- Storm agrees that the wooden barricades on Stalingrad map are “sad”
- in 9.6 there is apparently an issue, where the client disconnects during the synchronization of the account (“personal information”) with server, Storm states that this issue is limited to single report here and there
- how exactly will HD IS-3 armor look? “Wait for common test or supertest leaks”
- general WG politics (like why they left the E-25 unnerfed when WG openly admits the vehicle is imbalanced) are SerB’s decision
- apparently, ST-I has incorrect turret side armor angle. It’s possible it will be improved (buffed) when the vehicle gets reworked to HD
- Type 62 will not be buffed for now
- artillery class will not be completey rebalanced, for now anyway
- A-32 rework to HD has low priority
- no ETA on Dx11 support for WoT, but developers are actively working on it
- introducing Dx11 support requires complete overhaul of everything in the client, it’s much easier to implement it from day 1 than to rework existing game for it
- penetration and ricochet decals (SS: the traces that it leaves on the tank) will be changed (the same decal but of higher quality)
- in the future, “massive rebalances” will come
- Type 59 will not come in HD in 9.7
- developers know about the issue where the same gun (105mm M4) weighs one third on British tanks, when compared to the same gun on American tanks, but won’t change it for now. The reason for that (generally incorrect module weights) is that the module weights influence the total weight of the vehicle and that’s already a balance change. Now only the total weight of the vehicle is historical, noone gives a crap about module weights.
- in the game, artillery howitzers, when reaching the limit of their range, change their aim circle area from a circle to more like a strip, like this. Storm doesn’t consider it a problem, it will not be changed.
- T-34/85 turret (elite) has its mantlet incorrectly shifted to the left, it will be fixed
- replacement of the WT E-100, what gun will it have? “No comment”
- Storm considers the situation where content gets delayed because of e-sports normal
- details about the physics test will be published “later”
- Storm confirms: there is no time limit for individual missions
- in new physics, a tank will stop by itself just like it is now (when not pressing “W”), but it will happen slower. It will be possible to break faster using a handbrake.
- Storm considers the situation where content gets delayed because of e-sports normal
fuck esports
they should have a dedicated esports and WGL server…
guess what: fu2:DDDDDDD
my opinion exactly, it’s a shame they aren’t listening
you got your asses, then you got your asswipes.
Basically, yes.
Theres no real hurry for a patch so a delay is no big deal.
I agree, fuck e-sports.
lol, black power!
Stfu anti-white racist!!11 Pls SS ban all anti white people.
IF…the general population of the U.S. servers cared about WGLNA or whatever the fuck they are called id understand. But no one gives too shits how they do. To cater to them and fuck over a entire server is beyond stupid.
I’d much rather have the new patch than some stupid esports event. We had a great event recently, but it would have been better under 9.6, that half off crew training would have been a great time to retrain my unused radio operators. Plus, fool that I am, I’m looking forward to getting the AMX CDC so I can get some additional crew training in.
What’s the big deal if they put out 9.6? Both teams would still be even with the new patch running. A few things may be different but neither side would have an advantage. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, except in WG world.
What’s the big deal? The buff to most of the lights as well as better view range is a pretty big deal. The buff to lights is very noticable.
This is the one patch that a lot of light tank fans have been waiting for and WG and their “fuckfaceness” fucked up by waiting so a bunch of douches that no one cares about can jerk eachother off.
“in the future, “massive rebalances” will come”
SS What on earth is this? I feel the game is pretty balanced in everything except our little satellite friend, and we already had this “artillery class will not be completey rebalanced, for now anyway”.
Does this mean a massive artillery rebalance? No matter who you are artillery is one of the most controversial topics in WOT… Change is needed, so does this mean the artillery mechanic is being changed?
“Storm considers the situation where content gets delayed because of e-sports normal”
Screw this crap, the hundreds of thousands of NA players would like to freaking play the CDC.
We all know WG just likes driving NA server into the dust… RU population is freaking spoiled while EU and NA get screwed… Woulda thought they would change it with the ruble price drop.
While Mr. Putin plays WoT, RU will always be spoiled…even if the top WG brass can live abroad if things go hairy, their families will still live in Russia and Belarus.
