Storm’s Microdigest Q&A


Hello everyone,

Storm is talking about some of the upcoming changes in the game:

- developers are hard at work on the new motion physics, test will come soon. There will be two test versions: one will be more realistic with intertia and one will be more arcade-like, with some overrides (fixes) for better maneuverability
- developers are also working a lot on individual missions: descriptions are being fixed, many conditions will change, there will also be interface changes. Some of it will be implemented via a micropatch, some things will appear in upcoming patches
- analysis of the 9.6 accuracy changes shows that the amount of hits and amount of damage done after the change dropped by 0,5 to 2 percent. The amount of loss is depends directly on the vehicle accuracy and shooting distance. The biggest nerf happened to artillery.
- several HD models were removed from 9.7 content: AMX-50/100, IS-3 and Pershing. These vehicles had their collision models changed somewhat and since they are actively used in cybersports and there will be WGL grand final around the time of 9.7, these vehicles will be delayed to only after 9.7
- circular render range will come relatively soon. In 9.7, new BugWorld version will come and then Wargaming will deal with system matters, such as viewrange

91 thoughts on “Storm’s Microdigest Q&A

  1. “- analysis of the 9.6 accuracy changes shows that the amount of hits and amount of damage done after the change dropped by 0,5 to 2 percent. The amount of loss is depends directly on the vehicle accuracy and shooting distance”
    - Yes of course damage will decrease if people insist on shooting at distances they did in 9.5. On the other hand this can also lead to higher damage in some tanks because it increae their survivalbility and give them more time to make damage. If you shoot at proper distance and take shots that are realistic to hit, there is no reason this accuracy should affect you. My hit ratio has basicly increased and damage is the same.

    But of course if you aim less and trying to shoot at too long range like in 9.5, this will be less rewarded in 9.6. But then again, if you must rely on accuracy to guide your shell to the middle, you doing it wrong WOT was never about that. Get closer to neglect RNG, that is what people did in the old days.

    • You’re missing one thing… German tanks are snipers and *should* fire from long ranges. I don’t know how much you play German tanks, but this accuracy nerf is a real pain when playing vehicles that rely on distance in order to perform well.

      • love it:

        buff of acc in 8.6: “Mimimi now german tanks are useless as everyone can snipe now”
        nerf of acc in 9.6:”Mimimi now german tanks are useless as they cant snipe anymore”.

        You guys just love to cry for the sake of crying, right?

        • No, it’s just you that is missing the point here…

          - If you buff *all* guns -> german tanks get worse because other tanks can also snipe then.
          - If you nerf *all* guns -> german tanks get worse because they obviusly can’t snipe anymore.

          That’s not to difficult to understand, is it?

          • U dont think before u write, do u?
            If buffing all tanks made german tanks worse because others can snipe, nerfing acc of all tanks means, that by new german tanks should be better again as we are now closer to the pre 8.6 acc.

            pre 8.6: “low acc for all guns” ->good
            8.6: “high acc for all guns” -> worse
            9.6:”somewhere in between” -> even worse than worse o.O
            So if 8.6 was worse than pre 8.6. Then a stage somewhere in between those two cant be even worse as that would mean that in between we had an extrema where before: buffing acc = better for germans and after: buffing acc= worse for germans.
            If u fail to understand this, well back to school then.

            Or short: by your crykid logic nerfing acc even more(!!!) would be buffing german tanks again (As we would get back to the pre 8.6 area which was better than 8.6 which was better than 9.6).

            • LOL you troll, you say that I don’t think what I write, when you don’t do it yourself…

              Did we have the same type of accuracy change in 8.6 and 9.6? No, we didn’t.

              In 8.6 they buffed the ACCURACY.
              In 9.6 they changed the distibution INSIDE the aim circle.

            • - if you snipe, fully aimed:
              — get targets penable area in the 50% inner circle of your tank -> no change
              — need to hit weakspot in the very centre -> small nerv
              - shoot on the move
              — basicly any situation -> big nerv

              No tank profits from the change.
              But it got less worse for snipers than for snap shooters.
              If you think all German tanks are Snipers, than all German tanks got less nerved than the rest ;o)

      • I play only germans and as I said me and my friend have sniped with tiger II and is3 and we still hit at 350-500 meters. How ever we never relied on gun accuracy on heavy tanks, we always tried to make most dmg at close range just like heavys should.

        I dont feel the pain in my tiger II, the shots go less dead center but more often close to the center more consistent = higher hit ratio because there will be less shots flying outside the inner circle as explained.

        What germans do exaclty rely on long distance to make dmg? And eventhen what german high accuracy tanks cant snipe? Also note that sniping still works with 0.4acc guns so I dont know why you complain.

