So, just a reminder, the test server is most likely tomorrow
- there are no plans for PvE gameplay in WoT for now
- there are no plans to export the game mechanism (the server part) to the client (making the game playable without internet)
- all the gun penetrations visible in game are rated at 100 meters, penetration does not increase at distances between 0 and 100 meters
- when you log on to once server (EU1 for example), then in the garage relog to (for example) EU2 and the game crashes, the relog will again be to EU1. This will not be fixed.
- developers have not yet decided whether the penetration loss for AP shells when hitting penetrable objects (walls etc.) will be different from the APCR shell penetration loss in the future
- automatic ballistics adjustment (SS: as in, you aim somewhere and the gun adjusts so that the shell reaches the point where you are aiming) is calculated server-side, not client-side
- premium vehicles are selected for implementation based on the fact they are available for such a role (SS: as in, when a vehicle is considered and found suitable for a premium tank role, it is simply implemented, that’s why some branches have multiple premium tanks (German TD’s), while other have none (US TD’s) – if I understand it correctly, it’s pretty much “what comes first”)
- also, Storm gathered feedback on unpopular tanks from this thread (Russian ofc), so we might eventually see some changes there (why would he be asking otherwise, right?)
And info from Overlord:
- official Girls und Panzer mod will definitely not come before the Japanese tanks
Theres gonna be a official GUP mod?
Yes, voice pack
Yep, with the voice actresses :) :) cant wait :) :)
GG wargaming GG.
Can’t wait, it’s going to be glorious!
And all the otaku gamers in the WoT community screamed little girly screams of happiness :3
i know i did.
Same here :3
Yep, most glorious mod.
GnomeFather mods are bestest.
Gnomefather gun sounds with GuP crew voices will be awesome together!
Faggets :P
Hater >:p
automatic ballistics adjustment … don’t like it….make it selectable option
It will be optional
I just hope they’ll allow us to hotkey it. Same with the gun stabilization, its nice to have some of the times but I can’t use every time. And if I need to go to the settings every time I need to switch then its better to not use it at all.
Thanks for the test server reminder, SS!
with the beginnig of your post, my ”love” for you became more my passion :)))
Thnx for info, you do a great job ;)
- also, Storm gathered feedback on unpopular tanks from this thread (Russian ofc), so we might eventually see some changes there (why would he be asking otherwise, right?)
I’m more inclined to think it’s so they know what to put into future branches to make certain tanks so painful to grind people will be more willing to spend real world money to free XP past them.
Yes, this is most likely correct. WG generally finds anything they can that will make people use free experience/gold. This has been one of their primary means of making money since the game’s inception.
Yeah, it’s hard to tell whether it is trolling (Storm doesn’t tend to troll, AFAIK), or whether Zlobny leaving has opened WG up to considering player opinions rather than only hard statistics. While all tanks are presumably balanced in a statistical sense, some are very difficult to play and do well in.
Or maybe Storm is just curious about what tanks people hate, with no intention of it affecting the game.
“also, Storm gathered feedback on unpopular tanks from this thread (Russian ofc), so we might eventually see some changes there (why would he be asking otherwise, right?)”
For the illusion of democracy…
If I recall correctly they already had such attempts, so far with zero results.
Every time i hear the Penn-able objects i can only think of all the new ways my chaffee is going to die…..
Also isn’t this another buff to high alpha tanks?
It’s certainly a buff to tanks with low ROF.
For tanks with a high ROF you can shoot again quickly after hitting a fence post but with a low ROF gun you’re screwed. It’s even better when you have multiple posts in your way and waste more than 1 shot because the gunner decided to hit that 5% part of the reticle more than once.
But remember right now this is not for medium cover such as destructible houses, railcars, etc. For now only minor cover is being changed; Fences, small stone walls, the cement cylinders in port, etc. I don’t think this will significantly affect gameplay right now. Other then the times were you can purposely block shots with such objects like in Mines encounter or the long fences in himmelsdorf (you can line up the posts to block shots if you are very close to the fence and the enemy is down the line)
Here’s to hoping we see more tier 8 premiums in other lines. Definitely taking another look at the Japanese line and probably picking up the Chi-nu Kai when they run a sale on it. The Japanese line and the Brits could definitely use a tier 8 premium.
StPz II prototype would make a good Tier 4 premium SPG (It is slower (less horsepower) and less maneuverable, historically, due to a more stressed the suspension) It should also have slightly better camo values then the StPz II in game. I think the ammo count is the same as the StPz II.
What is the article source today?It’s not “Вопросы разработчикам – 9″, isn’t it?
When the test server will open? I waited one morning. – Win a Razer mouse or World of Tanks gold, just like Razer fanpage.