0.9.6 Preview

Hello everyone,

the 0.9.6 preview video on RU server is up (the patch is coming tomorrow). Unfortunately without English subtitles.



Nothing surprising in it:

- TD viewrange nerf
- HD models (as announced earlier, E-100 in HD was removed)
- AMX CDC and STA-2 will be available in the shop
- accuracy nerf
- retraining crewmembers to different role (500 gold)
- consumables for stronghold mode (artillery strike, airstrike)
- new contact system in the garage

96 thoughts on “0.9.6 Preview

    • I want to see, who on its right mind will drive those paper TD’s with 310m view range after this patch. And now a f**ing blind SU-100 which is not open topped vehicle, will have more viewrange than most open topped TD’s. Such a realism!!
      Nerfing just for the sake of nerf without any compensations.. yeah, stronk WG logic. Most probably they will realize that only after 2 or 3 patches as usual.

      • Exactly, view range nerv for TDs at all is right and should have been done a long time ago. But i just have the same feeling as with every nerv or buff – WG is just using a dice for it and not their brain.

      • Open top TDs having more viewrange was unrealistic as well. Just because you have an open roof doesn’t mean you get magically enhanced eyesight.

        • Excuse me?!

          The idiotic devs themselves have stated that open topped vehicles have innate buffed stats, including better view range

        • well, having a roof with tiny viewports would “magically” decrease your viewrange for sure. At least “historically”

      • My StuG says Hi! I’ve been driving it since ever… always had 310m view range.
        It’s okay-ish, but yeah, russian heavies can outspot you…. not to mention 350hp means I’m oneshot-kill even on the lowest damage roll :D

          • he’s right,.. partialy.

            lots of mid tier TDs (tier 5,6,7) have about 300-350m viewrange. That’s less than some tier 1 tanks.

            But yeah, the most broken machines on tier 10 had 410m … this was silly.

            • So i guess people will go back to Arty.

              Why would a standing still tank get a range nerf, you would think they would see better as they were not moving….

              Well they have nerfed Arty, now TDs, what will be next Mediums or Lights?

              How many people called after the Arty nerf there would have to be a TD nerf…

  1. is the bulldog/t37 still being nerfed in 9.6? because i didn’t read anything about it recently.

      • If players leave because of rebalance then they are scrubs and we dont need them. Specialy when accuracy was not really nerfed compared to 8.5, less shots will hit the edge in 9.6 compared to 9.5, how ever less shots will hit dead center but close to center = overall balanced mechanic.

        • I was too lazy to try out on a test server, but I’m really eager to see this in action.
          I dont give a shit about accuracy at ~300-400m.
          What I want to see is, how reliably can Leopard 1 hit a weakspot from 600-700m far away. At that distance, whole E100 is inside the aiming circle.

  2. I hope they dont screw up and we have to log in with the stupid media accounts, a.k.a make a new account and start all over again

  3. Wait wut? Don’t try to tell me that there won’t be E 100 HD model in 9.6, that was the thing I was most excited about in that patch :( Is there any reason why they decided to not put it in the patch? Also will it come in 9.7 or something then? Thanks

    • The reason for not putting it in 9.6 is because they realised that they are incompetent and fucked up the model and they havent had time to fix all the screwups

      • And which nerfs are you talking? Strip on UFP is at even greater angle, bar on top of the turret is even smaller… So which nerf are you talking about?

  4. Pingback: Video: 9.6 zřejmě v úterý

      • I don’t like to sit in bushes anyways :^), and coated optics are far better.

        That’s probably why I liked the Jagdtiger and despise the 704. But then again, being blind is fun too. Maybe I should keep the 704 just so I can prove that I can circle the op Mauschen while going in reverse. Maybe I’ll do it in my Pershing and autoaim his sides and rear with my balanced APCR ammo.

          • I’m pretty sure he was sarcastic with his ‘balanced APCR’ comment, but your language indicates that that probably went over your head.

              • Yep, way over. Then again you have someone who expects people to just keep collecting credits, like they matter. If you have 10, 20, 30 million credits, why handicap yourself? I regularly have games where every single shell shot at me is “gold” (although I suspect they paid credits for it). And this guy wants me to shoot back silver every round. Sure.

