One thing to be clear: a few of you guys sent me the German portal fail on EU server, where it was written that you get 10 percent extra free XP from regular battles instead of the previous 5 percent. I know of this fail, it was fixed already. It’s 5 percent.
- there will only be one map in 8.10 (the Japanese one), despite of the rumors of two maps arriving
- Storm states that when it comes to the Port map, they can’t just “add 200 meters of map length”, that would equal complete map rework
- Foch nerf will “come later”, it was postponed to “new year”
- according to Storm, it’s okay to release the test iteration with bugs, their fixing then goes much faster
- Object 140 will not be removed from the game
- the fate of gold ammo has not yet been decided (SS: there was a proposal to lower its damage)
- developers will not remove (limit) the gold ammo on test server, because it’s not easy to do (would require developing mechanism for that) and because players would then whine that they want the same thing on live server
- Veider commenting on players whining about the Maus 2 degrees turret rotation buff being too small: “When we add 2 degrees, it’s not enough, but if we remove the 2 degrees, it’s immediately ‘OMG NERF FCUK WARGAYMING ME AND MY 254 FRIENDS ARE LEAVING THE GAME’”
- Veider (when confronted with the Maus II turret) states that if they add new turret and more DPM to Maus, there will immediately be too many Maus tanks around
- dynamic camera setting won’t be dependent on type of the tech (SS: player proposes: off for arty, on for everything else)
- Storm: “everything’s fine with optimization”
- full multicore support will come in patch 9.something next year – Storm states that previously, they weren’t completely sure whether to do it or not, but they solved some problems within the engine and decided to implement it in full
- apparently there is a problem with Panzer I model (Panzer I hull is different in 8.10 than Panzerjäger I hull), it will likely be fixed
- Lorraine model is also slightly off in 8.10 (frontal hull textures not corresponding to the model), will be fixed
- Superpershing also has a tiny graphical model bug on lower plate armor, but it won’t be touched
- M48 Patton is doing fine statistically
- Storm states that although some maps have 50 percent of their area covered by non-accessible terrain, it does not mean they are bad maps, he cites Abbey and Lakesville as examples
- new Malinovka-style maps? “For now we decided to make city maps”
- Storm states that on the new Japanese map, most people go into the city
- it’s “unknown” when Japanese heavies will come
- dynamic clouds will not come anytime soon, other graphic features have priority and such clouds would be resource-requiring
- Bigworld can model wind like in Crisis (plants, trees bowing down depending on wind intensity), this is planned to implement
- the feedback on the new Japanese map is very positive on EU and US servers
- first new city map will come in 9.0
- the Chinese Wall map will not appear on RU/EU/US servers
- Dragon’s Ridge will not return
- Leopard 1 will not get the “late” (1970′s) turret (SS: welded, boxy)
- the clouds will get moving shadows, while the clouds themselves will not move: it’s intentional, Storm states that it improves the map with low FPS cost, he also states that nice-looking clouds are very FPS-requiring
- Object 430 will not change in test 2, other Japanese tanks will also not get changed
- battles pre-determined by the fact one team gets more “noobs” than others during MM? “Remove your XVM and everything will be alright. It’s all in your head.”
- while IS and KV-based tanks got new tracks, two of them didn’t: KV-13 and KV-1S, this is apparently intentional
Why did you remove the leaked codes article?
I have been wondering the same thing? Any chance of a comment on that? Still have the page from earlier. :P
Hmm, I’m presuming nothing good happened….
Many ppl wasted their time for code tries :D
All the code templates posted were for RU or didn’t work at all (in the second codes post). The only ones that worked were the EU8 codes.
So what exactly would be wrong with more Maus Tanks around? its not like that tank would be borderline OP with a higher DPM… a ROF of 5 would be apropriate.
