That Marder 3 superstructure is a fucking bullet magnet – or a retard magnet if sufficiently armored/sloped.
Did Marder II have more armor ? New german TD’s will be glass made…
No, the in-game Marder II has paper armor.
Looks much to similar to the Marder II. They shud have used the sdkfz.139.
139? LoL, that thing is crap..
how wud u noe its crap if it isnt even in the game to begin with?
It was the worst Marder III version in RL.
nyan cat this is a game and WG is all about balance. U want RL? Join the army
I think they should be using Marder III Ausf.M, Sd.Kfz. 138 model
That Hull is Ugly, but there is a chance it will appeared for Researchable Hull..
Definitely going for those mediums.
And germans TDs are so glass :D
Dat Hummel, MUST… STOP… FAP…
Oh wait, it’s the Nashorn.
There’s really not much of a distinction
Because theyre essentially the same vehicle, just with a different gun. WG couldve actually just implemented an 8.8cm gun on the Hummel and remove the arty sight for that gun, voila, new TD.
That would be unimaginably boring.
Yeah but they got a gun powerful enough to compensate for that and then some. Point and case: the Dicker Max already in the game.
I dont know why the pictures load at a fucking snail-pace. …
Me too =.=”
I was wondering if I was the only one who had to wait fucking forever for the fucking pictures to load.
2 megs each picture I am afraid
Good thing I have good internets.
But why to put such high res pictures? This is not next gen graphics :D
Was lazy to convert them.
omg, please use preview thumbnail next time, PLEASE
And visiting your blog from my phone eats all my credits :(
Good thing my Opera loads low quality pictures :)
Grind more credits.
Yep decided to go make some food while i wait, get back 10 minutes later, Every picture is half way done. Ridiculous and i’m sitting here on a brand new PC
It’s the whole site. It seems sluggish today.
All the pictures loaded fine and quickly enough to my crappy old laptop out here in Ireland in the arse end of nowhere with one foot in the fucking Atlantic.
thats nice but still im w8ting for more new german tds;)
I want those high tiers and Sturer Emil with tier 10 gun :D
yeah i want sturer emil also. it could be german tier 7 isu.
Hahaahaa… hahhaaa…. we all know how likely THAT is right?
Even historically it was slow as hell.
Shame that they didn’t choose Ausf. M hull for Marder III. Object 430 looks cool but I guess I will wait for possible U version.
U goes for heavies class.
But IMO Object 430 itself is heavy. U variant of it makes everything “heavier” about it.
No. it’s a medium tank. Object 430U is also a medium tank historically, but SerB stated it would be a heavy in game.
It can be even an arty as long as it brings 160mm frontal armour and 122mm gun ;p
Ausf M? You mean the recycled Grille model? That would be kinda cheap. I get the Nashorn must look like a hummel with a TD gun, because it was just that.
This one has the option of mounting L/70
Marder 3 with L/70? Is that really historical or just a paper project?
Historical. It was considered and possibly a prototype made.
Ausf M could mount the L70? GIMME AUSF M!!!
I would’ve preferred the Sdkfz 139 variant. But since they’ve chosen the Ausf H, then I hope the other one becomes a premium.
No chance as for Premium TD, probably Ausf M would be researchable Hull
Is that what WG said or your own opinion?
Nashorn looks a bit like Hummel :)
There’s more to that tank family: Dmax and Sturer.
those arent really the same family, especially not the Sturer Emil since it used the VK30.01H chassis, while the Dicker Max used the Pz IV chassis, Nashorn and Hummel however used the Geschützwagen III/IV chassis, basically a Pz IV hull with a Pz III drivetrain.
I got confus. That stepped hull dont make recognizing stuff any easier :D
Nashorn and Hummel use the same chassis, just one is a self propelled artillery and the other is a tank destroyer.
its the hummel with the 88mm PaK 43 L/71
Both have the Panzerkampfwagen III/IV hull.
No, they don’t. They are built on Geshutzwagen III/IV chassis – Pz IV (engine,…) + Pz III (steering system,…)
Pz III/IV was never built, only blueprints existed.
…No they don’t. The Panzer IV chassis has 8 roadwheels while the Panzer III and the Panzer III/IV both only have 6. The Hummel and Nashorn have 8 roadwheels, ergo they are based on the Pz IV hull.
Nope, Geshutzwagen III/IV – Pz IV chassis with some small differences and steering mechanism + something else that I don’t remember atm from Pz III.
