Hello everyone,
a video with some answers from a developer Aleksander Ivanov appeared on one RU youtube channel. It’s mostly stuff we know, but Aleksander Ivanov, an “executive producer”, answered some questions as well (and those are new).
- there are no plans to replace the invite codes with a permanent bonus (gold, premium time) for newly made accounts – “if you want gold, participate in WG events and competitions”
- currently, there is still a 5 arty per team hardcap in existence, it will not be reduced to lower number, average number of arty per team is 1-2
- there are no plans to introduce hardcap on non-mobile (not as dynamic) classes (TD’s) in the game, simply because “some players are coming to the game to relax”
- there are however changes happening to remedy the “shooting bushes” (AKA “invisible TD”) issue, for example the TD viewrange nerf or changes to maps
- developers are (relatively soon, but it might be delayed) add a “clan window” to the client, in which the player will be able to see all the info about a clan (which players are in it, what’s its status in CW, stronghold)
- no plans to introduce one-man training rooms
- no plans for WoT for Linux (Ubuntu or any other)
- it’s possible WoT Blitz might come for Windows Phone, but not anytime soon
- T-50-2 will not return to WoT, in the game it was unhistorical
- developers are considering an absolutely new game mode, there are several prototypes
LoL the E-100 on the test server is SD again, it is not HD anymore :)
I was going to be first, until I had to log in :(
- T-50-2 will not return to WoT, in the game it was unhistorical
complete bullshit. they could have nerfed it to the level of the othe scouts, but nooo, we’re WG and we’re assholes -.-
that stupid, ugly mt-25 wasnt even built but they say the t-50-2 was unhistorical.
as if every tank is this game is completely historical
The T-50-2 was intended as a simple infantry support tank. No fucking bullshit tankmotorcycle scout…thing.
yeah, might have have been not very historical in the game, but it’s still more historical than the MT-25, the T-50-2 had a prototype made, the MT-25 was just a blueprint (or was it another WG fake???).
Actually the MT-25 is probably the the most historical “blueprint only” tank in the game. The armor is 40-45mm as described in the proposal. The gun proposed was a 47mm, most likely L11, and any turret capable of mounting that gun could also mount the Zis-4,the gun ingame. The estimated speed without tracks was 100kph, so the ingame 72 seems reasonable.
I wouldn’t mind it being reimplemented as an infantry support tank.
I wonder what WT E-100 was supposed to do. Or many other super historical tanks we have in the game.
WG are a bunch of wankers. It is not historical they say? What like the fantasy tanks are? Stug III with L70. Germans tried, but the chasis could not take the weight. WG managed it. Historical? Bullshit. E-25? never existed other than a drawing. Panther 88? another paper project.
They wheel out cart loads of bullshit, called it historical, not historical, needed for balance reasons.
But I didn’t uninstall WoT due to that. I uninstalled due to the poor quality of it as a fun gaming experience. Free to play they say, and of course that attracts all and sundry, but usually the dreggs of the gene pool.
Regardless of the reason you uninstalled, you realize how hard it would be to have such a large amount of vehicles and not have many of them either paper projects or just proposals? Although many of the tanks in the game are “unhistorical”, the variety they provide is quite essential. There are enough tanks so that everyone can find a tank they like that fits their playstyle. Yes, although many of the vehicles are fake or very vague, that doesn’t mean they’re detrimental to the game.
MT-25 at least had drawing proposed. LTTB is complete fantasy tank.
No, there were drawings of the LTTB, but only of its hull. The turret, however, is made up.
Serb found the drawings in an ancient cave in Kamchatka.
Only of the armoured box to be precise – without suspension, engine, transmission etc. And the proposed hull did not have ridiculous 90mm. That armour was penciled over the original requirement without any indication when or by whom. So it still is a fantasy tank.
Release the blitz for windows phone dammit
Would be good indeed, I’m sure Microsoft would gladly help in any possible way
“T-50-2 will not return to WoT, in the game it was unhistorical” – of course, because all other the tanks are historical…
They are all historical with historical modules , what are you all smoking ?
Ferdinand with 12.8 cm Pak 44 gun. Historical module indeed.
AND, E-100 with a turret…. totally historical
WTF E-100 TD, everything about that is fake, pretty much same for GW E-100
I could just go on and on and on and on and on with a list of things that aren’t historical in the game.
I don’t know if you realized but they are starting to get rid of all these fake tanks.
hmm I wonder how long that unhistorical turret of LTTB lives.
idk what u smokin’ but it’s worse than what isegar’s smokin’
“no plans for WoT for Linux (Ubuntu or any other)”
yeah, of course, why would they do that …
Open source Linux graphics drivers are pretty terrible and are stuck with obsolete or deprecated versions of OpenGL, all open source drivers only implement OpenGL 3.3 which was released 4 years ago. They are mostly bugged, slow and unoptimized compared to the hardware vendor’s proprietary binaries which support OpenGL 4.4 – 4.5.