I’d guess they’re wary of giving it the 15cm that the E100 has for the sake of “balance”. Though that’s no reason that the Maus can’t be given a slightly more competitive RoF…
maus with 15cm would be awesome but i´d prefer it with the l61
but realisticaly the l55 with a base-rof of 5 would make a force to be reconed with
On the topic of rate of fire, are there any historical datums on the RoF for the Maus’s 12.8cm?
none that i know of :(
But from a balance point of view…. maus has two loaders, although one is for the 75mm gun wich isnt in use ingame. So why not increase rof?
That would solve a different problem too. namely the turretfront. Maus is extremely dependent on angleing the turret after every shot, further decreasing its dpm , that all we know. but if maus would shoot faster, people would reconsider if its wise to stay in front of maus and wait to shoot the turretfront
It’s practical rate of fire was about 3 rounds per minute for the Jagdtiger. The 12.8cm kicked up a lot of dust and left the gunner blinded as a result for a few seconds, then the loaders had to get the 12.8cm shell assembled and placed in the gun (it used two piece ammunition, thus why it had two loaders, one did not operate the 7.5cm, which from a design standpoint was the stupidest coaxial armament they could’ve chosen), then the gunner had to reacquire the target and adjust aim. I can’t imagine the Maus having a better practical rate of fire than the Jagdtiger as they share the same gun.
As far as ‘how fast could they get it to fire’ maybe… 5-7 rpm if they didn’t care about actually hitting the target or throwing the backs out of the loaders.
thx for the info, didnt kew that :)
But given the fact the Jagdtiger ingame also has a higher ROF , as does the Ferdinand, i still dont see a reason why the maus shouldnt :)
Wait, they’re NOT bringing Dragon Ridge back? So it’s gone forever like Port will be?
I guess so :( :( I loved that map alot.
Yah, I didn’t get all the hate for that map, sure the rice patty hills were annoying to get stuck on but it was actually a really fun map for light tanks
Yeh, all they should have done is tweek it abit. The added canyon on the east side was annoying, true, but the map itself was beautiful, and i always loved the west flanking :)
Yeah it was. I remember back when I first started playing and I had my Pz38na and I’d flank way around to the edge of the map. And then when I got my T71 I had even more fun on that map. Ah the memories.
Yeah.. my first ‘kamikaze’ patch… A-20 running downhill with 72 kph at the edge of the map … enemy Ferdinand straight ahead trying to decide : hit my tank or dodge me… and my final battlecry on chat : Banzai, banzai, banzai! :)
Half of enemy team was ROTFLing then :P
I liked Dragon Ridge too, it was very unconventional which is the main reason I liked it. I also like Port but I guess I can see how the object penetration will break it for the north side. I am looking forward to the new city maps though, there aren’t enough of them currently IMO.
bastards !
I loved that map !!! :(
it’s just removed from the mm. you can still play it now in training room. hope they keep it there at least. i’d love to play Dragon Ridge compared to *BLEEP* Noobshire and El Campo
lel, everyone knows that
worst maps ever
My favorite map….. This is one of the only decisions WG has made that I really disagree with… I loved that map to pieces…
“- Storm: “everything’s fine with optimization””
Yeah right…
my words…
a stupid and dumb sentence by Storm….his now is bigger than Pinocchio!
New city map sounds good. I want another Himmelsdorf.
me too, its an awesome map
I thought a ‘Stalingrad’ type map was in development. Himmel is my favourite map
Oh, my TD hates it. fvck himmels :P
i use to play TD mode with my T57 arty in himmelsdorf. then, y’know, stupid arty nerf by whiners.
TD driver to TD driver – himmelsdorf is fine; your success rate on that map hinges on your ability to pwn the railyard in encounter, and generally staying off the hill (at least with sniper TDs – can’t comment on hill fights with brawlers like the ISU152) otherwise… there are actually a lot of lanes to take advantage of long range fire opportunities on that map… Actually have an easier time there than in Port…
shit.. more maps where lights and tanks with no armor will have to work harder
“M48 Patton is doing fine statistically”
So no buff in the future?
