“Yuri’s Hatch” – Landsverk L-60

Hello everyone,

if you read this blog carefully, you might have noticed one piece of information: Yuri Pasholok (WG’s main military history advisor) and his colleagues visited not that long ago the Hassleholm Militar vehicle museum in Sweden to make a whole bunch of photos of tanks and stuff. They had the opportunity to examine the Swedish vehicles carefully and there’s no doubt that at one point, the Swedes will appear in World of Tanks as well.

As a part of the effort, just out of curiosity and “for teh lulz”, Yuri Pasholok made – without any preparation or moviemaking gear – a quick lecture on the Landsverk L-60 light tank. The impressive part is that Yuri Pasholok is doing this just so from the top of his head, no pre-written script reading there. Whatever you think of him, you gotta respect that.

If you speak Russian, it’s actually very interesting. The thing is, he speaks fast and not very loud, so it’s really hard to catch some of the words and some parts I didn’t understand at all (could try making subtitles though). Still, even if you don’t speak Russian, it’s an iteresting look inside the L-60.


25 thoughts on ““Yuri’s Hatch” – Landsverk L-60

  1. Well to be exact its the L-60-S or Strv m/38 as it was called by the army something which Pasholock missed when making the title for the video. The Strv m/39 had a completely different turret but still used practically the same hull as the m/38 which is something which was changed for the m/40L and m/40k models. this is how the Strv m/39 looked http://www.ointres.se/strv_m39-5.JPG

    • As i said, it’s just improvisation. In cold hangar we are want small time-out, this video – result of this time-out :)
      We are ask about tank changes – only internal. And without any another sources for checking. That’s reason of my mistake with tank identification.

      Anyway, Landsverk L-60, as i can see, was one of best light tanks in 30-s. And very user-friendly tank from crew side.

      • Hey Yuri. You should make subs for the video if you ever get time. Very intresting stuff :) To bad the swedes mostly had drawing tanks. ( The most intresting tanks anyway )

        • should definitely make subs – you might become a rockstar if you keep doing stuff like this ;-)

    • This is the point all are telling to WG – without 103 swedish branch is pointless. Good for us — there are up to three vehicles right now who needs special mechanism for the adjustable suspension

      • I don’t really see any reason to wait with Swedish tanks until there is a suspension control mechanic in the game, they might as well start releasing Swedish tanks that don’t require it in the mean time, then launch the new mechanic together with the Strv 103 as the flag ship.

          • The suspension is used to elevate and depress the gun because the gun is fixed solidly into the hull. Hull rotation controls the transverse of the gun. Thus the suspension is a problem as WG does not have such mechanisms to deal with it in the game yet.

              • I think that they should have the Strv 103 in game. Either that or the prototype which should fall in the development time constraints.
                Tier 10 TD.
                105mm with a caliber length of 62 vs 51 on the Centurion.
                Penetration should be higher, as would accuracy, rate of fire for the auto loader would be tricky.
                Bouncy hull, crew of three
                How would you get that suspension to work in game…

                • -> How would you get that suspension to work in gameā€¦

                  It is possible, but still requires development of a special mechanism for it.

                • I agree!
                  The tank would be so unique (both in good and bad ways). For normal TD players this tank would need a new play-style.

                  +Good camo
                  +Good elevation and depression (the whole tank would elevate making it better protected)
                  +Rate of fire
                  +Same speed in forward as in reverse
                  +Only 3 crew members (and to knockout the driver would almost be impossible)
                  +Many troll and autobounces

                  -Camonet and binoculars would be useless do to you have to move the tank all the time to aim it.
                  -Flat target from above making it easy for SPGs to kill.
                  -No high damage (average 390-440)
                  -The whole tank must move to aim for its target
                  -(if history accurate) wouldn’t be able to fire on the move
                  -If autoloader there will be no Gun-rammer
                  -Bad armor.

                  For the 103 enthusiast this tank would be awesome but otherwise this tank will be well balanced on its own in Tier X.

                  But I also hope for a full Swedish techtree: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/10/24/swedish-tanks-special-branchtree-for-wot/

  2. Yeah, he’s been a dick once or twice but he definitely has the chops of an armoured historian.