The real source of these answers is the non-public section of RU forums, if I see it correctly. Here’s what Storm wrote:
- new (reworked) crew perks will not come very soon, perhaps next year
- no plans to implement “crew memory” (SS: crew “remembering” skill from tanks on which it was previously used) – “at least at this moment”
- Storm on Havok: “We are working on it and we will for a long time yet, unfortunately.”
- the worst issue with Havok is the performance. “Small amount of destruction or the destruction of small objects works normally, but everything’s difficult with buildings”
- new French tanks will definitely not come in 2015 (SS: he means HT and new TD branches, AMX-30 minibranch still planned)
- there will be new regular branches in 2015
- Waffenträger E-100 will not be removed and replaced by any other vehicle, because “unfortunately, there’s nothing to replace it with”
- new tree, grass and bush render, circular render range and camo system rework are all planned for 2015
- currently, cca 200 people are working on World of Tanks (counting only developers)
- Storm states that RNG factor in the game will not be reduced, rather actually increased, but only by a little
- Storm states that following things are currently developed and it’s possible to start expecting them: “Havok, new physics, new sound, most (all) vehicles reworked to HD and camo/viewrange system”
“Storm states that RNG factor in the game will not be reduced, rather actually increased, but only by a little”
- Sorry but WHAAAT?
someone please slap storm across the face with a fish… most stupid idea in this century.
lol, and what did you expect from such a second-hand company?
I expect to do something about accuracy as soon as posible. its not normal to hit a Lorraine from 400 m away while driving at 35 km/h in E100 or IS-7… and im the E100/IS-7 driver.
Oh yes for that is autoaiming and i hit a bc with e100 he projectile but not at 35 i had only 10 or so
It was already announced, change distribution across the circle, so there are less hits to the middle. That technically counts as increased RNG. Old news.
I’m actually fine with that, my KV-2 will hit even more impossible shots :D, only yestarday I one shooted a Matilda BP by hitting it’s cupola.. while it was on the move.. and it was behind a hill.. and only the cupola was showing.. which is tiny..
But KV-2 is actually better for that, because it has more pronounced arc, being a slow HE projectile… |:
Please learn to understand sarcasm.
Currently, too many shots goes into the exact centre of the aiming circle, and THAT will be reduced
Would be nice to greatly decrease chance to shoot in center of aim circle on the move and leave actual accuracy fully aimed.
Just give the KV-2 normal rng for a gun with its stats and the rng statistics should show a decrease in center circle shots
Idiots… INCREASING RNG…. What the crap… How the heck did these geniuses pass college??
who said they did?
Most probably it’s about that accuracy nerf, when they will increase the chance ot hit the sides of an aim circle.
They will make less shots hit dead center thats all, but the new nerfed accuracy will still be alot better than the old one.
They did all pass college.
Increase RNG, you can increase the boost tomatoes get while staying in the game’s parameters.
People say it’s a conspiracy….it’s really not. It’s absolutely logical and the refusal to decrease it in spite of them trying to make an e-sport out of WoT only perpetuates that accusation.
A bad player that realizes that he sucks leaves the game.
A bad player that sucks but is shown once every couple games that he can absolutely devastate will not realize that he sucks, and will stay in the game.
Marketing genius really.
- Waffenträger E-100 will not be removed and replaced by any other vehicle, because “unfortunately, there’s nothing to replace it with”
What about Jagd-Maus ?
we don’t need a second JadgE-100
But that doesn’t fit the line of stealth turreted tanks!
Because the WTF E100 fits so well into a stealthy TD line.
It’s not like it’s suddenly an autoloader TD
It’s not like it’s suddenly a terrible camo TD
It’s not like it’s playing style is one-clip almost everything.
It’s not like it’s most historical gun option is weaker than the super unhistorical 128mm
It’s not like it’s ridiculously broken and unbalanced ( being both UP and OP. )
And what has Jagd-Maus to do with Waffentragers?
They should patent it. Like they did the E-50 :D
Or make a less retarded and more down to earth WTE E-100. Take a normal E-100, removed the rear of the turret and even the top of the turret, remove side skirts, add the 12.8cm L61 WITHOUT the autoloader. The lack of the autoloader is compensated by the better turret armour and with good ROF with the 12.8cm L61. It’s mobility will be slightly better than the E100 and JPE100 since it will be lighter without the skirts and rear and maybe top turret armour.
