- according to developers, the statement that “accuracy nerf made premium vehicles with poor accuracy farm noticeably less credits” is not true
- the upcoming new motion physics will have no effect on game performance, as it is calculated server-side
- Storm doesn’t remember the numbers exactly, but for all vehicles with normal (non-derp) guns, the damage difference between 0.9.5 and 0.9.6 after the accuracy nerf was less than one percent
- regarding the question, why Wargaming doesn’t want to put serious hardcaps on any class including artillery: “If there are more vehicles of one class than we need, it means that the class is incorrectly balanced and we have to balance it correctly instead of introducing artificial hardcaps”
- TD as a class will not be “rebalanced” – Storm states that the statement that every team has 4-5 TD’s on average is false
- developers have not yet investigated, how 0.9.6 nerf influenced the survivability of small weakspot vehicles, such as Tortoise
- returning to the “non-critical areas of tanks being hit recieve only 50 percent damage is a stupid idea” statement by Storm, another player argues that this would be remedied by having a proper voiceover, saying “you did hit less critical area, you did less damage” – Storm replies that “it wouldn’t reduce butthurt anyway”
- the fate of Prokhorovka map is not decided yet (SS: earlier, it was mentioned it could be removed from the game with only Fiery Salient remaining)
- new render status? “I cannot say anything for now”
- Storm confirms that IS-3 HD model will have weaker frontal armor due to less favourable armor angle – specifically: earlier – 57-60 degrees (from horizontal), new angle is 61 degrees
- Storm states that he personally doesn’t care about e-sports, but there are other developers that do (SS: a lot of RU players are angry because of the IS-3 and other HD model delay due to WGL)
- Q: “Please explain to me, why the fuck are you touching arty?” A (Storm): “To fuck it up. You’re welcome.”
- developers can’t put a limit on MM not to throw you into the same map you already played on in last battle, it would mess with the MM mechanism
- physics will come in a separate test round, players won’t have to wait for 9.7 test for it
- physics test will be followed by a limited (addressed) poll, there will not be an all-player-poll in general most likely
- it’s possible that developers will introduce a “tank inspector” in the garage (you will be able to look at any tank, but not play it)
- internal module layout of all tanks will not be disclosed
- 9.7 will not bring spotting system rework
- AMX-30 “branch” will consist of two vehicles (AMX-30 Prototype and AMX-30B)
- French Somua S35 does not count as a part of the AMX-30 branch: “it’s another branch”, it will be a limited minibranch of tiers 2 to 5
- the tank, from which AMX-30 will be unlocked, will be announced later to avoid the “we already grinded the XP!” whine
- a server on Crimean peninsula will most likely not be started
- new motion physics will not influence shell trajectory or shell physics
- WT E-100 will not be replaced in 9.7
- in new motion physics, tipping the tank on the roof will work the same way as drowning: there will be a counter and after that, the tank gets destroyed if it doesn’t tip back on tracks
- new camos, inscriptions and emblems will be implemented, but no ETA for now
- the physics test will come in very late February, or early March
- it’s possible Super Pershing will be reworked to HD in 9.7
- new contact list still has some issues, they will be fixed
- HD IS-3 will come in 9.8
- for now, buff to Batchat ammo carried is not planned
- the physics test will consist of two servers – one with “realistic” physics and one with “simplified” physics
- slowly, step by step, limited MM premiums will be removed from sales
- for now, Type 62 will not be buffed (not in 9.7 anyway)
- A-32 will not be reworked to HD or rebalanced anytime soon
- KV-5 will not be buffed
- Dx12 support is not even in plans for now
- alternative hulls will come “when it’s done it’s done”
- Xbox One WoT grass render (improved grass) will come to PC – it’s in the process of rework
- Xbox One WoT HD models had no influence on PC HD model schedule
- TD as a class will not be “rebalanced” – Storm states that the statement that every team has 4-5 TD’s on average is false
I can vouch for that. I’m on MT-15 now and I need to kill 3 TD’s. Ever since I got to that mission… I’ve only seen 2-3 on each team max. So annoying :P
That’s just WG rigging the IMs to make you play longer. Need to kill 3 Med?90 % of your battles will have 5 or 6 Heavies, 3 TDs, 2 Meds and ARTY. Need to kill 3 Heavies? Your battles will have 5 or 6 Med, 3 TDs, 2 Heavies and ARTY. And so on and so on.