Drivetrain from the Pz III
I can imagine someone forgetting which tank they’re on while the game loads and being surprised when they press the zoom key.
Im confused, obj 140 is the new tier10 coming in 8.8. What is obj 430? is that the 3rd ussr med branch?
Yes, or rather 3rd Soviet T10 medium by itself.
Im so confused – which one will have its own branch leading to it? 430?
T-54 will lead to two tier 10′s: T-62A and Obj 140. The 8.8 Soviet branch will lead to tier 10 Object 430 eventually via yet unreleased tier 9.
So if someone wishes to have all three RU top meds have to sooner or later grind through rear mounted turret turds?
BTW… dat turret roof… presumably overmatched by 120mm guns and not so small cupolas can devastate any attempt to hulldown.
To get 430 you have to get rear turreturds :(
Woah, I thought there would be 3 full soviet med branches, must’ve understood sth wrong.
To be unlocked from?
So let me get this straight.
When 8.8 is released, the 2nd ussr med branch will look like:
A-43 -> A-44 -> Object 416 -> T54 -> Object 140 (T10)
Sometime in the future, all 3 ussr med branches will look like:
T54 unlocks both T62a & Object 140
A-43 -> A-44 -> Object 416 -> New Tier9 -> Object 430(T10)
Is that correct?
You are correct in that assumption.
actually theyve stated that the object 140 may get its own line since the t62a 140 and 430 are all from different factories, (competing/concurrent) projects, the 140 was a prototyped replacement for the t54 but didnt hit serial production. so chances are it will get its own t6-9 line eventually
the Nashorn looks interasting if it will be put into the game i will buy it
Is that Marder 3 Ausf. H? I wish they had done the Marder III Ausf. M.
Not really. It has different superstructure.
maybe there would be a hull upgrade once I hope…
I agree, there are 2 variants of this thing. But its a german vehicle, so of course we give them the worse variant. typical of WG.
Those two Russian 10s are a joke. Auto bounce hull and 240+ turret armour LOL.
Go into hull down spot, faceroll keyboard and win.
And no gun depression :)
if i’m not colourblind, object 140 has worthless 64mm hull, so no worries there
But what is the angle of the UFP? It looks a lot more acute than the T-54.
So just get a tank. Aim down at hull. Zero out the autobounce slope. And if you actually look at it the turret front just above the gun mantlet is actually only 183 mm thick. The 240 mm thick part is the lower half of the front turret that only comes up to the height of the top of the gun. Once you get above the gun it drops to 183 if you look closely you can see the difference in the color.
Seems like WG has run out of creativity. Bring in some more obscure tanks and not these same looking “copy/paste” tanks.
Competitor tanks – not copy paste.
And take look at STB-1, STB-2, AMX-30 and Leopard 1 – looks familiar?
Q: “Want copy/paste tanks?”
A: “Play Chinese.”
Object 140 (tier 10)
looks fantastic
I thought the Object 430 was gonna be a tier 9
That was changed weeks ago :D
Tier 9 is a mystery….for now.
Well, gift shop is one way for WG to drain real money from player. Why don’t they make thing easier? Remove in-game shop and let players buy everything in Gift Shop with gold in their account? People already put money to buy gold will stuck with their gold forever???
One more thing, anyone have realize that in 8.7, WG seem tried to ninja nerf the gun accuracy back??? It’s worked great in 8.6 and I fell great improvement in accuracy but I missed my shot a lot recently when they update to 8.7.
I noticed the same thing.
I hope someone try a new test on 8.7 accuracy to see if something wrong happen.
I feel completely different playing 8.6 vs 8.7. The shell drop out aiming circle more frequently, it’s not only one case that I have bad luck but it happen a lot.
What I can thing about is the new accuracy system stress out the server too much then WG decided to switch it back.
They are totally right – one comment was about they wanted to decrease server load so sigma value decreased to 1.3. As I am using x30 zooming – i see many shots failing TOTALLY (not landing even in aiming circle). Can`t even land proper shot on lower plates anymore on regular basis. I even had ghost shell – link of that replay (just roll to 9:57 and watch that miracle)! Watch it with x1/16 speed!
Why did they close European Beta testing again, cause only Europeans leak?!, yeah riiiiight!
Dirty EU Supertesters leaking stuff again!!!!!
