Fury Tiger Fight Recreated in WoT

Hello everyone,

so, you know my opinion on the Fure movie already. That however does not mean I cannot appreciate a well-made video from a World of Tanks player. Anders M. recreated the Tiger battle partially in World of Tanks and blended the game footage with the movie and I think it went wonderfully. Check this out!


22 thoughts on “Fury Tiger Fight Recreated in WoT

  1. Love how the tigers gun jumps so much in the movie XD

    Quite good recreation, now do the whole movie…

  2. Based on Fury movie they need to drastically reduce the accuracy of 75mm Pak 40 in WoT (maybe to 0.8 accuracy = realism). Every single Pak 40 anti-tank gun missed in the movie, including a shot from hidden position at 30m range in the town scene.

    • Based on war movies the german forces – no matter if air land or sea plus intelligence – should have been beaten within a year if not a month.

      If I were american and took the movies for real I would wonder what took western allies so long to overcome an army of “idiots” also considering most of the capacities of the german forces where tied and lost to the eastern theater of war most of the time.

      Haven’t seen the movie yet but was the tank immobilized already by detrack or knocking out the driver or why don’t they turn its hull? Steady aim by stopping is something you would do on distance but in this situation and range a commander would use all means to get the gun on target.

      Nice video editing though!

      • Reminds me of ArmA coop missions with a mod where you could choose to play against “real” AI (quite challenging) or “cinematic” AI (super trigger-happy, carries truckloads of ammo and hits EVERYTHING around you, never you).

        I’d say the movie was in this sense a bit better than most hollywood production but still, some scenes were plain retarded. “Yo Hans, they got this tenk in the open with its gigantic, towering front plate, and we are manning a pak40 under a pile of branches and shit, camo rating 500% beeyotch, so we get the first shot and time to aim, kapeesh? *Hans chugs down entire schnaps bottle* “Duuuurrrrrr how 2 pak bro?” *completely misses* *hollywood HE shell powered by screams of Pitt’s female fans and lubed by their wet stuff incoming* “Well, scheise”. Ded.

  3. Give that man a FURY!

    Very good one. İ could give him my fury if he wants to make more of them so he can use it instead of a standard E8 :)

  4. I haven’t seen the movie but I don’t get it..Why didn’t the Tiger just shoot the Sherman from a long distance, the terrain seems to have permitted it..Instead of driving forward non-stop for no reason, despite being under attack?

    Well, whatever, the combat in the movie has been shot to hell anyway, no point in wondering

    • That’s the reason most people disliked the tank battle in the movie. Although it was an intense bit (I saw the movie), the fact the Tiger moved forward into close range and then stood without turning it’s hull in the middle of the open field while circled by an E8 is just ridiculous.
      The only explanation viable is that it was manned by an untrained crew, but that argument dies to a) the fact the Tiger in the movie destroyed 3 E8′s only moments prior to this scene, hitting them in rapid succession, something only achievable by a well trained crew, and b) the fact Tigers were given to the most experienced crews only…

      • Not to mention the Tiger stopped production in 1944. Fury is set in 1945. The crew must have been driving the tank around for at least a year.

        Also lets not forget how ridiculously the Fury tank crew were for managing to survive 2 shots from the Tiger (the logic behind how they survived is fine but…)

    • At that point the Tiger already knocked out 3 of the 4 Shermans they had.
      The last 2 remaining ones, Fury and a regular M4 (IIRC) were left to charge it, one on its left one on its right

      The video (fantastic work, really nice editing) is right after they destroyed the 3rd Sherman

      Also, the first Sherman it killed (and the 2nd, also if IIRC) was at long range

      • Perhaps you should study the Tigerfibel. Here is page on the Sherman
        http://www.esatclear.ie/~godot/ShermanChart.jpg from it. The Tigerfibel is the basic instruction manual for the tank, the Patherfibel is the Panther version.

        The first Sherman was not killed at long range, which is 2000m, it was killed at between 600-700m which is standard battle range for the Tiger.

        • As if you can discern the actual range from a few movie shots… also, it was mentioned that combat range in war movies is made much shorter, intentionally, in order for the camera to catch more of the action and, yes, more theatericality.

          • Actually you can discern the range when they call it out or weren’t you listening. Further, the fact that none were killed “at long range” as you’ve stated seems to have eluded you.

    • On movie, tiger ambushed and the 4 sherman platoon killing 1. By that reaction the remaining 3 sherman fired smoke shells to cover them and retreat so tiger can’t see them and hide on terrain while getting their composure back and analyzing the situation. On movie, the tiger could retreat back but shermans might unload smoke shells to cover their advance so that’s why tiger advanced a little to engage them. I’m not sure if I saw tiger angling his hull or moving it’s hull against shermans but on last part, well, the tiger just relying on turret traverse. One more thing, are the tank commanders really poking their heads on cupola when they are engaging enemies? Like when they are against 2 anti tank guns with machine gun nest, and against tiger also, not sure if it’s really like that?

    • I personally liked APC version better, at least it was funny. If this is what that sherman was doing in the actual movie, then… well, what the f

  5. Man what a load of shit this movie is. I find the in-game footage more interesting that than mumbling jibberish yelling and screaming.

    Do crews really scream like that IRL too? it’s like a bunch of 7year old kids screaming of joy when they received a Nintendo present for Christmas.

      • For cinematic and dramatic purposes maybe.

        But other than that, if you saw 3 of your tank buddies blew up against that tiger, maybe it’s time to press that panic button, and maybe that’s why they are reacting like that on the scene. And maybe it’s their 1st engagement against Tiger and in their minds, tiger is notorious and very dangerous compared to their tank.

  6. Whats your problem with the movie? Ok so its not quite realistic, but who cares, its still a good movie that works all on its own. You dont have to get every single detail right to make a good WW2 themed movie…