You just went full retard…
“Hundreds of thousands”
You don’t actually play on NA, do you?
And, NA tends to get better things than other servers, many times. Not sure where the sudden “NA is always screwed over” feeling comes from, as those are feelings that EU or SEA generally would have.
please, its common knowledge WG fucks the NA server such as TOGtober and it got so bad on NA forum that WG hired a PR person to improve cust service and provide better specials and it has gotten better.
the NA server routunely has 40K players a night so it would have to have hundreds of thousand of players.
You must be kidding… Do you know which vehicle NA got when we on EU had a special mission with Super Pershing? You got a T34 premium heavy tank mission! A T34!!!
correction asia server isnt bad arent they the ones still selling type 59?
Nope, thats china. But SEA we just have a playerbase that makes even the full rerards on ftr look like the smartest people on earth. im not being racist, its not only the aisans who do stupid shit, it seems like all of the contrys that play on SEA are equally stupid.
Well, in EU you are mostly screwed by incompetence of WGEU; in NA you are mostly screwed by incompetence of average NA players.
u do know the CDC is a crap premium tank, right?
UR anxious to spend cash on a tank that can get penned from the front by a tier 3 and will be specifically targeted by all players, even light tanks, cause its an autopen? Lets see how fast the tank is when an LTTB or BullDog is chasing U. The CDC is not much better than the RU251 and if u face the RU he will wreck U with OP HE at 300 a pop and a T49 at 900 a pop. T49s now have an new autopen HP pool. Its called the CDC!
- artillery class will not be completey rebalanced, for now anyway
- in the future, “massive rebalances” will come
maybe artys will be finally playable, and properly balanced again? i hope
- in the game, artillery howitzers, when reaching the limit of their range, change their aim circle area from a circle to more like a strip, like this. Storm doesn’t consider it a problem, it will not be changed.
It looks weird, but its not OP or something, its happens because how aiming with arty works. (as you increase range, the width of the aiming circle increases, but its lenght decreases, around 85% of max range it becomes a perfect circle)
I like to make note that in that screenshot, whoever took that picture is using illegal mods. You can see on the map which way the enemy is looking and that is absolutely illegal. A big streamer from US server last summer got banned for using that mod a long with other mini map add-ons that were also illegal. This thing comes from the War pack mod.
right. on NA server
but as i recall that mod is illegal ONLY on NA server..
arty needs NERFED so that they can only do SPLASH damage. Its ridiculous that talentless noobs can play arty and one shot the tank of a good player from across the map. ARTY takes BY FAR the LEAST skill to play, therefore, it should be rebalanced so thats its much less effective and MUCH less easy to play.
ARTY needs an alpha nerf, a massive pen nerf so it can only pen med and light tanks, vision nerf, huge bloom nerf when moving to nerf shotgun shots and a gun arc nerf esp Brits and a mall buff to splash damage.
Lastly, in real life, arty RARELY directly targetted individual tanks.
My idea to rebalance artys:
Buff reload time, aim time, dispersions to pre-8.6 state, reduce alpha damage, increase splash radius, change arty MM to -1/+2 (maybe give artys increased MM weight too) ,reduce range on some artys (no i dont want more FV304 artys, but 1000m range at tier 3 is stupid)
also remove AP, APCR and HEAT shells from all artys, and give them different type of HE shells only (for example zero pen HE shells with bigger splash and reduced module damage)
The bigger splash is going to create problems because you’ll be getting tracked all the time, even if you are moving. Also a lot of people don’t realize this but a lot of the nastiest arty hits you take (other than one-shots), are because people are firing gold at you. The splash with a gold shell that lands 2 meters away will do 8x as much damage as a silver shell.
The only thing they can do in the current model IMO is cut pen in half and reduce alpha by 10-20% depending on the gun while boosting fire rate to compensate. A slight accuracy buff with the decreased pen could be okay HOWEVER, certain arties just need a straight nerf: CGC and M53/55 are the two biggest.
“reduce range on some artys (no i dont want more FV304 artys”
Well, in a way you do – since what is commonly described as “high shell arc” is an intrinsic feature of low range SPGs. ;)
What’s so “stupid” about 1000 m range on tier 3 anyway? Ability to reach enemy basecampers? Worse angle of impact when firing on “common” ranges (like 400-600 m)?