I think WG should get rid of those fraking EU leakers!!!!!!111
…..wait a second…. -_-’
In Soviet Russia, the supertest leaks you. ;)
I knew that red stuff wasn’t Vodka…=(
Superleaks my ass thid info got to us with wg blessing. Wg give us piece by piece info about future to keep our interest active.
o140 has a front armor of 80mm instead of 100mm, and o430 has it at 90mm instead of 120mm…
wtf is this crap?
Russian bias
I expected the same goes for o430U, 130mm UFP/160mm LFP, a tier 10 IS-8.
Haha, the thickest armor of the Nashorn is on the gun!
Should work faster now.
The hotlinking of some pictures, like Obj140 and Obj430, is messed up.
Those Obj140 and 430 guns look strangely looooong. Russian medium snipers equivalent to E-50 and E50M?
The Obyekt 430 and 140 both use the 100 mm U-8TS, same as the T-62A.
The gun on Obj 430 looks so half assed..
10-15mm? that’s fucking nothing… it better have a demigod-like gun for that flaw.
Or will it be t3?
It apparently will get the 7,5 cm PaK 42 L/70.
Oh the joys of gun carriages (or direct fire arty piece with AT gun if you like)…
Actually the thought behind this was to get the heavy AT gun moving somehow because gun tractors were an issue with the germans, they just never had enough. The same basic thought is behind self-propelled-artillery, just to get these horribly big guns mobile. At some point they finally snapped and found out that they could unify the vehicles like the Hummel/Nashorn and just put in different guns. Marder III Ausf M (M for middle engine and rear superstructure, the thing ingame is the Ausf H for rear engine and center superstructure) and Grille also were the same basic vehicle except for the gun.
Did I miss anything? Why are there two soviet tier 10 meds?
The Nashorn at tier 6? I gotta wonder about the HP that tank is gonna have. Because with the armor it has, it wont stop anything from killing it, every single other tier 6 tank will be able to put a round right through that thing.. That and what kinda pen/damage numbers will come from that gun.
The historical gun of the Nashorn was the 8.8cm Pak43/3 (not sure about the /3 atm) L/71, basically the Tiger IIs gun performance-wise.
203mm penetration, 240 damage, but you can expect a very high rate of fire due to the open-top fighting compartment (the loader has a lot more space to move) and very good accuracy (a lot better air quality than in a closed tank equals improved ventilation, except for not having it installed, also very accurate gun).
I wouldnt be surprised if this thing were to get the 10.5cm L/52 gun, although I dont see any practical advantage over the 8.8cm L/71 (more alpha, less rof, but 10.5cm shells cost 4 times as much as 8.8cm shells, also accuracy is worse) and it would make the D.Max obsolete since it would be yet another Pz IV-ish open-top TD with a 10.5cm gun made of paper even on the same tier.
But in terms of health I would GUESS 500-550, not more (JgPzIV has 600)
Allegedly the 105mm for Nashorn is planned.
The gun was 43/1. On first few pieces at least, that is.
What are they using to show the armor values in the garage? Is it some sort of mod, or part of the supertest package?
Nope. It’s a program that everyone can download. It’s called WoT Tank Viewer.
Cool, thanks.
finally a damn good article, I can hardly wait for the 2nd german td line
30mm front hull and 20mm side hull armor of Nashorn could be un-hardened steel. Means about half the resistance per mm, if that. 30 hull front resists like 15, 20mm side armor resists like 10. These vehicles were not intended to take hits, just shield the crew from splinters. Read about this odd substandard armor in Senger u. Etterlin’s and Heinz Guderian’s WWII armor histories. They were there.
Armor schemes for the Marder 3 and Nashorn? really?
marder 3 might get the L70, and the nashorn will get the 12.8cm.
12,8 cm on Nashorn? Unlikely. At best 10,5 cm. 12,8 cm will be on the Sturer Emil.
Yes 12.8cm. Do you realize how slow and fragile the historical sturer emil was? It is the definition of a glass turtle cannon.
Nvm, misread.
Wtf is a glass turtle?!
Hopefully the Marder 3 won’t be raped to death by the nerfhammer like the Marder 2. I expect horrific soft stats for the l/70 to start with.
So is the tier 5 still gonna be the Panzer IV with the flak 88 in place of the turret? Pz.sfl.IVc?
What gun does the obj 430 have? its not the same of obj 140
Witaj, bardzo dobre informacje są wpisywane w tym miejscu :) mam nadzieję, że będzie ich coraz ciekawszych. We need it coming more and more!
That Marder 3 superstructure is a fucking bullet magnet – or a retard magnet if sufficiently armored/sloped.