I know the idea behind IMs was to help improve player base by helping them understand certain aspects of different classes but all it’s done is taken away the just play the game factor. How many times have you seen someone rush out to kill a tank within the first 2 minutes? Or take unnecessary damage to get a RAM KILL? If they just let ALL missions be unlock and allow you to complete any by just playing your game it would cut down on players doing stupid shit JUST to complete a mission. FUCK YOU WG CUNTS and your STUPID IM that have broken the game even more.
For 2 weeks I havent seen Prokhorovka once and the last mission I need to do is LT-15
For 2 weeks I keep getting team of monkeys that doesnt care to shoot any target that I spotted
For 2 weeks I’m trying to finish this mission and I’m closer and closer to deleting this fucked up game from the HDD…
the 1000 spotting mission in a light being unspotted is VERY hard since WG nerfed most maps so u cant passive spot anymore. I bought back the wz131 to het this done soon, i hope.
You only need to be unspotted at the moment the enemy gets hit, rest of the time you can be spotted as much as you like. And it doesn’t have to be 1k at once, you can get 300, get spotted, hide, get 400, get spotted, hide, get 300 and mission done.
Its still way easier than this damned LT-15
I do agree LT15 is bloody annoying.
WG should at least include damage done by the player in the calculation. I could have the mission twice already if it counted (AMX 13 90 on the prowl, had to defend myself twice, so I killed the guys and thus lost the spotting damage that could have been done…).
The mission makes you into a target that cannot open fire for fear of losing the spotting damage. It has never been said LTs should not open fire when spotted. WG as usual.
Indeed. Either it should count damage dealt+damage spotted+damage assisted by detracking (pretty much like in the HT-15 mission) or the requirement for mission should be lowered to 3k or even 2,5k
I am 80% sure that I will never manage to finish this mission
True since I got HT-15 I haven’t seen a city map when playing HT since I got TD-15 I haven’t seen a open field map with TD. Instead I get Ensk, Ruinsberg and Himmelsdorf with TD and Prokamperovka and Kampinovka with HT.
I feel you man. I’m already 50% through T28HTC but sill haven’t done the LT15 from Stug… I just play all day with Bulldog and hope to get Prokhorovka. Then i either make 3900 spotting dmg twice in a row or i get 2 more scouts in team doing the same mission.. I unistalled the game 3 days ago.
I have no words for this amount of stupidity
Quick, get out the tinfoil hats!
Now, now SACEUR, a cunt is useful. Unless you’re a WG homo or something.
Well, from the numbers vbAddict has, there are on average:
4,34 heavies per match
3,38 meds per match
3,17 TDs per match
2,39 lights per match
1,72 arties per match
It’s a very big sample, so I think TDs and arties might be a bit lower and meds and heavies a bit higher (because of 8.6 nerf, recent acc nerf, etc)
Basically 4 – 5 heavies, 3 – 4 meds, 3 TDs, 2-3 lights and 1 – 2 arty is a completely average team setup. Maybe rare at some points in time, but still average and very likely to encounter.
And encountering low numbers of TDs? It’s like that all the time. What people notice:
“I have 15 TDs on team, MM sucks.”
“I pay attention to MM because of mission and I get average team setups, MM sucks.”
Thus IMs are luck based, since most requirements for “kill x” are above the average setup.
That’s not what you consider luck, really – you will get the team needed sooner or later. Sure, you may get lucky and get it in the first battle. And you may get really unlucky – like one in a millions – and have a hundred battles without necessary team.
