are no CW and TB here.
- attack and encounter will appear on CW map
Balls! Those modes suck.
- in current Stronghold, a shop will appear, where clans will be able to buy special vehicles and camos for SH resources
- this shop will also feature some of the already existing CW reward tanks
*fap* *fap* *fap*
This is cool! M60 and VK7numbers are missing from my garage because I was in a clan that wasn’t interested in campaigns back then. I want them!
- 9.5 will be big and will have a lot of content, it will bring a British TD branch, which will start from medium tanks, tier 6 will be Sherman Firefly
That’s nice but I find it hard to believe. If that’s the case I need that FV4202. You never know when they’ll drop the bomb.
- the first version of individual missions will bring 4 unique reward tanks of tiers 7-10 (SS: now you know what the Object 260, T55A, T28 Concept are for), depending on how much complicated mission you complete is
That’s nice and from all those tanks I really want the T-55. However, I guess the requirements will be for nolifers…
- another mode WG is working on is “PvE survival mode”, they are also working on modes for endgame players with one or more tier 10 tanks
Zombie tanks waves! YUS!
- third CW campaign is planned for the end of this year, the reward for it will be Object 907, or you can pick one of three tanks (907, M60 or VK7201). Third campaign was delayed by the release od Strongholds mode.
Obj. 907, come ‘ere you little, fluffy…
Does anyone remember the Armored Warfare video from not long ago ? That historical / PVE batle idea reminds me of that …
“- developers are currently working on PvE, historical battles will be a PvE mode: a “team of people against bots will fulfill historical scenarios” and they will be ranked by score (how fast they fulfill it for example)”
they will have the same thing in AW as far as I remember … hmmm … industrial spy activity :D
“team of people against bots”
Sounds familiar.
I bet the team of people would lose xD (btw: I’m not being serious)
I imagine idiots will lose against bots
Pingback: Velké interview s Evillym o 9.5 a dalších plánech
“noone can prove that skill MM would improve the gameplay”
Oh gee. I wonder why. No one will EVER be able to prove how it will effect gameplay because YOU WONT EVEN TRY IT
They won’t try it because it’s a silly idea. Why waste time and money on a silly idea? They’re a business after all, and they have to invest their resources wisely.
The reason why it won’t work is because poor players will play against poor players, and good players will play against good. This means that the 44% win rate players will play against other 44% win rate players, and their win rate will slowly slide to 50%
Likewise for the 56% players. They will play against others of their skill, and their win rate in turn will slide to 50% as a result.
In the end, after countless thousands of battles, you’ll end up with everyone hovering closer to 50%. That means that those players that previously had a 44% win rate will be playing against people that formerly had a 56% win rate …. Just like they do now in random battles before this all got started.
…and nothing will have changed
Because that is CLEARLY the only way to have skill matchmaking.
How about just adding something like this to the matchmaker:
- If the difference in the average winrate between the two teams is greater than a set number (0.075 as a starting value maybe, just to experiment and tweak further in the future), reshuffle player assignments between the teams randomly. If upon reshuffling you again get this situation, do it again. If it’s still like this on your third try, give up and just run the match as-is.
Boom, it’s simple, it doesn’t add any wait time, and you still have things working generally as they do now, but you’ve taken the edge off some of the bullshit stomps that aren’t fun for anyone involved. Other such tweaks are also possible. But no, let’s instead all strawman and pretend that the only way to have skill matchmaking is that thing you’ve outlined there.
Skilled MM is bullshit.
How are you supposed to get 13+ kills medal if your team doesnt suck hard?
The only way to get that medal is be exteremely lucky and get 29 tomatoes in one match…
Aaaand guess what. Under this scheme with the tweaks that is still the way to get a 13+ kills medal, and not only that, it wouldn’t even change your chances of getting it. I don’t think you’ve even read it. It wouldn’t change what players get into any given match, just how they’re distributed between the teams, and even that only if it’s obviously going to be a pointless stomp, like 15 tomato vs 15 celery. In this case it would just roll the dice again in who goes where.
The existence of these matches is what’s bullshit, and making the matchmaker aware at all that players have different skills and that maybe sometimes the game it’s put together is obviously shit and it needs to try again, that would help a lot.
^^ This.
Stat-whores are the funniest bitches ever. If skill-based MM is ever introduced, I will automate games continuously, so that I am so red I bleed, and then when I want to have some fun I’ll take control and clean up. The only problem is, I’ll probably be dominating bots and hospital bound children with missing limbs…and probably quite a few polish children playing in slideshow mode :/
This game does suck though…but only cause of the players…so much whine and tears…bitches be thirsty…the only decent players are those between 50 and 55% WR…
Yes, yes, you’ve outlined an amazing scheme for getting banned for botting there, all done in order to achieve exactly nothing. Good job.
I REALLY hope the Firefly brach is true, cause if it is, I’ll just stop at T6 and get bonkers over it XD
Bleh, for Firefly being a T6 tank destroyer with a turret with 90mm gun.
Another 240 damage dealing “tank” at T6. So much fun to shot those with “so much famous 75mm L70 high velocity”, puny gun with 135 alpha.
The Firefly has a 17pdr gun(76.2mm). As far as WoT goes, it’s the same gun on the TOG and Centurion.
- there will NOT be skill MM, Evilly explains why (basically “if you are skilled, you have the right to pwn”, if you want teams of equally skilled opponents, play team battles or CW), but the developers are looking into some sort of ladder/league system.
Skill based anything and platoons cannot live together.
Random games right now are horribly skewed by people being able to get “rankings” while in platoons and that is not being listed as a separate thing from solo play.
The only way you can legitimately have platoons in a ranked system is if everyone involved is platooned. GL with the eternal queue.
Does that mean Firefly will be devided from Cromwell and FV4202 branch? Didn’t one of the developers say Firefly will have its own?
Entire new branch
So i should start collecting XP on crusader or cromwell?
- another mode WG is working on is “PvE survival mode”, they are also working on modes for endgame players with one or more tier 10 tanks
Why not survival for all tiers? :(
And HB with 2-3 friends?
“- in the video (linked above), from 4:55 onwards, you can see the artillery support consumable working”
Please, no War Thunder Attack Spell Arty!
“- there will NOT be skill MM, Evilly explains why (basically “if you are skilled, you have the right to pwn”, if you want teams of equally skilled opponents, play team battles or CW), but the developers are looking into some sort of ladder/league system.”
- So they will not implement “skill MM”, but instead they will bring a ladder/league system? How the fuck is random mode “random” then? Isnt league/ladder another bullshit version of skill MM?
About Strongholds 1.1 – they are testing right now
“noone can prove that skill MM would improve the gameplay”
and so
“noone can prove that skill MM wouldn’t improve the gameplay”
“- developers are working on “mini stronghold” for every player (without clans), with bonuses and consumables, this is only in discussion stage”
like the sound of this, as a night worker I’m not around during busy time (CW) so I don’t bother with clans, but I like the idea of SH but have much same problem. this sounds like something I could work with, thanks WG
Can’t really follow comments due to skill MM fight (I support current MM btw).
What I read and is interesting is the unique player missions. When they say they will be complicated, they sound like “almost impossible”, like 50 consecutive wins with tier X tank and be placed in top 1 in ranking. (maybe do it with 10 different tanks just for the fun of it)