
Again, not much today (which will likely last until mid January, because, you know, orthodox Christmas and all that)

- Q: “One of the HT individual missions is to ram two vehicles to death in one battle. That’s impossible, did any developer ever do that?” A: “So, you want to compare statistics with me? :D P.S: No offense”
- LT8 gold ammo penetration will not be nerfed
- regarding the real life IS-7 loading mechanism – according to developers it’s not an autoloader, more like a mechanized loading assistant
- apparently the winter fun mode will come “soon”

59 thoughts on “27.12.2014

  1. “- Q: ‘One of the HT individual missions is to ram two vehicles to death in one battle. That’s impossible, did any developer ever do that?’ A: ‘So, you want to compare statistics with me? :D P.S: No offense’”
    Wait, that was one of the missions? Well THAT won’t encourage any reckless tank driving. (Sarcasm BTW)

    • Reminds me of a fairly recent battle of mine.

      M6. Had been shot a couple of times so was on 42hp.
      KV-4 jumps off the central hill on Mines and misses me with both his tank and the shell he fired (I saw him coming). I bounce off him and because he will reload first; “screw it”.
      So I ram him, kill him and survive (lol), then take the hill, race to the other end and jump on top of their last heavy tank for my topgun.

      If I can do two ramkills as a bottom tier on only 42hp, it is surely possible for someone trying to do it to do so.

      • ..it is possible, but far from easy ofc. Thankgod those tanks (rewards) are not moneymakers, so i have no reason to grind IM :) Cos some missions will drive u crazy, thats for sure :)

      • I’m not saying that it’s impossible, I’m saying that it’s going to cause more people to drive recklessly like that KV-4 driver you mentioned.

        Also, how low health was that KV-4 on if you could ram him with a low health M6 and survive?

    • The only heavy you can realistically do that with is the e75. All other viable ramming heavies are way too slow.

    • In order to complete this mission, heavies will have to out from cover. This gonna be fun to watch.

  2. I once rammed 4 vehicles to death with Leopard (LT), when it was still Tier 4 – LOL.
    Well I was in the top of the team.

  3. - Q: “One of the HT individual missions is to ram two vehicles to death in one battle. That’s impossible, did any developer ever do that?” A: “So, you want to compare statistics with me? :D P.S: No offense”

    Did not notice this one. Where was it exactly ?

  4. - Q: “One of the HT individual missions is to ram two vehicles to death in one battle. That’s impossible, did any developer ever do that?” A: “So, you want to compare statistics with me? :D P.S: No offense”

    Ramming is almost always a last resort tactic because good players know to conserve their health as long as needed to win the game. This mission is quite silly, but I guess it’s easy enough, so I can’t complain too much.

  5. - Q: “One of the HT individual missions is to ram two vehicles to death in one battle. That’s impossible, did any developer ever do that?”

    My E75 laughs at you.

  6. Ramming mission isn’t impossible but before completing it, you have to activate first. Missions should be done by the course of the game. When this mission is activated, all you can think is how can i ram 2 tanks to death. That will spoil the gameplay

    • All missions are like that.
      “Help us you moron!”
      “We need HELP!”
      *quits to garage*

    • I can already see people in E-75′s saying : someone low health please ram me so i can complete the mission. I will gift you a T14 you have my word.

      And watch the scouts doing suicide rams into you. Not to mention the clans rigging the sht out of these missions.

  7. I’ve done that like 8 times probably … mostly in mid tier battles. It’s not impossible but certainly the frequency of doing it isn’t very high. A KV-5 would greatly help with the mission.

  8. >> – Q: “One of the HT individual missions is to ram two vehicles to death in one battle. That’s impossible, did any developer ever do that?” A: “So, you want to compare statistics with me? :D P.S: No offense”

    Well, it happened to me once or twice, during my 900+ battles in AwfulPanther… Have fun trying :) .

  9. nixxie that was in an LT to be fair, these guys have to try to do it in heavy tanks. Bring on the artillery ram kills. That would probably be the easiest as they are the other slowest tanks on the team, plus there will be the classic drop on the head tactics. What I will say is if you want to complete the mission then go in a relatively fast and manoueverable HT at a relatively low tier, say a T1 heavy or an M6 even an FCM 50t would do the job quite nicely, possible to be done in an IS-7 or pretty much anything french because really for a ram kill you need speed more than anything else. KV-5 could do it probably, maybe a KV-4 but those things are much slower than the KV-5.
    Can’t wait for the winter fun mode they are often the best parts of the game. Look at the chaffee race mode, the T-62A sport football mode and the karl mode. They should make them into separate little mini-games possibly as PVE if they didn’t have enough people playing them.

  10. Well, one thing is sure. IM will influence the gameplay A LOT, because people will play for themselves (to finally after X tries achieve that stupid Y goal) and thus not paying enough attention to the game/team itself. I’m pretty sure it will be considerable mess..

  11. - regarding the real life IS-7 loading mechanism – according to developers it’s not an auto-loader, more like a mechanized loading assistant.

    It’s a hand cranked conveyor belt, which was probably more work than it was worth. It let you fire 7 shells at a decent rate, but you’d be down for several minutes at least refilling it.

    You can see it in part 2 of The Chieftains IS-7 video. It was an interesting idea, but would probably not have been very useful, which is mostly why they canceled the IS-7.

  12. - Q: “One of the HT individual missions is to ram two vehicles to death in one battle. That’s impossible, did any developer ever do that?” A: “So, you want to compare statistics with me? :D P.S: No offense”

    Had that happen a couple of times before, although it depends more on the stupidity of the opponent than anything intentional on your part.