“zero pen HE shells with bigger splash and reduced module damage”
i write in my prev comment this, to reduce detracks
“The splash with a gold shell that lands 2 meters away will do 8x as much damage as a silver shell.”
8xdamage? gold HE shells does not work like that…
-tier 3 artys are mostly fight on smaller maps, and usually are more mobile than hightier artys, shortening their range means higher shell arc, unless their vertical gun arc is limited (for example T57 arty)
“shortening their range means higher shell arc”
Yes, that’s exactly what I wrote above. Why do you think more SPGs with higher shell arc would be beneficial for gameplay? (By the way, limiting vertical gun arc is easily circumvented by finding an upward slope.)
As for tier 3 arty, I don’t see how mobility and smaller maps (which is only marginally true, since they see battle tier 3, 4 and 5) are any proof for stupidity of their 1000 m range.
You ever tried to play arty?
Doesnt sound like you did or, at least, you sucked in it. I will agree that `talentless people` can kill good players, but I could also point that I had, more than few times, good players raged at me after I shot them like 4 times in the row, while them standing on the same place. And I am NOT counting autoloader arty. Yeah, I am fucking clicker, but only one of us is stupid in that situation.
I will agree that oneshoting anyone is wrong, but… I bet that happens way more often with `normal` tanks by ammoracking someone, than with arties. If oneshoting is wrong then it should be wrong on all tanks.
If you wanna be decent arty player, it asks for way more skill than you think.
Arty is for idiots, and it requires no skill or experience. You just point and click. I played arty once and I was the best arty player in that game, and I could repeat that A LOT, despite my lack of experience.
“This thing comes from the War pack mod.”
Nope. Aslain’s modpack got this as well. Of course it can be disabled as pretty much anything with his installer.
- T-34/85 turret (elite) has its mantlet incorrectly shifted to the left, it will be fixed
sniff, sniff, i smell another collision model fuckup by WG
- Storm confirms: there is no time limit for individual missions
inb4 every tomato gets their own StuG after 2 years of trying hard… :D
I probably won’t get one, platoon missions prevent completion. Wonder how they didn’t come up with “join a clan” mission as well.
Platoon missions are not that terrible and if you don’t have friends, well, you can spam global chat, there’s a lot of people looking for a platoon mates. Also, missions with platoon requirement probably are not the ones that limit the players to get their StuG, my guess is that these are LT-15 and HT-15 missions, especially the first one.
No friends.
Don’t like spamming chat, don’t like platooning with people I don’t know, don’t have any friends playing WOT. Don’t like being pushed to play in an uncomfortable way, I’m here to enjoy life.
Can live without Stug.
Or without WOT, as a matter of fact.
Idiotic missions are idiotic.
I see your point, well I think that the missions are a fun addition to the common and mostly boring gameplay of WoT. You can always decide not to do them, the reward tanks are not that great, keeping in mind that they do not earn credits.
I am more than happy to play the platoon missions even though I am a loner most of the time but problem rises up in servers like ASIA. People would rather spam idiotic stuff in general chat than actually do IM missions. My problem isn’t about being anti social but actively and genuinely not finding a decent platoon mate(s). Plus it doesn’t help that I play mostly at night time with a population of 2k to 7k. Wish WG would just let us circumnavigate around the platoon missions and complete the solo ones first. They can keep their reward tanks and the girl crew. Just let me do some missions and make money rather than spend time begging for a platoon.
`LT-15 is easy! Well.. for me at least.. and that triple arty splash one is a big bottleneck ..HT-15 needs specific tanks.. Tier 7 and up to tier 9 you kind of need the luck on your side.. and the enemies to be stupid..
U forget 75% of players are under 50% winrate and under 1000 WN8 so WG has to give them time, years, to have a chance to complete missions.
I predict WG will never give away tanks based on missions again and the next batch of missions will not be before 2018.
Specific Maus at best. :D
I completed HT-15 (for stug) on first try, its lot easier to do on tier X
Only tomatoes? I wont ever get it because I’m not going to spoil tens of battles for my teammates just because i need to ram an opponent.