There, done. Who says the WTF E-100 has to have an obscene autoloader and then be compensated by a paper turret? Balancing a tank with an extreme advantage and extreme disadvantage is stupid.
The current in game WT E-100 isn’t that far off from a real German 128mm platform.
That is a flak platform, never intended to do anything beyond fire at B-17s etc. I have been to Aberdeen Proving Ground outside Baltimore USA and clambered all over that a couple of times.
Even more in keeping in line with the other tanks of the branch : Panther hull, big ol’ 128mm L66 as fitted on a few IRL Jagdtigers, a crew shield around the gun like the rhm, the gun swivels 360 degrees, and you got yourself a reasonably sized, reasonably camo’d tank with a big gun.
Not a massive insta-aim super gun, but a nice 600 damage or so gun with good accuracy and decent sustained dpm, at the cost of fragility and ‘meh’ mobility.
Besides, who cares if it’s not historically accurate, the WTF E100 isn’t either and is just not balanced (or balanceable). Might as well replace it with something unhistorical but balanced.
What about that Waffentrager Panther?
Waffentrager Panther too weak for Tier 10, Silent already made this topic
WT Panther???
Jagd-Maus is in historicity just ahead of Waffle. Even Germans recognized that its total crap to make something so big and heavy and rather initiate development of Jp E-100.
- Waffenträger E-100 will not be removed and replaced by any other vehicle, because “unfortunately, there’s nothing to replace it with”
WTF E100 is bullshit, you can replace it with less broken bullshit while you figure out the existence of a Waffenträger Panther proposal or the like.
Yes, I think it’s broken Broken, not OP but broken.
( yes, more broken than those bloody 183 UK (shit) tanks )
Rather than broken its just a non-fun tank. I never play mine and I’ve had it since the beginning. I much prefer running around in my Meds.
The 183 is broken however. Fuck that tank.
I’ve always hated getting oneshot, but most of the time it’s a free kill albeit sometimes in exchange for almost your entire healthpool if you are alone. The wtf E-100 when alone technically beats practically everything having a far more reliable gun than the 183′s piece of high damage crap.
Increase the RNG… Yes let’s dumb down the game more for the masses.
Alright, I’m moving to War Thunder.
C ya
Good choice and wellcome!
Bye, hope you enjoy it more than I did.
Why not Armored Warfare?
2 words:Elite dangerous!!! It could be the best game of all times.16. December.
at the same time, could be the worst game of all time. 16 december.
It’s really not for everyone. But for us who like it, it is the best game of all times.
‘You don’t like cheese? You’ll probably love borscht!’
Come join Robocraft instead !
Let’s all retard up on Roblox instead!
Mature players, great graphics and awesome game mechanics!
Or wait, we could play moviestarplanet! SS could be my boyfriend
Nothing interesting in 2015 i see . Havok and the sounds are none of my interests
Why add more rng?
because they are retards. that’s why.
Spend more on shells as they will do less damage on average = more income for WoT
Pingback: Pár nových informací od Storma
No new french line. The AMX 30 butchered into a mini branch because they made the CDC a premium.
Fuck you WG.
Indeed, instead throwing out premiums to make money they should focus on building a researchable branch with these tanks…although I think Japs and Chinese branches deserve a bit more love than french. The asian lines don’t even have TD’s or artys.
Here’s to hoping they will never have artys!
- Storm states that RNG factor in the game will not be reduced, rather actually increased, but only by a little
So they are going to make WOT’s combat even worse than it already is… Wow, just wow. True idiots are in charge of this change.
200 developers working on wot? Either a lie or they are fully retarded.
5 of them. At most.
I bet most the “devs” are only moderators in the different forum groups.
But seriously, these are the dumbest news about some game i came upon, consistently cycling same old shit. What’s the point?
Take some q&a from a year ago from ftr, there will be no difference.
solution: don’t read it. Also that’s more wargaming’s fault than anyone else’s.
ITT: People who can’t remember stuff from FTR like few weeks ago (and Storm talking about decreased accuracy distribution across circle).
- new tree, grass and bush render, circular render range and camo system rework are all planned for 2015
Corrected: new tree, grass and bush render, circular render range and camo system rework are all planned for the end of 2015
“It’s done when it’s done”
Typical response from a man who flies by the seat of his pants that has no understanding. He should go back to selling shoes in Minsk.
