Hello everyone,
Russian Wotfan channel published a video with a preview of the upcoming premium vehicles. Check it out.
- ISU-130 is a special vehicle for moderators. It’s not very fast and agile and the armor is meh, but the gun is okay.
- AMX-13/57 is tier 7 premium French light tank with super-rapid fire autoloader (57mm with 143/195mm penetration, magazine reloads for 15 seconds). The tank is fast, but NOT very nimble though.
- STA-2 is much like STA-1, but it’s slower and not very agile and has poor armor. Penetration of the 90mm is 185mm, but it has 275mm HEAT rounds.
- AMX CDC has a good gun and insane agility and speed, but no armor whatsoever. Gold rounds have interesting 259mm penetration. The vehicle is a second-line support tank thanks to its lack of armor.
Neither CDC nor STA-2 have limited MM.
CDC not OP at all. Fucks T10 easilly.
The mobility + gun is insane… what were the devs smoking when they made this tank? O.o
>> – AMX CDC has a good gun and insane agility and speed, but no armor whatsoever. Gold rounds have interesting 259mm penetration. The vehicle is a second-line support tank thanks to its lack of armor.
Make a tank that has “TD” in its name, plays like a scout and place it in tree as a MT… WG at its finest…
And what was WG supposed to do? Weld the turret to the hull so that it acts as a superstructure, then replace this gun with a gun that has 700 alpha and reloads for 16 seconds? And then make the vehicle slow as a snail? Maybe add some frontal armor? And CDC doesnt have TD in its name, it has “tank hunter”.
Imagine war gaming introducing turreted, unarmoured, fast firing tank destroyers, they would never do that would they, like last month …..
But tank realna je is kartona !
And it seems to acelerate faster than amx 13/57 ?!
Standard wargaming. Create a premmie french lite that has worse agility than a french heavy. Create a premmie french medium with the gun of a heavy, the armor of a lite, and better agility than a lite and as big as a heavy. Eastern Block engineering at its best.
Like i said. They dont give a shit about logic. In WoT a light tank is less mobile than a heavy xD fuck logic hehe
“Gold rounds have interesting 259mm penetration.” arl 44/amx m4 45/fcm50t etc etc guns, all of the have the same pen, then whats the interesting in the cdc?
Combination with mobility.
heh? bro i don’t think if you gonna use the mobility and get in the ass of an is7/e100/maus you’re going to load in gold and spam thier ass with gold when the regular ammo can pen them, don’t give idiots more idea. its a prem tank why the fuck would anyone shoot gold with a prem tank?
You know.. sometimes.. you make more money for shooting prem rounds than bouncing 2-3 none prem rounds, when you are shooting a heavy armored tank from the front, while you are sitting back giving fire support Or working some hills.
Because even with enough mobility sometimes trying to circle someone is just too risky/impossible. If you want to win in certain situations – gold ammo is required. Unless victory is not your primary goal, which means you’re not playing a team-based game correctly.
many players are shooting with APCRs on premium tanks, ofcours mostly low pen guns like on IS-6,T-34-3,112 and sometimes i see even T34 or LOLwe…so why not here?
Low pen guns? 175mm pen and 390 alpha and 122 caliber is quite good considering you meet tier 9 max. I dont get why the fuck people are co,plaining. You want better pen then play regular tanks but be prepaired top also meet alot more tier 9 and 10.
And they do just fine with 175mm!
Of course they do, they have same pen as the T44 but with 390 dmg and 122mm caliber = easy overmatch on turrets on caernarvon, tiger II and is3, something that is alot more difficult on the T44 using the 100mm.
Hopefully Non RU mods will get ISU 130 as well
hopefully wg eu not going to get isu 130, because they work verry hard , right?
yep, me too
You want more people to suffer?
That amx seems like a nice vehicle. The clip shoots insanely fast. Could be used as a tank to grind the 13 90 crew. Is there any info about it’s price and when it’s gonna be introduced?
Price: ~7000 gold. I think it should come out in 9.6 in premium shop.
Gonna definetly buy it in that case.
Yep, looks really… promising. And if it can reach it’s max speed, may be really trollish tank, something like tier VII Pz I Ausf. C :)
I want it too but it seems to be really slow turning for such a small tank.
Also.. 145mm pen, very very small caliber.
