RU server Operation Bagration event: “miniquests” in action

Hello everyone,

this weekend, RU server has an event, dedicated to operation Bagration (and not Barbarossa, like some jokers suggested). It’s a pretty nice – although standard – event, but the interesting part is the first implementation of the “miniquests” within battles.

In other words:

During this event, top three players of each team, who dealt most damage, get TWICE as much credits for this battle. Also, all players, who gained 500 and more clean XP (eg. without counting in the premium account and daily double) will get TWICE as much XP for that vehicle.

Edit: This miniquest can be repeated (within the timeframe of the event) unlimited number of times and both rewards can add to each other ( in other words, if you consistently gain 500XP+ and are in top 3, you will consistently gain double income and XP)

The second miniquest (XP) is limited however to certain vehicles this event concerns (from tier 5 to tier 7), the first one (credits) is for everyone.

62 thoughts on “RU server Operation Bagration event: “miniquests” in action

  1. omg more than 500xp double xp is out of control


  2. Excellent event – rewards good play and is not something only a handful of players can benefit from.

  3. Lol, 7/10 battles i’m in top 3 by damage -_-
    And 9/10 battles i get more than 500 exp….ffs i want this event NOW!!

    BTW, it’s for all battles? or just the first one? If it’s for all battles this would be the best event ever….
    Just think about it: Decent battle with a premium =100k credits. Double that and you get 200k -_-

    • Calm down, the reward will be issued only once per-day per-player. Is it clear now?

      • No, it’s not, anonymous. The Russian portal specifically states: которые можно выполнять неограниченное количество раз с 21 июня 10:00 (МСК) до 24 июня 9:30 (МСК). – it will be obtainable UNLIMITED number of times between 21st and 24th June. Also, both can be gained by the same player.

          • So about the exp multiplier.
            Today on M103 i got 1000 exp per battle (with premium). That’s ~750 non premium.
            When they double the exp, they will double with or without the premium bonus?
            ex: without premium bonus: you make 1000 exp with prem, and you will get 750*2+250
            with premium : 1000 exp with premium doubled = 2000 in total..

            Also, if it’s the first battle, and you get 1000 exp, doubled for the first battle = 2000 exp. Does that mean that you’ll get 4k exp?

          • 750 clean xp will give you 1500 initial xp, then you apply the premium = 2250xp
            Further, first victory of the day, 750 clean xp x2 and for miniquest x2 for victory would give you 750 + 750 for victory + 750 for miniquest (events don’t cumulate, they do “x2″, or +100%, on basic xp) which is 2250xp and then on top of that that you apply the premium for a total of 3375xp :D

          • 2250xp just for a 750xp win. Wow.

            I can sometimes get a good game with around 1k non premium xp. That would be over 3000xp for one un-doubled game with premium. I want this special. Although I doubt WG would do it for the EU server or ever again TBH. Once they realise good players can earn thousands of xp and credits super easily, they’d probably stop it. It would remove a lot of the grind to a tank.

        • I think the “quests” are a feature of the new update. The 8.5 version may not be able to perform the same functions with players ranks in game etc.

          • Yea, 8.6 added (or enabled, not sure which) the quest system.

            If you go over and look around on the NA forums you’ll find several people who apparently randomly completed a quest on the test server (gaining for it a T2 Light and some consumables most of the time, if I recall right).

      • It doesn’t matter at all because EU server will get completely different set of “bonuses”. I assume it will be 50% camo price off and 80% increased credits for Somua SAu-40 and T-28 medium. :-D

    • Double credits for top 3 damagers in each team gain double credits is for all vehicles (any level)
      Double exp for 500+ base exp is for the tanks from the list (T-34,StugIII etc.)

  4. Oh I so hope tier 5 premium tanks are not excluded. I want my Matilda IV to earn me the 100k credits each game :D

    • Ever heard of Lend-Lease? The Soviets had whole formations kitted out with imported tanks. Not sure if they still had Matildas in frontline service by that date though.

      • If this would be Barbarossa, it would be too early.
        But this is Bagration, which means it’s too late.

        Tough luck.

      • Kellomies next time read the whole question, including the “during that operation” at the end, which was kind of crucial to the context and it turned your attempt at being a smart ass to dumb ass.

  5. Hey SS, are you aware of the fact, that you always use “e.g.” in the sense of “i.e.” and vice versa? :)

  6. “These miniquests are limited however to certain vehicles this event concerns (from tier 5 to tier 7)”

    Credits bonus works for all vehicles.

  7. Well, the second “battle task” is limited to 12 tanks (6 SOV + 6 GER), but yeah sounds nice.

  8. le meme face xDDDDDDD for the lulz! ananamoose is legion xDDDDD

    Frank pls, you know better than to wallow in this leddit garbage…

    • yet expressing of your opinion is so on the level….

      • Oh look, you know how to copy and paste, you’re so hip and cool! Back to reddit with you, subhuman pleb.

        • >Implying I go to reddit:D… try to be bit more positive and bit less hostile, thats all i want…

  9. Hope we will see something like that on eu server aswell…
    Finaly there is some reward for above avarage players who get stable results, all we had so far was either bonus for everyone or big prizes for insane unicums / luckiest people on the whole server….

  10. Man what an awesome event. This would mean I’d be getting about 3000 xp each game and a bucketload of credits.

    Of course we would never get this on EU server. Instead we just get lemming event #7369.

  11. It looks like the event is applying to more than the listed tanks. I’m watching Murazor on twitch and he’s farming hard on the T-54. 60k plus in bonuses for top 3.