But if you have 10k+ battles, what is another 10 battles? To be honest, for StuG my average number of battles to complete it was about 3 – 5, I think (didn’t count it). Some were tough, but 90% I completed in a single battle, or two tries. You need 60 missions for StuG, so if you make them in 200 – 300 battles, that’s pretty reasonable, IMO.
Even now on concept, it’s fairly easy to fulfill a mission so far (5 missions completed out of 75, started two days ago and play mostly leisurely) – and if I don’t get the right setup, I just play like usually.
Had a match with 17 TD. 11 on other team alone.
http://i.imgur.com/d9ZBZKm.jpg <- this one? I bet all medium tanks in enemy team had "kill two mediums" mission.
SS what is your opinion on WG not releasing 9.6 on the NA server yet? We have a 15% discount off tier 8 premiums, but of course the patch isn’t here to buy the CDC :( More dissing of the NA population, or what is your take on it?
Actually, I doubt that even if 9.6 had been released on time, that we’d have gotten the discount on the CDC or STA-2. IIRC, there was no discount on the Panther 88 either at the time. Someone pointed out to me that WG has seemed to never put new premiums on sale so soon, so we shouldn’t get butthurt over this.
It is eSports fault that NA hasn’t gotten 9.6 yet.
If they really want to run eSports, they should have a dedicated server for it and not screw around with the FTP and paying customer base.
NA has just finished its “Carnival” event with x3 crew XP all week. Probably 9.6 had to be delayed to clear that.
On the whole, NA has much better events and discounts than EU. I have accounts on all the servers and play wherever the rewards are best – I seem to spend most of my time on NA…
go fuck urself, WG fucks the NA server.
Remember the free TOG-tober. RU and EU specials R way better than NA!!!!
But that T14 surely knocked your socks off?
9.6 is delayed due to the WGLNA Gold tournament eSports event. They didn’t want to mess with the accuracy so close to the tournnment. Apparently 9.6 will get released to NA when it’s over… on March 15th…
Thank god!
So NA will receive 9.6 patch a couple of weeks before the 9.7 test server goes live?!?!? LMFAO
…the tank, from which AMX-30 will be unlocked, will be announced later??? So it wont be the amx 13 90 after all? wtf…
Who knows? (Well, probably Storm does…) But it’d seem likely that it would unlock off the AMX 13 90. It sounds more like WG just doesn’t want to make any public commitments on the topic.
it makes sense but this is Wargamming so anything could happen.
WG leaks its the 1390 so NOOBS grind XP and then its switched to another tank so U have to spend GOLD to convert all that XP, brilliant!!!!!!
Maybe it’s going to be lorraine 40t. But i hope not
It will be Leopard PT A :P
“- Xbox One WoT HD models had no influence on PC HD model schedule”
Arent they the same HD models as on PC?
haha! There’s no way a potatostation can run 30 different 3D models and textures for them that mid range PCs can berely run.
One of the minor annoyances for me regarding camo paint is the fact that the standard desert paint job for German vehicles in WW2, the mustard yellow/tan (or whatever they called it) paint job, isn’t available. Seriously, how difficult could this one be? Come on, WG, if you’re going to add some new camo paint jobs, this one should be at the top of the list for historicity.
- in new motion physics, tipping the tank on the roof will work the same way as drowning: there will be a counter and after that, the tank gets destroyed if it doesn’t tip back on tracks
At first I though tank fliping would be a terrible idea, but on second thoughts it will be great. Rather than drowning or cliffdiving, I can now flip over if I want to leave a game without penalty.
Cheers WG.
LOL, if u ram a tank and flip it over but u cant kill it in 10 seconds u lose the kill.
it will be just like throwing someone off the cliff you will get the kill(drowning enemy counts as kill right now isnt it?)
Tank viewer would be a great addition, I loved that feature in War Thunder.
Thanks, Gaijin :D
Thanks Obama
Thanks Illuminati
Which tank MMO has Obama company produced? Somehow can’t remember. Or the reply is completely stupid.
