Hello everyone,
today’s advent offer for EU server includes:
- SU-85i + slot
- 7 days of premium
Price: 15,89 USD (12,75 EUR)
A word of warning, because last time, some people got seriously confused. SU-85i is NOT SU-76i. SU-76i was an OP vehicle, that got removed from the shop, while SU-85i is a mediocre unexceptional tank destroyer. Do not confuse those two.
SU-85i is pretty okay, actually. Very good DPM and damage, decent camo and mobility, turns on the spot very fast. If you can camp in a bush it’s easy to get a lot of damage, otherwise it can’t really survive for long.
It also doesn’t see more than tier 6.
with WG destroying every bush and sniper map, soft tds are becoming useless.
True, it is getting harder and harder to play. But it camps very well and can also relocate fast enough.
no bushes for tds, no places to hit sides with sniper meds, no places to scout, whats left?
While that is true, the SU-85i still has a mean gun. It’s basically it a KV-1 85mm with better everything.
terrible gun depression but if you like the stug this has the same chassis I like it.
Unexeptional? It’s a beast, and highly recommended. Especially in platoons. And that premium camo rocks
Today’s Advent Offer (15.12.2014)
Today is the 16th :D
This is a rip off
7 days Prem from shop is £4.17
Prem v tanks half price on 24th so
SU-85i will be 1,150 gold which is at its most costly price of Gold works out at appx £4.12
plus the slot which is 300 Gold = £1.07
so wait till the 24 th and its £9.36
So this is hardly a good offer
they did not even put any percentage up there :-) propably adds up to a posivite number :-)
anything bundled 3-7 days of prem is a rip off.
Mediocre ? I find it to be a perfect compliment to low pen T5 premium heavies in platoon (T14 for instance). I’d love to hear about its soft stats actually…
they are serious with these *%*ç% offer when all other servers have awesome long lasting bundle , Why we still have no word for Grosstraktor or t 34-85M on EU ? they scared we wont buy their stupid expensive token for a mostly impossible mission, they really act like they just want to get ride of eu players , they are even worst in marketing then coding.
Umm…I have no idea who could have got the two TD’s mixed up so badly..ooops.
Tbh, I’m getting on ok with the 85i, so not a complete loss.
They look kinda similar and the name is not that different either. So, yes, you could mix them. And possibly, WG are hoping for that in some degreee.. ;)
Noob :P
*pets my Su-76i* so much better yes you are!
Still 0 information on why EU is not getting the rare tank bundle like every other server, i dunno who takes marketing decision at wg but he is clearly stupid , he don’t even have good sens let alone marketing knowledge.
they don’t want to disturb the super expensive tokens that some player might not buy if they had a good offer like every other server , they are retard at wg clearly, since physics was added nothing good has come to this game. if they just add stupid exclusivity for some region they will aggravate people enough so that they dont want to hear about wg altogheter including future games.
SU-85i is a blast! Excellent damage output for a tier V