Straight Outta Supertest: FV215b (183) Nerf

Hello everyone,

remember how Storm said that of the two British derps, the FV4005 would be the faster one, even though both had roughly the same mobility? Well, the FV215b (183) is getting nerfed as such (data valid for 100 percent crew):

- hull traverse reduced from 32 to 24
- terrain resistance on hard surfaces nerfed by 38 percent
- terrain resistance on medium surfaces nerfed by 43 percent
- terrain resistance on soft surfaces nerfed by 25 percent

There is currently no compensation issued for these changes, so it’s a pure nerf (it’s possible the armor will be buffed, but not certain). Well, looks like Storm was right after all – after this, the FV4005 will really be faster.

93 thoughts on “Straight Outta Supertest: FV215b (183) Nerf

    • If they dont buff it i`ll sell it too. Will rebuy the Tortoise. Much better now anyways.
      I remember some time ago a statistic about the winrates of tier 10 tankdestroyers. Apprently FV215b 183 had the lowest with some 48%. Then the HESH nerf. And now this. Just sad.

      • few weeks ago, there was a post (on ftr) about UK TD, and in it was said that 1st UK TD, FV 183, will be the slower one, and it will have its armor buffed… so thanks, SS, for not mentioning that upcoming armor buff in this post, there was not enough crying kids already…

        // to make sure you cannot say i made this up (read: to shut your mouth), i found it for ya:

        • Its Not yet known what and how it will get buffed, he only translated what was officially released you fucking idiot

        • Quoting SS: “There is currently no compensation issued for these changes, so it’s a pure nerf (it’s possible the armor will be buffed, but not certain)”

          • no matter what you say, WG will buff FV armor… i know you think WG will screw this tank up (coz they usualy do stuff like that, i will give you that), but i am sure, they are not THAT incompetent….

            • Unless they screw up the armor buff like the one on the VK4502B to make it invulnerable from the front, no other kind of armor buff will/could compensate such a huge mobility nerf. 25/30/40%+ nerf?? Wargayming is definitely out of its mind. The real first and last issue with the 183 is the gun’s abnormally high alpha with Hesh rounds. It was enough with nerfing Hesh to 1400 alpha for 180 pen and keep the mobility as it is, given that it’s all the tank has apart from its gun (armor is useless against any Tier 9 and above tank whatever the angle, shoot wherever you want in autolock, you’re sure to pen and destroy at least one module or crew member). But “no, let’s keep the ridiculous gun and destroy all the rest around, and then we’ll be proud to announce that we killed once and for all another TD, after the exagerated Foch 155′ nerf that made it complete useless shit”.
              Eventually found out WG’s motto: “Troll more, F*** logic”.
              So sad.
              If no urgent rebuff planned, mine’s gonna be sold as soon as the patch comes out.

      • I really don’t think there is a need to.
        If it’s pen probs then use APCR. That’s what it’s in the game for.

      • Yup… even after the nerf the stats of poopshing tanked at first but then stablized. Cant expect a buff to that tank. Minor changes can come with hd rework but nothing to level off the nerf a year ago

      • SS its Armor problems. The front plate is wrecked compared to what it was.

        Also, with its low speed and low alpha it should have great Pen. IN RL that 105mm was capable of much more than 170mm @ 100m

        • 105mm? You mean 90mm and IRL the gun was using APCR and in the game is much much better than the Tiger’s historical gun in game and is on par with its top gun penetration wise.

          Its gun is fine, even if the accuracy/gun handling sucks…the armor needs to be fixed. Ive had games where Jacksons have penned the frontal plates with standard AP. If it isnt going to have any kind of decent armor than FFS give it some speed/mobility. As it is its slow, no reliable armor, and crap pen/gun handling.

          • Sry yeah 90mm I meant. INRL it wasnt just using APCR.

            Long 90mm had much better pen than the Short 88mm of tiger. With HVAP it wass the same as the long 88mm.

            On a tank like Spershing gun handling needs to be the best. It has low alpha, low Pen standard and meh DPM.

            I think we agree it has nothing now.

        • It should not have “great” pen because it is a medium premium tank. The frontal armor is very noob friendy and the gun mantlet as well, bouncy as fuck. And yes so what if it can get penned, all tanks can. But the SP is one of the mediums having better frontal armor. Stop asking for fucking premiums to perform on pair or better than regular tanks.

          • It should have great pen. It has weak Alpha vs same tier Rus tanks, much worse armor than IS6 or 112 and much much worse speed than FCM.

            So it needs something. It doesnt perform well at all. Ypur smoking crack if you think so.

            If its considered a heavy armored med, then it needs laser like gun handling, if its considered a hybrid heavy/Med it needs way more DPM to make up for its 240 Alpha vs 390 Rus….Sorry man but if it was Ruski this thing would be buffed in a second. It was fine before nerf, no one complained it was OP, but WG changed it for no reason.