        • Yeah you can snipe with 0.5 accuracy too… the question is how many shots that you’ll land, and even further; how many shots that will actually penetrate.

            • you cant compare tiger II with things like panther or leopard. Tiger II can survive and bounce several shots at point blank range if angled properly. Neither of the sniper mediums can do that.

              and 350m is not sniping.. kv-2 can rliably hit something at 350m. Sniping is 600-700m. At this distance, a whole 3x E100 can fit inside 0.3accuracy aiming circle.

              • Tiger II is how ever slower and this is why panther and leopard has better mobilty and also better accuracy to balance. And yes 350 meters is sniping, you know before there was a medal that was called sniper if you make dmg over the distance of 300 meters. Also 600-700 meters, gtfo please that is purely rennder snipe. Soon the circle will be around 500 meters all around anyways.

                This is only a nerf íf you rely on the shell to go in the middle all time, which is not the point of the game and hence the need of accuracy and RNG.

                In the same time the leopard has 270mm apcr pen so it will neglect any armor it encounter at any range anyways. But by that said, I still dont get why you feel affected by this rebalance. I dont feel it to be fair and nobody should if they played in 8.5.

    • Yea, but with Paper TDs and Arty getting closer isn’t an option. So to balance the Accuracy nerf shouldn’t Paper TDs and Arty get a buff of some sort?

        • All tanks had OP accuracy before 9.6 because it was too easy to hit despite bad aiming and bad positioning. 9.6 has restored some of the balance i.e. accuracy and aim time. Also 9.6 is a nerf/buff depends on how you look upon it, it is not a plain nerf not even close because shots are distributed more evenly which is good if one is looking for consistency.

          • psst dont tell them.
            You know, somehow they have to interpret it into their russian bias/antigerman bias world ;)

            • The issue is that people expect to hit partialy hidden tanks at ranges that are not suitable for their guns accuracy. This is what in 8.5 separate the noobs from the better players, where the better players moved closer and played in a way that aim time and accuracy didnt become an issue.

              Of course aim time and accuracy will be an issue if you shoot at +350 meters on tanks that are partialy covered with a +0.4acc gun. Or trying to snapshot at 100-150 meters. 8.6 made positioning, aim time and accuracy less important and that was a big nerf for people with superior positioning with tanks that has superior aim time and accuracy.

              9.6 is neither a buff or nerf for russian or german tanks because they still play similar to 8.6 other than the ability to snapshot at long ranges has been reduced little. This is the reality.

              Also this balance will have 0 impact on those that already valued superior positioning and aiming to beginn with.

                • FIGHTING FALCON,

                  UR clueless!!!!!

                  German tanks got a BUFF from accuracy nerf while Russians and Chinese got a nerf. To prove UR wrong WG said the nerf hurt arty the most since they have the least accurate guns which makes me like this nerf even more!!!!!

                  The more u buff accuracy the more it helps inaccurate guns. Think about it like this, if they buff accuracy by 1000% then u can hit a weakspot with a KV2 and if they nerf it severly u wont hit anything with Russian guns, even the UFP.

                • @master_deathdealer:

                  Sorry dude, but I fail to see the “BUFF” when my VK 30.02M with its 7.5 cm KwK L70 (0.35 accuracy) hit the mantlet of my target instead of the cupola from a distance of ~350 meters… Or the “BUFF” when my AT 15 with its Type B Barrel flies above the cupola from a distance of ~200 meters…

            • Yes, WG are anti-German, that’s why they will not nerf the Dicker Max view right…

  2. Pingback: Storm: Pár vět o tom, co se chystá

    • YEA, WG needs to nerf arty so it makes it almost impossible to shotgun a tank. Its riduculous to be circling an arty and have them shotgun U. For any snapshot by arty the rounds should fly off into space, literally, straight up!!!!!!!, LOL.

      • How is it ridiculous?
        If you’re stupid enough to drive in front of arty, you deserve to get shotgunned…

  3. - analysis of the 9.6 accuracy changes shows that the amount of hits and amount of damage done after the change dropped by 0,5 to 2 percent. The amount of loss is depends directly on the vehicle accuracy and shooting distance. The biggest nerf happened to artillery.

    How to piss off both Pro Arty (Fully aimed, just move slightly and so it go nowhere near where you aim) and For Arty (More RNG one-shot) people at the same time?
    This is how you do it. I don’t understand why will they touch SPG again if it’s not a rework.

    • Again, those tankers that complain about lower hit ratio and less dmg, that is onlt because they rely too much on shell going to middle no matter aiming or distance. This proves that patch 8.6 was a broken joke that made shell go to middle too often no matter dispersion. But for those who always aimed and shoot in the proper distance they will not get lower hit ratio and/or lower dmg. More likely they will benefit because those who aim lazy will bounce/miss them more.