-no plans for WoT for Linux (Ubuntu or any other)
LOL of course not.
DX11 is available since 2008 and DX12 was presented last year and those bimbos still didn’t implement the support for either of those. “Let’s use DX9 in 2015. Why not? It’s a stronk and proved technology.” ~WG
Converting it for OpenGL would take them another 10 years.
“there are however changes happening to remedy the “shooting bushes” (AKA “invisible TD”) issue, for example the TD viewrange nerf or changes to maps”
Fine, if you want to remove invisi-sniping (which SHOULD be a part of the game!) then BUFF THE FRONTAL ARMOR for ALL low & mid-tier TDs to Heavy Tank levels.
90% of the TDs are not supposed to get spotted. Period.
I mean, seriously, why not just remove camo rating on all tanks to begin with, since I bet that “it’s a concept too hard to understand for the average player”.
There, problem fixed – you can spot tanks at exactly the value of your view range, some tanks will see further than others.
Just like in the 8 bit mode. Because that’s apparently the direction this fucking game is going with these completely autistic decisions.
Even by lights, after shooting? I beg to differ.
Now TDs are spotted by anybody, not just lights.
Lights are the least of my concerns when I’m playing TDs – a T110E5 can easily spot my fully camo’d (though without camo net) Obj. 268 at 400-420 meters if I fire at him
l.e.: Not to mention that 400-450m firing lanes are pretty much non-existent in WoT today
Maybe try to use bushes better? Shot = 95% of bush camo gone (dunno if you use the standing 15m behind bush tactics), and 268 has huge caliber, so the unmasking after shot is logically big.
No, I’m not using the 15m behind the bush because
1) In the case of 268 means to start aiming all over again, while also risking the target to get de-spotted since I’m no longer spotting it (oh, wait, I forgot, all TDs should also be BLIND AS A FUCKING BAT and be incapable of taking care of themselves)
2) There really aren’t bushes anymore where you can do that. Please do tell me any GOOD/RELEVANT sniping positions on any of the new maps.
Hell, I should be grateful that you can still shoot across the valley on Sacred Valley and that you can at least try to spot what’s moving on the opposite ridge!
Also, it’s not about the loss of camo per se – it’s about the fact that almost any tank, apart from the blind KVs and a few other exceptions, can very easily spot TDs for themselves nowadays, since combat range is reduced to a retarded 100-200 meters. For instance, most Tier X tanks have 400m view range, even without taking into consideration Optics.
Leave the fucking TDs alone, they’re becoming more and more useless!
Hell, after the view range nerf they will be more useless than arty!
So, once again – TDs have no armor, no HP, no turret, piss-poor mobility – basically no survivability. All they have is camo and their gun.
According to the retarded playerbase, a TD should be spotted & get killed after the first shot fired.
Oh, and that TDs should be incapable of doing anything without their retarded dumbass fucking teams that are too busy camping behind arty.
268 has armor and HP and can stay behind team. If the team camps behind arties, it’s not fault of TDs, mechanics or map – it’s the fault of the team and can’t be helped. TD isn’t supposed to stand in place of 14 other players and win the game alone.
You can still stay outside of viewrange and get kills safely – that’s fine and invisible TDs in this case are fine with me. But the situation where you get invisible (not stealthy, invisible) paper TD is too much. I understand that they need something to balance their paper armour, but not being spottable unless your are 100m or less from them is a bit too much.
Just tested it in calculator – Borsig vs. 13 90 can shoot unspotted (properly using 15m bush) at 236 m and more. And that’s elite 13 90 with optics and all viewrange skills at 100%, whereas Borsig needs only BIA and camo (which everyone takes anyway). And if he doesn’t shoot, the 13 90 can drive 50m (proximity spot limit) from him and not find him.
Once again – some other classes (meds, some heavies) get nerfed viewranges too, so this is just an indirect light buff. To prevent mainly the end-game situations, where you get a Borsig in the corner against few players, who can’t approach near and get him. They know where he is, but nobody can spot him before dying – not even lights. Seen such situations in as much as 1 vs 7.
- 268
- armor
Pick one. 268 is 90% paper, except for some small areas on the superstructure. Not to mention paper tracks, obvious & huge weakspots, etc.
So no, it can’t stay behind the team because it gets focused & destroyed instantly
” it’s the fault of the team and can’t be helped. TD isn’t supposed to stand in place of 14 other players and win the game alone.” – No, but as a TD I do not want to be 100% dependent on my team. I want to be able to spot for myself, thank you very much.