That’s gonna bounce a lot.
Ad if there is one thing I hate is that I need to put gold ammo in a tank to make it work.
I hope this time we can drive the new premium in the test server.
Not like that P88 fiasco (no I didn’t buy one :P)
They already said that we won’t be able to test premiums that arrive on the test server of the patch when they are being introduces. And honestly, I dont see a problem. You can test in on the next test server.
Anyone else think the 13 57 is better than the 1375?
Why doesnt the STA2 get prem MM. That thing is worse than the Panther 88. Worse gun too. Who would honestly buy that over the P88. The P88 has a better gun.
It would get murdered in tier 10 games. I dont care if its cheap if it does bad in tier 10 games not worth it. Rather get the FCM 50t.
In case you missed it, they are about to phase out all MM-limited vehicles for some reason.
It’s easy: some vehicles let you change flow of battles too easily. IS-6, 50t come to mind first. I think E-25 had that as a secondary reason for removal as well.
The thing is, most of those vehicles do have severe drawbacks that give a reason for their limited matchmaking, even though they are very good in their own tier and it needs extraordinary players to make them work well outside their bracket.
Rather than phase out pref MM tanks, why not just give them guns that are sufficient for them to have standard MM? Would that make too much sense for WG?
Imagine something as FCm50t against tier X.
The gun isnt the problem, armor is. This thing is as big as a TOG, and has no armor. You get your ammorack damaged almost everytime you take a hit…
JagdPanzerE-100s would oneshot these things, and others would kill it in 20s.
IS-6, it has the armor, but the gun is terrible for tier X and they would never change it. They love their D-25t. They even kept it on IS-4 remember ?
KV-5, impossible to adapt gun without making it OP, and nerf armor is removing the special thing about it.
E-25, only way to give it normal mm would be pen’ buff… And how op would it become…
Tanks that have limited mm have it for a reason: impossible to let them normal mm without making them either op or useless.
AMX CDC will have hard time against tier X as soon as it’s spotted, so lt’ll have to camp behind battle… And how frustrating is it to have the best mobility in the game (32hp/t I think) if you have to camp behind and not go fight ?
It’ll be op when toptier, but terrible when lowtier for sure. Worst scenario for it ? City map, tier X game. And then, you cant be more useless
“Imagine something as FCm50t against tier X.
The gun isnt the problem, armor is. This thing is as big as a TOG, and has no armor. You get your ammorack damaged almost everytime you take a hit…”
Yeah because tier 8 and 9 guns don’t pen you already 9 out of 10 times.
But at least their DPM/Alpha is more in line with what you have to offer in terms of hitpoints and own DPM.
Yeah, lets take away one of the best features of premim tanks. I’m sure nobody will demand a refund.
Yeah, you’re such a genius.
You can’t give them other guns, so you’d have to downtier tanks with limited MM. Imagine IS-6 being on tier 7 next to IS-1/2. That’s where the gun would belong.
Horrifying, right?
I bought some of the premium tanks ESPECIALLY because they have pref MM.
I hate arty, I hate gold ammo but the next thing I hate is the tier system.
I absolutely hate +2MM when I’m in my tier 8 and after 30 seconds I see our tier 10′s just melt away.
Here I am in my Pershing, facing 2 Bat Chats.
Noooo sir, absolutely haaaate it. The only premium tanks I will buy HAVE to have pref MM. Otherwise I won’t buy them because I think T10 games are totally messed up these days.
The more people who play tier 9 and 10 due to the easyness, the more high tier games tier 8 tanks will face. Yesterday 80% of all games were tier 10 and that is not normal for. Back in the days far few people were playing tier 9 and 10 so you end up in tier 9 and 10 games much less in your tier 8s.
In fact the whole week in the evening you meet unusually much tier 10, dont know if its due to the missions but not normal. Also ALOT of high tier TDs and arty, they seem to creep out again making the game cancer. Like a combination of post 8.6 TD infestation and pre 8.6 arty infestation (5-6 tier 10 TDs and 3-5 artys are common this week).
2+ MMis good but not if you are like 2-4 tier 8, 2 tier 9 and the rest tier 10.
The main problem with +2 MM is powercreep and that MM favour “the highest” tier too much!
Far too many such battles have way more +2 tier tanks than +1, which is an utter bollock and completely unfair for the lowest tier tanks in any given battle.