- Waffenträger E-100 will not be removed and replaced by any other vehicle, because “unfortunately, there’s nothing to replace it with”
Borgward Leopard fits right into this line. Small, stealthy, no armor and potentially great firepower, expecially if they give it a 5-6 round autoloader.
Make it extremely fragile and with a slow-turning turret to avoid it being better than a Batchat or Leopard 1 at the medium stuff, and Bob’s your uncle.
Waffenträger E-100 will not be removed and replaced by any other vehicle, because “unfortunately, there’s nothing to replace it with”
yea sure they don’t want to put it in the skorpion cos it would be better than the russian tds…
- Storm on Havok: “We are working on it and we will for a long time yet, unfortunately.”
What a big load of SHIT. Just like with the HD models. It was just some bullshit hype/fear caused by Warthunder’s physics and HD tanks.
No it aint a big load of shit, it is just the limitation of the BigWorld engine which is holding it back.
Just for laughs, install FRAPS and check the fps difference between a non hd model and a new hd model. You’ll be shocked how much of a performance hit the increase in polygons has on the current BigWorld engine.
Nothing about the modified spotting system huh? Guess that idea was dropped in favor of invisi-camping TDs.
Got a problem with invisible TDs?
That means you’re a piss-poor player. And deserve to be owned by them.
Actually translated info about rng is a lie. Storm said that MAPS SIZE will be increased, not rng factor. You need to translate correctly.
“- Waffenträger E-100 will not be removed and replaced by any other vehicle, because “unfortunately, there’s nothing to replace it with””
Except the JagdTiger with gas turbine engine.
Stop whining about RNG. SS mistranslated this. the actual question was
“I hope, in 2015 you are planing RNG nerf? Bigger maps are also planned, i hope?”
And the answer was
It’ll be rather enlarged, not big”.
So, “bigger” is about maps, not about RNG.
Proof screen:
And even then, knowing Storm, he is just bullshitting.
I think he’s talking about enlargement like they did with Murovanka, which is not a bad thing.
- the worst issue with Havok is the performance. “Small amount of destruction or the destruction of small objects works normally, but everything’s difficult with buildings”
I wonder: if, and I say IF, the BigWorld engine had multithreaded support. Would havok be much less of a problem??
Anyone with knowledge of game engines and programming have an answer to this perhaps?
If so, shouldn’t WG be halting all content development (better shaders etc) in order to incorporate a new game/gfx engine capable of handling modern graphics?
That’s not the case, since Havok runs on a different core anyway.
And I suppose they are talking mostly about server – for a player one or two falling buildings won’t be a problem, but few thousand maps with few thousand falling houses on them…
That RNG will in crease is just retarded. I have games where im playing for instance the pershing and only 2 out of 10 shots hit the middle where I aim. I can rage so hard because of the current RNG. So you know what. Make 1 of 10 hit go through the middle.
I know its gonna protect heavy armored tanks more as its harder to hit their weakpoints and you know what.. INCREASE the ammount of gold shells that are used (where allot of people allready whine about).
They are goin to fuck this game so hard with increased RNG. RNG makes this game allready a bit of a gambling game sometimes.. its retarded.
Waffenträger E-100 will not be removed and replaced by any other vehicle, because “unfortunately, there’s nothing to replace it with”
Firstly, why did you put it in the game?
Secondly, cant you then remove it and make the WT PZ IV lead to the JPanzer E100??
once they put something they can’t remove it, specially a T10 thing and not without a replacement.
they put it ingame because they’re retarded morons that have no foresight or control(or worst, desire to fix) over the blatant powercreep hole in which they dug themselves to(dating back to T10 meds)
I start to feel that WG really hates French tanks…
I start to feel that WG really hates: players/common sense/game design/proper and timely development
^fixed for you
No Developers don’t hate tanks or tanks from different countries. Developers HATE the players of the game, and player base in General. They wish we would all just FK Off. ohh but still keep sending money.
Don’t comment on anything, send your money in and don’t ask for support.
“- Waffenträger E-100 will not be removed and replaced by any other vehicle, because “unfortunately, there’s nothing to replace it with””
¿¿¿then WHY THE FUCK DID THEY PUT IT IN THE FIRST PLACE?!?!?!, fucking morons.
this is the kind of stupid retarded shit that in part made me abandon this shit game, to fulfill some “quota” they add and add and add more stupid unnecessary tanks and complete fantasy OP shit, then they realize the monumental fuckup and can’t delete it…
very smart game design there….
everybody has ben complaning for YEARS now that the powercreep is out of control (look at the original T10 heavies and you will notice that) yet what they do?, more stupid op tanks, waffenbullshit paper tanks, fv183… and do they learn?, nope, now there will be ANOTHER 183mm TD! yay for fucktard developers!
