“Individual Missions” Stream Q&A

Source: http://world-of-ru.livejournal.com/3705579.html

Hello everyone,

recently, there was a stream with the Individual Missions as a topic with Aleksei “Inaki” Ilyin, Roman “Riot_Guy” Tabolin and one other guy. Here’s what was in it, thanks to Maiorboltach (as usual) for transcript:

- about 35k people is using the official WG Stream mod
- personal missions are named so because you have to complete them personally. There are platoon missions, but those too are personal, because every player has their own personal role even in platoon missions – you are completing your personal mission, just within a platoon
- the tier 4 requirement was added not to confuse newbies with IM’s, because it’s this timeframe when they learn to understand the game
- the IM’s were designed to emphasize all the aspects of gameplay mechanics (“so the old players could remember what the hell a scout is, that you need to scout the enemies, to tell the team their coordinates etc.”)

- there will be new individual missions in the future – it’s possible they will not have the same conditions for all the tanks like now, it’s possible the format of IM’s will change. There are plans for all that, but for starters, it will be discussed in detail.
- there is also a discussion about a special reward for completing all the IM’s, it’s possible it will not be tanks
- all the missions were designed in order to work as a part of your team’s gameplay, so the team achieves victory through completing each person’s individual task (SS: I call bullshit, some missions specifically ask for anti-team tactics, like suicide scout rushes to scout targets first)
- the special girl crew perk counts as “0 perk”, so the next perk after it (which is technically second) will progress with the same speed as if you were training your first one, it’s also not possible to remove
- girl tankers come with a free garage slot and with enough crew XP to train one more perk on the girl crewmember
- BIA and the girl crew perk do not work together, girl crews cannot train BIA
- StuG IV has limited MM
- completing the platoon missions is “not a problem”: you can find a platoon in chat or in forums. In the platoon, you get to know what teamplay is and get to meet other people
- the manual enabling of mission is there to get you acquainted with the mission objective, not just “win etc.” Some missions do have a certain luck factor, but over a couple of battles, if you try to complete them, you will succeed.
- there will a new window imlemented, that will offer you to continue to next mission from post-battle statistics
- first person got their StuG IV at 2:35 MSK on 16.1.2015, less than a day from the mission launch
- the list of people, who first got each of the tanks will be published on the RU WoT portal
- MT2 mission is bugged, damage and kill caused by ramming does not count
- TD2 mission is incorrectly formulated and will be reworked soon
- the TD2 mistake (external modules do not count towards module destruction, they have to be destroyed instad of damaged) is present in other missions too
- many condition phrasings will be changed soon, because many are not entirely comprehensible to players
- LT7 mission condition simply includes spotting damage (eg. arty has to be destroyed with you spotting)
- MT12 mission is wrong as well, it should be “personally destroy 3 enemy tanks while playing in platoon”
- it’s not technically possible to add dynamic IM status in the battle (SS: as in, seeing directly in battle for example how much more damage you have to deal), it will not be technically possible for a couple more patches
- TD14 is bugged as well, the platoon does not have to consist entirely of TD’s

85 thoughts on ““Individual Missions” Stream Q&A

  1. - personal missions are named so because you have to complete them personally. There are platoon missions, but those too are personal, because every player has their own personal role even in platoon missions – you are completing your personal mission, just within a platoon.

    What communism is this?!

      • Well gameplay has changed so much, in a negative way, that i have decided against playing anything above tier 3 for a while – and have actually had some great games with many other high exp folks who have noticed the same. I guess the game is changing for the better but not for all.

    • You know, usually I order my Chinese minions to complete weekend or monthly missions but these are are PERSONAL! I have to do them by myself, they challenge me!
      And platoons are also personal – you either platoon with yourself (for example on different account) or personally play in platoon. Again – no minions to help you!

      And platoon is solo play, well kind of, because you still have your PERSONAL role! Now accept it or PERSONAL GULAG!

      • I heard WG was laughing all week waiting to see how many of us would actually spend time on these personal missions. Personally I see more poor tactics driven by these missions than in the noob rush before the holidays… WG is really treading on thin ice….. “Working as Planned.”

  2. (SS: I call bullshit, some missions specifically ask for anti-team tactics, like suicide scout rushes to scout targets first)

    I think this mission should have a secondary (or even primary) to survive – then people would try to scout AND survive. Would be tougher, but proper scout-like.