    • Yeah, cause the T34-3 needs a buff, but the SuperPershing not… great WG logic, apparently they think it is funny to see the people complaining.
      btw SP has worst stats of all tier 8 Meds, even before the T34-3 was buffed the SP was according to Winrate way worse…
      and it is not like on the Löwe or T-34 that all the noobies who want a tier 8 buy a SP, i only see good people in it

      • according to wot-news stats t-34-3 has the worst winrate of all t8 prems under 48%, while the sp sits in the average 49.XX%

        • This is only because, the T34-3 was said to be crap right off and no one was encouraged to buy it. Also the Spershing can be used well because it makes the retards drive slower and get into less trouble where as the t34-3 sends them into pubbie hell right away.

  1. They want people to grind for the newer and better one by nerfing old tanks. Nothing I didn’t expect from WG.

  2. *Thwacking sound*

    Oh well we’ll get over it. Since WG nerfs all their teinks.

  3. The Foch 155 is still a good vehicle, however, I am not sure if the 183 will be post-nerf. Might need a buff to its hard statistics, such as aimtime, accuracy, or health.

    • If you have the highest AP alpha and AP pen in the game and turret you need to pay the price, not to mention the retarded 1750 dmg with HESH and 230mm pen. It is a arty with better armor, turret and HP, and this is not good for the gameplay.

      • It’s obvious you have no idea what you’re talking about…

        “Highest AP pen and alpha” is just utter tripe to say. It has highest damage by a mere 100, on a gun that is /in every way/ worse to the JPE-100′s one, that does way more damage over time and far more reliable. That extra “pen” matters for nothing when it can’t hit anything either.

        And trying to say the turret helps it betrays that you honestly know nothing about it. It suffers more bloom from moving the -turret- that all other tier 10 non arties do from moving their HULLS.

        It can’t hit, it can’t aim, it can’t defend itself, it can’t do reliable damage, it can’t move now, it can’t tank shots, it can’t hide, it can’t DPM, it can’t hold, it can’t push…it’s beyond useless. Now moreso than ever.

        • Then dont play it. It has its advnatages like highest AP alpha and AP pen, it doesnt matter by how much and it has a turret. Of course it needs to be rebalanced. Also the 183 has been discussed and a controvercial subject for a long time because it got that fucking 1750 alpha ammo, so yeah WG nerfing it is not an issue really because their agenda is to nerf the TD class in some way. You points would be valid if it had only AP ammo, but not as long as it has the shit 1750 dmg capabilities.

    • Fuck arty, waffletard and 183Tards. I hope the times will be over when TDs were multipurpose vehicles and shit over all other classes. Arty and TDs are support vehicles they should in no shape or form perform better than heavys and mediums, not in any way.

      • Tomatos and their wot “knowledge”….if TDs outperform you in medium tanks…I feel bad for you son. Mediums have 99 problems, dominating matches ain’t one.

        • Meds carry in end game when vision matters. But to get to endgame trying to spot a Waffle can be tricky because if it tracks you your dead. And if a 183 blaps you your 400 HP left.

          Just like Arty should immediately light after firing, so should these land arties.

          This way no one camps in them.

          Also these tanks are made so that even a superior player has to trade HUGE HP to a red if he is hit just once.

          • I agree, some TDs and artys are made that even the most noobish idiot can punish any player by either 1 shot them or taking off 50-80% of their HP, and in return get maybe 300-400 dmg making those TDs have at least 60-70% of their HP left. Not to mention the generaly better pen (less aiming) and accuracy and aimtime they have. Many TDs also camp behind some hard cover and/or slopes so it will be hard to rush them because they will reload before you get there, not to mention that you will get sniped by his “TD” friends since TDs consist of 1/3 of all played tanks.

            How ever in a heavy or medium tank, a noob if he manages to make damage will make like what 300-400 dmg per shot in tier 9-10 tank? Not to mention he will generaly take more risk in making that damage.

            The discussion is not about TDs and artys overperforming, its about the huge 1 time alpha they make while taking very little risk and immagine 3-4 of those TDs in every game and 1-3 artys. It is a living hell and it doesnt enhance dynamic gamplay.

  4. Pingback: Info ze supertestu: Další nerf FV215b (183)

    • Your tears are delicious, I hope to see less and less of these RNG cancers, including arty.

        • Well, if you disliked me, that would mean you are among the ones bringing (clicking?) tumors from the sky. You are a good man dude.

      • I agree im looking forward to see less and less of these RNG wagons, that huge fucking alpha sniping you from invisible positions or staying hull down is annoying as fuck and have plagued WOT since the beginning. Arty nerf was good, but artys gor replaced with TDs, so the situation is more or less the same. There are too many vehicles on the battlefield punishing regular brawling tankers minding their business. Its retarded to get shot for halv ur healt or one shot out of nowhere. 1-2 TDs max can work, but not 5 tds and 3 arty in every fucking single game.

