Clanwars Campaign 3 Reward Camo

Thanks to Razven for the screenies. As announced earlier today, there will be a special summer camouflage awarded to one tank (regardless of nation), if you are amongst the third campaign winners. This is how it looks.





30 thoughts on “Clanwars Campaign 3 Reward Camo

  1. Meh, I was expecting something like Hello Kitty camo to actually stick out from the rest. Now I’m disappointed :(

  2. Pingback: Jak bude vypadat odměnová kamufláž za 3. kampaň?

  3. This game, with stock paint.
    IS BORING. I get absolutely sick of the same sea of drab tanks match after match.
    There should be at least 8 camo choices per terrain, and free when a tank is Elite. It would do a lot for the overall look of this game.
    So *I* use camo on my “keeper” tanks. Any kind of new camo is welcome. I like this new paint. It’s tragic that it’s a reward for only a few. There should be more.
    Now if only they would do something about the engine sounds. If this was a college assignment, I’d give Wargaming a “C” for tank engine sounds – and then only for the reason that tanks *have* engine sounds. :\