    • That would make it a LOT harder though. Also, actually, I dont think so. People would just rush and they would gamble – maybe they survive, maybe they dont, which would only result in people doing that multiple times instead of just once.

      • Well, quick spotting and then switching to passive / support IS a valid tactic. I don’t have any other idea how to teach it to people, so if you have better ideas…

        Basically, everything in the missions except “do a win” and maybe “be first in team in XP / damage” can be considered as harmful, but then the missions would be veeeery bland.

      • I think a much better idea would be to implement a requiremwent of not to get killed or even not to take damage in the first 5-7 minutes of battle.
        It will motivate people to do this mission while scouting passivrly, or doing one quick run and then switching to support or passive scouting.
        Maybe even require them to dodge a shot or few?

    • Agreed… Surviving is hard (for me, apparently @26% survivability. Yeah I know I’m a noob :P ) but not to put survival as a condition just makes the players not to give a f-k when they completed the mission.
      On the other hand, I’ve seen players skip to the back of the map hiding until the gams is over. That’s not very helpful either. Tough case to crack ;)

    • No it shouldn’t. The “survive” secondary should be gone entirely. It is what leads to people doing the primary goal and then hiding for the rest of the match.

      • So, you prefer YOLO tanks over hiding ones?
        If they are hiding, the enemy may at least think they are camping/sniping (?)

        And by having the “survive condition” you might “learn” a thing or two on how to stay alive…

        • I do. YOLO tank can disturb expirienced player and spot bunch of enemies + SPG can be lucky and kill enemy one :-)

          But if you know that tomatoe scout wasn’t spotted? That mean he’s camping near his base or rushing as we speak in front of bunch of cannons :-D

          By my self i consider more dangerous tomatoe enemy team than ultra unicums one ;-) (yes i know i’m not alone :-D )

        • Yes. Yes I do.

          You prefer tanks doing literally nothing over tanks potentially doing something stupid but maybe at least marginally helpful? That is just “potentially”, since there’s no reason at all why they’d go YOLO after that rather than just switching to playing normally to get as many credits and XP out of the battle?

          There’s nothing to be learned out of these missions except how to be a terrible player.

    • Uh, I was able to get the “scout targets first” thing on the Stug done no problem. Granted, it was only two targets iirc, but I don’t foresee any problems with needing to do more for the later missions.

      You just need to know the map you’re on. Find a spot you know the enemy has to go by, do a quick pass. Viola, easy completion. Being stupid and rushing in head-first isn’t required.

      I personally did mine on Himmelsdorf because MM was being cute, simply rushed the center, spotted three tanks immediately and cut right at the fountain…then proceeded to camp the SE corner of the courtyard while a third of the enemy team continually shot at my cover from the east alley, allowing my team to tear them apart because they insisted on being distracted by me. Trololol, etc. People REALLY hate the Luchs and almost always make it a priority target, for some reason :<

      Personally, I hate having the survive condition; surviving the match isn't necessary for good scouting, /surviving until you're no longer needed/ is. Surviving is preferable, but it's not always possible (especially since everyone and their sister will shoot a light as soon as it's spotted, and a tier 4 light especially only needs a single snapshot hit from a Perfectly Balanced 122mm shell to be crippled/die), and it shouldn't be mandatory.

      "Survive until X minutes", or just increasing the difficulty of the missions somewhat, would be preferable to "survive no matter what until the end".

      • they should add to the primary objectives: “… and don’t die in the first minute, FFS” (with capitals :D)

        • I’d be down with that. As it is, the current iteration is teaching people how to suck at light tanks.

          Proper light tank driving is about taking calculated risks and being close to the enemy, providing eyes for the team and nasty flanking fire from unexpected places (with a spot of dogfighting with other light tanks for good measure). The only way to ensure you “survive” is to suck at light tanks by avoiding doing all of that.

  3. I want a button on the “primary objective completed”-window that let you restart the mission to complete the secondary objective. Not just a button to proceed to the next mission.

    ” it’s not technically possible to add dynamic IM status in the battle ”
    Let’s just wait for a mod then ;)

    Speaking of mods, some say they can see IM’s when pressing tab. I cannot and i presume it’s because of a mod I’m using… Anyone else seen this, and have you got it to work?

    • There is a button to let you try the mission again. Its on the missions tab, click a mission and press ‘improve result’

      • I know… But I want that button on the post battle screen :/
        It’s hard finding that button you’re talking about and I hate to click that many times ;)

      • 1st… you press go to the next mission… than you chose the one you want(its right behind that next mission)… so it goes really fast.
        But another button wouldnt hurt.

