Source: VK FTA community
Hello everyone,
based on the testing, the FV4004 Conway tier 9 TD was changed as such (data for 100 percent crew):
- hitpoints buffed from 1250 to 1500
- viewrange buffed from 320 to 380
- weight increased from 49,442 tons to 51,01 tons
- power-to-weight reduced from 19,21 hp/t to 18,62 hp/t
- hull traverse nerfed from 32 deg/s to 28 deg/s
- turret traverse nerfed from 20,9 deg/s to 16,7 deg/s
- 120mm top gun ROF nerfed from 8,343 to 8,022
- 120mm top gun reload time nerfed from 7,192 to 7,479
- 120mm ammo carried increased from 20 to 35
- 120mm top gun accuracy buffed from 0,316 to 0,307
- 120mm aimtime buffed from 1,92s to 1,82s
The stats thus look as such:
Tier 9 TD
Price: 3,5 mil credits
Hitpoints: 1500
Engine: 950 hp
Weight: 51,01 tons
Power-to-weight: 18,62 hp/t
Maximum speed: 35/20 km/h
Hull traverse: 38 deg/s
Terrain resistance: 0,959/1,055/1,822
Turret traverse: 16,7
Viewrange: 380
Radiorange: 782,1
Hull armor: 76,2/50,8/?
Turret armor: 132,1/95,3/?
Elite gun: 120mm L1A1
Damage: 400/400/515
Penetration: 259/326/120
ROF: 8,022
Reload: 7,479
Ammo carried: 35 rounds
Accuracy: 0,307
Aimtime: 1,82s
Depression: -5/+10
Th… that’s why it’s on supertest…
2 completely different vehicles. Also, supertest =/= final stats.
wtb MOAR ammo
lol :D
As I suspected, TDs are still too sought after for WG to nerf them to the point they get less played. They still havent milked all clicker customers yet. Also 380 meters view range is kinda much considering it will have good camo, add camo skill and binos and you will see over 400 meters. I think WG will nerf view range on all tenks except lights by 20 meters. Those who had 400 will get 380 and those who has 390 will get 370, etc. Not really a nerf though. Also 0.3 accuracy and 1.8 aimtime, that is fucking bullshit.
Doubt the camo on this thing is going to be very good considering how tall it is.
TDs have better camo by nature.
Especially the german T8+ ones that are not in the WT line. They have worse camo than russian heavies?
*glances in the direction of high tier German TD’s*
*glances at high tier American and British TD’s*
hey its tempoary veiw range nerf is coming you cant escape from that :p
Who thinks WG will hold off on the view range nerf until after everyone, who is seeking a replacement for their nerfed Hellcat, has a chance to buy their way through the hybrid British med/td line?
If people are stupid enough to buy their way up a line then let them, it’s their money, not yours…
JagdE100 :
Camo too mainstream. Superstructure.
WaffleE100 :
Camo too mainstream. I will unload my clip.
E3s :
At least I have some armour. (No, only a gun manlet.)
Objects :
Doesn’t matter, never get spotted.
Doesn’t matter, well shaped armour.
183 :
Hope my next 8000 credits worth some..
Foch :
Omg am I still the fastest?
Well, not all TDs have good camo that is right and yes there are currently some heavys and mediums tanks having really good camo values. But the general idea should be that TDs have better camo.
Camo is simply based on how tall a tank is, or how short it is overall. Since the shorter it is, the easier it is to hide it behind soft cover like bushes.
This is why the Jagdpanzer IV has one of the best camo values of all TD’s in the game.
On the other hand, the Conway, has the tall Centurion hull, with a ridiculously tall turret on top of that. It will have shit camo value, as it should. With only -5 gun depression it will have to expose its entire turret when trying to shoot from a hulldown position. Cannot wait to pen it’s stupid turret. :D
Pingback: Info ze supertestu: Úpravy FV4004 Conway
Dont nerf the terrain resistance… Please… Keep it like cent
If this is a turreted TD, I will go for it. I love these things, the gun of a TD on a mobile chassis. Who gives a shit if it doesn’t have good armor, if you’re good you won’t give your enemy a chance to hit you.
You do realize the TD camo bonus was removed back in 9.2 except on Premium TD’s right??
Bonus after shooting got removed on all tanks idiot, all tanks had that bonus, TDs just had more. Stop talking shit if you dont knuw.
TDs were nerfed to bring their while-firing camo more into line with other tanks bearing the same gun. Before, they had an arbitrary bonus on top of the base rating.
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LOL, instead of buffing the 120 mm gun to make it more even to the L7, they nerf the 120 mm gun to make the L7 an EVEN better option!
Well the stats look good, I probably will like this tank.
I do have on gripe, though it is shown in the post to have been fixed, and that was the initial proposed health for the vehicle. 1250 hitpoints for a tier 9 TD? The current lowest is the SU-122-54 at 1530. 1250 would have made this an incredibly camo-reliant vehicle due to the effective lack of armor and significantly lower than average hitpoints for a tier 9 TD. Heck, the AT-7 at tier 7 has the same hitpoints! And otherwise the average hitpooints for tier 8 tank destroyers is only slightly below this. /rant
tldr; Originally proposed hitpoints for Conway is dumb and the developers should feel bad for even considering it.
calm yourself son
>1.82 seconds
>0.30 accuracy
What the hell is this bullshit? These values have always been for non-turreted tanks. If anything, the gun should be at least 2 second aiming time and 0.32/0.33 accuracy. It’s like the T28 vs the T28 Proto. Because the T28 Proto has a turret, it has worse gun stats.
Get with the program WG!
I agree. We dont need any more TDs they ruin the game already,
Your such a whining little scrub FP. 1500hp and crap armour at tier 9, this thing will easily get smashed by tier 7′s and up. especially in city maps. Heck, you would just auto aim it and be confident at penning it every time. Your personal war against TD’s and arty is just shallow. If only you’d realize how reliant TD’s and arty are on scouts who don’t just suicide rush, and scouts that don’t just camp in a corner, perhaps you’d have a better appreciation.
No, I played both TDs and arty and yes they are dependant on spotters some times and that is the whole issue. They encourage camping because they are not designed to move up and suppoer in close to medium range like heavys and med tanks. TDs and arty dont enhance the gameplay for anybody, why do you think 90% of all players complain when there are alot of artys and TDs in game? Well, because it will become a campfest.
Its not about personal war its about fact. How does arty that can hit you from the sky and over slopes for 500-1500 dmg enhancing the dynamic gameplay? And how does TDs which hit you for 400-1000+ from long ass distances enhance the gameplay? It doesnt, because these vehicles are designed to prevent movement of heavys and mediums. How ever the devs never anticipatesd that arty would be so overly popular so they nerfed it and now they must nerf TDs because they became the newt arty. This are facts, because TDs are roughyl 1/3 of all tenks played and that is TOO much.
Also scrub? Are you kidding kid, say you game tag and ill take a look at your stats TD-kid.
Um no, Tortoise (the non turreted td in this case) has 0.297 accuracy and 1.67 second aiming time with 100% crew, so the fv is getting the reduction, its just a great gun to start with.
And that is despite the fact the Tortoise has amazing gun handling and most of the time will get on target faster than a turreted td without needing to move the hull.
Tort has been subject to nerfing and I suspect it will get nerfed when all current fv183 players will flood to it.