  5. Pingback: [Sammelthread] World of Tanks - Seite 1980

  6. Patch coming tomorow for russians, so thursday for us. As planned :)
    End of winter mode mission today, and they said it would last till 9.6, predictable.

  7. They really need to stop f’ing with the game. I’m getting sick of stupid changes for the sake of making changes. The lower armor and mobility of a TD was supposed to be balanced by better view range and camo. There are TD’s that are exceptions to this rule, but they’ve already nerfed the Hellcat, T40, and others in previous patches.

      • so whats next ? heavy and medium nerf ?

        I wonder how,. maybe they will nerf their view range too :D
        and then, again TDs viewrange, and again HT and MT…. in a year, we will have tanks with 50 meters viewrange :D

        Or, maybe, they could remove guns from HTs and remove tracks from MTs :)

        This whole TD class nerf is a bullshit.
        Why nerfing whole class ? Dont get me wrong, WTF100, 183 and dogshits like that really deserve nerf. But that should be nerf of those particular vehicles.

        Driving JpzIV, ARL V39, or similar vehicles will be a torture now…

      • Wrong. If less people were playing TDs LIKE COMPLETE IDIOTS – then maybe the entire playerbase composed 90% of similar idiots wouldn’t complain so much.

        And do you know who’s fault is it that TDs are resorted to basecamping?
        None other than WG’s and their COMPLETELY RETARDED map design.

        Lack of long-range firing opportunities = Getting spotted even before you fire (because you also have nowhere to hide, since WG removed almost all bushes) and you get killed instantly because you have no armor, no HP or turret = only solution is to camp base and try to kill incoming arty hunters.

        This behavior was extremely prevalent on Shiterogorsk/Tunnelogorsk (note that the initial version of Severogorsk was not THAT bad). Tank Destroyers with sod all armor had absolutely nothing to do but camp base, lest they died in less than 3 seconds (because everyone focuses them down since they’re easy kills).
        Hell, I’m still having nightmares from the days of being forced to “play” a Nashorn on Shiterogorsk. In a Tier 8 fight. AND expected to carry the Tier 8 potatoes who die with barely any damage done.

        From 9.6 on, the entire TD class will be dead… except for the extreme cases, present at Tier X, which will STILL piss off people with their retarded alpha & pen.
        But low & mid tiered TDs will be effectively buried. They rely on DPM, not alpha, they suffer the HP handicap until you get to Tier 9 and their armor barely protects them from scouts (except for the Waffels… yeah, very funny to be killed by a Pz I C while being in the Shoebox Tank aka Tier 5 Pz. Sfl.)

        But hey, idiots kept screaming against “invisible tanks”, so the idiots are catered to. Something a respectable gaming company would never do.

        So let me get this straight – people expect TDs to be more reliant on their teams.
        But what happens when their COMPLETELY IDIOTIC & BRAINLESS “teams” camps the red line of the map? Where do you go then?
        Before you could at least try to spot for the idiots, just maybe they would actually shoot what you spot.
        But now? Enjoy being completely fucking useless since 2nd line support has been removed from the game (more specifically, from the maps)

        • I think WG’s solution will make TD camping even worse. They won’t venture out so they can see more. What are they thinking? TD’s may earn less due to less view range and shots taken, but that’s it. This is not an update…it’s a DOWNGRADE.

          • I’ve already stated this countless times before.

            Now I will no longer afford to try & risk aggressive plays in TDs – I will be confined as a pure camper role, limited to staring at the ass of my incompetent teammates.

    • OH MY GOD My tank has lost 20 meters of view range, that’s the end of the world !!!!!!


      • Oh, you mean the way T40 lost about 80 meters?

        The only ones that have an insignificant view range reduction are the ones at high tier.

        And even so – nerfing the already-dead 268 from 400-410 to 380?!?
        That thing is about the only pure, non-broken/non-OP sniper TD at Tier X. And right now it’s utter dogshit.
        But hey, let’s make even more incompetent at its designed role!

        • No, WG wanted to specialy make TDs less common battlefields just like with arta. How ever many HT and MT is not an issue, you never hear people complain havging too many HT and MT. These tanks are after all what the game is about, arty, scout and TDs are just support classes that should perform less as well as be less common the battlefield. Or do you like playing with 5-7 TDs every fucking game? You TDards only have fun because you can pley pn HTs and MTs.