    • Speaking of mods, some say they can see IM’s when pressing tab. I cannot and i presume it’s because of a mod I’m using… Anyone else seen this, and have you got it to work?

      I can see that. The IM info is where the WOT tip is located during battle countdown. I just figured it was an XVM feature.

  4. “- personal missions are named so because you have to complete them personally.”

    Yeah, because all the other WoT missions can be readily outsourced to some chinaman for 1,50€/h right from game’s default UI…

  5. - personal missions are named so because you have to complete them personally.

    All this bullshit trying to defend a stupid name is literally retarded, specially because it doesn’t make any kind of sense.

    • QB played it for a number of games in the test version, and couldn’t get a tier VII game.

      Tank Inspector could be wrong.

      • Tank inspector isn’t wrong. It’s just the battle tiers, not the tiers of tanks that are in that battle. For example a battle where you see mostly tier 10 and some tier 9s+ tier 8 scouts is a tier 11 battle. Going by that logic it would only seem logical that a battle full of tier 6s is a tier 7 battle.

  6. - all the missions were designed in order to work as a part of your team’s gameplay, so the team achieves victory through completing each person’s individual task (SS: I call bullshit, some missions specifically ask for anti-team tactics, like suicide scout rushes to scout targets first)

    I have yet to come across a mission that would help your team achieve victory.

    • Lighting half the enemy team so yours can kill them before they get into position isn’t useful?

      Tracking a top-tier in the open so it can be taken out of the game early isn’t useful?

      Admittedly some are stupid and encourage recklessness (looking at you, LT/MT “fire on the move” missions), but there are plenty that both directly and indirectly help the team towards victory.

  7. - personal missions are named so because you have to complete them personally.

    I complete every fucking mission personally. Do they expect us to use certain programs for the other missions? What the fuck are they high on this time? Its sure to be something more than just vodka.

    - you are completing your personal mission, just within a platoon

    Then why is this called a team game when I’m just playing my personal game, just within a team.

    WG pls

  8. - completing the platoon missions is “not a problem”: you can find a platoon in chat or in forums. In the platoon, you get to know what teamplay is and get to meet other people

    Sorry but what? Random people and expect them Working Together?
    Storm you must be New here! Random battle teamwork? HAHAHAHAHA

    I am increasingly annoyed with these kind of stupid thoughts. Who fucking genius think this will work (find a platoon in general chat)?

  9. - girl tankers come with a free garage slot and with enough crew XP to train one more perk on the girl crewmember
    Do you not mean barrack slot rather than garage slot?

  10. “- the manual enabling of mission is there to get you acquainted with the mission objective, not just “win etc.” Some missions do have a certain luck factor, but over a couple of battles, if you try to complete them, you will succeed.”

    a couple of battles? luck? i spent whole day to set enemy tank fire.

      • i got stuck for 6 battles on the “Deal damage in first 5 minutes” one… Just streak of biggest bad luck in the world – impossible bounces, missing almost 100% sure hit, taking exactly the other line than enemy lemming train or shooting at tank just 0,0001s after it was IKd by arty… Or, of course – being IKd by arty myself

    • If you have trouble setting enemy on fire, drop to tier 5/6 and set KV-1 on fire, quite easy

  11. - the tier 4 requirement was added not to confuse newbies with IM’s, because it’s this timeframe when they learn to understand the game


  12. Amazing.

    Truly amazing.

    They make you sit in front of your calculators and play their shit, where you don’t own anything.

    Nice BJ, wanker people.

  13. - the tier 4 requirement was added not to confuse newbies with IM’s, because it’s this timeframe when they learn to understand the game
    Judging by some higher tier gameplay, this time to understand the game is nowhere near long enough

  14. Just add “Win battle” as a primary objective to most of the missions to prevent ppl from completing the objective and then going afk/suiciding.

    • Good point!
      Replace “survive” with “win” to make sure everyone is doing their best.
      Although a light tank’s role is to stay alive and spot for the team so that class might (sometimes) have to have the survive condition as well.

  15. - many condition phrasings will be changed soon, because many are not entirely comprehensible to players

    The issue is not the player not understanding, but WG not knowing how to properly explain things (they might not understand themsleves as well…)

  16. ya.. you start complaining about the IMs in the WoT NA forum and you get:

    1. Warned
    2. an email saying your warned
    3. you original post “cleaned up” and locked by the suck ass moderator that says “it’s not constructive”

    WTF is that? lol


    I guess shit happens when they don’t want the “public” to be aware of what’s gong on.

