Airdropped Armor in Serbia

Thanks to whoever sent me this (sorry mate, I didn’t find your mail/message :/ )

Hello everyone,

the following video shows the Russian BMD vehicles (the name itself means Boyevaya Mashina Desanta – paratrooper combat vehicle) being dropped from Russian planes (IL-76MB) during a training before the first ever joint Russian-Serbian excercise in Serbia. These vehicles (manned by Russian troops) were used then to attack a simulated “terrorist base” during the operation. The BMD lands and immediately enters combat, covering the Russian troops cleaning the area. The base was also scouted by small Russian UAV’s.

Meanwhile, Serbian special forces (Specnaz) drop from the helicopters and arrive in armored transports, flanking the “enemy” and laying down fire support for the Russian troops. The “terrorist base” was completely destroyed. The training went well and the excercise itself will take place on Friday. Altogether, 7 Russian BMD vehicles arrived in Serbia along with other tech and more than 100 troops.


33 thoughts on “Airdropped Armor in Serbia

  1. Putin fuck is preparing taking over eastern europe countries..Then nuke war will be unleashed and bye bye humanity.. God bless those ruskies <3

      • But I love TV..Its the only escape I have from this shit ass reality. Also why would it be impossible? China+Russia( And maybe some south american countries??) vs Europe+America+japan+Australia+Canada and some others.

          • @AnusLover stop dreaming. Even north koreans knew (kim jong il) the risks of a nuclear attack aka they will be wiped out from the face of the planet in return.

            A nuclear attack is a sucidial act for anyone’s country.

            • Unless one of the parties develops good enough protection and the mutually-assured-destruction is not so mutual and assured anymore :P Just news of development and deployment of such systems can cause the other parties representatives go apeshit crazy, especially the “stronk” ones and start spewing shit in media (no particular country in mind :D).

              • no BMD system is perfect, something allways go thru, like 50kt-150kt warhead (Hiroshima was ~30kt). if somebody push that red button, world will just burn… nuclear arsenal of all countries could destroy planet multiple-times :(

        • Your geopolitical knowledge is just pathetic, troll… Russia with China? More like against each other :-). Anyway, try to watch less Red Dawn and other bullshit, and as for the excersises – there is nothing new here, they have such trainings on far greater scale in Russia, so what’s the fuzz about? Such method of deployment is very interesting, and deserves a post, but your wet dream fantasy is just funny.

  2. Just as the shitstorm happens in WoT forums about Kosovo being Serbian… Serbia executes a military excerise with Russia!

    Wow, what a coincidence.

    • …er, yeah, it is.

      Do you really think some guy in the Ministry of Defense in Belgrade was sitting browsing the WoT forums at work when he saw the Kosovo thread? “GENERAL!” he screams, “the bastards at World of Tanks say Kosovo is a country!”

      “What is World of Tanks?”

      “Never mind that sir!” says our hero, “Surely the important thing is that someone, somewhere in the world said something offensive to Serbs!”

      “You’re right!” says the General. “Call the Ivans, lets get our military toys out!”

      Seriously? Muppet.

      • You know that -if I remember correctly- the Russian Deputy Minister of Defense made a couple positive comments about the computer games in a press talk, WoT included.

        So, yeah, the officals know WoT. Especially the Russian ones.

  3. I think that bobs from Balkans above r just jealous cuz their countries joined NATO, reduced their armies and thatswhy pay annualy to USA for protection. Serbia is still out of every military alliance and i hope they will remain neutral in future. Russia didnt help Serbia when NATO bastards bombed it. PS. thats why so called “OVK” won war in Kosovo with assistance of 19 NATO countries. IT WAS GOOD MM FOR SERBIA 4SURE. SS nice topic and many greetings from Serbia.

    • So Serbia never let Russian troops into Serbia in 1999 (They were based in Bosnia at the time) then into Kosovo to take over the airport in Pristina before NATO got there.

      The Serbians have looked to the Russians since before WW1 for support.

      The Russians supported Serbia throughout the NATO bombing and brokered the deals with NATO and the UN – not quite did nothing apart from go to war.

      Personally I think it was a waste going into Kosovo – the whole region (Former Yugoslavia) was a crap storm waiting to happen. Different cultures, ethnicities and religions with vendettas going back hundreds of years. Formed as part of American President Woodrow Wilsons 14 point plan in 1918.

  4. So the Russians were able to parachute a company with support elements into Serbia. That’s not much of a response element. It was a daylight drop being staged as a political show case.

    The guys fast roping into a hot landing zone would be dead before they ever touched the ground if the helicopters weren’t shot down as they were hovering. Again, the daylight operation made for a nice photo op.

    Both parts of the operation were totally unrealistic. The scenario should have been conducted at night as a live fire exercise. Makes for a much better display for the media with all of the guns blazing away, tracers flying through the air, and explosions from HE rounds striking their targets. This assumes the commanders have enough confidence in their soldiers ability to conduct a night time live fire. It also assumes the Serbs trust the Russians enough to allow them to bring armed troops into their country.