Yes, that’s WG’s way of saying it.
Well, Daigensu said there is a “buff in the pipeline” for both the Fatton and the FV4202. Bad gurl.
It’s certainly possible considering with the newer tanks there isn’t much reason to play the old meds but “doing fine statistically” means that it isn’t so underpowered that it is in direct need of a buff in order to be competitive with other tanks. Besides, “in the pipeline” could be months (especially the way WG operates).
shhhh, don’t wake her up :)
“doing fine statistically” =/= “no buff”
He told ya!
This is true. Lowe was ‘doing fine statistically’ but got a buff.
I was going to say ‘WG logic’ but I think WG doesn’t use logic when buffing/nerfing. More like feelings which, if they are called on, are either ‘historical accuracy’, or if that is untenable, ‘damned lies’ statistics (read: conveniently manipulated numbers).
” the feedback on the new Japanese map is very positive on EU and US servers”
Does this imply Russian players do not?
If Russians don’t like it, that’s great! They are noobs.
- battles pre-determined by the fact one team gets more “noobs” than others during MM? “Remove your XVM and everything will be alright. It’s all in your head.”
That doesn’t make any sense…battles are pre-determined if say for example 1 team gets 2 unicum platoons and the other gets tomatoes.
WG doesn’t like XVM because it brings up this whole skill-based MM thing and the noob problem which they don’t like to deal with. Basically he says if you turn XVM off then you don’t know you’re fucked from the outset of the match, you’ll still lose you just won’t know that you are going to lose until you’ve lost. The fact that one team is full of red and the other is green doesn’t change whether you have XVM turned off regardless of what WG thinks.
Unicrums yes. The regular good looking stat player no. Because at times a player with a 850 efficiency can be better than 5 players with 1,200 efficiency. Had it happen to me. I was top of my team and ended up doing about 2k damage in Tier 5 using T1 Heavy which was 1k more damage than anyone else in the game and my team had more 0 damage tanks. But the 5 1,200 efficency players on other team were completely useless. Checked their stats after game. Stat padders.
Well I think they’re talking about players who don’t stat pad. Also, the less games a person has played, the more inaccurate XVMs ratings and predictions will be because a higher sample number gives more accurate statistics. For this reason, low tier games with lots of newish players often turn out different to what XVM thinks.
But you don’t have to be a Unicum player to still be very good, and there are a lot of players who’ve reached tier 10 and are still terrible. At high tiers, when the team skill balance is very lopsided XVMs predicted outcome is usually correct in my experience.
Yeah precisely. XVM is a FANTASTIC tool that I don’t go without, it allows you to see how bad the random MM can be sometimes. It’s also nice to watch my stats go up as I become a better player. ^^
Efficiency isn’t a great determining factor for winning because you can have a very high Eff with an awful W/R because you scavenge damage. IMO I’d rather have someone with a high W/R and a lowish eff instead of the other way around.
They are talking too much about premium ammo lately :megusta:
I can feel the winds of change
IMO, this game needs:
- Less alpha dmg on gold ammo for all vehicles,
- Nerf on high tier TDs (not in their fire power but in survivability, less hp would be nice, except Foch 155, this one needs a bigger nerf)
- Nation battles in randoms
I would be a happy player.
No. The TD’s HP pool is fine. Some need less pen and less alpha. That’s all.
I think he’s right, less HP pool, keep the damage and pen. They are Tank destroyers after all.
Less dmg and less pen would make them just normal tanks without turret. But there should be a limit for number of TDs in each battle.
How would 750 damage and pen of around 270-280 make them like tank guns in any way, shape or form?
