Insider On Wargaming Meeting

Hello everyone,

the Insider is currently present at an interesting Wargaming meeting, here’s a bunch of stuff that was mentioned during the meeting:

- a new premium special edition Soviet IS-6 “Fearless” will be introduced, basically it’s just IS-6 with different camo, it’s possible this is an Xbox-only vehicle
- there will a new Soviet premium heavy tank with full MM and (apparently) BL-9, that will eventually replace the IS-6 in store. It will be modelled “before 2016″
- new fun mode is coming, which includes a new vehicle named “M24 Lunar Chaffee”. It’s apparently a special event, which makes you fight on a “special lunar landing zone” with 1/6th of the regular game physics (gravity). Vehicles also have their characteristics buffed to increase their durability from free-falls. There will also be objectives within the mission to complete, not just combat. This event was actually created from the bugs where you see tanks being launched to the moon (FT-17 “Lunar Program”, ELC to the moon, etc). It’s being decided whether this mode will appear on Xbox as well as PC.
- Polish T-34/85 “Rudy” looks nice, it’s just a regular T-34/85 with 85mm gun and full MM, with the “Rudy” decals (that are already obtainable currently in Soviet tree) and extra tidbits. The price will be almost the same as the one of Schmalturm Panzer IV
- new US tier 7 premium TD (Scorpion) will have full MM and its camo will be roughly on par with E-25, it will be reduced a lot when it fires (to 0?), but it’s also extrely nimble and agile despite low engine horsepower (almost as nimble as ELC). Might appear in 9.7 “if all goes well” – if not, 9.8

- small buff is planned for Churchill GC
- developers are working on the improved motion physics, basically there’s a lot of feedback, they are looking for problematic areas, that cause wonky movement. There will apparently be many updates and corrections within a few days. Heavy tank intertia will be reduced.
- “Our physics are projected correctly, currently, light tanks can slide and use their inertia without going like ice-skating, mediums can slide and be much more dynamic and heavies can do the crab” (when they refer a crab is when a slope is so steep that the tank starts to slide down backwards or sideways, thus causing the tank to flip, this happened quite a few times during the Italian campaign in 1944 where Churchills had to go trough very steep areas, and sometimes, the tank would start to slide, if not stopped in time, it would cause the tank to flip, often with fatal consequences)
- developers would like to (at one point, not anytime soon, it’s just an idea) research the historical capability of tanks of crossing slopes and trenches and implement it, as in Churchill for example being famous for being able to climb major obstacles, but Maus – not so much
- the fate of terrible EU support service will be discussed tonight, there seems to be the air of anticipation from some developers, as they gladly apply for all night shift to witness it

To be continued… :)

PS: special greetings go to Germany, where apparently some WG producers go into a fit of rage whenever they hear of FTR and Silentstalker… :)

72 thoughts on “Insider On Wargaming Meeting

  1. - new fun mode is coming, which includes a new vehicle named “M24 Lunar Chaffee”. It’s apparently a special event, which makes you fight on a “special lunar landing zone” with 1/6th of the regular game physics (gravity). Vehicles also have their characteristics buffed to increase their durability from free-falls. There will also be objectives within the mission to complete, not just combat. This event was actually created from the bugs where you see tanks being launched to the moon (FT-17 “Lunar Program”, ELC to the moon, etc). It’s being decided whether this mode will appear on Xbox as well as PC.

    Lol, just don’t fix the bugs, no, make a fun mode out of them…classy WG.

    • Remember when they announced the “Moon” map on 1st April 2013? Now we finally get to see a bit of what that would have been like :D

      • Why pick Chaffee? Its been used for the 2014 Race event, right?

        Why not using AMX 40, with special “Rubber Duckie” paintjob, which every shot it has the “quack” sound. Make it has 80km/h speed and lighter tonnage as well.

        Thats, ftting April Fools fun mode to accompany ‘lunar launch’ mode.

  2. Dear SS,

    I have met german WG staff (as well as Paris based staff) and they are as incompetent as the Paris based staff. Actually, the WG german staff is even worst because their self-righteousness completely blinds them from their shortcomings.

    Every time you comment about them they will burst in a fit of rage because they think they are always right.

    Considering Paris and Berlin, I still prefer the Paris staff because they know they are shit but they acknowledge it. On the other hand, the shitty german staff never acknowledges their blunders.

    The main problem is that WG growth was too fast and they just recruited everyone without the proper selection standards. The best example is the alcoholic Richard Cutland, a shameful WG representative.

    • I’m curious… does anyone know where WG EU has offices, and which roles each office has?

      I assume they’re mostly geographically spread so they can easily recruit local “support” staff (the support word sadly needing brackets atm) and the Paris office being the one doing the rest that’s Europe specific, but this is just a guess of course.

      • IIRC they have 3 offices in Europe, one in Paris, one in Berlin and one on Cyprus. So if you work for example for Czech, or Polish, or German, or any other Customer Support, you still work in Paris. I applied for Polish-English Customer Support, and if i’d have gotten the job i’d have to move there… The German and Cyprus office are specialised ones IIRC, while Paris one is the main one, where most of the WG EU employees are working.