    • Just stay with the Tortoise :) its an awesome machine. Just forget about that tractor (wouldnt call it a tank anymore) following it on tier 10.

    • Then fucking stay on the Tortoise. It’s a good stronk tank that doesn’t break the game, and unlike the 183 doesn’t give a fuck to RNG to carry.

  5. Wow, unless they compensate with some really sick armor or absurd gun handling, this thing is now barely worth playing at all.

    • Agree, tier 9-10 TDs with the huge fucking alpha is making the game no fun for medium and heavy tanksers who are moving and brawling. TDs and arty will always ruin for regular tankers because they are meant to be played cowardly, and when they have “lower” alpha they sure as hell have much better accuracy, aimtime and ROF making them out dmpheavys at close distance. A RHM can out dpm a tiger II in close battle due to the gun making 490 average dmg, and tiger II is known for having really good rof (5.77).

  6. Finaly, Im tired of that POS doom cannon bullshit. I mean it alreaddy has the highest AP alpha and pen in the fucking game, and 1750 avr with 230mm pen, that is alot and you will make 600-1000 dmg even if you dont pen the areas.

  7. Good. Arta, waffleshit and 183 landarty and rest of the cancerous tanks can go fuck themselves. I wouldn’t mind if they removed them all together from the game.

    • correction by landcancer is a term that its a tank. As in your refering to ALL tanks. course idc i have a mini deathstar the scout t49 :D i derp your ass!

      • T49 is legit. You don’t have have high alpha (HE/ HEAT being unreliable) against non lights, and you ain’t a cancer camping outside viewrange.
        Landcancer= TD that has too much alpha, specifically 183 and waffle100. It’s debatable whether Waffle Borsig/ ISU/ S35CA w/105P2W are also landcancer.

    • True, having so much alpha beeing put out in low amount of time is retarded. There were times where 1-2 TDs were the max you saw in games and that was fine and there were times where artys werent so overly popular so they needed to get nerfed. WG made a big misstake in making TDs and arty too strong from the beginning. Support vehicles have had too large impact on the game. First it was arty and now it is TDs, fuck that. WG should have never introduced any TDs that was better than the few original ones that existed in the game from the beta. Even the new artys are superior the old ones looking at their global WR.

      Its all about players lazyness really, artys and TDs and even gold ammo enhance lazyness and static gameplay, because you have to take little risk and get high reward (in terms of damage) with these vehicles, opposed to most heavy and mediums beeing played with no gold ammo and no camping bullshit.

      Its the whole arty-TD-gold-camping mentaly that is the core issue of the game and all these factors enhance eachother.

      There was a reason people played arty too fucking much back in the days and there was a reason TDs became overly popular after 8.6 and there is also a reason people abuse the gold ammo usage. Its all about fucking cowardness and lazyness.

  8. LoL, are they insane? The problem with this tank is not that it’s fast and mobile or whatever. Not even the fact it has high pen. The dang problem is the HESH alpha. They should either lower the alpha or (better solution IMO) remove HESH and buff aiming time, dispersion and maybe reload a bit.

  9. Worst tier 10 TD in the game gets nerf… WG logic.

    Time to trade in for a 263 and watch the tears flow.

  10. N00b Tardgaming can make me sad every day with their shits, FV215b-183 HES ammo was nerfed not so long ago, the tank is perfectly ok now, but this idiot company now make it even worse, gg Tardgaming.

    • No tank is okay if it has 1750 avrage dmg. Also 230mm pen is enough to make that damage shooting all tanks in the game in the sides or rear. The tank is no where close to fine having that bullshit hesh ammo.

  11. I have researched the whole branch till tier X, but after nerf of premium ammo of “183″ .. I haven’t bought “183″ so far (.. only from time-to-time I’m taking Tortoise from garage).

    And now I’m reading news about other planned nerf. Ok, if it is true …
    There must be only total idiots sitting in WG !! They always promised the tier X as “return on investment”, or the “joy after pain”. And now after going from tier I to IX, after so many long hours going up via this british TD branch of tech tree, WG idiots are stealing the pay-off waiting on me on tier X !!

    If I knew this shity WG approach 2 years ago, I would not play any other tech tree than russian. Russian tech tree won’t be nerfed in such horrible way ever. I would save a lot of my money and what’s more, I would save my time !! No more such f*cking morons manipulating my life … no more.

    P.S. Hopefully Armored Warfare won’t have such idiotic non-customer approach … can’t wait for AW launch !

    • How about not jumping at the “best tank in the game” right away? WG have ALWAYS released new top tier vehicles as slightly to extremely OP to make people convert XP for them and then nerf them back in line when the profits drop off.