If my team is too retarded and camps like the complete morons that they are, let me at least try to spot for them.
“You can still stay outside of viewrange and get kills safely” – yeah, and get shit XP for it since I’m actually not seeing anything for myself.
That’s another damn good reason why I’m against the view range nerf.
“but not being spottable unless your are 100m or less from them is a bit too much” – 100 meters?!?
Look, let me tell you something – I tested my fully camo’d (100% camo skill, camo paint, camo net + less than 15m behind bush) Stug III against a 100% crew E-75 (400m view range back then) without any vision skills – I could keep firing until he got close to about 270 meters.
Mind you that
1) that was way before the camo after firing nerf
2) Stug III has one of the best camo factors in game. Good enough to deny 130 meters off a E75 view range
Now take into accounts that most if not all high tier MTs (along with some HTs, depends on the choice) have Optics + vision skills. Just so you can have an idea on how hard it is to remain unspotted at mid-high tiers, especially on today’s maps where it’s impossible to snipe beyond 300 meters.
“And if he doesn’t shoot, the 13 90 can drive 50m (proximity spot limit) from him and not find him” – which IMO it’s not that preposturous. Not firing and remaining concealed I can understand – however Borsig still has ludicrous camo after firing, that’s what pisses me off as well.
Still, that’s just ONE broken vehicle. You don’t need to nerf a entire class for that.
“Once again – some other classes (meds, some heavies) get nerfed viewranges too” – IDK what the fuck you read, but they’re BUFFING Heavy Tanks view range.
“- developers are (relatively soon, but it might be delayed) add a “clan window” to the client, in which the player will be able to see all the info about a clan (which players are in it, what’s its status in CW, stronghold)”
Fokken tears of joy.
“average number of arty per team is 1-2″
he forgot to add “kappa”
Did he chat on the Twitch?
I figured 1-2 means 3-5 in Russian
No Linux ports?
I don’t get this guys..
The number of games coming out for Linux is increasing every year and Wargaming doesn’t care about us?
Play warthunder, they care about us :)
Meh, as much as I enjoy Linux? NVIDIA SLI doesn’t work for shit… so only playing with one of my two GTX 680s? Not feasible for me to sacrifice my game performance..
… that… and also this…
So lack of Linux using my second GPU and my sound card hates Linux? That’s two major strikes against Linux where-as the World of Tanks and my hardware works flawlessly in Windows… so Linux is a fun hobby side-project for me… it’s still leagues behind Windows for replacing it as my primary OS.
Maybe WarGaming are going to focus more on revamping the BigWorld engine and make it “current gen”…
That… and also I hear bad things about the WoT Mac Wrapper which has been in beta form for quite a while (notice the main download page doesn’t have it only the forums) and it runs worse than using bootstrapper with Windows. :(
I know Linus Torvalds loves how Linux is succeeding on smart phones as Android… but on PC? The lack of great hardware support is the Achilles heel. It’s a fantastic OS with lots of great ideas and optimizations but it just doesn’t work right for my hardware configuration.
@ janusmk, why are you on this WoT blog then? Lol, just saying, you sound like a door to door salesman trying to push your product onto us… :P
Yes, it is cool how War Thunder works on Linux and it works pretty good too… but like I said, until hardware support works properly on my current hardware configuration? Linux is just a hobby I tinker with for fun, just like Hackintosh.
I found War Thunder to be more stressful than World of Tanks tbh… mainly the match making I found extremely painful… stuff like how the T-50 was OP as fuck and how Gaijin refused to rebalance it because it’s “historical” or some crap… That’s why I like WarGaming’s gameplay over simulation strategy and how they’re willing to rebalance tanks again and again just to try and make the game more enjoyable.
That… and wow, when you get a crap team on War Thunder? The loss is exponentially worse due to respawning tanks and how often I found players rage-quitting before the match even ended… I don’t even know if there’s a major desertion pentalty or if the WT player base just doesn’t care about it because it’s not strict enough… but I came to the same conclusions as Jingles… I’ll be doing ok and trying to do objectives… but my team will camp in spawn and cost us matches… sigh. Yeah, WoT is definitely more my style, less headaches. :P
Are people still asking for the t50-2? It’s been almost 2 years, get over it…
“- no plans to introduce one-man training rooms”
Why not? In warthunder you can test drive a tank . It would be nice if there was something like that in WOT. It would also be nice if you can test drive a tank that you don’t have to see if it is worth the grind or not.
- currently, there is still a 5 arty per team hardcap in existence, it will not be reduced to lower number, average number of arty per team is 1-2
what fucking rock do the devs live under? ill go knock it over so they can enjoy the average 3-4 arty per team games im in almost every match on US clusters.