- the fate of gold ammo has not yet been decided (SS: there was a proposal to lower its damage)
Make the gold ammo limited of how much you can carry ONLY for random pub matches(CW,TC,Team battles can have full gold loadout) to maybe 10-15% depending on the tank itself
- developers will not remove (limit) the gold ammo on test server, because it’s not easy to do (would require developing mechanism for that) and because players would then whine that they want the same thing on live server
Ofcourse people would wanted the same thing on live server because it’s actually GOOD solution for the gold ammo flood spam that is being more and more constant on live servers….are they really that dumb or they just act so?
- Veider (when confronted with the Maus II turret) states that if they add new turret and more DPM to Maus, there will immediately be too many Maus tanks around
And they don’t want more Mauses around because? Because we have too little E5s, IS-7s, Batchats, T62As?? No one said they need to overbuff Maus’s DPM, just a little bit more firepower. Is it me or this Veider dev has no fucking clue what he is talking and is freaking dumb as a brick?! Few articles ago he was talking about STB-1 being worse than Leo1 in pretty much everything and then all of a sudden they confirm nerfs on STB-1 because it’s actually OP(not my opinion, but theirs).
- battles pre-determined by the fact one team gets more “noobs” than others during MM? “Remove your XVM and everything will be alright. It’s all in your head.”
I’m not saying that the matches are intentionally pre-determined(rigged), but saying that everything is in our head is to put it mildly arrogant and bold as hell. Are they really fucking trying to tell me that when one team gets 80% above average players(green and up colours on XVM) and other team gets 80% of tomatoes and when we lose battle 15:2 that it was all in my head and if i didn’t had XVM that we would actually WIN!!!!! Oh boy, why this no one told me before. I would get rid of the XVM long time ago and would have 90% WR in all my battles!!!! Fucking retards
I agree with the fact that seeing other player’s stats influence how you behave, and thus you’re more disposed to care less about a game you’re already convinced you’re gonna lose, BUT on the other hand you can’t deny that math talk quite clearly, because XVM shows statistics, and statistics turn into a probability: you’ll always have a chance of winning and a chance of losing, but these can be from very small to very big; you can’t deny that even if you play the best match of your day/month/year/decade/life sometimes you won’t be able to win simply because you’re gonna play alone against too many enemies.
I think that a proper answer to that would be a “statistical answer” (something that someone who cares about XVM can’t argue if he wants to be coherent): in the long term you’ll have as many lost battles because of MM, as the win ones (people forgets about these ones).
By the way it would be nice if XVM would implement a way to disable only your team’s stats leaving untouched the enemy ones (maybe it exists but I haven’t been able to find it): knowing your team may be a weakness, but knowing your enemy is only in your advantage.
I actually behove quite the opposite when i see bad players in my team. Before i would just get pissed off about all the noobs, but now i try even harder than usual to win the battle alone. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t.
I agree when i see that I have a team full of 32-47% players (yes I have seen someone with 32% 200eff and 14000 games played, hopefully the worst bot in the world)
I try to lead them and focus them on important areas of the map as well as after I die coaching them in their decision making. When I die in a game of good players I just quit because I know I could only hurt the situation by barking orders.
Seriously: That’s what I am missing about many experienced players. And I think many other slightly above average players do to. It’s a pity that most of the time the first and only thing in the chat is “noob team”…
I remember a while ago, in a T8 on Cliff, we were down 3-10 after a couple of minutes. Then a 16k battle guy, who was down already, started to “coach” us remaining three. A little positioning advice, and oversight later we won 2-0 with his help…
Yeah, I agree with this. I’m not a superb player or anything, but I try to give constructive comment, so the players left alive make better decisions and get a better chance on winning the game (for me, while I’m dead) aswell.
i wish for some real love for that lumbering steelbrick.
Me too, I love my Maus but it’s gotten outclassed :(
yeah.. i call mine rosie. too bad i have so bad stats with it. but then again i was your typical tomato player back then :)
I agree about gold ammo, don’t nerf damage just limit the amount you can carry to 10% of full ammo count. That way you don’t have people running in pubs slinging gold at everyone they see and they’ll really have to think about what they use gold on.