MM tier spread of +2 should be fixed only to certain combinations! And set to 4 (+2tier) – 5 (+1tier) – 6 as max allowed for tier distribution for +2 tier tanks!
180 effective UFP on the IS6 isnt impressive and the turret is fairly crap,just the side armor when angled. and thats at t8,where a t34 can usually pen you in the turret or the UFP. now imagine that armor bring useless at t10, and being boged down by the weight
I guess they are removing the MM limit so people don’t just buy a tier 8 premium with the luxury of being able to affect the outcome all the time (which is kind of crap when a 50 battle player buys one). Most tier 8 premium heavies are pretty forgiving even in tier 9 games. Creating premiums without MM limit requires brain activity for the driver, and if someone is not happy with that no one obliges you to buy it!
You still need to be a good player to do that and good players can do that in regular ones just as well, so that would be a cheap excuse.
I agree to some degree. Some tier 8 premiums with limited MM has too much luxury opposed to people who play regular tier 8 mediums and heavys (I dont count TDs because there are not taking huge risks anyways).
I dont know how MM works, but I suspect that the more t8 prems with special MM that exist, the more often regular t8 will get into t10 filled games with only 1-2 t9. Even back in the days you rarely had over 50% t10, some t9 and the rest t8.
Need CDC
Wow, those french tanks are pure awesomeness. The AMX CdC looks amazing. I’m going to buy it in the first minutes after is put on sale. I don’t want another SU-76i frustration.
Good playyer: “So good!”
Bad player: “One-hit by arty again?”
32hp/ton – hit it with arty my ass :)
But yeah, bad players gonna camp the shit out of it anyways..
And HUGE acceleration.
That beast was already at 30km/h a second after he started moving.
Getting hit by arty? Man, you can probably dodge some shells when seeing their tracers in the air….
So AMX 13/57 is essentially AMX 13/75 but with less alpha and more shells in it’s clip? Looks fun.
And super fast intraclip. PEWPEWPEWPEWPEW
1 sec inclip reload, you fire 6 shells before the 75 fires 3.
It empties the clip in 7 sec for 720 damage compared to 810 damage in 14 sec.
…oh, man. I hadn’t realized that. Gonna be so good XD
Most tankers react to ambushes (time from being shot at to time they shoot back) at around 5 seconds; 13 57 would have fired 6 rounds and did 540 damage by then. Add in the fact magazine reloads in 15sec… OMG this is gonna be sooooo troll
It will probably be a T7 light with normal matchmaking. Think about the implications for a moment.
Pingback: Video: AMX CDC, STA-2, ISU-130 a AMX-13/57
remember that PROBABLY soon we will have all “special MM” tanks GONE from shop ….!!!! probably they will increase the credits earned with a premium tank to have some profitability no matter what tier you are against!!!! and this is my believe. Let’s say that we are fucked with our premium account nerfed and we will never have something to win in this game but rage , irritation and frustration …and that is because SerB doesn’t gives a shit about us … only our money is important.
AMX CDC = FCM50t – premMM + jet reactor.
Same gun, same appearance, same kind of armor, about the same topspeed. It´s just an fcm50t with the old Foch155′s engine.
Only choice between the two of them: mobility/matchmaking.
Same kind of armor ?
Yea, I get occasional bounces from angled FCM’s front or turret, but in CDC case… ehmm, not likely. :)
FCM has exactly the sort of armor you need on something that mobile : enough armor to stop HE shells from penetrating. Well maybe not the rear, and maybe not resisting high pen HESH, but enough to stop that eager E100 from loading an HE and slamming 1000 damage.
CDC? Nothing of the likes.
Honestly, that’s a good thing, because tanks like that will make people take less gold ammo into battle (marginally) and more HE. People learning to use HE rounds again will mean less gold flying around (marginally) .
TL;DR : CDC is the second coming of Jesus. True fact.
Well, if it keeps the insane mobility, then fuck it – I can live easy with that in Tier10 games.
But Panther88, STA-2 and T-54 Proto on the other hand – I don’t see them working in Tier10 games at all.. Yea, of course some lucky games and shots. But in general, if you have no armor and pen, mediocore mobility, then you can simply be a 3 shot destroyable decoration in Tier10 games most of the time..
Prem tenks should be alot worse than regular tanks. Dont complain pls.