Who said it was not meant to be stupid? Assumptions, assumptions … tststs.
Storm doesn’t remember the numbers exactly, but for all vehicles with normal (non-derp) guns, the damage difference between 0.9.5 and 0.9.6 after the accuracy nerf was less than one percent
So, was it a nerf or just a lot of BS?
Same rule as in the previous huge amount of versions:
0 focus, 75% hits (depends on enemy cover)
10 – 90% focus, 50% hits
100% focus, 75% penetration
Thus, focus or don’t but not half!
Looks like it.. Atleast thats what WG wants us to believe. I hope.. I dont want my Jtig to be useless (accuracy wise)
Conqueror GC now performs same or even worse than T92.. This is a point of 9.6 acc. nerf No more 10k dmg in CWs
T26E4 better get some amazing OP buff when its made in HD and removed from store…
its a pretty strong tank so dont expect a buff
its murican it must be OP hurrdurrrrhurrr
Excuse me? T34 op? American tanks op? Tell me, what game you are playing?
T92, Bulldog, Hellcat, T40, T67, E3
t92 OP?hellcat after they nerfed it?dude get real.
Stop smoking Crack dude. You see more 53/55s then 92s, the last patch shit all over the Hellcat & the 40 and the E3 is only OP to scrubs. The only OP tanks you listed would be the T67 and Bulldog but the Bulldog got or getting nerfd so that just leaves the 67 which they have been threatening to nerf for the last 6 months. We all know US and German tanks are not allowed to be OP
Tell me, what game are YOU playing? The Americans got a truckload of above average tanks. Even post nerf, the hellcat still rules in tier 6, the T37 and the bulldog are still WN8 printing machines and the old friends such as the T29, T32 and the M103 still lead to one of the best tier ten heavies: the T110E5.
Above average=/=OP
Besides, where did you hear that E5 is one of the best???
It’s just above average-good, nothing more.
- alternative hulls will come “when it’s done it’s done”
Yeah, then we can have the Firefly with Welded hull they always showed in WoT Trailers instead of the cast one we currently have. :D SRSLY WG, you tease us with the Firefly for a long time and then come with just that variant that wasn’t that one.
yeah, the cast one sucks!
So when exactly is 9.7 coming out ? Also is it me or did WG actually started to do things™ again, surely AW hype has nothing to do with it.
Patch cycles are 1.5 months roughly, they already said April was the goal
- regarding the question, why Wargaming doesn’t want to put serious hardcaps on any class including artillery: “If there are more vehicles of one class than we need, it means that the class is incorrectly balanced and we have to balance it correctly instead of introducing artificial hardcaps”
That just proves that WARGAMING has no idea how to run a game … Honestly that just takes it right there … No players are playing a class because they like the play style or they happen to fall in love with one vehicle because it looks cool or fits how they want to play.. Players play Tds because they can give you a good laugh by hitting someone for a lot of DMG that does not mean they are op.. TDS have downsides .. They have been out to get Tds .. LEAVE THEM ALONE AND PUT A CAP ON THEM .. The Tds them selves were IMO never op it was the amount of them in battle that made it ridiculous.. I am done with this game .. They have ruined it
I agree with WG on this, if to many people r playing tds they need nerfed and same with arty. U can have a tank game without tds and arty. TDs have needed nerfed and arty still needs a huge alpha nerf.
and you need a brain surgery.just limit their numbers per team genius.problem solved.
that would make 1 hour long waiting before you can get into battle unfortunetly
1 hour?gimme a break.from where did you get that?
Boo hooo. Instead of 10-13 sec wait, 30 second. So bad, so mad.
