Source: FTA VK community
Hello everyone,
in the current supertest iteration, the T-54 Prototype upcoming Soviet tier 8 premium was nerfed as such (stats for 100 percent crews):
- hitpoints reduced from 1400 to 1300
- accuracy nerfed from 0,345 to 0,364
- accuracy on the move nerfed by cca 25 percent
- aimtime nerfed from 2,4 to 2,49s
- hull traverse nerfed from 44 to 42
Currently, the stats look like this:
Tier 8 Soviet MT
Hitpoints: 1300
Engine: 520 hp
Weight: 35,5 tons
Power-to-weight: 14,65 hp/t
Maximum speed: 44/18 km/h
Hull traverse: 42 deg/s
Terrain resistance: 1,055/1,151/1,822
Turret traverse: 45,9 deg/s
Viewrange: 380
Radio range: 700
Hull armor: 120/90/?
Turret armor: 180/120/?
Elite gun: 100mm D-10T
Damage: 250
Penetration: 175
ROF: 7,821
DPM: 1955,4
Reload: 7,671
Accuracy: 0,364
Aimtime: 2,49s
Depression: -6
Make it -5 and we’re almost ok.
If it’ll get into T10, I won’t buy it.
The fucking T-44 get’s into T10, and the fucking Pershing too, yo!
Hmmm, looking at the stats… Type 59 anyone?
Even after first nerf, most of its stats wer better than on the 59. (Except turret armor and top speed)
Sad we don’t get it untouched.. ;)
Still better than T-44, T-34-2.
That gunhandling is so Type 59
That DPM is so tier 8 medium.
( i.e. underpowered/pretty bad, like almost all tier 8 mediums. )
Nerf maor. Make the giant flat turret mantlet 120mm thick and we’ll be talking. Tier 7 mediums need to penetrate it reliably. 180mm is just too strong for IS and IS-2.
ps: I wouldn’t buy it anymore, probably. This looks quite awful to play.
( the gun especially )
ESPECIALY if we get to test it like hitlerpanther.
I can see it now:
“My turret get’s penetrated by anything! It’s supposed to be good!”
No, it’s 180 mm thick and flat frontally. Any tier 8 except the T-44 and some premiums can penetrate that with ease if you give them shots at it.
“The gunhandling is terrible and I cannot penetrate the E75 anywhere, not even with premium.”
Want to penetrate E75? Don’t play T-54 Prototype.
“The front plate get’s penetrated all the time.”
Learn to angle.
“It’s useless in tier 10!”
Welcome to the T-44, T-34-2 life.
“The DPM is terrible.”
It’s average for tier 8 mediums. ( It’s just that tier 8 mediums have terrible DPM )
”It cannot flank!”
It’s a heavily armoured medium tank, if you want to flank with it, don’t.
“What am I supposed to do against a team full of heavies?”
Get lucky, Load premium and/or target lightly armoured targets.
“This tank sucks, why couldn’t I test it on the testserver?”
Working as intended.
“It never reaches 44km/h!”
The top speed can be reached when going downhill, it’s faster than the superpershing.
“I get ammoracked all the time!”
It’s a russian medium, getting ammoracked is what they do.
“Fuel tanks get hit a lot and often the tank catches fire.”
It’s a russian medium, getting set on fire is what they do.
lol, gj
serb in training :)
Please don’t touch the ground resistance. I want to be able to keep a decent speed in a straight line, that’s all I’m asking for.
At the end of the balancing :Ta-daaaaaam!!!!!!!
We can get another T-54 lwt as T8 premium med!!!!!
It’s a WG’ solution ohhh fvcking yeah!!!!!!!!
Q: Is admin FTR from Czech Republic? :D If yes, “Dobrá práce kámo” :)
So another tank to make T-44 & T-34-2′s harder to play eh??
They already have problems against Type 59′s UFP(not to mention the cupolas too, because they also have around 175 effective armor), and yet they add a tank with 180 effective armor on turret and hull. gg wg
I don’t know how you’re playing the T-44 and T-32-2 but the thing they have over this T-54 prototype is mobility. Who cares about frontal armour if you can run circles around it?
Hull traverse: 42 deg/s
It’s just as agile as the T-44 when it comes to turning.
You’ll have to track it first, then get around it and shoot it in the side while it can just hit and penetrate from the start. This tank will easily beat the T-44, 1 on 1. But, again.T-44 is quite bad 1 vs 1.
I do quite well with yhe t44. One of my higher wr tanks..around 55%
Lmao 55% wr. Wahoo!
55% is good considering the 50th best on the entire NA server is 59% (over 200 games)
this is speaking only about t44s oc