Did Marder II have more armor ? New german TD’s will be glass made…
No, the in-game Marder II has paper armor.
Looks much to similar to the Marder II. They shud have used the sdkfz.139.
139? LoL, that thing is crap..
how wud u noe its crap if it isnt even in the game to begin with?
It was the worst Marder III version in RL.
nyan cat this is a game and WG is all about balance. U want RL? Join the army
I think they should be using Marder III Ausf.M, Sd.Kfz. 138 model
That Hull is Ugly, but there is a chance it will appeared for Researchable Hull..
Definitely going for those mediums.
And germans TDs are so glass :D
Dat Hummel, MUST… STOP… FAP…
Oh wait, it’s the Nashorn.
There’s really not much of a distinction
Because theyre essentially the same vehicle, just with a different gun. WG couldve actually just implemented an 8.8cm gun on the Hummel and remove the arty sight for that gun, voila, new TD.
That would be unimaginably boring.
Yeah but they got a gun powerful enough to compensate for that and then some. Point and case: the Dicker Max already in the game.
I dont know why the pictures load at a fucking snail-pace. …
Me too =.=”
I was wondering if I was the only one who had to wait fucking forever for the fucking pictures to load.
2 megs each picture I am afraid
Good thing I have good internets.
But why to put such high res pictures? This is not next gen graphics :D
Was lazy to convert them.
omg, please use preview thumbnail next time, PLEASE
And visiting your blog from my phone eats all my credits :(
Good thing my Opera loads low quality pictures :)
Grind more credits.
Yep decided to go make some food while i wait, get back 10 minutes later, Every picture is half way done. Ridiculous and i’m sitting here on a brand new PC
It’s the whole site. It seems sluggish today.
All the pictures loaded fine and quickly enough to my crappy old laptop out here in Ireland in the arse end of nowhere with one foot in the fucking Atlantic.
thats nice but still im w8ting for more new german tds;)
I want those high tiers and Sturer Emil with tier 10 gun :D
yeah i want sturer emil also. it could be german tier 7 isu.
Hahaahaa… hahhaaa…. we all know how likely THAT is right?
Even historically it was slow as hell.
Shame that they didn’t choose Ausf. M hull for Marder III. Object 430 looks cool but I guess I will wait for possible U version.
U goes for heavies class.
But IMO Object 430 itself is heavy. U variant of it makes everything “heavier” about it.
No. it’s a medium tank. Object 430U is also a medium tank historically, but SerB stated it would be a heavy in game.
It can be even an arty as long as it brings 160mm frontal armour and 122mm gun ;p
Ausf M? You mean the recycled Grille model? That would be kinda cheap. I get the Nashorn must look like a hummel with a TD gun, because it was just that.
This one has the option of mounting L/70
Marder 3 with L/70? Is that really historical or just a paper project?
Historical. It was considered and possibly a prototype made.
Ausf M could mount the L70? GIMME AUSF M!!!
I would’ve preferred the Sdkfz 139 variant. But since they’ve chosen the Ausf H, then I hope the other one becomes a premium.
No chance as for Premium TD, probably Ausf M would be researchable Hull
Is that what WG said or your own opinion?
Nashorn looks a bit like Hummel :)
There’s more to that tank family: Dmax and Sturer.
those arent really the same family, especially not the Sturer Emil since it used the VK30.01H chassis, while the Dicker Max used the Pz IV chassis, Nashorn and Hummel however used the Geschützwagen III/IV chassis, basically a Pz IV hull with a Pz III drivetrain.
I got confus. That stepped hull dont make recognizing stuff any easier :D
Nashorn and Hummel use the same chassis, just one is a self propelled artillery and the other is a tank destroyer.
its the hummel with the 88mm PaK 43 L/71
Both have the Panzerkampfwagen III/IV hull.
No, they don’t. They are built on Geshutzwagen III/IV chassis – Pz IV (engine,…) + Pz III (steering system,…)
Pz III/IV was never built, only blueprints existed.
…No they don’t. The Panzer IV chassis has 8 roadwheels while the Panzer III and the Panzer III/IV both only have 6. The Hummel and Nashorn have 8 roadwheels, ergo they are based on the Pz IV hull.
Nope, Geshutzwagen III/IV – Pz IV chassis with some small differences and steering mechanism + something else that I don’t remember atm from Pz III.
Drivetrain from the Pz III
I can imagine someone forgetting which tank they’re on while the game loads and being surprised when they press the zoom key.
