Hello everyone,
here’s a video from Russian portal about how the game improved in graphics since its release. They aren’t saying anything new or important, only that 8.10 will bring some nice graphic improvement and how the game used to look crappy, but eveolved. Overall, it shows a nice comparison between the old WoT and the new one. Gosh, I can’t believe it used to be so ugly…
WoT definitely looks better now than it used to, but it’s still horribly optimised. Unlike a certain War Thunder which is gorgeous. I don’t think WoT will ever look better than WT until they use a new engine…
How is it horribly optimized? I fine it is very well optimized for most hardware and continues to improve. And comparing Wot to WT is like apples to oranges, very differently played games running on very different engines.
The problem, as far as I can tell, is bad multi-core use. If you don’t have a fast core on your CPU, it doesn’t matter how many you have, your FPS will be heavily constrained.
Quit going on about multi-core like it will make up for the fact that your GPU is 5 years old.
It won’t.
So? 99% of all current software works fine with a 5year old cpu. The graphics isnt all that great in WOT. Games like crysis and bf4 actually squeeze all the performance of my cpu. Not only the performance of one core. Fyi im okay with my old cpu, sure i get drops to 25fps and mostly im around 35-45fps with max settings. THE point is I would expect more, as said.. wot doesnt look that good, maps are small… multicore might give it the edge and provide me with stable 60. Money isnt growing in my garden atm so I cannot justify spending hundreds for a cpu, mobo and ram to play 1game.
badly optimized for an árcade game…and have weak servers too
And 0.9.0 will bring a whole new world…..
“A whole new world….
A dazzling place I never knew….” :) :)
and need new computer :)
So if I download the 9.0 patch I will download a new compuer with it? Cool. I hope itt will be able to run wot.
haha, same thing here ;3
Every 9.0 download will include a computer, an orgasm, and a pound of free hapiness.
Daaamn, when the game is evolving slowly you really don’t see it so clearly, but in this video… It really used to look like that, wow.
Words and phrases I understood:
World of Tanks
I would add:
Bloom effect
Meh, jut a little different here and there. :P
So Silentstalker you think 7.4 was ugly? Check out this video.
This is even better.
Ensk ftw
that ensk looks 10 times better(playability) can you see those wide space between the houses in the middle?, now they have these stupid one-tank-wide alleys that become chokepoints stalling everything, with those huge space it was 10 times better
ITT: Opinions
The best thing is that the sounds are still the same today. Almost everything have changed but the sounds. Still terrible.
My first thought, haha! :D
sound actually gets worse. back then the derps sound derpier. like, you really are shooting something that will PWNZOR and make people scream H4XXOR. now the 75mm guns sound like they’re bitch-slapping a fish with a rubber chicken.
Currently the graphics i have in wot is just slightly better than 7.4 …
At least now its around 30 fps, not 10
to me and my super LOW graphic settings this means nothing !
One might say alot of things about WG, but one we have to agree on… They did a fuckload of improvement in the last two years tbh.
They should have, with the obscene amounts of money they are supposedly making.
I’m surprised that they largely haven’t touched the audio; there are largely the same effects in the 0.3 beta video Muerte92 posted. Actually, going by that, it seems WoT graphics are on a nonlinear curve towards state of the art, starting at being 5+ years behind SotA, improving very gradually, and now more rapidly.
Just switch to standard render SS. It`s even worse than in 7.4, because some features are permanently off.
SS do you know anything about why the Panzerjäger I size was changed? Its unhistorical now.
My WOT still looks that terrible and I get only 20 FPS :(
I think that these things are needed once multi core support is implemented. Then it will look good. Also need a lot more realistic physics but it sounds like they are working on that.
1. Tesselation
2. Physically Based Rendering
3. Fully Flexible Time of Day System (actually use the headlights on the front of our tanks)Would totally change game play where people would have to change they way they played.)
4. High Resolution Textures for tanks and Terrain
5. Parallax occlusion mapping
6. 3D skybox thats actually high res instead of cheesy bloom effects.
SS… it’s interesting to see that whilst you say “i can’t believe it used to be so ugly” the majority of the things i see is how they keep ruining the game by redesigning maps that have no business being touched(but wow they add better textures and lights, so they must be better right?….):
1) 7.4 himmelsdorf was much much better, without those idiotic rubble piles everywhere, 8 line was literally epic tank alley, now?, it’s hulldown shit alley. The castle area also was better before, now you can get shot from below, fuck that.
2) Lakeville redesign is fucking awful, in7.4 one the church area was epic tank line brawl with hidey spots, now it’s all convoluted shit.
3) Komarin redesign, god awful, i never had any problems with the original map, it was fun, then they redesigned it by adding shit in the middle.. meh… worst but serviceable(but apparently everyone whined like a little bitch about it so they removed it) buyt now they bring it back re-re designed and it’s fucking terrible.
i rather have BLAND maps that have good playability than nice looking trees and hi res pebbles in the ground
Graphics improving is a “fact”.. The rest of what you said are “opinions”.Don’t mix up the 2 .
I always wonder how many people try to run WoT on some lame laptops and then whine that it looks bad. I play it on a not that good desktop (SSD, GTX 560Ti, Pentium Q8200@2.33GHz and DDR2 RAM – almost sub-average these days, soon upgrading to i5 and DDR3) and I am able to play it quite nicely on high – maximum settings on 1080p.
Maybe it’s something I am doing wrong, though?
I run on a baby pentuim D 3.20 stock, now as ~3.9, and a nvidia gt 240. and i run wot at 15-25 FPS on all max @1080P :)