Why? Cuz WG
“No, there are no tds for this match. Wait moar!” And boom, 1 hour in queue. Really wg, thats just like the 8TDs per team battle that I had yesterday. I like TDs (My most matches have been played in TDs), but WG is just debil. Hell, how long are they gonna keep their brains frozen…
okay bye
“- Xbox One WoT grass render (improved grass) will come to PC – it’s in the process of rework”
But it looked awful. The grass was the only ugly thing in the Xbox One trailer. :O
afaiac it looked great. Except for some really thick grass here and there.
HD IS-3 will have less frontal armor with a higher angle on the armor? Or is the thickness just changing? Anyways, I think this is bullshit. The IS-3 has already had its frontal armor nerfed into nothing, and the turret has the massive top plate. I really hope some sort of buff compensates these HD nerfs that are coming for the IS-3.
There will be a buff. In the cost of XP and credits for the modules and the tank itself. Seriously, no matter what i fight vs the IS3, I almost always pen it. Without even aiming. Just a general “somewhere in the hull area will be good”
IS3 sucks now and since last nerf they r pretty rare tanks and if its nerfed more u will never see them much anymore.
SERB has taken the Russian bias seriously and massively nerfed tier 6 kv1s and is3.
r tier ten mediums next?
The current KV1-s (tier 5th) is pretty good. Not OP, just good. Its fast, decently armored, mobile, and that unholy 122 howitzer.. It can oneshot some of the lowertier tanks, Sametier, or highertier tanks can and will have problems with you cause of that unholy 122mm howitzer I adore shoting a AT2. Many tanks have problems with it. Me? I don’t care, i just shoot at it. Will always do some damage.
Edit: Also I wouldnt mind a T10 mediur soviet nerf.
“IS3 sucks now”
It’s not the IS-3 that sucks, mate…
KV-85 is maybe even better than former KV-1S (well, the depression is bad), offering two usable top guns. My winrate still rising…
If you rely on the IS-3 frontal armor… you’re doing it wrong.
Just get used to be penned by everything with at least 170mm of pen, even when you face them dead-on.
Use the turret and the troll side armor. The IS-3 IMO never was about the frontal armor anyhow.
You can rely on the armour to some extent. If you know you will get penned frontally, angle the tank! Yes the front cheek you present to the enemy will be even weaker. But since you would get penned anyway, this doesn’t matter at all. What matters is that the said front cheek will be the only spot you can get penned at (apart from the top of the turret of course), instead of the whole front. This reduces the effective pennable area almost by half. It also allows to move back and forward to “wiggle” the cheek to make it harder to target it. As a bonus, you will also “wiggle” your turret weakspot at the same time! :)
It’s not all doom and gloom :)
+1 good sum ip
Am I the only one that remembers that just last week Storm announced that the AMX-30 Prototype (then referred to as the AMX-30 A) tier 9 and the AMX-30 B tier 10 would be unlocked from the 13-90 as a split off, creating an alternative to the Lorraine 40 t tier 9/BatChat 25 t?
storm never “anmounces” anything on fty, its all offtherecord, remember, this is just a shit blog, nothings official in it
If it’s such a “shit blog” then why are you posting?
He must feel like a shit if he post on shit blog. Easy as that.
And meanwhile on the US server, its still 9.5….so no accuracy nerfs for us!
“- the fate of Prokhorovka map is not decided yet (SS: earlier, it was mentioned it could be removed from the game with only Fiery Salient remaining”
I like Salient more anyways (i know, those planes are just for show and/or for noobs to shoot at anyways, but they add the atmosphere of battle, unlike the gladiator pit fight with tanks atmosphere other maps do), but currently it’s just too damn much buged to be more survivable than the other Prokhorovka. I remember once accidentaly hiting some kind of invisible rock (and ending up with my front lifted about 1m high on it) around those bushes on J3, sadly in the heat of battle i didn’t screenshot it and later in training room i was unable to find it again.
- KV-5 will not be buffed
woras have you seen the amount you can make with KV-5?