    • WG know what that are doing because they have done so a very long time. The nerf/buff thingy is all about economy of course. They nerf the older TD to make the newer more popular, instead of making the new extremely OP. This was the case with the 2nd line german TDs, when many of them were blatantly overpowered in terms of firepower compared to the older ones. I think WG want to avoid that situation again, so when ever a new tank is introduced they will nerf the older ones a little bit instead of introducing new OP tenks.

      Also, since the 183 is so fucking broken in terms of alpha damage they can nerf it as they want, because TDs in the past months are something WG want to nerf a little overall. Simply, there have been too many new TDs introduced since the meta and all of them are too pwoerfull compared to the older TDs. I dont see nobody complain about the JPE100 and the reson for that is because that is the only tier 10 TD that is some how balanced. I has 1050 alpha but it is big and slow as fuck and very predictable, which is why it has so low overall WR.

  12. Just a few posts ago there was all the arty haters. Now there’s just as much whine for a basically armored front line artillery gun?
    Speed nerfs or not, tank still is a walking nuke launcher

    • That is true, 1750 dmg and 230mm pen can still make 1000+ dmg even if it hit areas when the ammo dont pen fully. Also to be fair, the fv183 alreaddy has the highest AP alpha and pen to beginn with, plus a turret. So there would be no reason to even have prem ammo on it from the first place.

      FV183 is the only tank that can 1 shot tier 8 heavys and tier 9 mediums, and 230mm pen is enough to pen sides of tanks or front of some tier 8 heavys. No matter how much they nerf pen, as long as the pen is more than the side armor of tanks it will be able to one shot or take off 80-90% of their health. Just like the kv2 can make 900+ dmg if it hits tier 8 heavys in the side or rear or other tanks where the armor is like 80mm flat.

      Having so much alpha and “mediocre” pen will still ruin people days once they can hit a tank on the sides or other areas where the armor is thin. Just like with arty, they may not be consistent in damage but getting splashed for 700 dmg or shot for 1200 dmg is still a game breaking feature. Too much alpha, in a game where tanks have HP is not good. Specialy in tier 9-10 where TDs get a massive boost of HP, they can make 60-80% of the own HP pool in one shot and in return get alot less HP removed if they get shot by mediums and heavys. This is the issue, many TDs make far too much damage compared to their HP pool than they take by enemies. Also having over 1000 dmg is retarded really it prevents dynamic gameplay. The only tank that I think is okay is the jpe100 it is predictable as fuck and slow and has bad camo. The other tier 10 TDs, not so much because the either got turret, good mobilty, camo, or a combination of all features.

  13. well the thing is: the 183 has awesome damage potential with its prem shells and thats what everyone is crying about. but instead of nerfing the gun stats they nerf other parameters and add a second tank with this huge alpha damage to the game.
    im not sure if thats the right way. people will still cry about getting oneshotted, even though it may wont happen that often anymore.
    but i dont have that tank and only played a few games in it, i cant really talk about the balance of it.

    • felis,
      I fully agree with you – WG can’t identify the point, and then thye solve not the right issue.

      As you said:
      1) everyone is crying about high / extreme alfa damage of “183
      2) instead of nerfing the gun stats WG nerfs other parameters

      This is not the 1st case, e.g. Type 59 has been the same story – instead of nerfing turret armour, WG has produced “old lazy dog” from medium tank.

      What’s more: WG approach “new vehicles over-powered, after some time nerfed” is also sign of “ethical” company.

      Some WG ass-screwers can call my complains as whining, but they never come with the serious argument. Nevermind, I don’t care about small brains. But fair players should be warn …

      • Stop complaining and dont play obvious OP or game breaking tanks. Type 59 was never balanced and 183 has ´been on the wall a long time due to its stupid 1 shot capabilities. Why dont you see tanks like JPE100 ever beeing discussed in terms of OPness or panther II for example? The fv183 alreaddy has the highest AP pen and AP alpha in the game, it would be more balanced if it never had any supid ammo that makes the damage 1750. Same with the type 59 for a premium it is still too good, that is why they infested tier 8 games some while ago and on asian servers they are overpopulated with type 59.

        • Hi Ferdi Porsche,
          I’m not sure if I understand your comment.

          I haven’t played FV .. 183 so far, I have never played Type 59.
          As I have explained I think that:
          1) alfa dmg should be lower for 183,
          2) turret armour should be weaker for Type 59.

          In my opinion there is no reason to have such OP vehicles like 183 or WT E100, there is absolutely no reason to have premium vehicles on tier VIII strong like regular tier IX vehicles – Type 59 when launched to WoT.

          I’m complaining about horrible work of WG: over-powered vehicles or not balanced vehicles in the right way (other tech parameters than those required) … everything ruins fair battles.

  14. Pingback: Nové mapy, Charioteer, 183ka a doplňky - Rychlá Rota