Straight Outta Supertest: Artillery Consumables in Numbers

Hello everyone,

a couple of guys got their hands on the 9.6 supertest client and mined it for content. One of the interesting things they found were the pieces of information about the new artillery and air strike consumables for Stronghold mode. Some of it is already known (see earlier post today), but there are also the artillery parameters. Pretty interesting. Of course, those numbers are just temporary.

  Price (gold) Delay (seconds?) Duration (seconds?) Shots Area Radius Penetration Reusable Cool Down (unit?)
Artillery Tier 1 10 4-10 10-20 10-20 10 80 Yes 1
Artillery Tier 2 20 4-10 20-30 20-30 10 80 Yes 1
Artillery Tier 3 30 4-10 30-40 30-40 10 80 Yes 1
Artillery Tier 4 40 4-10 40-50 40-50 10 80 Yes 1
Artillery Tier 5 50 4 4 50 14 80 Yes 1
Artillery Tier 6 60 4-10 60-70 60-70 25 80 Yes 1
Artillery Tier 7 70 4-10 4 100 19 90 Yes 1
Artillery Tier 8 80 4-10 80-90 80-90 10 80 Yes 1
Artillery Tier 9 90 4-10 90-100 90-100 10 80 Yes 1
Artillery Tier 10 100 4-10 5 150-150 24 100 Yes 1


Price (gold) Delay (seconds?) Speed Heights Area (length * width) Bombs Penetration Gravity Reusable Cool Down (unit?)
Bomber Tier 1 50 15-20 80 300-100 100*15 20-30 80 9,81 No 5
Bomber Tier 2 50 15-20 80 300-100 100*15 20-30 80 9,81 No 5
Bomber Tier 3 50 15-20 80 300-100 100*15 20 80 20 Yes 5
Bomber Tier 4 50 5-10 50 300-100 300*1 40-50 80 9.81 Yes 5
Bomber Tier 5 5 7 80 100 30*20 35 80 10000 Yes 5
Bomber Tier 6 50 5-10 50 300-100 300*30 20-30 80 9.81 Yes 5
Bomber Tier 7 7 6 80 100 40*30 75 90 10000 Yes 5
Bomber Tier 8 50 15-20 200 100-50 100*15 20-30 80 9.81 No 5
Bomber Tier 9 50 15-20 80 300-100 100*15 20-30 80 9.81 No 5
Bomber Tier 10 10 6 80 100 55*35 125 100 10000 Yes 5

22 thoughts on “Straight Outta Supertest: Artillery Consumables in Numbers

  1. So, basically, consumable arty tier 4 will cost 16000 credits (40 * 400 credits ), or actual 40 gold, or some amount of resources?

  2. Pingback: Ostrzał Artyleryjski i Nalot - Szczegółowe informacje!

  3. And Strongholds, what seemed like a fantastic mode, just got ruined by a P2W element… Joy.

    • Why is that pay to win ? You pay for it with SH recources you gain by playing, thats just the same as if you buy a better tank for credits ..

        • “how much resources do you get per unit of gold then?”

          None. As Corvi already stated, you gain resources by playing, and only by playing.

          • So much wow… Thank you captain, I did not realise that at all, I haven’t played SHs extensively… Kappa

            I meant as in, if they’re using gold as a placeholder then, how many units of resources would you get for one unit of gold, as an estimate…

            • Oh well, my bad then, I misinterpreted both your question and Strongholds experience based on your eagerness to cry P2W and far-from-precise English (the word “seemed” from you original comment suggests little or no experience with SH at all).

  4. Tier III, V, VII and X bombers seem to be from another planet as usual Earth gravity do not apply to their shells. Sweet! :-D

    Is it just me, or the numbers are completely random? Check tier V artillery delay for example – why all other tiers have 4–10 secs, but this one has 4? The same applies for many other columns (check tier VII penetration for example). *baffled*

    • > Supertest. (also some numbers might’ve gotten lost along the way)

      Btw, the 10000 gravity might simulate bombs being dropped in advance – meaning right when the plane is above the area, the bombs land and explode, not a second or two later.

      • Sure, but although the numbers are just placeholders, they could be invented with some sort of logic? Check arty vs. bomber prices for example. Arty prices seem logical, bomber would too – only if tiers V, VII and X weren’t just completely off the mark. :-)

        But you’re right, probably too much ado about nothing right now.

  5. so you have ~ 4 secounds to get out of an arty targeted area or die.

    heavys are screwed. mediums? the time it takes them to turn away from the sideof their cover the enemy is aiming at (lets say 3 secounds) and the time to accelerate out. they dead.

    ok how about reverse. 20km/h 4 secounds…..they dead.

    RIP strongholds

  6. Hmmm- Stronks may just have been knocked down a notch in fun factor – the teams with lots o gold will dominate as opposed the teams that prefer F2P – perhaps this is the beginning of the end…

    • Placeholder stats, that’s the super test client data, meaning that.. nothing is set in stone, the gold price might just be for testing purposes (easier then using Strong Holds resources)

  7. Too bad you’re not able to shoot some 75mm at the approaching bombers like in WT… :P I hope they implement the bomb whistling sound. Though I’ve left WoT far too much to be inclined to try SHs, even for that.

    • I laughed so hard when I shot a plane down with my Pz IV C, what a beautiful moment! :’D

  8. lol really? Tier 9 lasts for 90 to 100 sec depending on shots. So 1 shot a sec with 80mm pen and will splash at random in a 10m wide circular area. So if you take one you have time to get out and go around. If it don’t hit anything. That area is off limits for over a min and a half as most would stay away form it. Tier X. 150 shots in less then 5 seconds in a 24m wide area with 100mm of pen. Anything in that area will not have much warning with that amount of shells in that short time and it will severely screw up a large group if there is anything in there as most slow top tier tanks will not cover 12m fast even with the warning + reaction time. lol yeah I can see that working out well for most. Bombs have a bigger delay if fall time is not counted into to it. But that tier 10 one seems more like carpet bombing while the others is just a small “strafe”. Tho it does not say how much damage each does or how big the splash is on each shell/bomb. Only pen value and how big the targeted area is. So for all I know the tier X’s might have little to no splash to counter for the large amount of shells and bombs.

  9. How can WG do this?! are they insane?! they will ruin the game!!! Oh wait. This didn’t come from WG sources. Wait, it says “supertest”. Oh yeah, that’s another name for patchnotes. what do you mean it doesn’t mean patchnotes?

    Seriously guys, calm your tits. This stuff is leaked from supertest, which means, believe it or not, that they are still TESTING this feature, it’s not the final version.

  10. hmm, they mined a lots of data but did not find how much damage those bombs/artyshells done?