Wargaming ad campain with Darya Domracheva

Source: http://www.pressball.by/articles/others/digest/84723

Hello everyone,

Wargaming is apparently fond not only of tanks and warplanes, but also of sportsmen. Or sportswomen, in this case. Darya Domracheva, a Belarussian biathlete, agreed to shoot a photo ad campaign for Wargaming, specifically for World of Warplanes. Wargaming also became an official sponsor of Darya Domracheva for 2013/2014 season. Well, enough text, here’s how it looks like. She’s kinda pretty, isn’t she?







73 thoughts on “Wargaming ad campain with Darya Domracheva

    • they don’t know how to make people play it… now they’re resorting to “sex appeal sale”…
      i mean.,.. so far they’ve tried everything they could in the book of shady-n-shitty business practices and it’s still a fail:
      1) giving away “free gold for premium” for use in wot: even that barely worked to keep players interested, on release, poof everyone collected their earnings and uninstalled.
      2) Promoting/selling premium vehicles in WOT: like SS has posted this is stupid and fail, why are they selling you PLANES in the WOT store?, it screams desperation
      3) dangling the promise of fantastic prizes if you grinded hard and fast

      and i’m sure i’m forgetting a couple more but my tired brain cannot remember atm

      • Just one thing:

        2) They are planning to unify all their games, so this is logical, albeit the naming ATM is a bit weird. There will be unified clans, freexp, gold, supposedly most of the hangar UI – so why not a shop?

        • But people WON’T hate War Thunder for having ships, tanks and planes in the same game. Even though I don’t think it’s gonna work, people still don’t hate it.

        • why would they hate it, it is all one game. they started to play the game because of it. and if you dont wont to play one of the aspects of that game, who is forcing you, play what you wont, buy what you wont.

      • i still kept my WoWp. it’s low on the priority list. it’s so low i’d play minecraft and other games first before i actually remember it.

        i.e. im a tank fan. im too lazy to grind planes when i have a dozen or so tanks to mind. tanks FTW

        • Yeah same here, still is nice now that you can get a bit of free xp that you can use in WoT if you play world of warplanes. Even if I was a warthunder fuckface I’d still only do a couple flights once in awhile, so why not just stick to WoWP and earn stuff for my main game?

      • Well its kinda obvious!
        That game lacks depth.
        There is nothing to do, just hold “W” and move the mouse.
        Planes are extremely boring – every plane looks almost the same.
        The game mechanics are desperately boring. Nothing like aiming, armor, etc.
        simple move the mouse somewhere into that red circle and hold the left button.

        • that’s a very good way of summing it, you also forgot a very important part:
          Press W and aim for the enemy plane, if you miss you still win by ram-killing him

          it’s the perfect game for retards and trolls, because no matter how super skilled you are, a retard will ram-kill you effortlessly -even if he’s on your team-
          and for those that may think that ram-killing exists in wot, think again, tell me how can you instakill someone by just bumping into them?.
          or even more, tell me how can you kill ANY tank at full health by ramming?, i can bet you that if you put a downhill batchat vs a downhill e50m (or downhill 50B that can reach 70+kph) you *miiiiiiiiiiight* be able to(unrealistic situation and all).

          • Just one thing – a tank with rammed side can still drive. Plane with missing half a wing usually can’t.

            Btw, it’s possible to ram someone in WoWp and survive – though it’s rare. As in real life. There is a reason why it was considered the last option of attack IRL.

        • There were two such events during WoWp beforehand; there was the same event for the E3 the year before & I can’t remember what occasion the other one was for.

          Its not desperation. If WG has space in its booth for people to play WoWp, then it’s logical they have an event for E3.

          • Of course it’s logical for them to do that but not the motive you were thinking. Do you know how sparsely populated the server was during that time? If the product was good then WG wouldn’t had to bribe WoT players with gold to play WoWP alpha during E3 to artificially inflate the population. That looks pretty damn desperate to me.

        • Actually that’s wrong. World of Tanks was the FIRST videogame to have a commercial on my country’s TV stations. Nothing there yet with WoWP.

          • Actually, judging the fact that WoWP just got released and the fact WoT has 2 years since it went live, and we started receiving TV ads only @5-6 months ago(when the game was already a huge hit) I can only disagree you.
            When WoT had the age of WoWP only ads it had were flash ads on shitty unknown sites.WoWP replaces WoT web-site ads, those ads appearing even on more important sites, and on top of those, they even payed personalities to make them “photo campaigns” with the excuse that they’re sponsors…
            And don’t forget how they’re filling up WoT players with all WoWP bullshits.

            • And trust me, sooner or later WoWP will also spam your TV shows with commercial ads.Give them time, they won’t disappoint you.

    • naw. maybe WG should put all that money they’re overadvertising on wowp on stuff like un-nerfing arty and more community feedback INTO the devs

  1. The first picture really disturbs me: rule #2 of firearm etiquette and safety – keep your finger off the trigger and outside the trigger guard unless actively engaging. You’d think that as a professional, she’d know that by now, right?

    • It makes perfect sense in the context of the picture, as it’s obviously staged to look as if she’s about to take a shot.

      If it was the same on the second picture, where she’s just standing there holding a gun, then yeah, it would be unnecessary and distracting.

      • That’s actually #0: never EVER give that motherfucker anything resembling a gun…including a stick!
        Now…#1 would be: always treat your firearm as if it were loaded and capable of causing harm.

        • WTB edit button heh

          Never look down the barrel of a gun is kinda…ye know, common sense(not that many people have any – here in Romania we had a bit of news a couple weeks back with some genius Airport law enforcement shooting himself in the shoulder while he was using his gun to crack nuts with….derp!)

          Kinda like in the US army manual: when pin is pulled, mister grenade is no longer our friend.

  2. She’s nice. But that won’t give them more players to World of ShittyPlanes. Really low moves. I expect them to sponsor Playboy playmate next having WoWP sign painted on her.

  3. If they want me to play that shitty game they better hire someone with boobs.

    No tits, no planes.