WG designed PM stupid enough that any tomato can get the reward while teamplaying player will never get it, regardless how good he is. Usual WG way…
Meh…Not one of these questions mentions another game. Usually these are the most entertaining, as WG people become instantly salty every time :D No apparent reason too, just insta-grumpy.
About the “sadness” of the wooden barricades, I don’t fully get it.
It’s ugly, game-fake-looking, shouldn’t go past QC and all. What now? Map reworked soon?
For me they look like they should be destroyable. I tried to shoot through one of those when I encountered it for the 1st or 2nd time. Destroyable houses look much more solid than this tall wooden construction.
I was puzzled by their sturdiness as well… I mean, what the hell are they made of? Painted steel bars?
Stalinwood my friend
- apparently, ST-I has incorrect turret side armor angle. It’s possible it will be improved (buffed) when the vehicle gets reworked to HD
Holy s……
Yea, that’s what was bothering us, “weak” turret on STI. Can rest easy now.
But IS4 “open top” turret is OK, sure, no problem there, it’s the STI all the way.
That moment when Tier 9 is stronger than Tier 10…
are we in matrix?
My Sarcasm-Detector™ just exploded…:D
I always wanted an ST-I, because i have not found yet a fun Tier 9 tank to play with clanmates.
And btw a quick question:
Is the tank called: ST-(one), or ST-(Uppercase i)?
Thx in advance :3
Stalin-Iosif, so it’s the letter I, not the number.
ST-1. There is even ST-2 in blueprints with dual 122 guns. The moment that thing will come i will jizz mah pants.
Google it.
ST-I is Stalin Iosif.
ST-II is the StalinII.
Google it!!!
Stop misinforming people with ur nonsense.
Its roman numbers?
That’s not the point.
- in 9.6 there is apparently an issue, where the client disconnects during the synchronization of the account (“personal information”) with server, Storm states that this issue is limited to single report here and there
“Here and there” implies at least 2 – most likely several …. that’s not single now is it Storm? :p
- no ETA on Dx11 support for WoT, but developers are actively working on it
Dx11 support will be released the day DirectX 12 goes live … making this support worthless when the next best thing is already there.
- in the future, “massive rebalances” will come
Here’s a thought … these “massive rebalances” continue to make these tanks less and less historically correct to the original – look at a Tiger’s real optics (4000m) and gun effective distances (2000m for the L/56) for instance – WG should fix the real problem – map sizes, and stop faking the tanks performance figures more and more away from the “Historicity” they keep claiming to strive for. We’re getting sick of playing on WalMart Parking-lot sized maps.
And the amount of games that will support DX12 upon release is obviously going to be everyone but WoT, eh?
Considering many new cards, even now, don’t properly support DX12, I don’t see this being too much of an issue. Hell, my new hardware can’t support it.
“- in 9.6 there is apparently an issue, where the client disconnects during the synchronization of the account (“personal information”) with server”
well i think there is another problem with CTD, and it happens when u click “back to garage” button, or just when the battle ends and u are supposed to return back to your garage but instead of that u get crash to desktop..Its happening to me every day (1-3 times per day) since 9.6 was released…Its pretty annoying :( (and no, i dont have mods)
The whole Map Stalingrad is “sad”!
gotta agree they make bad maps in these days stalingard idea is good but bad location for tank battles
take a part out of this that contains city and open area which you think is good
“- artillery class will not be completey rebalanced, for now anyway”
SS, do you know if this has anything to do with making HE shells lose penetration over distance (like some sort of base %)? This could make one-shots at higher tiers less common without influencing the other classes much or ever considerably changing arty.
If we want to reduce random oneshots caused by arty, i would implement zero pen HE shells with bigger splash radius (as an another type of HE shells) , beause HE shells wich lose pen over distance can still cause oneshots. (remember, if a 102 mm pen HE shell loses half of teir pen, it would still able to pen a HT’s weak point, roof, etc)
Its funny how everyone complains about oneshots. You know how random it is to hit and pen something with those huge derp arties? I play T92 and S-51 so i do. It doenst happen anywhere near as often as people are suggesting it everywhere. I played alot of other tanks in the past few months and I got oneshotted once, maybe twice.
