Storm on 8.10


Another Storm’s microdigest is here, literally posted minutes ago. Here’s what Storm says on 8.10:

- STB-1 will be nerfed a bit: aim spread when turning the turret will increase by 17 percent, aimtime will increase by 0,2s
- the Japanese map will stay in the release version of 8.10
- Team Battles: new maps will not be added in 8.10 to 7/42: they will be added later, but only after consulting that with Wargaming cybersports department and with cybersports players
- WG is dealing with FPS drops, that appear on some computers in connection with enabling the “track effects”, solution has not been found yet
- the bug where trees produced weird “hedgehog” like artifacts was fixed, Storm writes he’ll see how that went in test 2 (SS: test 2 is planned for 12.12. IIRC)
- motion blur will be set as default on only for highest graphic settings

Storm states that in this version, he will also add additional logging of the matchmaking process (programmers only)

From discussion:

- Storm is confidend they will find and fix the graphic bug
- the Japanese probably won’t be “green” during the second round of the test

35 thoughts on “Storm on 8.10

  1. 0.2%… sure is nerf in here.
    No, seriously. Where do they take those laughable numbers from? That’s nothing.

        • I can live with 0.2 s. higer aimtime, but “aim spread when turning the turret will increase by 17 percent” sounds disturbing.

          • I think they should nerf the ROF on STB-1 to the same level as Leo 1 (at least). this partially compensates for a much better/stronger turret on STB-1 and its -10 Gun DP.

          • wow your name is so similar to mine, I hope there won’t be misunderstandings in the future

            anyway didn’t storm say that STB-1 is worse than Leo 1 in many other aspects except DPM and depression? or you’re telling me STB-1 is more OP than WTF E100, Foch or T57 (that can kill the STB-1 in one clip?)

            • Really? I feel like the STB is way better than the Leo!

              But then again, 400 ping on the test servers never really helped anything except the reaction/prediction skills.

          • - STB-1 will be nerfed a bit: aim spread when turning the turret will increase by 17 percent, aimtime will increase by 0,2s

            Aight then… skipped!

            To me it looked perfectly balanced… bummer, i will now skip the Japanese Tanks – the Russian Whiners obvioulsly got heard! Sad, it looked quite cool to me…

            2,3 Aimtime it too much imho, 2.1 was a sweet spot to me, the Turretarmor is not really strong – shoot the Gun itself any you are going to penetrate every single shot with a PantherII (tested it) – using WoTViewer you see that the Mantlet is nothing much of spaced armor 116mm with some 30mm behind it .. thats all

            Ofc there cant be anything competitive to Obj140 and Obj430 with their Autobounce-Deflectors on top where the Gun is sticking out -.-

            • You mean the American lobbyists, not the Russian whiners.

              -Veider states that when comparing STB-1 and Patton, Patton has better engine, better terrain resistance, more viewrange, more HP, better accuracy on the move, better aimtime, better elevation and generally better armor

              Of those, only the HP, viewrange, and accuracy on the move are notable, and even then, STB-1 has no giant cupola and +1 round per minute over Patton. It was OP, and deserves really shitty accuracy to compensate.

              I’m sure you were cheering on the kamikazis on December 7th, 1941 too.

              • No dude, i wasn’t born yet ;)

                But i have FV4202, M60, 121, Leo1, Batchat25t and T-62A – i know all of them.. and i was driving STB-1 on Testserver.. it looked to me quite good balanced and competitive – now it will end up quite mediocre.. mind, that it has a very weak ammorack (hits in the frontal Hull almost everytime lead to Ammorack dmg – you cant always hid on Ridges.. the Gun Depression is somewhat overrated imho)

                This shitty accuracy it had also before, now it seems they take off the accuracy on the move / Gun Dispersion.. with 2.3s Aimingtime and +17% Bloom while using the Turret (what you have to when shooting on the ride) is going to screw that up..

