Hello everyone,
Wargaming (RU of course) announced that they are working on a documentary movie about the cybersports element of the game (life of cybersports players and such). As far as I can tell, this concerns only the Russian server, but Wargaming is actually asking players (who would like to appear in it) to step forward and send them their resume. There are following conditions:
- the shooting takes place in Minsk and will last for two weeks
- all the players have to pay for their “vacation” in Minsk themselves (travel, living expenses)
- only players with over 9000 battles and more than 60 percent winrate are allowed
- they have to have “clear understanding of cybersports component”
As a part of the movie, the chosen players will be trained by the player SL1DE from the team Na’Vi and there will be a preliminary stage in the “attack/defense” mode. In the end, only 7 best players will remain.
Omg 1th
gg well played
What a bunch of nonsense.
Bet the same was told about Valve’s documentary about LoL tourney, which turned out to be a huge success :)
If WG can leverage e-sports to make more money or win new customers, good. It means the servers will keep running and I can keep playing and WG might introduce new tank lines and new maps for me. Other than that I have little interest in e-sports.
“you want to be in a film that promotes our game?”
“mimi mimi mi !!! ”
“Fine.. you pay for it… and we’ll make money on it…”
I’d like to see who actually does this… lol…
They might get a slight compensation, also, a vacantion to minsk seems quite nice to me
It’s like paying SL1DE to teach you WoT stuff, if you’re a 60 percenter.
Wheres does “all the players have to pay for their “vacation” in Minsk themselves (travel, living expenses)” give much chance of “compensation”…??
Ahh, why do they call it e-SPORTS ? If playing videogames is called sport than sleeping is sport too. Guys who are playing this “sport” can sit in front of the pc for their whole life and will never be physically able to equal someone who has never played sport. What i mean is that calling it e-sport is dehonestation of any real sport.
it’s not e-SPORTS, it’s >>>E<<<-sports… Playing a game competitively is considered sport. Even playing it uncompetitively is considered sport by some. Then comes in the E, which means it's virtual. So if you manage to put the two of them together, which could be hard for you, it's playing a virtual game competitively.
With your logic, E-mail shouldn't be called e-MAIL because people who write Emails their whole life wouldn't be able to phisically write one IRL, if they lack the skill to use a pen. So calling them Emails is dehonestation of real mail writing, and doesn't count as long range communication (aka mail).
Is NASCAR also not a sport?
Good players have much better hand coordination, reflexes, tactical sense than average people.They have these talents.They would probably never be able to run 100 meters in 10 seconds, even if they trained night and day for years.I’m saying that they have some kind of physical talent, which sport needs.Let’s take chess for example, it only requires the mental ability to understand what’s happening, not any kind of movement.So if you call chess a sport, playing WoT on this level is defnitely a sport.
And no, I’m not fat.
I think it’s somewhat ignorant to say that e-sports players have better reflexes and hand coordination compared to average people. I doubt there was actually a test about it(there was a test to determine if playing FPS games improves reflexes, but it didn’t include the quality of play).
Are you referring to this?
No, it was a research done by the university of Montana. They compared people who played FPS games for 50 hours in contrast to people who didn’t.
I would say, for world of tanks specifically, hand coordination and reflexes matter less than in a lot of other esports games (CSGO for example); generally speaking you’re not performing really precise aiming, and you don’t tend to get surprised a lot.
Rather, I think what matters the most is the overall strategy being used by the team, and the individual player skills in terms of situational awareness and making good individual tactical decisions.
The chess.
Checkmate, bro.
Competition – yes…
Sport – no….
Sport inherently needs physical exercise… and yes.. I discount anyone who says Darts is a sport.
It’s a past-time, hobby or competition, not a sport.
PS in the UK NHS there were studies about surgeons who played games and those who didn’t…
Those who played games were quite a lot better at key-hole surgery and the hand/eye co-ordination than those who didn’t play…
Obvious or what…?
They didn’t choose the cybersports life, the cybersports life chose them. #EsportLyfe
“- all the players have to pay for their “vacation” in Minsk themselves (travel, living expenses)”
they PAID it
It’s a harsh life.
finally platooned sealclubbing will be rewarded for having more than 60% winrate. Write that into your summaries pls :D
Finally, I have good reason to re-roll! So… Until when I have time to do 9000 battles? :D
60% win rate, so basically seal clubbers and nubs that spray gold 24/7 -_-
Hmmm… how many players have 60% WR and 9000+ battles on their FIRST account?
So now gold ammo compensates for tactical sense, situational awareness, reflexes and knowledge of game mechanics(all of which are needed for a high WR)? Good to know.
Aw god, nobody cares about WG’s pathetic attempt to establish WoT as an “E-Sport” title. This game has nothing which would qualify itself for that.
How many battles, Vegeta?