Im confused, obj 140 is the new tier10 coming in 8.8. What is obj 430? is that the 3rd ussr med branch?
Yes, or rather 3rd Soviet T10 medium by itself.
Im so confused – which one will have its own branch leading to it? 430?
T-54 will lead to two tier 10′s: T-62A and Obj 140. The 8.8 Soviet branch will lead to tier 10 Object 430 eventually via yet unreleased tier 9.
So if someone wishes to have all three RU top meds have to sooner or later grind through rear mounted turret turds?
BTW… dat turret roof… presumably overmatched by 120mm guns and not so small cupolas can devastate any attempt to hulldown.
To get 430 you have to get rear turreturds :(
Woah, I thought there would be 3 full soviet med branches, must’ve understood sth wrong.
To be unlocked from?
So let me get this straight.
When 8.8 is released, the 2nd ussr med branch will look like:
A-43 -> A-44 -> Object 416 -> T54 -> Object 140 (T10)
Sometime in the future, all 3 ussr med branches will look like:
T54 unlocks both T62a & Object 140
A-43 -> A-44 -> Object 416 -> New Tier9 -> Object 430(T10)
Is that correct?
You are correct in that assumption.
actually theyve stated that the object 140 may get its own line since the t62a 140 and 430 are all from different factories, (competing/concurrent) projects, the 140 was a prototyped replacement for the t54 but didnt hit serial production. so chances are it will get its own t6-9 line eventually
the Nashorn looks interasting if it will be put into the game i will buy it
Is that Marder 3 Ausf. H? I wish they had done the Marder III Ausf. M.
Not really. It has different superstructure.
maybe there would be a hull upgrade once I hope…
I agree, there are 2 variants of this thing. But its a german vehicle, so of course we give them the worse variant. typical of WG.
Those two Russian 10s are a joke. Auto bounce hull and 240+ turret armour LOL.
Go into hull down spot, faceroll keyboard and win.
And no gun depression :)
if i’m not colourblind, object 140 has worthless 64mm hull, so no worries there
But what is the angle of the UFP? It looks a lot more acute than the T-54.
So just get a tank. Aim down at hull. Zero out the autobounce slope. And if you actually look at it the turret front just above the gun mantlet is actually only 183 mm thick. The 240 mm thick part is the lower half of the front turret that only comes up to the height of the top of the gun. Once you get above the gun it drops to 183 if you look closely you can see the difference in the color.
Seems like WG has run out of creativity. Bring in some more obscure tanks and not these same looking “copy/paste” tanks.
Competitor tanks – not copy paste.
And take look at STB-1, STB-2, AMX-30 and Leopard 1 – looks familiar?
Q: “Want copy/paste tanks?”
A: “Play Chinese.”
Object 140 (tier 10)
looks fantastic
I thought the Object 430 was gonna be a tier 9
That was changed weeks ago :D
Tier 9 is a mystery….for now.
Well, gift shop is one way for WG to drain real money from player. Why don’t they make thing easier? Remove in-game shop and let players buy everything in Gift Shop with gold in their account? People already put money to buy gold will stuck with their gold forever???
One more thing, anyone have realize that in 8.7, WG seem tried to ninja nerf the gun accuracy back??? It’s worked great in 8.6 and I fell great improvement in accuracy but I missed my shot a lot recently when they update to 8.7.
I noticed the same thing.
I hope someone try a new test on 8.7 accuracy to see if something wrong happen.
There is NA thread with some people notice the same thing:
I feel completely different playing 8.6 vs 8.7. The shell drop out aiming circle more frequently, it’s not only one case that I have bad luck but it happen a lot.
What I can thing about is the new accuracy system stress out the server too much then WG decided to switch it back.
They are totally right – one comment was about they wanted to decrease server load so sigma value decreased to 1.3. As I am using x30 zooming – i see many shots failing TOTALLY (not landing even in aiming circle). Can`t even land proper shot on lower plates anymore on regular basis. I even had ghost shell – link of that replay (just roll to 9:57 and watch that miracle)! Watch it with x1/16 speed!
Nashorn, finally… But why so small? And i want that canvas roof:,_Russland,_Jagdpanzer_Nashorn-Hornisse.jpg
That would stress server too much.
Q: “Want copy/paste tanks?”
A: “Play Chinese.”
Dem European Leaks !
Why did they close European Beta testing again, cause only Europeans leak?!, yeah riiiiight!
Dirty EU Supertesters leaking stuff again!!!!!