      For majority of players that miss more and get lower dmg, the other minority will more likely increase their stats because of that. More bounce/miss will make those who aim proper and shoot at proper distance benefit.

      • ur clueless Mr Ms, the accuracy nerf was a buff to German and all accurate guns and a nerf to all inaccurate guns as proven by WG saying it has affected arty the most.

        I love the accuracy nerf and hope WG stays with it and does not now buff arty Scumbags. WG needs to nerf arty alpha. I was one shot the other day in a tier 8 T34 from full health which should NEVER happen by a talentless (90% of arty players are RED) scumbag sitting over in the corner of the map.

        • True, but they also need to rebalance penentration if some tanks like the T34 to be fair. It also makes 95% of all armor at tier 8 useless.

          • Why would they nerf the only good thing about the T34? (well, the gun mantlet is another good thing I suppose).

            Premium tanks need one major redeeming feature for them to be worth buying, and on the T34 it’s the pen. Pretty much everything else (except the mantlet) is crap.

    • I didn’t felt the difference in my leFh18B2..

      Got the MasterClass yesterday with over 2200 dmgs.. (Arty haters will hate)

        • those clickers help a lot against hull-down campers and in cw they are often the only solution against camper teams otherwise completely untouchable. Noob ;-) Learn game mechanics…

          • -1
            Arty fires to spotted enemy tanks, only at the end of a match camper enemy tanks are spotted, and normally is too late as the campers are taken by your team mates. What arty does is to go for those players that are pushing a location in the map, those lads are focused on the enemy/ies on front and suddenly a rain of fire comes down from nowhere. And now, with the accuracy nerf, you stop your tank, prey, shoot and then the arty gets you. Wonder why people complain?
            I had a great match last week in randoms, it was all tier 8-9 tanks. We were probably 10-12 tanks between the two teams and we had a good time tanking for at least 3-4 mins. I was killed but still I felt I participated in one of the best encounters I have seen in a random (20k matches), it was almost like a good CW match — better as there was not that much gold. We did not miss the arty.

          • UR the NOOB pinkydx,

            arty causes camping. If ur in a teir 10 game with 8 arty U play way more campy and less aggressive than if theres no arty. With no arty u can take an aggressive and very forward hull down position on a hill in the open which u cant do in a game with 8 arty. Arty is a cancer and aside from damage for light tanks, which is rare now since most maps are antiscouting, and Jingles is doing his best to have arty severly nerfed in Armored Warfare. Thats the big scare for WG. If AW is good, equal to WOTs, but with a severely nerfed arty U may see a large exodus from WOTs. We will see if AW is smart or dumb. If its WOTs with modern tanks why play it, but with no Cancer Scum then i have a reason to switch.

          • “those clickers help a lot against hull-down campers”

            The argument coming from any idiot’s keyboard.

      • Yep, I’ve had a few more Ace Tankers in my leFH since the change.
        But then, the leFH does have good accuracy, high rate of fire, and fairly quick aim time, so the change would never have bothered it too much.

  4. Finally arty is nerfed so much WG might actually be able to make them fun without people crying about unfair buffs. In honesty I think arty does too much alpha and for the accuracy way too little splash…

    • +1
      Tier 8-10 arties should not be able to kill a medium in one single shot unless there is ammo rack. IMO, a tier 10 arty should not be able to have more alpha that a heavy tank on their tier.

      • Large alpha or lower alpha but more frequent is the same shit. It cripples agressive players and due to HE shells, they make module and crew dmg serious. To me both high alpha and low alpha artys are as annoying.

      • So by that logic you’re saying that any gun above 15cm shouldn’t hurt more. You know how flawed that sounds?

          • Arty can lob shells from across the entire map and over obstacles, ignoring render range because god view displays tank anyhow.

            When TDs will be able to do the same, THEN you may put them together.
            Meanwhile, TDs must be able to see their targets (be in draw distance), have a line of fire on them (which means that their targets can also shoot back at them) AND must pen to do damage (99% of the TDs, anyhow), following the same rules as all other tank classes. Except arty.

  5. I just got the waffle then they nerfed it. I just got the hellcat and they nerfed it. I just got the ConqGC and they nerfed it… FUCK YOU!

  6. circular render range will come relatively soon. In 9.7, new BugWorld version will come and then Wargaming will deal with system matters, such as viewrange
    Is it 500 or 700m circle?

  7. “The biggest nerf happened to artillery.”