No they shouldn’t. Premium tanks should be balanced according to their tier or abilities.
P.S.: I’m fine with the CDC having normal matchmaking. The FCM50t armor is essentially useless anyways and the CDC deals with the one really limiting factor of the FCM50t quite nicely (size and camo).
No they should be worse than regular same tier tanks in all aspects, what would be the point else playing regulars? They can be balanced according to their abilities but they should still be worse in all aspects. As we all know WG has had a history of too good premiums in the past, so nobody can complain.
In one way people speak of tanks having too little pen, and in another way people speak of tanks having too little armor. To me, all tanks should get penned frontaly if hitting weakspots thats it. Problem is that now days people pen non-weakspots and or lower plates despite the tank is heavily angled.
One of the solutions is to nerf accuracy heavily so less well aimed shots will bounce and will give you the advantage if aim longer and damage the enemy (like it was befire). No “less well” aimed snapshots should hurt heavily armored targets. I liked the old game better where people move closer to make damage and hit weakspots, not like it is now where anybody can hit anything from so long distances, making the game static.
this is insane….. how they cannot see that CDC is insanely good, OP even, and STA-2 is uderpowered crap tank, even in its tier…… wtf are they thinking?….. balancing department is out of touch….. have they even played the game before?
STA-2 doesn’t look much worse than the T-44 or T-34-2 to be honest.
T-54 prototype doesn’t look much worse than the T-44 or T-34-2 to be honest.
You can always load full premium with those tanks in tier 10 games and be somewhat useful against armoured targets.
( yes, I am being sarcastic )
I hope you are since I dont see why you even would want to damage tier 9 and 10 heavys frontaly with tier 8 mediums that are balanced around mobilty rather than pen and armor (panther II, STA-1, indien pz, centurion).
I wasn’t serious, indeed. I was talking about shooting the sides with the premium ammo, though. 175/185 in the sides of a lot of tier 10 tanks is simply not enough when coupled with bad or mediocre accuracy.
175mm is only bad if you hit spaced armor or tracks on tanks having thick side armor. Also accuracy ahaha, the accuracy is too good these days even for low acc guns, which many mediums dont really hjave to beginn with.
the STA-2 is way worse than the T-44 and T-34-2, it’s got the Type 61′s hull which gives it a camo rating of 9% when stationary compared to 17 or 18% of the “worse” tanks. It’s got no pen, meh mobility and no camo.
It should be much worse than t44 and t-34-2 because it is a premium, dont forget that. I am glad that WG has made that statement. The times of pref MM tanks like fcm 50, is6, type 59 etc is gone, they influence the battle too much (look global WR). No matter how it is, all premiums should have lower WR than regular tanks. T44 has 49%? Well then make the STA-2 get 48% WR even if that means it should get heavily nerfed.
The Type 61′s camo factor is out of wack anyways. I hope they fix it at some point.
Did I just saw AMX CDC accelerating from 0 to 55 in ~5 seconds ?
32hp/t :)
LTTB, known to ne a rocket, has 25 I think.
This thing is the fastest vehicle in the game (not in topspeed, but in acceleration). 50km/h in 5s… Sadly you’ll have to camp a lot and stay still when you’re against tier X. Frustrating.
LTTB is around 31 hp/t.
Basically the son of a FCM and an ELC.
I hope the ELC is the father… hehehe
BT-2 has more hp/t, even after ground resistance.
What about JT88? JT would be totaly unuseable in tierX. SPershing also :)
Current premium tanks won’t see their MM chaged. It’s possible they will be removed eventualy from the shop
It will take forever. But WG needs to introduce more tier 8 premium tanks with non-impotent guns first. They might as well scrap the STA-2 and T-54 prototype with their current guns, though. With normal matchmaking I cannot see either selling very well. Even for shooting the flanks with 175 penetration is not a guaranteed penetration quite a few tier 8 and 9 tanks and 185 doesn’t give much trustworthy performance either. I hope the STA-2 will be accurate when firing, I’m sure to have read that the T-54 prototype will have quite horrible accuracy already, though.
AHAHA, more prem tanks with better guns when you have many tanks that are regular tier 8 heavys with 175-180mm pen?. Those pens only bounce if you shoot targets that has thick side armor or are slightly angled or shoot the tracks or spaced armor and in that case even 200+mm will bounce. How did people play meds before gold ammo existed?