Same map….hmmm :D
In that moment, in an indie game called Space Engineers of a little company:
- Infinite procedural generated space
- Super light physic with awesome effects based on HAVOK (see also Medieval Engineers)
- Game is ready for Multi core support
- Game is ready for DX11
- Developers decisions are made starting from community ideas
- In game there will be planets with accurate (and light) physics
- Tons of ideas ready to born with a normal budget and patches every 2 weeks
Meanwhile, at WG’s company…
- LOL u don’t like dis? How terrible
- Havok? Physics? when it’s done it’s done
- HD models? we are working on it, in patch 11.0 you will have at least 30% of HD models
- DX11? U kiddin? too heavy for our players with netbooks
- multicore support? u don’t need it on single core cpu’s
- “Could you do something to…” “HERE TAKE A NEW MEP! NEW PAPER TANK! HERE TAKE IT!”
Burn in Hell WG
In that moment, in an indie game called Space Engineers of a little company:
Game based on running around with guy in space suit, stacking some shit on top of another shit.
Without the HAVOK® physics you basically are left with Minecraft, but with actual graphics that doesn’t make people with some eyesight vomit bricks.
Meanwhile, at WG’s company…
Shooter/RPG with friggin’ tanks that might not be best, but is first of its kind and while having obsolete graphics and no HAVOK® currently, it still has something to offer.
Oh, and WG devs listen to (some) player suggestions, but 90% of them are either dumb (E-90, Krokodil, pene buff for short 88 to be “just like movies”, deleting arty class), dismissed earlier, but repeated over and over (+-1 MM, hardcap on classes, skill-based MM) or just problematic (arty mechanism rework or goldspam for example – they know damn well there’s some problem, but the solution is not just that simple – well, the goldspam solution is, actually, quite simple, but not really profitable for them, which we may frown upon, but still, it’s understandable.
However I like SE (it’s a Czech game, basically):
You just compared two completely different games. It’s like dissing WoT that it doesn’t run on Java and it’s too smooth, unlike Minecraft…
The point is that a LITTLE company made all those things WG is promising since years, I perfectly know that these are two completely different games but the point remains the same.
Havok, DX11, Multicore support, OPTIMIZATION… all things you can find in the most stupid indie game while here we still have tank models with the same polygons of PS2 games while the game’s FPS can’t remain stable because of the shitty optimization of the game, a game made by a giant company with tons of money.
Space Engineers was just an example, the point is that you can’t justify everything saying “when it’s done it’s done” everytime, I really hope AW will blow WG up to see if they will start doing something instead of adding maps and useless tanks.
Oh, and about the “Game based on running around with guy in space suit, stacking some shit on top of another shit”, Space Engineers is still a Beta.
“Oh, and about the “Game based on running around with guy in space suit, stacking some shit on top of another shit”, Space Engineers is still a Beta.”
So? In final release you will be able to stack the shit UNDER the other shit or what? I don’t see the point of that note.
Sandbox games never really worked for me… Even GTA, and i like it, allways makes me loose my focus in that tiny bit of sandbox gameplay it offers compared to real sandbox games. I allways end up just doing some random crap for fun, which is entertaining for hour or two, but gets really boring after some time…
Well, the game itself, like Medieval Engineers, has an enormous potential, ofc if you don’t like sandbox then it’s useless to talk about them.
When on SE they will introduce planets, oxygen, resources and so on, there will be tons of private servers with a lot of people (this also happens right now) creating their own bases, ships, defences against other players, the conquest of planets, the destrucion of planets, and so on.
It’s all possible, you have infinite possibilities, you can’t just say you put “shit over shit”, if we look at games this way:
WoT: clicking on 3D models doing numbers
A race game: following a line holding a button
An adventure game: following a line pressing many buttons
And ofc I repeat: if you don’t like sandbox (and I can understand it) it’s useless to talk about them because of different point of views.