    Am i wrong or has the game play “changed” drastically in the past day or two?

  17. The survive goal is really stupid, I tried and I tried today, but it’s just not possible to kill a light tank as a medium, as everyone else wants to kill the light tanks as well. Sorry to bang on about it, but it was just pissing me off, and I really regret buying a month of premium in excitement, but the fun has just changed in blindly following the missions.
    It’s a nice try, but they should really have tested this and gathered feedback before throwing this garbage on the life server. And since when is grinding itself no longer consisered a viable mission?
    Anyway, I’m out for the next couple of days, had enough of the ‘fun’ missions.

  18. Am I the only one happy about IMs? People, just stop bitching and be happy you got the opportunity to win some cool tanks and a lot of credits, consumables and prem days… I think they are really fine and a lot of objectives help your team to win, bugs happen but I don’t consider them game breaking.

    • You are the worst kind of WG spy in forum.I have no words for people like you,such double faced person.This IM are by far the most stupid thing WG implement so far,ruined the game play completly.

    • I’m with u. Yes, there are phuckups, but we should be kind of use to that by now :-p – I think IMs are fun.

      Surprised (in the good way) that if you complete primary, then get killed, start a new battle before the other ends, complete prim and secondary in that, you DO get secondary mission completed.
      (expected that with the primary completed, the mission would not be active anymore)

    • Your a COMPANY SHILL. Wargaming Spy !!! Little Corporate sucking scumbag.

      These PMs are a massive Failure an you know it, your a wargaming little commie back stabber

      Crawl back to your Russian over lords.

  19. Exactly. I made about a million credits the first day. This is also going to make me learn how to play tanks that I don’t play, like lights and mediums.

    • You will learn a lot by playing yolo and non team tactics?You are big noob and retard and dont deserve to play this game.Sad story is that you got some credits and such players like you will play WOT more and more in the future.

  20. - the IM’s were designed to emphasize all the aspects of gameplay mechanics (“so the old players could remember what the hell a scout is, that you need to scout the enemies, to tell the team their coordinates etc.”)

    Good lord… Do those morons even play their own fucking game?

  21. ” – it’s not technically possible to add dynamic IM status in the battle (SS: as in, seeing directly in battle for example how much more damage you have to deal), it will not be technically possible for a couple more patches”

    Indeed, adding a simple feature to a game that THEY’VE CREATED is technically impossible. I guess the von Neumann architecture was not designed for this kind of task.

  22. Pingback: 17. 1. 2015

  23. “personal missions are named so because you have to complete them personally”
    What, I’ve been completing missions personally in the past when I could have been outsourcing that shit? Fuuuuuuuucccckkkkk.
    Since the Russian economy is going down the toilet (between oil and not grasping that playing with real tanks has consequences) maybe we could have a UI button to “Hire Stronk Russian Player for Mission Completion.” WG take their cut, and everyone is happy. But it would take them three years to implement the button correctly before they start working on the backend…

  24. first person got their StuG IV at 2:35 MSK on 16.1.2015, less than a day from the mission launch

    How if there are so many bugs that other people are having problems with?

  25. serb ” u dont have to play arty u can skip 1 ” yea if u god inaf to make secod condition in light med td and heavy tanks….. if u dont make even 1 u have to play arty



  27. Dunno if someone said already this, but why the **** some stupid nolifer got all missions completed and he’ll be mentioned somewhere that I dont even care. And WG admit that there is alot of bugs within the missions??? Seriously…no comment.

  28. All this trouble, time, work, etc for tanks That are NOT EVEN TRUE $$ Money MAKING TANKS ?? WTH ??

    Think of all the bad game play this is creating for us all?

    This is so messed up. :(

  29. I’m not going to complain endlessly but I need to throw my .02 cents in and say that the game play was AWFUL this weekend. I was very frustrated due to game after game of stupid decisions and selfish, self-absorbed “IM’s” being more important than actual team-based strategy used in a strategy game.

    I think this concept isn’t all that bad, but they should have tested the idea and refined the concepts to see if they would wreck the team play. Destroying team play in a team based game just makes me want to find other games to spend my time with since I play this game because I enjoy it…destroying the flow of the game is frustrating. I don’t like playing games that frustrate me.