175m pen is tier 6-7 heavies (except Tigers), what are you smoking?
I mean tier 8 mediums, omfg kid.
Those mediums are the biggest under-performers for those most part, though.
Except the Type 59, because reasons. Honestly giving the tier 8 mediums 190 pen or more wouldn’t exactly make them OP with their dpm being lower than the heavies of the same tier to begin with.
It might popularize the T-44 / T-34-2 a bit as those tanks are rare on the battlefield for good reasons and when they do show up it’s mostly people grinding through them.
I’m actually one of those who thinks the tier 8 mediums should get tier 8 heavy matchmaking weight and be buffed accordingly. The T-44 has tier 7 heavy matchmaking weight and that’s simply retarded. the tier 8′s could use adjusting especially for a tier that is used in competitive gaming, I’d rather that the mediums be viable in 7/54 other than the T69 loaded with full gold.
Giving mediums more pen will make the situation similar to tier 10 where mediums with no doublt can pen most heavys frontaly, something that is not the point to beginn with. Even today all tier 8 mediums can pen all tier 8 heavys frontaly except the kv4. So their pen is really accordingly.
You cant just “buff” tier 8 mediums and not look at what other tier 8 tanks there are. Buffing tier 8 mediums pen will increase the penentration inflation, where if you buff one class you need to buff the others since tier 8 heavys also see tier 9 and 10 and have armor that is hardly significant towards 175 and 180mm pen guns at tier 8 to beginn with. I see no sane reason to increase the pen of tier 8 mediums specialy since there is only 3 tier 8 mediums having 175-180mm pen. All other have 200-226mm pen, just like their heavys in same tier.
I said that their matchmaking would be buffed as well, their winrates are artificially inflated right now due to their matchmaking being the same as some tier 7 heavies the T-44 has the lowest matchmaking weight of them all. The winrates of tier 8 mediums aren’t very good compared to the tier 8 heavies outside of the over-performing Object 416 and Type 59 to begin with even in the higher segment. Literally put they simply are not viable material for 7/54 which is due to not matching in performance with tier 8 heavies due to having been balanced toward lower matchmaking weight meaning that they see lower tier games more often than tier 8 heavies thereby inflating their ability to carry games despite being balanced to be effectively inferior in terms of ability to carry their own games.
But this is just repeating what I already wrote. 175 penetration against tier 8 heavies penetrating some weakspots on the front of heavy tanks is normal, it was that way in reality as well and at the fighting ranges in this game it would be possible to do so more than unreliably.
Yes but the solution no matter how you look upon it is not to buff pen values on tier 8 mediums as some mediums have similar pen to tier 8 heavys and struggle little to pen them now days. The differance is that some mediums in tier 9 and 10 are alot more competitive againt heavys comapred to what tier 8 meds are to tier 8 heavys. Just like a while ago some tier 9-10 TDs were jack of all trades. The same reason tier 8 TDs are also less competitive in general to both heavys and mediums than in tier 9 and 10 were a while ago.
I dont know about the T44 but WG has really make armor useless with mediums having close to heavy pen, like STA-1, new AMX CD, and even the centurion 1. Its better not to introduce paper tanks with mediocre mobilty and then give them such a high pen gun just to “balance it out” it is not good for anybody. Just like RHM and all those 2nd line TDs, paper tanks but monster guns. Guns that make armor even more useless than it alreaddy is.
You get kinda frustrated when even your non weakspots get penned by tanks far away not even designed to engage heavys and shoot their “non” weakspots. And or take damage that is similar or higher than in your heavy (obj 416, t-34-3). There is a reason mediums and TDs are so popular in tier 9-10, because they do do everything better and they have guns that make armor useless (with or without gold).
Also in t9-t10 some mediums have close to heavy alpha as well.
Some people here fair to realise that come premiums have as much or even more pen than regular tier tanks. The STA has 185mm pen which is more than many regular tier 8 heavys. And yes they should be worse in all aspects than regular tanks even if it means they need to meet tier 10 just so they can be weaker. Now days damny premiums have it too easy only meeting one tier above max, which is why their overall WR is so much better than regular tanks.
I’m pretty sure that regular tier 8 heavies have over 200mm pen…
Troll attempt: 0/10. Try harder next time.