Space engineers:
- Made from the start with the aim to have a physical model (core feature)
- Dedicated servers, because it’s not competitive (cheating is negligible)
- Maximum of 16 players per server
World of Tanks:
- Made from the start with the aim to allow teams of tanks battling (core feature)
- Global servers to unify playing and calculations and prevent cheating (wallhacks and such)
- Maximum of 100k players per server with about 10k actually playing (IIRC, which’d mean about 150 – 200 games at the same time)
You don’t get the difference – it’s different games, which needed different approach in the start.
SE was focused on physics, because it was a small indie game focused on physics. There’s no need to optimize connection, large groups of players, matchmaking, models of tanks or hitzones. If somebody disconnects for a second – it’s not a big thing, at most you lose some of ever abundant resources. So naturally, you pick the best physics engine, and then work with it, adding to it. 16 players might get raised in the future – but the physics was more important.
WoT, on the other hand, was primarily an MMO – network was important. Simple models of tanks were important. In the early stages, physics and optimization wasn’t that needed, so they picked different engine. It was important to let two teams play together smoothly and to have good moving and hitting system – nothing beyond that. And now, they build on that base – they add more physics, more optimization – but that wasn’t important in the start.
Simply put, you focus on what you want to do with the game in the start – and only then you add on that. And it’s natural that these two games differ, since WoT isn’t a game about physics simulation and SE isn’t a game about 15 vs 15 players playing a battle on the server.
- Q: “Please explain to me, why the fuck are you touching arty?” A (Storm): “To fuck it up. You’re welcome.”
Show the nice policeman where the nasty man touched you.
please fuck the scumbags up more, on NA only red noobs play arty, its disgusting WG allow sit and click arty for crap players
Riiiight, and the fact that a lot of unicums also own arty is just a figment of the imagination, right?
STFU until you know what you’re talking about.
No no, please keep complaining about arty :) the best part of arty are the raging players so keep going man, follow ya dreams
Any info / guess on the rest of new french low tiers? I’d guess R35 will be tier 2, dunno about tiers 4,5 though.
R35 would be awesome, mostly because skin reasons~ =w=
I want this one:
my easy solution to Arty Problem,
if i see 4 arty in game, i drive my tank directly center of map or where enemy tanks are and get reked in 20 sec…
sorry team, sorry WR, i just can’t –
next game will be ok, i’ll do my best.
easy solution,
you can whine and wait for EVER for WG to do something but it will NOT happen, so acting like a scum and quick suicide it’s the only way for me to continue playing when there are 4 Artys in Game, which occur quite a lot these days, sorry.
I’m glad for you. I’m also glad for your opponents that receive easy exp. And I’m also glad for your team because they have yet another idiot to spend bot reports on.
It’s every man’s choice.
I stop playing the actual battle after a crippling hit (no point wasting extinguisher, first aid or repair kit). In real life, tanks did not survived direct arty shot anyway, so I only mimics the reality. And that in reality it is a complete bullshit that arty kills 7 tanks of 15? Who cares, WG sets the rules.
The more kills, damage and XP arty get the sooner they get nerfed.
I want to see Storm say “M48 Patton buff plan is confirmed”
“- developers have not yet investigated, how 0.9.6 nerf influenced the survivability of small weakspot vehicles, such as Tortoise”
WTF ? That was the whole point of that nerf, wasnt it ? To make armor usefull.
Or it’s not true anymore ?
in new motion physics, tipping the tank on the roof will work the same way as drowning: there will be a counter and after that, the tank gets destroyed if it doesn’t tip back on tracks
And how is the tank suposed to flip back on it’s tracks when being fliped on the roof????
Spin bug.
Voras you non european race….:<
Magic. also belief in Lord almighty SerB and his lackey Stalin
F7, F7, F7!!!
… A friendly KV-5 comes to a resque… bump and you are tipped over again, but dead from ram too. ;)
- Storm confirms that IS-3 HD model will have weaker frontal armor due to less favourable armor angle – specifically: earlier – 57-60 degrees (from horizontal), new angle is 61 degrees
This (61° angle) actually makes the frontal armor tougher, not weaker.