That is one thing I don’t like about the test server though is that you can’t truly test tanks out (at least when it comes to armor) because everyone is slinging gold anyway. As I said above (and you said) they should implement a 10% limit on gold ammo for both live and test. In real life they had HEAT and APCR shells during WWII but they were in short supply, so make them short supply in game. It isn’t hard.
As far as the Maus buff I agree with that too. You will rarely even see one maus in a game nowadays, a minor RoF buff isn’t going to break it. All I can say about the STB-1 is I hope the proposed nerfs don’t overdue it. I thought it was fine on the test server, it was good but nowhere near OP. I’m worried they are going to overnerf it.
10% would not be enough for me.
Humel only carries 22 rounds and I carry 5 HEAT shells in it all the time. =)
I don’t have a problem with a limit on gold shells per tank. The problem is finding a limit that works for all tanks. Tanks which can carry 70+ rounds have an advantage in the % of rounds carried and makes the % thing a bit of a problem. It is a good idea but filled with problems.
On the amounts of special ammo… I have been gathering info on that. It is still a work in progress. Esp when you need dates, amounts of ammo, and numbers of tanks to work out %’s. =/
“Make the gold ammo limited of how much you can carry ONLY for random pub matches(CW,TC,Team battles can have full gold loadout) to maybe 10-15% depending on the tank itself”
Why not on CW,TC,Tam battles??
It would be nice to see some real and true skill instead of auto-aim for a change…
People whining about gold ammo are the ones who can’t angle their armour appropriately. I play all sorts of tanks, both armour-dependant and not, and I have no problem with the existence of gold ammo, nor do I feel there’s too much of it (although it’s funny seeing a T-54 firing gold at Leopard 1).
And just like Henriques wrote, it might be actually good to turn the gold ammo off completely for CW and ESL, so that is’t pure skill that matters and not the ultrapen of gold ammo, that are 100% of shells loaded for those matches.
I mentioned random pub only because that is the main mode of this game and most played and rest of them CW, TC etc. are optional. I wouldn’t have anything against if they decide to limit gold ammo even in CWs. Quite the opposite, i would really like that, BUT they could at least limit it to randoms where the problem is biggest. In CW most of the clans are using gold ammo and it is how it is, but in randoms you have regular people and you have those fucking gold ammo spammers that literally shoot gold ammo only on every tank they own even t1-2 tanks breaking the game balance. No one here whines about gold ammo per se. Hell, i use it myself when i need it, BUT the problem is in full gold ammo spammers that will shoot fucking hellcat with 350mm pen gun just because he can. Limit the loadout to 10-15% gold shells only so those point ‘n’ click noobs would think really carefully before loading those precious shells and wasting them on tanks with paper armour. Why should they allow some fucktard in a T10 TD that already has OP gun to shoot shells with ~400mm of penetration which is literally point and shoot.
leopard 1 stats its more better ..but gameplay is more hard. stb-1 bounce a lot of shells…
why they want remove obj140?
- Veider commenting on players whining about the Maus 2 degrees turret rotation buff being too small: “When we add 2 degrees, it’s not enough, but if we remove the 2 degrees, it’s immediately ‘OMG NERF FCUK WARGAYMING ME AND MY 254 FRIENDS ARE LEAVING THE GAME’”
- Storm states that when it comes to the Port map, they can’t just “add 200 meters of map length”, that would equal complete map rework
Storm you N00b, just remove the majority of the tracks, and Port will be fine
- Veider commenting on players whining about the Maus 2 degrees turret rotation buff being too small: “When we add 2 degrees, it’s not enough, but if we remove the 2 degrees, it’s immediately ‘OMG NERF FCUK WARGAYMING ME AND MY 254 FRIENDS ARE LEAVING THE GAME’”
Mh, War-Gay-Ming …
Oh, Veider <3
Matilda and matilda BP hulls are also differently modeled.