No I mean mediums nub not heavys omfg if you dont even know what I mean even if I said wrong then you nub.
Why would I have to try and understand your bad writing when you could have taken 10 seconds to proof-read it? Your opinion is not so important for me to work to understand it. You need to make it understanding.
I dont get it they want to rebalance penetration and yet they introduce another medium tier 8 with 212mm pen and 259mm gold ammo pen? Where is the fucking balance in that? And that sucker is mobile as hell as well.
I feel sad for gold ammo users I play regularly with 225mm pen and even that is too much at tier 10 some times because you can damage all tanks and just a few not frontalty (but hey balance you know). I am sick and tired of spoiled gold kids relying on the tanks rather than their skill.
AMX 13/57 will be infinitely better than the AMX 13/75. I feel the AMX 13s could use a small buff in the speed department. The only thing they have going for them against the other light tanks is the burst damage. And now, with the M41 M32 late nerf, it looks like the M41 will have better burst than the AMX 13/75.
definitely gonna be getting the amx 13/57 unless it’s over priced.
Where is the M56 Scropion?
No way in hell will CDC keep that mobility, that’s just plain broken
The firepower is just adequate considering it doesnt get pref MM and it has no armor. It needs the mobility to stay competitive.
It has 212mm pen and very good mobilty. What other regular tier 8 mediums have significant armor and that kind of firepower to beginn with? Panther II, centureon, indien pz? Pls tell me.
The AMX CDC basically makes the FCM 50T look like a pile of garbage. I mean jesus the FCM50T is a heavy tank but the CDC is superior in every aspect except 100hp health points. I demand that wargaming nerf this thing or remove FCM50T from the shops and buff it so it can rival that CDC alien POS.
FCM50T isn’t a bad vehicle despite this, I’d claim it more fun to drive than the IS-6 by far and more fun to drive than any of the tier 8 mediums. ( although I cannot speak for the Type 59 )
limited matchmaking makes up for all statistical advantages of CDC.
BS. This tank will do fine as a scout and second line flanker in tier 10. Furthermore it has T-50-2 acceleration. Also FCM50T is not great but with CDC basically FCM50T’s role is useless i expect wargaming will buff its DPM.
I don’t think you realize how much of a massive advantage limited MM is.
But again the CDC even with normal MM is OP as hell.
It’s acceleration is the key to success in tier 10 games it can literally just roam about and scout with Camo Net + Binocs + Optics FFS. Couple that with BIA + View Range skills and you have a bloody ultra mobile T-50-2 on insane steroids.
The thing has nearly 0.200 on bloom for tracks, turret and traverse. In case you don’t know how much it is = it’s a lot. It’s pretty bad for a med and closer to derpy HTs .
This means your accuracy on the move will be terrible, and snapshots will often “fly to the stratosphere”.
Optics, binocs,camonet? nope, nope, nope. You _really_ need vstab to reduce the dispersion, you need a rammer to stay relevant, and you need optics to combat other meds. Keep in mind that it’s a big tank, likely to have a meh camo. This means every tier 10 medium tank with optics will outspot you easily, forcing you to take great caution in scouting, as this will easily backfire on you vs. competent players.
I wouldn’t mind a buff since I own an FCM but it’s not like it’s a bad tank. It has more hitpoints, armor that can bouce on occasion and it is the only french heavy tank crew trainer. Also the limited MM allows the tank to influence every battle it gets into, unlike the CDC which will still have a hard time against tanks on tier 10 that can either 2-shot it or snipe it with tier 10 laser cannons. All in all, FCM still has its place next to the CDC.
Tell me that other tier 8 regular mediums that are more competitive compared to this CDC?
The 13 57 looks fun!
The AMX 13 57 is sooo cute. ^^
And the AMX “Tank Destroyer” CDC looks really cool and fun too.
I hope these two will be regular buyable premium tanks. =)
OK, so lets say we remove the 50t from the shop. What is going to replace it as a French heavy premium? Lets not forget that one of the primary reasons to have premium tanks is crew training. Sure, they make money (if you don’t spam gold, break even pretty often if you do though), but crew training is equally important. I’m all for a French medium premium, the CDC being one of the few new premiums I plan to buy, but we still need a heavy crew trainer, 50t or otherwise.