No it is not
I think he’s talking about LFP, so it’s actually weaker (90° being the lowest available)
Dying to try the new physics! X_X
- Q: “Please explain to me, why the fuck are you touching arty?” A (Storm): “To fuck it up. You’re welcome.”
Is this guy retarded? I can’t believe he actually works for a company let alone develops anything. So this storm guy is like the lead dev for wargaming or something?
just an arrogant prick.
Such question deserve an adequate answer. If someone would speak to you like this in real life, what would be your answer?
He works for a major corporation. You don’t give a reply like that no matter how someone asks a question. Though they have yet to prove that they are professional with any of the replies they give.
It was answered in the previous days in a serious way. Like five times. And the person likely knows it, and still they go: “I want my favourite class to be conserved in its state forever”.
Storm confirms that IS-3 HD model will have weaker frontal armor due to less favourable armor angle – specifically: earlier – 57-60 degrees (from horizontal), new angle is 61 degrees
Because the last armor nerf wasn’t bad enough they have to kick it while it’s down?
And? IS3 is strong, now its only going to get historical armor opposed to 3-4 years of artificialy buffed armor.
…and then throw it in with 10 tier 10s. Sounds good, aye?
All other tier 8 see tier 10 as much as is3 so stop acting stupid ffs. Look at global WR, do u see is3 at the bottom of the list? Stop asking for powercreep buffs, is3 needs rebalance.
You make zero sense. Did you finish high school?
I dont get how they could have screwed up for so long on the is3 giving it much stronger armor and turret than in real life yet they keep balancing german tanks accoring to “history”.
People complaining about heavy tanks having armor, LMAO. I am sick of this shit.
Nobody is complaining, except those who want the IS3 to have more armor than the historical model.
- HD IS-3 will come in 9.8
“HD IS-3 will come in 9.4″
WG and they promises :D
Havok will come in 9.0
- Q: “Please explain to me, why the fuck are you touching arty?” A (Storm): “To fuck it up. You’re welcome.”
Am I gey?
1: Yes
2: No
So, did he forget the letter “r” or did he switch the “a” for an “e”?
Any plans to buff the 1390 and bat at all as it seems they suck with the new accuracy nerf, also 1390 under powered compared to other T8 lights.
Accuracy affect all tanks so all tanks suck as much.
13 90 under powered? Tell that to the poor WZ-132.
As soon as they stop being preferred clanwar tanks for their respective tiers they will get buffed.
I expect nothing to happen soon. Autoloader masterrace.
I dont think the 13 90 is UP comparing to the other tier 8 lights, it is more about knowing its role and being careful but still is very capable tank and a nightmare for other lights. It spots the best.
“- regarding the question, why Wargaming doesn’t want to put serious hardcaps on any class including artillery: “If there are more vehicles of one class than we need, it means that the class is incorrectly balanced and we have to balance it correctly instead of introducing artificial hardcaps” ”
So, the 5 artys cap per team means artys are totally fine and working as intended. WG logic
So, the 5 artys cap per team *means nothing and* artys are totally fine and working as intended. WG logic…
- Dx12 support is not even in plans for now
this company is so out of date at this point it’s not even funny anymore
“- slowly, step by step, limited MM premiums will be removed from sales”
… first eliminate from in game for gold purchase, driving up cash sales, then drop from the webstore, after which they will be nerfed. Excellent, comrade!
“- Q: “Please explain to me, why the fuck are you touching arty?” A (Storm): “To fuck it up. You’re welcome.””
Classic WG. Keep spending $ on WG, sheeple!!
Am I the only one who read a lot of bullshit?? Storms seems like he doesn’t even work for WG anymore and became something between SerB and random guy from the street, answering all questions with “I don’t know” and “You don’t like it, don’t play”. Oh, why do I even bother, this game went to hell anyway…
Prokhorovka: This is the map I like the most in the game. I checked my battles for the last 30 days and at the moment I see this map every 31 battles (including both versions). If one is removed, it is a disaster.