Which, according to a past article and its pictures, are both modeled plain inaccurately; upper glacis is more steeply sloped than it should be (and so smaller) and the main armor plating in front of the driver is correspondingly bigger (thereby giving players a bigger flat spot to hit).
I doubt it’s going to be addressed anytime soon though, since fixing and unifying the hulls would require modifying not only the Matilda II, but the BP and IV as well, both premium vehicles…and WG seems to be very much against doing anything that might accidentally make the Matty IV stronger, if only situationally.
>Storm: “everything’s fine with optimization”
Cool story, bro
“- full multicore support will come in patch 9.something next year – Storm states that previously, they weren’t completely sure whether to do it or not, but they solved some problems within the engine and decided to implement it in full”
WHAT? REALLY? that would be a great leap forwards…
“- Storm: “everything’s fine with optimization””
How cute..
- developers will not remove (limit) the gold ammo on test server, because it’s not easy to do (would require developing mechanism for that) and because players would then whine that they want the same thing on live server
You mean they don’t already?
“When we add 2 degrees, it’s not enough, but if we remove the 2 degrees, it’s immediately ‘OMG NERF FCUK WARGAYMING ME AND MY 254 FRIENDS ARE LEAVING THE GAME’”
You, Veider, I like you.
“battles pre-determined by the fact one team gets more “noobs” than others during MM? “Remove your XVM and everything will be alright. It’s all in your head.’”
Agreed, If you don’t like what XVM says remove it and play in blissful ignorance like normal players. Fucking loudmouth XVMers.
Is Widepark map coming back any time soon (or never)
I liked that map, there was something happening over the whole rail road and not only at points A and B
Still in game but only for T4-T6 matches.
- Object 140 will not be removed from the game
Did some retard srsly ask this?
When did they started to think about changing gold ammo? I thought their economical model is based on it. Why would you buy gold tanks and farm credits with them if not for the gold ammo? You don’t have to buy tanks so often.
Goldammo comes handy in a lot of situations..some noobs still use only it, cause they would die without 290mm penetration
port was a good map, penetrating objects is bad => remove, and screw.up tactics on most maps, gj wg
ive played a company battle on live server a week ago, and we’ve been put on dragon ridge. thougut that wasnt possible
Here’s my idea for gold ammo. It’s not much of one but it would force people (in some cases) to be more careful about how they use it.
In World War II, while HEAT and APCR ammo were available, both were limited in supply, and so not many of them would be carried by a tank into battle. This was even true into the early 60s, which is the cutoff point for vehicles that can be in the game. The idea here is to permit a player to carry only enough premium ammo to equal 25-33% of their tank’s maximum ammo load, which will still allow them to be used as needed but will force players to use them less frequently, especially if the cost of gold ammo is increased as well.
The only problem is, you only really NEED a few gold rounds to swing a game one way or another.
In any given tier range, you can drive around in the heaviest-armored tank available and, with proper angling, be pretty much invulnerable from the front. Depending on the tank, even things like cupolas might be thick/sloped enough to be iffy to penetrate at best.
Add in gold ammunition, and suddenly everything changes. Shots go through your turret face like it isn’t there, killing your gunner/commander/loader and depleting your HP. Despite your best efforts, there’s pretty much nothing you can do to stop it, short of staying in cover, and at that point you’re not using the main advantage your tank has.
Unless you’re talking about something like the Pz.Sfl V with its whopping 15 rounds of ammo, a 25% premium ammo loadout is still more than enough to ruin a heavily-armored tank’s day.
Sturer Emill doesn have premium ammo, only AP and HE.
but have to agree that something needs to be done about premium ammo, it almost completey negates the use of heavily armoured vehicles. last week i was penned through my E-100 angled turret front and even gunmantlet every time by enemies.
those vehicles sacrifices a lot of mobility, turret traverse, RoF for more armor and a bigger hitpool. and with the recent addition of missions anyone can get cash easily and stock up with Premium rounds. i only carry a few on my Loewe which gets thrown into tier X matches all the time now a days. but rarely use it and will opt for re-positioning rather then using goldrounds.
