Fury Wargaming Stream

Hello everyone,

just reminding you that the Fury Wargaming stream will start momentarily, here. Not sure what is the point of talking about a movie, that’s not even out yet in Europe, but whatever.

26 thoughts on “Fury Wargaming Stream

  1. fucking biased hollywood movies… I hate fucking propagandas… ru us or anyone… i have respect history and all mans womens lost lives @ wars. fucking shitty propaganda movies games insult to their brave lives.

    fuck hollywood.

    • And you’re absolutely free to not watch the damn movie.

      Now please be considerate enough to let the rest of us who don’t give a crap about what you like or dislike to enjoy the explosions and whatever else.


      • shut up. All fucking idiots advocating bullshit hollywoodcraps for redneck evolotion @ next level ignorance.

        no body for me watch movie but i must live with ignorants morons and their fucking brainless advocates like you.

        you fucking idiot you must respect martyr. you cant support a brainless movie whic altare history and biased-sided fucking propoganda.

        every shit has followers… what matter how stupit…. look religion movies… or other propogandas. history should not be altered.

        • While it is good to remember everything and stuff, you are not setting a bright example by calling him a fucking idiot.

          If you must resort to insults in your argument your argument is bad.

          Clean up your english and stop using “fucking idiots” so much and maybe people will actually care about what you say.

          • bad argument i dont any respect who fucking idot dont understand propoganda power. softcore or hardcore all is fucking brain musturbation for arragonts rednecks.

            you dont have brain. did you think this propoganda type didnt use by other nations even terrorists? ww2 all nations doing corrupted history films show other nations show as evil? or mel gibson passion. whic produce withno real historic data……

            so i hate you because you only a moron didnt understand some important issues. still talking bullshit.

        • lol you guys :)
          We’re talking about a movie right? The kinda thing you watch for entertainment. Because it’s fun.

          • Amen, tell that to the dimwit above. Don’t like something, don’t watch it, stop spouting BS.

  2. Not sure what is the point of talking about a movie, that’s not even out yet in Europe, but whatever.

    because this?

    Pizzastorm: Alright everyone we have some good news for our EU players
    Pizzastorm: If you win a Fury code, you will be awarded a Fury tank when it is released!
    Pizzastorm: Please check your inbox and reply if you are from the NA or EU server if you win.

    and because FTR has an international audience

    • Also because its WG US running the stream for the movie that just got released in America. Why would they wait till the movie is also released in Europe for WG US to do something for it?

      Though I doubt there will be a stream for its EU release. Because WG EU competence = stronk

      • The problem is that all the WG EU Staff use or sell the codes before they can work on stream :P..
        At least, I am guessing that, due to the amount of EU codes that end up on FleaBay.. Someone internal is Corrupt, but WG staff refuse to talk to me about it!

        • hmm I’ve won codes 3 or 4 times this year and they have all been valid- but all on the NA server. So I guess its a good thing this was a NA stream giving out EU and US codes for the Fury etc and for NA also some $10 discounts to see the movie.
          Did you see 10 WoWp players won SSD drives yesterday as part of an INTEL giveaway? US residents only though.

    • Not surprising. If you’ve noticed in the stream, he is playing with an average frame rate of 15..

      • sounds like a typical average FPS for most WoT players :-). I’m not running a potato powered laptop, and even I get drops below 30FPS (vegetation mostly), unless EVERYTHING is set to minimum + WoT Tweaker, and then game looks like shit…
        Solution – play arty :-), there is much more FPS in the god view mode.

    • It’s an resource spent on abilities if you play the Barbarian class in the Diablo game series.