    No fucking shit. Few days ago absolutely none of my shots from SU-122A hit the target. None

    I’m afraid to even play with my BC-155-55…

  8. Accuracy Nerf:
    - All the people I know playing the game have noticed the change and it is changing the way some vehicles have to be played, and for worse. Any vehicle with mobility and slow aiming time is affected big time, the bulldog is now a totally different tank. The Cromwell requires a lot more time to shoot at distances greater than 75-100mts, now you have to stop the tank for a couple secs, pray and hope they dont kill you.
    As other people have mentioned, tanks with poor armor than relay on accuracy, German tanks for example, at long distance, at full aim, you lose almost 50% of the shots, no 2%. But where I notice a huge game change is in the low tiers where the tanks have bad accuracy, shooting at the distance is now crazy. Poor people starting playing these days.
    What drives me crazy, is the shot where my reticle circle is complete closed, is almost the same size that the enemy tank, I aim to the middle and the shell goes to the border of the reticle hitting the ground. Bananas.

    • The question is, how many of the people you knew are from the old school when superior positioning was important and when you had to play in a way that accuracy and aim time wouldnt be an issue?

      I honestly dont get why people complain I dont think accuracy has changed, but then again I have good crews with BIA and vent = all crew skills are boosted. But how did people manage in 8.5 then if I may ask you? Look at older wot vids people could still snipe and pen at long distances.

      Exactly what german snipers cant snipe at 350-400 meters now if I may ask? Because I snipe with my tiger II on occasion at those ranges and eveb my friend does with his is3.

      Also note that Wg has only nerfed the dead center shots by 6% or so but all other shots go closer to the inner circle. This was not a nerf in the way many people think.

  9. “there will be WGL grand final around the time of 9.7″

    So, we can expect 9.7 near the end of April, good to know.

  10. change conditions for IM, i.e. tweaking the requirements?

    “but what if they nerf them, and i did itthe hard way. what will i be given?”

  11. This whole nerf is due to the aimbots/weakspots being so good in warpack and slayers among other illegal mod packs. Why not just get rid of the hackers?

    • Aimbot dont make accuracy better though. Aimbot just target weakspots that you could do yourself anyways. Even if you move and are locked on a weakspot the dispersion is higher = no guarantee that you will pen.

      This balance is made of several reasons like restoring the natural balance between accurate and unaccurate guns and also make armor more valuable by making less well aimed shots (snapshots) miss and bounce more by not going dead center. And this also affects gold ammo since if you miss with regular ammo there is no guarantee you will hit by using gold.

      • Aimbots and other related illegal mods increase the percentage of hit shots with out skill, which does make the accuracy better overall. This is their solution to that. Punish everyone!

        You ever play those clans in ClanWars where the score does not come up at the end?

        Every single shot you receive is a critical hit?

        You in denial?

        • I dont know anything about clown wars, but I do know about dead eye perk and shooting critical areas. My critical hit percentage like engine, fuel tank, gun, crews has decreased since I started doing more track shots. Other than that it is easy to damage modules and crews.

        • What kind of scrub clan you were in? Blaming mods for “accuracy hack” is a definite proof for lack of knowledge about game mechanics.

          Without that, you are deserving to lose either way in competitive battles.

  12. Heey!

    in parentheses
    “если конечно 2% можно назвать страданием” – unless of course the 2% can be called suffering.

    Shame of you, SS, this incomplete and inaccurate translation)).

    And 2% – 2% – just a little trifle, not more. It’s not even worth whining))

  13. “- several HD models were removed from 9.7 content: AMX-50/100, IS-3 and Pershing. These vehicles had their collision models changed somewhat and since they are actively used in cybersports and there will be WGL grand final around the time of 9.7, these vehicles will be delayed to only after 9.7″

    I see first time WG actually care about something before they release something. LOL.
    Shame they do not care that much about players, dropping shit on them and fixing it as live server became their… how you called it SS? Guinea pig?

  14. “- analysis of the 9.6 accuracy changes shows that the amount of hits and amount of damage done after the change dropped by 0,5 to 2 percent.”

    That’s figuring in the overwhelming number of shitters that would be missing or bouncing anyways. It’s probably 5-10% for people with skill.

  15. ‘The biggest nerf happened to artillery.’

    There are not many things that can make my day better but this is one of them. Bush cowardice clickers nerfed again. They should nerf them even more.

    Lately I don’t continue playing when got crippling hit. No repairs, no shooting, no extinguisher. I won’t pay additional credits for an idiot sitting in a bush on the other end of the map. Simply alt-tabbing doing something else before the tank gets destroyed (which can take quite a while, funny to watch that arty can take 90% hp of the tank and the team is unable to finish it). My way dealing with arty. Maybe not fair for my team, but definitely fair for my mental health. And, actually, I don’t think that in reality a tank would survive a direct artillery hit. So I basically play as if the tank was real. Leaving it burn, not repairing tracks (which is bullshit anyway to get you tracks repaired within few seconds “on its own”).