          • No, I enjoyed the idea of TDs ever since I first found out about WoT – without having any idea of the former or current meta.

            I enjoyed the idea of being forced to use concealment & surprise in order to dominate
            I enjoyed the idea of having to think where to deploy in order to be most effective and overcome the handicap of not having a turret.
            I enjoyed the idea of requiring SKILL to be the silent, unseen assassin that waits for the best moment to chew you apart (an idea ruined by shit-concepts like Rhoomba Borsig)

            And no, I don’t really mind games with 5-7 TDs, since even when I’m in a TD I know how to outplay them

            Fuck me, right?

            • Just stop playing TDs, do the right thing and play meds and heavys so you one day also can become anti td and arty like us. Underatand that arty and tds are dirty. It is immoral to seek pleasure playing tds and arty. I was also an ex-td players but I found the right way and gave up that dirty sin…

              • TDs are still 10x more interesting & valid class to play than clickers.

                First, but not least, is the fact that I actually have to have a goddamn line of sight on my targets
                Second – I can easily bounce and deal no damage. Meanwhile, clickers shit on you hard even if they miss you.

                Not to mention that TDs were a MAJOR part of actual tank combat IRL and have a well-deserved role as a tank class (unlike clickers)

                And yes, MUH JAGDPANTHER (arguably sexiest TD ever)

              • Furthermore, restricting WoT to just 2 (our of 4) viable classes is just retarded as fuck.

                It’s like playing Starcraft or Red Alert – only with basic units.

  8. Does anyone notice WoT Graphic in this video? It is awesome, especially the Airstrike effect <3

  9. So, this isn’t a really big update isn’t it? but.. of course… it will be 1000MBs.. cuz it’s made by WG.

  10. light tanks will never be balanced with stupid scout-matchmaking anyway. Especially with tier 10 mediums having equal viewranges, similar mobility and awesome dpm + penetration

  11. Heh, I’m happy about this update. Why? Because when they released the CT, it wasn’t as crowded as it’s supposed to be… Which means that people are tired of being used as “playthings” by WG…

    Oh dear God… Let the bankruptcy come for these sinned inhumane souls…

  12. I *think* I understand the TD nerf. Bear with me, as the chain of logic here may not be sound:

    (1) Each battle lasts 15 minutes, max.
    (2) Most battles (6k games) that I have been in seem to last around 8 minutes tops.
    (3) The ave player spends let’s say…150 gold on ammo/consumables/time, etc. per battle
    (4) WG needs money as the Ruble tanked, but they can’t raise prices, the players would revolt, but they have to do something…so they make subtle changes to tanks (nerfing view range and accuracy) to “speed along” gameplay, and since TDs are fragile to begin with, you die faster attempting to get up close to see things, then you will play more games, and spend more gold because of this
    (5) and WG makes up for lost revenue.


    • Plus the Tier 10 pen nerf just announced…it’s all about bouncing gold shells so they make more rubles. Way to piss on the fans again and tell us it’s raining.

    • This is the stupidest thing I have ever heard. The faster a game is the more credits I make, the faster I grind a tank and the faster I train a crew. That is why I played 200 8bit battles, made credits hand over fist (totally unreliant on prem account) and got a 3 skill crew (and another at 1 skill). The games lasted ~3 minutes for me, just alternating Mammoth and Polar Bear. The per game profit was a bit lower, but being able to do 2-3 games in the space of one regular battle more than made up for it.

      Forget even 8bit, I would far prefer shorter games for making credits. One reason why making credit in the SU-122 is so good is that you can play super aggressive and make credits, if you happen to die early you can play something else.

      Also personal missions make crazy credits and are totally independent of having a premium account as well. 20 million easy credits sitting right there for you for free just doing the first two vehicles and a bit on the third (after that I will grant the missions become difficult).

    • Average player spends 0 gold per battle. Gold is only used for consumables, ammo, etc. if you are too stupid to find the option to buy for credits or if WG scammed you by changing it while you weren’t looking.

    • Tomorrow, meaning the day after you posted, meaning the 11th, probably.

      But not the same day as the RU server, which is today, the 10th.

  13. Here you go ppls, THE BIG NERF just like ARTY had!!! it was about time! these invisible TDs shooting from across the map