As it stands right now the Lorraine and Bat-Chat are the only French mediums (well, the D2, but no one plays that for anything other than to grind through) while there are seven French heavies, including the very popular autoloaders. I know they say the AMX 30 branch is coming “soon” ™, but is anyone really holding their breath on that one? Do we really want to encourage Wargaming to replace the 50t with something like an AMX 50-90 or 50-100-2 (or whatever else they can make up). Sure it gets standard matchmaking, but who wants people to be able to purchase a tier 8 premium with an autoloader?
The 50t gets limited matchmaking because its a heavy, not because the gun is bad. The gun is good, but the combination of no armor and low alpha on a heavy tank (in name, even if not necessarily play style) makes it become much less effective than the standard tech tree tier ten heavies in tier 10 matches. The IS-3, 110, Tiger II, AMX 50-100, etc. can hold their own in tier 10 matches. They can’t take hits well, but they have the combination of pen and damage to make a difference. 240 damage on a tank classified as a heavy, with less pen to boot than other tier 8 heavies, doesn’t cut it.
Either way FCM50T needs a DPM buff if the CDC goes live because it cancels out the FCM50T’s play style. FCM50T is the second line sniper and occasional spotter and flanker where as CDC can do all that but 100x better.
Except that the enemy team doesn’t (almost always) get a proper T8 heavy instead of your FCM50t, but just a proper T8 med. All in all the FCM50t really is a T7 tank that is too good for T7. The CDC is just a proper T8 med with workable drawbacks.
FCM50T is mostly top of the list unless it gets T9. CDC may be a med so it will be placed lower in the MM table but it can do all the work the FCM can do but just amazingly better.
DPM BUFF NEEDED. FCM is a heavy not a medium and the CDC is what the FCM50T should have been like!.
Wargaming are morons if they put the CDC on the live server as it currently stands.
And then there is the Caernarvon, which has less DPM, slightly better armor, similar camo and is slower ;)
(Geez, I really wonder when WG will upgrade the DPM on the T6, 7 and 8 brit heavies).
Still its overall stats are better than vk45b and tiger II….
The CDC is OP for a prem. Everyone can see this miles away.
But at least, this shows once again, that their balancing department doesnt play their own game. They have no idea, what they are doing. -_-
The normal T8 matchmaker is indeed a bitch though….
biggest mistake would be to release the tank as normal premium…….. you will see 6 of them every single game…… plain op tank, dumb balancing….. who in his right mind would buy STA-2?….. you cannot make credits in it, you cannot train crew, what is the purpose of such vehicle
WG will release OP premium and then remove it after some months when all suckers have spent money to get it. General tactic and then they will hype it once more before they remove it so even more people buy.
What has to be done is nothing, just make sure regular tier 8 dont see tier 9 and 10 so freaking often. So a MM tweak or somethhing, I rather wait 10-20s more and get a good MM than getting thrown in a tier 10 game 7/10 times.
well lets see…
STA-2 is pretty slow, not agile. 185 pen gun. no prem MM
or you could get AMC CDC with 212 pen, over 30hp/t. no prem MM
or FCM 50t with 213 pen. epic hp/t and prem MM
or panther 8.8 with 202 pen. decent mobility. no prem MM
before now, the only prem tanks that have seen tier 10 have had good guns and armor.
CDC is understandable that it sees tier 10.
but FCM50t? if a tank isn’t as good as that then why does it see tier 10
STA-2 has worse mobility than T-34-3, IS-6, WZ-111. its gun only has 10 more pen. but alot less armor.
its a fkin gold spam tank.
why would you buy STA-2 when it has 185 pen. relies on gold spam, horrible armor. and horrible mobility?
Panther 8.8 has 202 pen, sure it has bad hp/t but it has amazing terrain resistance that makes up for it.
sure its armor is bad, but it has enough to bounce when extremely angled.
sure it gets in tier 10, but 202 pen will work better than 185 (even if it wont work on alot of tanks. tis better than 185)
heck. why buy STA-2 at all when FCM50t is better all around.
if u want a japanese prem the chi-nu kai might have iffy mobiltiy and armor. but its gun is enough to deal with anything it meets.
exactly…… the biggest dumbest thing in here is STA-2….. why is this tank even here?……. for what?….. it cannot make money, it cannot train crew (it can, just chi-nu-kai is miles better at it)….. it will be even worse clusterf*ck than panter88….. SuperPershing looks like monster comparing to STA
so, a french med with mobility better than all french LTs bar ELC.