In any game where new stuff is added, powercreep is a HUGE issue. There would be little point in adding new tanks (on the same tier), there were less useful than what already existed, as no one would play them.
Now you *could* do it, but you’d have to be very careful about balance, and that requires brainpower and work, something WG seems to lack. IT’s much easier to throw in a new tank that is just a little (or a lot) better than the prior one, problem solved.
Until you realize you screwed up and introduced a tank too over powered. Then you hastily rework it and hope not too many people bitch.
Unless it was a premium tank (like the SU-76I) in which case you fucked up big time.
So, powercreep is a big problem that requires careful attention, something WG can’t be bothered to do.
Thought devs said they had enough for 4 German TD lines?
Silly man, that was yesterday, today is a whole new day!
(this is sarcasm, in case you missed it)
WT panther has the same guns and effectively the same armor as the frankentrager, but nooooo, WG is just too lazy
- no plans to implement “crew memory” (SS: crew “remembering” skill from tanks on which it was previously used) – “at least at this moment”
It wont be implemented because its game-breaking BS
- Waffenträger E-100 will not be removed and replaced by any other vehicle, because “unfortunately, there’s nothing to replace it with”
Then just remove it and dont replace it with anything – an empty tier X slot is better than an overpowered unhistorical WG-BS
- currently, cca 200 people are working on World of Tanks (counting only developers)
they have quantity, but not quality… Freejam has only 10 developers, but they dont create that much of fails that WG does…
It’s not gamebreaking, it would just cut the WG’s profit. Once you trained your crew for some tank you’d never need to do it again. And eventually one crew would “remember” all of the tanks so there wouldn’t be need to retrain them anymore(no need to spend gold for 100% retrain) hence the less profit.
- Waffenträger E-100 will not be removed and replaced by any other vehicle, because “unfortunately, there’s nothing to replace it with”
Remove it dickhead.
- new tree, grass and bush render, circular render range and camo system rework are all planned for 2015
And all tanks to HD models and Havok was planned for 2014. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
- Storm states that RNG factor in the game will not be reduced, rather actually increased, but only by a little
Yes, make it even more retarded than it already is.
- Waffenträger E-100 will not be removed and replaced by any other vehicle, because “unfortunately, there’s nothing to replace it with”
BS – the solution is kinda simple … since the JagdPanzer E-100 is a fake anyway, make a T110E4 version of it … just make the casemate rotate 180 degrees (90 to either side) and use the original guns on it. Replace the WTE-100 with it.
Then end the original TD Branch with the GT101 powered Porsche suspension equipped Jagdtiger. Give it that extended casemate for extra “comfort” and up the reload time and aim time slightly – give it tier 10 HP pool… job done.
- Storm states that RNG factor in the game will not be reduced, rather actually increased, but only by a little
I seriously hope that’s a joke.
- Storm states that RNG factor in the game will not be reduced, rather actually increased, but only by a little.
Great why don’t we just have Monkey’s throwing crap against a wall to tell us if we hit or not.
currently, cca 200 people are working on World of Tanks (counting only developers).
Does that include the Fearless leader and the wise cracking fecal throwing monkey?
- Waffenträger E-100 will not be removed and replaced by any other vehicle, because “unfortunately, there’s nothing to replace it with”
IIRC WG has some 5 german TD lines organized
*cough bullshit cough*
They are obviously losing Players worldwide. Their fan boy base is diminishing.
The russian dollar rouble is sinking fast (lowest in 16 years )and since most of their player base is in Russia compared to globally; they have to come up with ways of making certain they don’t keep losing money.
The ultimate failure of World of Warplanes to War Thunder the air version is staggering.
Guys who enjoy driving tanks generally are still with World of Tanks but their almost outright refusal to fix the problems in this broken game, their development team that thinks that everyone in the player base are idiots and their horribly Poor customer service are driving Wargaming into the ground.
Only saving grace for them might be World of Warships. I doubt that though. Wargaming will lose traction and even though it has a dedicated fan boy network. The Servers will one day fall silent as many other great games in the past.