Model changes in 0.8.10 test 2

Hello everyone,

there were some additional changes in 0.8.10 T2. Formally, there were no changes of the vehicles from T1 apart from the STB-1 nerf as far as I can see. The only other thing I noticed was the fact Panther I got renamed to Panther.

Ferdinand got a bit bigger – please note that Storm specifically said they didn’t touch its camo factor


IS-6 model got somewhat changed. The one with 1 hole right of the gun is the old one, the one with 2 holes is the new one.



M4 Sherman – the 76mm gun got a bit longer


T1 Heavy – the 76mm gun got a bit shorter


Object 416 – the M-63 gun got a bit longer


30 thoughts on “Model changes in 0.8.10 test 2

  1. hmm, from what i can see in the WoT tank viewer the ferdinand’s hull is roughly the same size as the Tiger P’s hull in 8.10, so inb4 anti-german bias claims, this is actually the way it should have been. (checked 8.9 version, Ferdi was quite a lot smaller than the Tiger P hull-wise)

    • A shitload > A whole bunch > A lot, > Quite a bit > Somewhat > A bit > Slightly > Marginally

  2. Ferdi should be a tier VII anyway, the heaviest guns proposed for the chassis (and I’m using that term broadly) were the 88mm L/100 and 105mm L/52, unless of course one wants a 21cm derp.

    • I always thought that, it would make a fine T7 with the 88mm and nerfed mobility. I would’ve thought the JT would be an ok T8 too, obviously only armed with the 128mm L56.

      • JT would be a tier 8.5 without the long 128, hull down it’s very strong and mobility would have to be chopped to make it balanced…

  3. The changes on the IS6, is it just cosmetic? Because apart from some very tiny track and turret changes I don’t see any changes on the armour model.

    I really hope so anyway. I love my IS6. I’m at 56, 5 % WR and I never play it in passion because of the preferred mm.

  4. Now i can hit Ferdi controlling mouse with my foot and with my eyes blindfolded. But, it’s HISTORICALLY ACCURATE AT LAST!!!

    • Nice to have historically sized TDs….or at least the german ones :-)

      Looking at O268…….

      “Some are more equal than others”

      Comes from one who never purchased Ferdinand, and went JPII way instead.