And a french LT with mobility worse than the top tier heavies. Makes lots of sense. Why are all the french LTs apart from 13 90 useless shits with mobility of mediums? And with useless guns to top that off.
I beg to differ. The AMX40 is far from useless, though it does have a bad gun.
“- STA-2 is much like STA-1, but it’s slower and not very agile and has poor armor. Penetration of the 90mm is 185mm, but it has 275mm HEAT rounds.”
All I see there is “Fuck you, Pershing.”
The power creep continues.
Of course, power creep only exist because WG introduce tanks that has better and better firepower and gold ammo pen than regular tanks alreaddy existing. Combine that with the removal of battletier 12? and regular tier 8 meet tier 10 at least 50-60% of the time on a lucky day.
The Pershing is still a better tank than the STA. The STA-1 has a better gun, but the mobility is the same, and the Pershing has some armor plus a very bouncy turret. The STA-2 has basically the same AP pen as the Pershing (185 v. 180), but I’d take the Pershing’s 258mm pen APCR over the STA’s 275mm pen HEAT any day of the week.
I won’t be buying an STA-2. I might do a mission to get one for free if that ever comes around. If the STA-2 had limited matchmaking, I might consider it. However, I have no desire to play what is essentially a nerfed STA-1 in tier 10 matches. The primary advantages of premiums are credit earning and crew training. Credit earning is fine, but it is reduced by matchmaking that will encourage (notice I don’t say require) the use of HEAT. Crew training is great, but there are an extremely limited number of tanks in the Japanese tree, and even fewer of those are worth keeping. I’d say at best most Japanese tank players need three skilled medium crews. This isn’t the Soviet or American medium lines where there are multiple tanks worth keeping and multiple crews required. So, the utility of a crew trainer, especially a tank that is pretty lackluster, is limited.
There are premium tanks worth having even if one doesn’t play a particular line simply because they are fun to play, FCM 50t, IS-6, SU-122-44, E-25, etc. I can’t see how the STA-2 will fit into that, so credits and crew are the main reasons. If it had something that made it stand out, like limited matchmaking or a unique gun, it might be another story.
I see no reason to give STA-1 218mm of pen to beginn with. No matter if the tank has paper armor and mediocre mobilty it is still too much. And I think 259mm apcr and 275mm hesh is too much to be honest and quite frankly stupid when tier 8 meds can laugh thru tier 8 heavys like nothing by using gold and not even aim proper. 180mm of pen and 185mm of pen is enough to pen all tier 8 tanks frontaly except kv4 and that is all that should matter. Tier 8 tanks are not weak because they got “too little armor” or “too little standard pen” they are fucked because they meet tier 9 and 10 so freaking often where the tier 10s are often more than tier 9s. The increase in penentration for heavys, TDs and some mediums sky rocket at tier 9 which makes pretty much any armor irrelevant at tier 8 and even at tier 9. Tier 10 is joke alltogeather in terms of pen values. Now if we would speak about gold…..
- STA-2 is much like STA-1, but it’s slower and not very agile and has poor armor. Penetration of the 90mm is 185mm, but it has 275mm HEAT rounds.
This chick … she’s obese, diabetes, has genital warts, and smells strangely like bad cheese… but hey… F-cup tits!
C’mon mannnnn.
i dont think that the cdc is not so overpowered, but rather all the other t8 meds are just utterly terrible. when the t44 or the STA 1 are the best meds at t8….somethings wrong.
and i have very good stats in the t44 and good stats in the STA , so i can tell you they arnt anything other than not bad
Most tier 8 have mediocre performance other than RHM and some of the prem t8 heavys. The reason is that tier 8 meet alot more tier 9 and 10 these days and they were not balanced with that in mind. When the game was made even up untill 8.6 you meet tier 10 far less often than now and when you do you face like more than half the team with tier 10s. The removal of battletier was bad, as well as making it too profitable to play tier 10s.
How many times havent you been in tier 10 games to find that there are only 2-4 tier 8s? How is that fun for anybody at all? Tier 8 is screwed, not because tanks are bad (they are very good balanced) but because they face tier 9 and 10 so damn often.