                Its getting totally uninteresting to me with that.. i don’s say it will be a bad tank, but its not worth to me go grind up to T10 getting some mediocre Sushi-Box ;)

    • Ah War Thunder, the game where the planes look more lifelike than in the movies, has better frames per second, and is less computer-taxing than World of Tanks.

          • There will be no tanks…just moving XP pinatas (for the planes) which somehow can call in their own artillery immediately on each other (as if they weren’t sitting ducks already).

      • Red Pentalpha
        “Ah War Thunder, the game where the planes look more lifelike than in the movies, has better frames per second, and is less computer-taxing than World of Tanks.”

        Because it uses different engine….

    • cos historical hi has 12 gun depresion? 6 from turret 6 from hydraulic and 10 depresion and a bit armored turret is his only adwantage

      • Keeping in mind that I don’t care one way or another about the STB-1 at the moment, as in my opinion test server results are unreliable at best:

        Like you said, 6 of it is hydraulic. I doubt very much that the tank was capable of moving while its tracks were lowered; the version in game has nearly as much gun depression, while staying completely mobile, as the real tank did while presumably immobile.

        Arguing “but it’s historical” in this case is a bit silly.

  2. - the bug where trees produced weird “hedgehog” like artifacts was fixed, Storm writes he’ll see how that went in test 2 (SS: test 2 is planned for 12.12. IIRC)

    Don’t know if it’s THIS: ( what they are talking about, for me it looks like a solar panel :D

    I encountered Spikey Objects too, and some shadowy things on the ground which look like the black mud of death :)
    They were murdering my fps and I got Eye Cancer from this ^-^

  3. It’s a real shame they caved in to nerf the STB-1

    The test server is full of incompetent players who don’t really know what they’re talking about. Like really. Don’t nerf the WTFe100, Foch 155, 183, 268, or any other absurd TD. But please nerf a medium tank. Like really. A tank that only rewards good play and punishes bad play.

    Sometimes I wish they only let people with premium accounts test the new patch before release.

    Premium account = adult = no kids TKing eachother = better feedback = more balance

    • Exactly that.. THAT it is.. fully agree dude +1

      The OP TD’s still remain untouched, mainly that Foch155 that should have been nerfed – instead break a Medium Tanks Neck..

      But you know what, i am glad they did it now.. and not later on, so one can refrain from getting it – kinda fair it is i have to admit

    • You are aware that there are alot of kids who have their parents credit cards and buy premium account right?

  4. I found my FPS issues were fixed by just disabling Motion Blur completely.

    A little Motion Blur is nice (WoWP does this right, it’s not spaztastic like WoT)

  5. I agree with akspecs and tronicson.

    I’ve thoroughly tested the Japanese line, and have not been overly impressed with tanks that seem to me to be little more than an amalgamation of British and German tanks.

    …except with the STB-1, that is! It felt like a better-armored, slightly less mobile, less-accurate Leopard 1. I thought it seemed perfectly balanced, especially since you won’t be hitting anything on the move, like you can with the Leopard 1. I would have ground the entire tree just to get the STB-1. I think it’s a very unique tank. Now? I’ll see how these nerfs affect it, but I doubt it’ll be a top priority.

  6. Yes, please nerf the new med instead of nerfing the terrible trolltank Waffenträger auf E100. Expect to see at least 3-4 of them in every battle in a few weeks. This games is getting shittier every week.

  7. So last post we had a guy saying how much better the Leopard was compared to the STB-1, and now they are nerfing the STB-1?

    How come a tank is worse than its competitor and it’s still nerfed, or it’s just because the russian players were crying about it?

  8. ” – the bug where trees produced weird “hedgehog” like artifacts was fixed, Storm writes he’ll see how that went in test 2 (SS: test 2 is planned for 12.12. IIRC)”

    Aww. I liked the hedgehog trees :\

    Hopefully they get around to fixing the other issues as well. I haven’t had track traces show up in test whether they were on or off, and cloud shadows act…weird on my video card. Less shadows are more shiny puddles that freak the hell out depending on the view angle.