Hello everyone,
a couple of pictures of HD models from the supertest. Let’s hope there are more where these came from, because like 5 HD tanks per patch… that sucks. Also, most of these models are fucked, they’ll prolly fix that before 9.7 comes to public test.
E-100 (notice the lowres mantlet)
IS-4 (red due to missing texture)
Jpz E-100 (yes, it’s missing its gun)
Do we know anything about JgPz E-100 nerf in any way? :)
Thickness of upper hull armor decreased,just like in E-100.That’s my guess.
It will have no gun, as you’ve seen ;)
I just do not understand why they reworked that ”door” on the rear.. I mean it was a weak spot but thats the way it is.. those doors are just there.. they should not hide them.. Its just a part of that vehicle.. Its like hiding other weakspots…
Do not understand..
It will, it’s the new “0cm Pak L/0″ which will come together with the HD model.
0mm pen
0 dmg
0.0 acc
0s reload
0s aiming time
Because it has 0s reload time, the server crashes due to overloading. Very OP indeed.
It is not nerfed.
Lower plate got buffed.
Upper plate has an autobounce strip. No nerfs. Only buffs…
Damn, that ELC is sexy. I should drive it some more once it’s live.
Well my 2 marks on the elc amx will look sexy as fuck xD. No but i agree….its a awesome model :)
Yes that ELC is awesome! I would drive it more once it’ll come.
(more than 1600 battles 3 marks on gun) :-D
You will drive a certain tank more just because it gets HD model that you wont even pay attention at during the battle ?
Now ELC looks badass.
Too bad nobody will notice that because its just too fast for you, mate.
Is it just me or is the turret more forwards now?
they put some gas tank on the turret… :(
there was a french emblem.. it looked like lazy eye.
What a pity, now it looks like a tank. It used to look like a retarded little troll machine :D
I will notice when I ram one of them. They are nice targets for it.
Its prolly, you uneducated little shit :D
Prolly, you are right :>
So again only a few tank get HD remake.
Can’t wait for this usual statement: ” But there will be much more HD tanks in patch 9.8″ like they said it before 9.7 patch and before 9.6 ect. ect.
“And for bonus – you’ll get much more nothing than before!”
“Plenty of emptiness and filler to go around!”
Is it just me or does the IS-4 look like a ninja turtle with its red mask lol
Soviet Pioneer Patriotic KGB Turtle Pushkin!
E-100 – the fact that the upper UFP was thinner, ok, but was it so visible? Seems like 2 separate pieces. The british photos of the real hull, while being low res, don’t seem to show it ( and I don’t like it that much D: )
This IS-4 looks like shit, i want the one from Havok demo with side skirts and shit.
…and some front armour buff please :P
Would be nice if they would buff a bit the f.up roof of IS4.. not gonna happen, but let me dream at least.
from the other hand, my little ELC got a whole new HD troll version, good. That is good. I like.
Damn ELC looks sexy as fuck
Dayum… That gun on E-100 looks really meaty now. Is it just me or is it thicker but shorter than before? Also, gotta love that muzzle brake.
I thought there is also going to be SuperPershing HD ?