    • Maybe if France/Germany are so bad – why not totally close the offices and open a new one and start from fresh , eg – in the UK, (or Netherlands etc)
      They can then do proper interviews etc and make sure that the staff are up to scratch, and not the first one they grab off the street

      • The Cyprus office doesn’t have anything anything to do with WoT. Is a administration office for the Wargaming, which is registered as a Cyprus company. So, as afar as the game WoT is concerned, the Cyprus office, as we speak, is irrelevant.

      • They can open an office in Sweden :) Sweden have a pretty large game industry and I’d gladly work for WG :D

    • Oh I recall this… Another german developer company, producing a really shit game, was just like them. And once people (including me) questioned them or commented about them, they got banned. I really hope that noone ever have the misfortune of playing that game again. And if you do, stay away from their international version, their current CM is a real bitch! :/

  3. - PS: special greetings go to Germany, where apparently some WG producers go into a fit of rage whenever they hear of FTR and Silentstalker… :)

    Oops. Someone’s Jimmies got rustled.

  4. Wow, 1,5+ years after release they mentioned that ChurchGC have bromlems… Just wow, rly. I’ve met this tank only 3 times in 2014, who more?

      • I mean, not many people decide to go through that path anyways. who would want to miss playing the AT-2? Part of the reason no one plays the Churchill GC is that there’s very little point, as you aren’t skipping many tiers and you miss the AT-2.

        • Problems not with missing AT2, but with: size, gun traverse, no armor, shitty aim and shitty guns except top one. But they will just add 0.4-.0.8 sec to reload

  5. “- the fate of terrible EU support service will be discussed tonight, there seems to be the air of anticipation from some developers, as they gladly apply for all night shift to witness it”

    Not surprised, I would totally do that too. :D

  6. Premium Soviet tier 8 heavy with BL-9?

    This is going to make “wallet warrior” “argument” more substantial, isn’t it?

  7. WG staff reads the following – insider was part of the meeting.

  8. Soviet heavy is is5. So we will see it in 9.7 or 9.8. It looks like a chinese 110 with better alpha gun. (Probably little better armor too)

  9. - the fate of terrible EU support service will be discussed tonight, there seems to be the air of anticipation from some developers, as they gladly apply for all night shift to witness it

    Just start a smear campaign.

  10. PS: special greetings go to Germany, where apparently some WG producers go into a fit of rage whenever they hear of FTR and Silentstalker… :)

    Didnt knew germans have feelings. I always thought they are a cold blooded nation.

  11. “- the fate of terrible EU support service will be discussed tonight, there seems to be the air of anticipation from some developers, as they gladly apply for all night shift to witness it.”

    I think everybody is now waiting for the show to start.

  12. “PS: special greetings go to Germany, where apparently some WG producers go into a fit of rage whenever they hear of FTR and Silentstalker… :)”

    Hey SS check your emails. I sent you one about this which is very interesting for you. ;)

  13. - Polish T-34/85 “Rudy” looks nice, it’s just a regular T-34/85 with 85mm gun and full MM, with the “Rudy” decals (that are already obtainable currently in Soviet tree) and extra tidbits. The price will be almost the same as the one of Schmalturm Panzer IV

    So what is special about it? We have prem like that, we can put decals like that…
    Is it really so blatant attempt from WG to reach into pockets of the second biggest playerbase after Russians, selling again something they already sold?

    • Give it the *special* crew with names and faces plus x-tra view range (scout dog FTW) and i will buy it.

  14. - there will a new Soviet premium heavy tank with full MM and (apparently) BL-9, that will eventually replace the IS-6 in store. It will be modelled “before 2016″

    What? Russian bias? Lies! Assumptions! Wehraboos crying!

    • Fuck EU tree, we’re already two years late so we’re not at a little year close :)

      Let’s add more premium tanks instead

      • AW is coming so at least for a while, money will go there. WG is trying to hoard as much of money to survive that as possible by pouring out prems like that.

  15. New fun mode “lunar” with “low gravity” ?

    Anybody else reminds one of their april fools post on official portal (2013 one I think) where, with many other trolls (pause a battle, or replace gun sound with “boom” flag), they made a “troll” about a “moon” map where there would be low gravity, and access would be by special way ?

    Guys, april fool of a year, reality of another :D

  16. the fate of terrible EU support service will be discussed tonight, there seems to be the air of anticipation from some developers, as they gladly apply for all night shift to witness it

    Would pay a lot to witness that as well :D

  17. >> – the fate of terrible EU support service will be discussed tonight, there seems to be the air of anticipation from some developers, as they gladly apply for all night shift to witness it

    Can i buy a ticket in front row :P ?

  18. Small buff to the Churchill Gun Carrier?


    Slow at moving, turning, aiming
    Appalling gun arc
    Gun elevation is trash
    Gun depression isn’t trash but like a Lee tank you see a huge chunk of tank (slowly) coming up long before the gun does because the gun is mounted low on a tall hull…

    Also basically no armour.

    The very core question that players really want to know is whether they can exploit tank features to get an edge in a game. There is nothing exploitable about the features of the CGC.

    It’s going to be a permanently broken tank because the design was trash to start with.