” – the fate of gold ammo has not yet been decided (SS: there was a proposal to lower its damage)”
Considering that the majority of premium ammo is APCR and therefore sub-caliber, reducing damage probably wouldn’t be an unreasonable or wholly unrealistic thing to try out. Figure smaller shells would cause less actual armor damage and result in less spalling inside the tank due to penetration.
“- developers will not remove (limit) the gold ammo on test server, because it’s not easy to do (would require developing mechanism for that) and because players would then whine that they want the same thing on live server”
Bullshit. Change the multiplier for how much premium ammunition costs; you do it every now and again when you put ammunition on sale.
If you’re going to be lazy or simply don’t want to do something that players ask for, don’t make up idiotic excuses, come clean and state a good reason. Being honest is not hard to do : |
“- full multicore support will come in patch 9.something next year – Storm states that previously, they weren’t completely sure whether to do it or not, but they solved some problems within the engine and decided to implement it in full”
“That thing we said we weren’t going to do because it wasn’t worth the time/wouldn’t increase performance much if at all? wedecidedtodoitlol :v”
Oh WG, you so…something. I can’t think of a word that adequately describes you at the moment.
“- battles pre-determined by the fact one team gets more “noobs” than others during MM? “Remove your XVM and everything will be alright. It’s all in your head.””
Actually partially true. I’ve had some teammates look at the XVM stats, whine in chat about the team being full of noobs, and then proceed to either commit suicide to get back to the garage faster or just not try their best and be practically useless most of the game.
Some people, if they think that they’re at a statistical disadvantage from the start, will unconsciously do their part to make their predictions come true.
That all aside, it’s not an absolute rule, and a team of useless twits against a team of average to good players will generally turn out exactly as you would expect. Having XVM just gives you an idea of how much of a struggle that achieving victory might turn out to be.
It also gives you a convenient list of players that need to be taken out first so they can’t carry, so I suppose it could be seen as an unfair advantage as well.
The only limit for Gold ammo should be to the number of Premium Shells that tanks can carry. Something like 15-20% of the total load-out (depending on type of tanks – maybe also on their ammo capacity etc.).
E.g. IS heavy tank with a capacity of 26 shells can carry max 5 premium shells (almost 20%), and so on. This much is reasonable. a E100 with capacity of 50 shells (15cm) can carry 10 HEAT shells (which is sufficient for most games, but i have fired up to 17 HEAT shells in a game – half wasted on tracks).
This. This should be the thought of the vast majority of people with half-working brains. Limit the load of prem shells and everything will be alright. Then, everyone can only be able to use gold for what it’s intented for: The occasional shot of high importance when your normal shells would bounce.
I honestly can’t believe why WG can’t just implement such a little easy restriction.
Storm states that on the new Japanese map, most people go into the city guuuyyyyyyss i smel BULLLSSHIIIITT all going FAKING HIIIIIILLLSSS there is 1 WAY on this map u can go and not being kiled by td in 1 sec after spot,
-battles pre-determined by the fact one team gets more “noobs” than others during MM? “Remove your XVM and everything will be alright. It’s all in your head.” guys u funy…. why u just separatee players who have less than 700 efi and give them another server ? mm wod be bad? they dont care
- Leopard 1 will not get the “late” (1970′s) turret (SS: welded, boxy)
A Leopard 1 turret with special protection versus HEAT would be interesting touch for Leopard.
- Veider (when confronted with the Maus II turret) states that if they add new turret and more DPM to Maus, there will immediately be too many Maus tanks around
The turret buff alone would be enough. While the ROF is a bit slow, I think when more crew skills are added the Maus may have a distinctive edge.
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