If it happens more often to you, you really should think about you positioning. Also, understand that arty is INTENDED to be random sometimes to give bad players better chances to have fun in the game.
I do play arty too. It can be annoying to be shot by one, and the only real way to be one-shot by an arty is if its shell lands on your roof.
The roofs of tanks stays annoyingly consistent throughout the tiers of all nations. With some exceptions, most tanks have anywhere from 20mm to 60mm of flat roof armor across all tiers. HE shells only increase with penetration potential, but the targets that allow for one-shots don’t differentiate much in terms of thickness.
If WG were to give a slight buff to HE penetration but then make HE shells lose penetration potential with distance traveled, a sweet spot could be reached where the average HE shell penetration matches the relative effective thickness of the average tank’s roof (per tier). The +/- 25% RNG would then determine whether or not penetration actually happens.
This would also make it so HE shells are more effective at close range as opposed to long range, since they don’t overmatch.
A-32 rework to HD has low priority
Why asking for this? Almost nobody has it.
Asking for a buff and its come back in the shop would be far more interresting…..
You just need a single guy with it that wants to look at pretty models to have this sort of question pop up.
“- no ETA on Dx11 support for WoT, but developers are actively working on it”
I’m pretty sure it wasn’t beneficial the last time I read something about this on here….
DX11 is a completely different API if you compare it to legacy DX9, the ancient fixed function pipeline in DX9 along with its respective librairies had been deprecated. In fact DX9 was designed to run on GPUs that implemented vector architectures, that API worked fine back early last decade but GPUs have evolved since that time. Modern graphics hardware coupled with modern graphics APIs offer much more programmability and flexibility to game developers. With DX10 and DX11, the geometry and tessellation shaders were introduced into the programmable pipeline and a lot of stuff was redesigned from ground up. This effectively meant that developers could take advantage of modern GPU hardware and implement all sorts of new things like multithreading, new shading techniques/lighting effects or 3D textures.
WG kinda shot themselves in their own foot when they opted for the already dated Bigworld engine. It was already way behind the competition when they acquired it, and it’s giving them all sorts of problems when they’re trying to make it work properly on modern scalar GPUs. The fact that they had chosen DX9 made it even worse since MS stopped maintaining it since 2010. WG’s bad decisions essentially screwed their game. Tbh WoT would have been such a better game performance-wise if WG had licensed an engine like Frostbite or CryEngine from the start, those modern engines are scalable and provide better API support (DX10+, OpenGL 4+) without having the legacy crap that plagues BigWorld.
Wonder when i will see stalingrad and kharkov map again, havent seen it since 9.6 patch realese
They keep popping a lot.
“- in the future, “massive rebalances” will come”
Oh noes! 0_0 This does not sound good :/
They cant even balance, yet they try to rebalance :D
- + – = +
everyone knows
In WoT
“Massive rebalancing” has been happening since 2011 anyway. And it will always continue. :/
esport and wot… Most boring e-sport game ever made…
Barricades sad how?
“Massive rebalances” mean nerfing your favorite tanks to get you to grind and spend $$$$ on new OP tanks. Ripping the balls off one tank and putting it in a new one.
Then factor in power creep. NEVER get too attached to one tank. Saves yourself from future butt hurt.
So grind USSR tanks and you’ll be fine
” no ETA on Dx11 support for WoT” wow DX12 is around a corner (and possible offers grate performance improvement do to optimization in using multi core cpu and WG is not even finishing dx11 implementation. Thats grate. I hope Armored Warfare will come to open beta soon and either I play it or it forced WG to start thinking seriously about world of tanks engine and game optimization.
yeah WOT is insanely slow for how good it looks
So, some tanks with legitimate concerns won’t get buffed because they are doing well stat wise but st-i, which is op to hell will be buffed?
Yes i agree it’s to op for t9.
Hey SS. Could you ask the devs if part of their plan on reviving scouting includes more feedback from what you spotted and if its possible to allow xvm to calculate your spotting damage during the match?
Maybe with the skill/perk rework they could add a commander/radioman skill that shows on the minimap wich tanks are you spotting or something like that.
Would like to thank you for your good work, and hopefully on the future I will be able to support FTR.