I think WG should get rid of those fraking EU leakers!!!!!!111
…..wait a second…. -_-’
In Soviet Russia, the supertest leaks you. ;)
I knew that red stuff wasn’t Vodka…=(
Superleaks my ass thid info got to us with wg blessing. Wg give us piece by piece info about future to keep our interest active.
o140 has a front armor of 80mm instead of 100mm, and o430 has it at 90mm instead of 120mm…
wtf is this crap?
Russian bias
I expected the same goes for o430U, 130mm UFP/160mm LFP, a tier 10 IS-8.
Haha, the thickest armor of the Nashorn is on the gun!
Should work faster now.
The hotlinking of some pictures, like Obj140 and Obj430, is messed up.
Those Obj140 and 430 guns look strangely looooong. Russian medium snipers equivalent to E-50 and E50M?
The Obyekt 430 and 140 both use the 100 mm U-8TS, same as the T-62A.
The gun on Obj 430 looks so half assed..
10-15mm? that’s fucking nothing… it better have a demigod-like gun for that flaw.
Or will it be t3?
It apparently will get the 7,5 cm PaK 42 L/70.
Oh the joys of gun carriages (or direct fire arty piece with AT gun if you like)…
Actually the thought behind this was to get the heavy AT gun moving somehow because gun tractors were an issue with the germans, they just never had enough. The same basic thought is behind self-propelled-artillery, just to get these horribly big guns mobile. At some point they finally snapped and found out that they could unify the vehicles like the Hummel/Nashorn and just put in different guns. Marder III Ausf M (M for middle engine and rear superstructure, the thing ingame is the Ausf H for rear engine and center superstructure) and Grille also were the same basic vehicle except for the gun.
Did I miss anything? Why are there two soviet tier 10 meds?
The Nashorn at tier 6? I gotta wonder about the HP that tank is gonna have. Because with the armor it has, it wont stop anything from killing it, every single other tier 6 tank will be able to put a round right through that thing.. That and what kinda pen/damage numbers will come from that gun.
The historical gun of the Nashorn was the 8.8cm Pak43/3 (not sure about the /3 atm) L/71, basically the Tiger IIs gun performance-wise.
203mm penetration, 240 damage, but you can expect a very high rate of fire due to the open-top fighting compartment (the loader has a lot more space to move) and very good accuracy (a lot better air quality than in a closed tank equals improved ventilation, except for not having it installed, also very accurate gun).
I wouldnt be surprised if this thing were to get the 10.5cm L/52 gun, although I dont see any practical advantage over the 8.8cm L/71 (more alpha, less rof, but 10.5cm shells cost 4 times as much as 8.8cm shells, also accuracy is worse) and it would make the D.Max obsolete since it would be yet another Pz IV-ish open-top TD with a 10.5cm gun made of paper even on the same tier.
But in terms of health I would GUESS 500-550, not more (JgPzIV has 600)
Allegedly the 105mm for Nashorn is planned.
The gun was 43/1. On first few pieces at least, that is.
What are they using to show the armor values in the garage? Is it some sort of mod, or part of the supertest package?
Nope. It’s a program that everyone can download. It’s called WoT Tank Viewer.
Cool, thanks.
finally a damn good article, I can hardly wait for the 2nd german td line
30mm front hull and 20mm side hull armor of Nashorn could be un-hardened steel. Means about half the resistance per mm, if that. 30 hull front resists like 15, 20mm side armor resists like 10. These vehicles were not intended to take hits, just shield the crew from splinters. Read about this odd substandard armor in Senger u. Etterlin’s and Heinz Guderian’s WWII armor histories. They were there.
Armor schemes for the Marder 3 and Nashorn? really?
marder 3 might get the L70, and the nashorn will get the 12.8cm.
12,8 cm on Nashorn? Unlikely. At best 10,5 cm. 12,8 cm will be on the Sturer Emil.
Yes 12.8cm. Do you realize how slow and fragile the historical sturer emil was? It is the definition of a glass turtle cannon.
Nvm, misread.
Wtf is a glass turtle?!
Hopefully the Marder 3 won’t be raped to death by the nerfhammer like the Marder 2. I expect horrific soft stats for the l/70 to start with.
So is the tier 5 still gonna be the Panzer IV with the flak 88 in place of the turret? Pz.sfl.IVc?
What gun does the obj 430 have? its not the same of obj 140
Witaj, bardzo dobre informacje są wpisywane w tym miejscu :) mam nadzieję, że będzie ich coraz ciekawszych. We need it coming more and more!